The Postal and Document collections of Rawagede krawang Massacre 1947



Duta Besar Belanda untuk Indonesia menghadiri upacara peringatan hari Selasa bagi mereka yang meninggal dalam pembantaian 1947 di Rawagede pada Jawa Barat, di mana hampir setiap orang di desa itu tewas.

Ini adalah pertama kalinya seorang wakil pemerintah Belanda telah menghadiri acara tahunan, dan datang pada saat tekanan mounting untuk permintaan maaf resmi untuk membunuh.

Pembantaian itu berlangsung selama lima tahun perang gerilya yang mendahului kemerdekaan Indonesia ketika tentara Belanda dilaksanakan beberapa 431 pria dan anak lelaki dari desa.

Dalam sambutannya, yang dalam bahasa Indonesia, Nikolaos van Dam disebut sebelumnya “permintaan maaf yang tulus dari pemerintah Belanda.” Sampai sekarang, garis Belanda resmi telah mengatakan “maaf” untuk pembantaian itu.

Tapi dalam versi Belanda pidato, kata-kata permintaan maaf atau alasan tidak muncul. Sebaliknya, kata “menyesal” digunakan.

Setelah pidatonya, duta besar mengatakan kata-kata bisa diambil sebagai permintaan maaf. “Bagi saya, [maaf dan mengatakan maaf] adalah sama,” katanya.

Batara Hutagalung, yang berada di belakang upaya untuk mendapatkan pemerintah Belanda untuk meminta maaf dengan benar, kata duta besar dikirim keluar pesan campuran. “Apakah dia berbicara tentang permintaan maaf atau tentang penyesalan?” Kata Hutagalung. “Dia mengatakan mereka adalah hal yang sama, tetapi mereka tidak.”

Pada tahun 2005 ketika kemudian menteri luar negeri Ben Bot berbicara tentang pembantaian itu, dia juga menggunakan kata “menyesal”.

Pemerintah Belanda pada tahun 1969 mengakui bahwa eksekusi massal yang terjadi di Rawagede selama perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia, setelah wahyu oleh seorang mantan tentara Belanda pada skala kekejaman yang dilakukan oleh tentara Belanda di bekas koloninya.

Kerabat dan selamat dari pembantaian di desa Rawagede Indonesia dari tahun 1947 menuntut permintaan maaf dan kompensasi dari pemerintah Belanda. Indonesia adalah koloni Belanda di tahun 1800 dan akhirnya diberikan kedaulatan pada tahun 1949 setelah perjuangan bersenjata.

“Saya tidak pernah berpikir mereka akan membunuh kami karena kami hanya orang biasa,” kata Saih. “Saya hanya menyadari [apa yang mereka akan lakukan] ketika mereka mulai mundur … Een, twee, Drie.” Tiga tentara mulai menembak laki-laki di belakang.

Menurut ke desa, para tentara menembak mati semua orang – 431 orang. Itu adalah ringkasan keadilan, dijatuhkan keluar sebagai orang-orang itu melarikan diri atau bersembunyi di sungai. Pada tahun 1969, sebuah investigasi oleh pemerintah Belanda ke kejahatan perang di Indonesia mengatakan 150 tewas di Rawagede.

Saih, sekarang di tahun 80-an, adalah salah satu dari 10 korban dan kerabat yang, 61 tahun kemudian, yang meminta permintaan maaf dan kompensasi atas pembantaian di desa Rawagede Indonesia dari yang dilakukan oleh tentara Belanda pada 9 Desember 1947.

Minggu pengacara terakhir Gerrit Jan Pulles dan Comité Nederlandse Ereschulden, sebuah yayasan yang mewakili korban sipil dari pemerintahan kolonial Belanda di Indonesia, menyatakan pemerintah Belanda harus menerima tanggung jawab atas pembantaian di Rawagede.


Sama seperti banyak orang lain, Saih, yang menjual sayuran, bersembunyi di sungai ketika Belanda tiba. Tubuhnya bawah air, kepalanya dalam lubang ia menggali di dasar sungai. Tapi empat tentara ‘anjing-anjing pelacak menemukannya. Temannya berteriak “merdeka” (kemerdekaan) dan ditembak. Saih menyerahkan diri dan pergi dengan tentara.

Saat itu hujan keras pada hari itu di bulan Desember 1947. Desa Rawagede dilanda banjir. Para tentara Belanda mencari Lukas Kustario, seorang pejuang kemerdekaan Indonesia, tetapi ia telah meninggalkan sehari sebelumnya.

Orang-orang yang benar-benar melakukan penembakan tidak melihat Belanda, kata Saih. Mereka memiliki kulit gelap. Dua orang Belanda putih diawasi. Saih dipukul di belakang, tapi peluru itu pertama melewati anak kepala desa sehingga telah kehilangan sebagian dari kecepatannya.

Pura-pura mati

Ketika tubuh anak itu jatuh pada dirinya, Saih pura-pura mati juga. Selama salvo akhir, Saih dipukul di lengan. Tapi dia masih hidup dan ketika para tentara pergi, dia melarikan diri.

Batara Hutagalung, ketua Comité Nederlandse Ereschulden, menjadi tertarik pada kejahatan perang yang dilakukan di Indonesia pada akhir 1990-an ketika ia membaca Memoires diterbitkan ayahnya, katanya.

Dia membaca tentang pengeboman Surabaya pada tahun 1945 oleh Inggris yang membantu Belanda kembali koloni mereka. Sebuah 20.000 orang diperkirakan meninggal. “Ini adalah pertama kalinya aku berhadapan dengan apa yang terjadi saat itu,” kata Hutagalung, yang tinggal di Jerman sampai 1992. “Di Jerman Nazi diadili dan melacak sejauh Amerika Selatan saya bertanya-tanya mengapa itu tidak terjadi di sini..”

Yayasan ini telah berhasil meminta permintaan maaf dan kompensasi dari pemerintah Inggris untuk pemboman Surabaya.

Pemerintah Belanda keras kepala

Hutagalung kemudian mulai bekerja pada kasus Rawagede. Namun sampai saat ini pemerintah Belanda telah “keras kepala”, katanya. Fakta bahwa mantan Menteri Luar Negeri Ben Bot menyatakan “penyesalan” nya untuk kekerasan di 2005 adalah tidak cukup, katanya. “Penyesalan bukan permintaan maaf saya tidak mengerti mengapa begitu sulit untuk minta maaf..”

Hari ini disebut Rawagede Balongsari. Ia memiliki sebuah peringatan besar untuk para korban pembantaian. Sungai tempat bersembunyi Saih kini aliran tipis penuh sampah. Balongsari adalah desa berkat berwarna-warni untuk rumah cantik berwarna dibangun oleh warga desa dengan uang yang diterima oleh banyak perempuan yang bekerja sementara di Timur Tengah. Namun menurut utamanya, desa masih miskin. Sebagian besar dari 3.000 penduduk yang bekerja pada tanah atau membuat kerupuk udang.

Tumpukan mayat

Di salah satu rumah, kehidupan Tijeng 86 tahun. Kasur di mana-mana, 15 orang dari lima generasi tinggal di sini. Tijeng sedang menyusui putrinya saat Nimong suaminya mencoba melarikan diri dari Belanda.

Dia tidak pergi jauh, ia ditangkap dan ditembak mati. Tiga hari kemudian Tijeng mencari tumpukan mayat, mencari tubuhnya.

Ketika Tijeng melihat bayi, dia ingat bagaimana ia merasa tak berdaya itu. “Saya tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan saya punya bayi.. Saya tidak bisa bekerja.”

Saih dan Tijeng tidak tahu rincian dari klaim mereka. Mereka telah diberikan hanya sidik jari dan foto mereka telah diambil. Mereka tidak lagi marah dengan Belanda. Tapi kompensasi yang akan diterima.

Tijeng tidak punya uang untuk pengobatan pada pembengkakan di telinganya yang mulai mempengaruhi penglihatannya juga.

Dan Saih mengatakan: “Tidak harus jauh Hanya jumlah kecil untuk kehidupan yang layak sampai aku mati, dan memberikan anak-anak saya dan cucu kehidupan yang lebih baik..”

Pembantaian tragedi Rawagede, 9 Desember 1947

Para Agresi Militer Belanda Lupa Korban

Dengan Batara R. Hutagalung
Ketua Komite Utang Kehormatan Belanda

Pada tanggal 9 Desember 2007 di monumen Rawagede, peringatan 60 tahun pembantaian di desa Rawagede akan diselenggarakan.
Pada Desember 1947, dalam agresi militer oleh Belanda dimulai sejak 21 Juli 1947, anggota militer Belanda membantai 431 penduduk desa Rawagede dekat Karawang, Jawa Barat. Pada Oktober 1948, militer Belanda lagi dilakukan ‘sweeping’ di Rawagede, dan kali ini 35 orang lagi tewas. Pembantaian penduduk desa di Rawagede adalah pembantaian terbesar kedua setelah pembantaian oleh anggota militer Belanda di Sulawesi Selatan antara Desember 1946 sampai Februari 1947. Sampai Agustus 1949, ribuan orang masih dibunuh tanpa pertanyaan hukum. Selama agresi di Indonesia antara 1945-1950, militer Belanda telah melakukan berbagai kekejaman dan kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan dan pelanggaran HAM berat, termasuk perkosaan terhadap perempuan Indonesia yang telah ditangkap oleh personil militer Belanda.
Ironisnya, semua kejahatan dan pelanggaran HAM dilakukan oleh militer Belanda setelah akhir Perang Dunia II pada 1945, setelah Belanda telah dibebaskan dari agresi militer Jerman dan seratus ribu orang Belanda dibebaskan dari kamp-kamp interniran Jepang di mana mereka ditahan 1942-1945.
Belanda, yang adalah anggota dari bangsa yang mengorbankan oleh Jerman dan agresi militer Jepang, yang juga melakukan penyelidikan di Jerman dan Jepang sebagai pelaku kejahatan perang dan pelanggaran HAM. Tapi kemudian, militer Belanda melakukan hal yang sama, dan bertanggung jawab untuk berbagai kejahatan perang dan kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan dalam upaya untuk mengembalikan kolonialisme di Indonesia.

Latar belakang
Jepang memulai agresi militer di Asia Timur dengan menyerang pusat militer Amerika Serikat di Pearl Harbour, pada Desember 1941. Kemudian Jepang menyerang Asia Tenggara, termasuk koloni Belanda yang Nederlands Indie. Perancis, Inggris dan koloni Belanda di wilayah itu satu per satu dirampas oleh Jepang.
Pada tanggal 1 Maret 1942, tentara Jepang XVI di bawah komando Letnan Jenderal Hitoshi Imamura menyerang pulau Jawa, setelah Jepang Angkatan Laut hancur ‘tentara ABDACOM (Amerika, Inggris, Belanda, Komando Australia) dalam pertempuran yang dikenal hari ini sebagai’ Sekutu Pertempuran Jawa laut ‘.
Setelah pertarungan yang pekan lalu, anggota militer Belanda di Hindia Belanda hampir tanpa perjuangan, menyerah kepada tentara Jepang. Pada tanggal 9 Maret 1942 di Kalijati, dekat Subang, Jawa Barat, Letnan Jenderal Ter Poorten Hein, perintah atas militer Belanda di Hindia Belanda, mewakili Gubernur Jenderal Hindia Belanda, Jonkheer Alidus Warmmoldus Lambertus Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer-, menandatangani dokumen menyerah tanpa syarat dan menyerahkan semua koloni Belanda ke Jepang. Oleh karena itu, 9 Maret 1942 menandai akhir lebih dari 300 tahun kolonialisme Belanda di Indonesia.
Pada tanggal 15 Agustus 1945, Jepang menyatakan menyerah kepada Sekutu namun dokumen penyerahan tanpa syarat ditandatangani pada tanggal 2 September 1945, kapal perang AS dewan ‘USS Missouri di Tokyo Bay, yang membawa kekosongan kekuasaan selama dua tanggal di semua koloni Jepang termasuk mantan koloni Belanda yang telah diserahkan kepada Jepang.
Pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945, selama vakum kekuasaan, para pemimpin Indonesia telah menyatakan Kemerdekaan Indonesia, dan pada tanggal 18 Agustus 1945, telah membentuk pemerintahan DAN SAAT INI KANTOR POS MASIH DIKUASAI PEMERINTAH MILITER DAI NIPPON,LIHAT KARTUS PSO YANG DIIRM DARI JATINEGSRA MASIH MENGUNAKAN KARTUPOS MILITER DAI NIPPON DAN PRANGKO DAI NIPPON DI JATINEGARA



; yang dengan demikian, telah memenuhi tiga kondisi untuk mendirikan sebuah bangsa, yaitu: 1. Kehadiran daerah, 2. Kehadiran penduduk, dan 3. Kehadiran pemerintah.Baru pada bulan November 1945 pertama kali daerah sueakarta dikuasai republik indonesia,lihat dokumen RI diatas formulir Dai Nippon

Pada November 1946, Liga Bangsa-Bangsa Arab meliputi Mesir, mengeluarkan resolusi yang mengakui kemerdekaan Indonesia sebagai bangsa yang merdeka dan berdaulat. Ini adalah pengakuan de jure menurut hukum internasional.
Setelah ‘menyerahkan’ jajahannya secara resmi kepada Jepang, Belanda telah kehilangan hak dan legitimasi di Hindia Belanda. Karena itu, ketika bangsa Indonesia menyatakan kemerdekaan pada 17 Agustus 1945, ini seharusnya tidak dianggap sebagai sebuah kudeta melawan Belanda.
Belanda telah berhasil mendapatkan dukungan dari Inggris untuk mengembalikan kolonialisme di Indonesia, dan ini diberlakukan dalam Perjanjian Urusan Sipil (CAA) yang ditandatangani di Chequers, Inggris, pada 24 Agustus 1945. Dalam CAA, Inggris akan ‘bersih-bersih’ setiap kekuatan militer Republik Indonesia, yang akan ditransfer ke NICA (Belanda Indies Civil Administration).
Ini dicatat dalam perintah Laksamana Lord Louis Mountbatten, Panglima Tertinggi Komando Asia Tenggara, tanggal 2 September 1945, yang diberikan kepada Panglima Divisi 5, yang menyatakan:

“… Anda diperintahkan untuk melanjutkan dengan kecepatan semua untuk Pulau Jawa di Hindia Timur untuk menerima penyerahan Pasukan Kekaisaran Jepang di pulau itu, dan untuk membebaskan tahanan perang Sekutu dan interniran sipil.
Sesuai dengan ketentuan Konferensi Yalta Anda akan kembali menetapkan aturan sipil dan kembali koloni untuk Administrasi Belanda, ketika berada dalam posisi untuk mempertahankan layanan.
Ketika Anda tidak diragukan lagi sadar, penduduk asli setempat telah menyatakan sebuah Republik, tetapi kita terikat untuk mempertahankan status quo yang ada sebelum Invasi Jepang … “


Di bawah bantuan 3 divisi tentara Inggris di bawah komando Letnan Jenderal Phillip Christison dan 2 divisi tentara Australia di bawah komando Letnan Jenderal Leslie “Ming yang Menghakimi” Morsehead, secara bertahap Belanda memiliki kekuasaan di Indonesia.

pada awal tahun 1946 pemerintahan dan ibukota pindah ke Jogya karena situasi di Jakarta tidak aman,tetapi 17 pebruari harian merdeka jakarta sempat menerbitkan majallah edisi khusus enam bulan merdeka

Pada tanggal 13 Juli 1946, Australia menyerah ‘wilayah Indonesia Timur kepada Belanda, dan pada 15-25 Juli 1946, mantan Wakil Gubernur Jenderal Belanda, Dr Van Mook, terorganisir’ Konferensi Malino “, dekat Makassar, untuk mendirikan Timur Negara Indonesia.
Selama ‘masa bersih-bersih’ oleh militer Inggris dan Australia, Belanda mengirimkan lebih banyak tentara dari Belanda; agar ketika Inggris dan Australia mengeluarkan personil militer mereka dari Indonesia, kekuatan militer Belanda akan dapat menjadi pengganti langsung. Pada saat itu, anggota militer Belanda telah melebihi 100.000 orang dan terus meningkat menjadi 200.000 orang, dengan artilleries modern termasuk perang berat yang diberikan oleh militer Inggris dan Australia.

Persetujuan Linggajati dan Agresi Militer Belanda I
Inggris memfasilitasi negosiasi antara Republik Indonesia dan Belanda di Linggarjati. Pada tanggal 15 November 1946, perjanjian Linggajati dirancang, dan pada tanggal 25 Maret 1947, perjanjian tersebut secara resmi ditandatangani oleh Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Pemerintah Belanda di Jakarta.RI saat ini sempat menerbitkan prangko dan kartusposnya sendiri dalam memperingati satu tahun merdeka,walupun disita belanda,masih ada juga tersisda dan dikirim didaerak kantong republik di sumatra dari priaman ke kajutanam.


Belanda jelas-jelas menggunakan strategi menunda, untuk memperkuat pasukan di Indonesia oleh lebih banyak orang terus menerus dikirim dari Belanda.
Linggajati aggrement berlangsung kurang dari 4 bulan karena pelanggaran oleh Belanda, oleh agresi militer yang dilakukan yang dimulai pada tanggal 21 Juli 1947, di bawah kode “Produk Operatie”.

NRI sumatera barat sempat menerbitkan kartupos khusu peringatan dua tahun merdeka,tetapi tak dapt dimanfaatkan akibat agresi belanda ,baru tahun berikutnya 1948 dikirimkan dalam rangka memepringatin tiga tahun merdeka

Sebagai masker untuk Internasional komunitas, Belanda bernama agresi ini sebagai ‘aksi polisi’, dan menyatakan bertindak sebagai urusan internal, yang setara dengan pernyataan bahwa Indonesia masih jajahannya.
Republik Indonesia melaporkan agresi ke PBB, karena pelanggaran terhadap perjanjian internasional yang Linggajati kesepakatan. Dewan Keamanan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa mengeluarkan Resolusi Nomor 27, tanggal 1 Agustus 1947, yang menyerukan gencatan konflik.
Dewan Keamanan PBB telah de facto mengakui eksistensi Republik Indonesia; yang dibuktikan dengan resmi ditujukan ‘INDONESIA’ dalam resolusi, dan tidak ‘Hindia Belanda’. Sejak resolusi pertama, yaitu Resolusi Nomor 27 pada tanggal 1 Agustus 1947, diikuti oleh Resolusi No 30 dan No 31 tanggal 25 Agustus 1947, Resolusi Nomor 36 pada tanggal 1 November 1947, dan Resolusi Nomor 67 pada tanggal 28, 1949, Dewan Keamanan PBB selalu menyebut konflik antara Republik Indonesia dan Belanda sebagai ‘The Pertanyaan Bahasa Indonesia’.
Di bawah tekanan dari Dewan Keamanan PBB, pada tanggal 15 Agustus 1947, pemerintah Belanda akhirnya menerima resolusi Dewan Keamanan PBB untuk menghentikan perkelahian.
Pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1947, Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Pemerintah Belanda menyetujui Resolusi Dewan Keamanan PBB untuk gencatan senjata, dan pada tanggal 25 Agustus 1947, Dewan Keamanan PBB membentuk sebuah komite untuk menengahi konflik antara Indonesia dan Belanda . Komite ini bertindak sebagai Komite Jasa Baik untuk Indonesia, secara luas dikenal sebagai ‘Komite Tiga Negara’, karena tiga negara yang anggotanya: Australia yang diangkat oleh Indonesia, Belgia yang ditunjuk oleh Belanda dan Amerika Serikat sebagai netral partai.
Difasilitasi oleh Komite Jasa Baik untuk Indonesia, pada tanggal 8 Desember 1947, negosiasi dimulai antara Belanda dan Indonesia di USS Renville sebagai tempat netral.

Pembantaian Rawagede


Meskipun lipatan-api perjanjian telah ditandatangani dan selama negosiasi di USS Renville, di Jawa Barat, tentara Belanda dari Divisi 1 yang juga dikenal sebagai Divisi 7 Desember, terus memburu tentara Indonesia dan patriot yang berjuang melawan Belanda. Tentara Belanda yang ambil bagian dalam Operasi di daerah Karawang adalah Detasemen 3-9 RI, ayat 1e dan 12 Genie compagnie veld compagnie, yang mendukung Brigade dari paramiliter dan DST (Depot Speciaale Troepen).
Pada tanggal 9 Desember 1947, sehari setelah dimulainya negosiasi Renville, tentara Belanda di bawah pimpinan seorang desa, Mayor Rawagede menyerang dan menyerbu rumah-rumah. Tapi mereka tidak menemukan anggota tentara Indonesia. Hal ini memicu mereka untuk memaksa orang untuk keluar dari rumah mereka untuk berkumpul di lapangan. Laki-laki di atas 15 tahun diperintahkan untuk berdiri berdampingan, dan kemudian mempertanyakan kehadiran pejuang Republik. Tapi tak satu pun dari orang-orang bersedia mengungkapkan lokasi pejuang Indonesia.
Petugas Belanda kemudian memerintahkan untuk menembak mati semua penduduk laki-laki, termasuk remaja semuda 12 tahun. Hanya sedikit orang yang mampu melarikan diri ke hutan, meskipun mereka menderita luka tembak. Saih, salah satu korban selamat, sekarang berusia 83, bercerita bagaimana ia dan ayahnya dan tetangga sekitar 20 orang diperintahkan untuk berdiri dalam satu baris. Tentara Belanda kemudian mengosongkan senjata mesin mereka ke mereka, dan ayahnya yang berdiri di samping mereka tewas seketika oleh peluru. Dia juga kena tembak di tangan, tetapi ia jatuh di tanah dan pura-pura menjadi mati. Dia melarikan diri ketika ia menemukan kesempatan.

Pada hari itu, tentara Belanda membantai 431 penduduk Rawagede, tanpa penyelidikan hukum, gugatan atau pertahanan. Sama seperti di Sulawesi Selatan, tentara Belanda di Rawagede telah melakukan apa yang mereka disebut di tempat eksekusi (standrechtelijke excecuties), sebuah tindakan yang jelas dikategorikan sebagai kejahatan perang yang adalah pembunuhan non-pejuang. Diperkirakan bahwa para korban yang sebenarnya lebih dari 431, karena banyak telah tersapu oleh banjir deras akibat hujan deras.
Para hujan menyebabkan genangan darah terus membasahi desa. Apa yang tersisa adalah perempuan dan anak-anak. Keesokan harinya, setelah tentara Belanda meninggalkan desa, para wanita menguburkan mayat dengan di-peralatan yang memadai. Seorang ibu menguburkan suami dan dua putra berusia 12 dan 15 tahun. Mereka tidak bisa menggali dalam-dalam, hanya 50 cm, yang menyebabkan stenches tinggal selama berhari-hari.
Pembantaian ini juga dikenal dengan Komite Jasa Baik untuk Indonesia dari PBB. Tapi komisi ‘reaksi terbatas pada’ kritikus ‘terhadap aksi militer yang mereka sebut “sengaja dan kejam”, tanpa sanksi yang ketat lebih lanjut karena pelanggaran hak asasi manusia; apalagi mengobati pembantaian ini terhadap orang tak bersalah sebagai kejahatan perang.
Sekarang, ada 9 janda korban dan 1 selamat dari pembantaian Rawagede pada 9 Desember 1947. Para, termuda Imi, kini berusia 75. Pada saat itu, ia berusia 15 tahun dan hanya menikah selama 3 hari ketika suaminya ditembak mati di depan matanya. Sejak itu, dia tidak menikah. Semua dari mereka adalah hanya orang desa buta huruf.

De Excessennota
Pada Januari 1969, di bawah tekanan parlemen Belanda, pemerintah Belanda membentuk tim untuk meninjau arsip yang diserahkan kepada pemerintah Belanda, dalam rangka untuk menyelidiki misconducts oleh anggota militer Belanda (KL, Koninklijke Landmacht dan KNIL, Koninklijke Nederlands-Indische Leger), di Indonesia selama 1945-1950. Setelah melakukan analisis dalam 5 bulan, hasilnya disusun dalam sebuah laporan dengan judul “Nota betreffende het naar gegevens omtrent archievenonderzoek excessen di pintu Indonesië begaan Nederlandse militairen dalam periode 1945-1950 de”, disingkat De Excessennota. Laporan resmi ini disampaikan oleh Perdana Menteri deJong pada tanggal 2 Juni 1969. Ini laporan yang disiapkan terburu-buru hanya mencantumkan 140 “ekses” yang dilakukan oleh tentara Belanda, meskipun banyak insiden lain, karena ada kasus pembunuhan besar yang dilakukan oleh personil militer Belanda tidak termasuk dalam Excessennota tersebut.
Di Belanda, banyak pihak telah jelas mencela bahwa apa yang telah dilakukan oleh militer Belanda selama periode ini adalah kejahatan perang (oorlogs-misdaden) dan bukan kelebihan belaka.
Pembantaian di Rawagede, Sulawesi Selatan dan banyak kejahatan berat lain terhadap kemanusiaan, hanya bukti kecil dari kejahatan perang militer Belanda ‘, dalam upayanya untuk kembali colonialize Indonesia, setelah bangsa Indonesia menyatakan kemerdekaan.
Pada tanggal 16 Agustus 2005, di Jakarta, Menteri Luar Negeri Belanda Ben Bot menyatakan bahwa:

“… Dalam retrospeksi, jelas bahwa penyebaran skala besar atas kekuatan militer pada tahun 1947 menempatkan Belanda pada sisi sejarah yang salah. Fakta bahwa aksi militer diambil dan bahwa banyak orang di kedua belah pihak kehilangan nyawa atau terluka adalah kenyataan pahit dan pahit khusus untuk Anda, orang-orang dari Republik Indonesia. Sejumlah besar orang Anda diperkirakan telah meninggal sebagai akibat dari tindakan yang diambil oleh Belanda … “

Tetapi pernyataan ini telah menjabat sebagai lip service belaka, karena pemerintah Belanda terus tetap bertanggung jawab pada berbagai pembantaian non-kombatan orang Indonesia, dan 60 tahun setelah tragedi ini, tetap bersedia untuk mengkompensasi para korban selamat, janda dan anggota keluarga korban kekejaman tentara Belanda ‘dilakukan selama agresi militernya di Indonesia antara 1945-1950.

Pada 9 Desember 1947 tentara Belanda membantai 431 pria di desa Rawagede Jawa. Ini bukan kali pertama ini hantu dari masa lalu muncul di media nasional. Baru-baru ini misalnya wartawan ini menulis tentang hal itu. Pada bulan Desember 2007 koran “Trouw” didedikasikan sebuah artikel panjang ke halaman hitam sejarah Belanda. Dan sekarang, minggu lalu, ini kejahatan perang dari lebih dari enam puluh tahun yang lalu muncul kembali di TV, internet dan di koran sekali lagi.

Jumat, 12 September ada cerita ini oleh putra seorang perwira yang bertugas non selama perang kemerdekaan Indonesia di tentara DutchÂ. Bukan kebetulan belaka, karena awal minggu ini, Rabu, 11 September,  surat kabar lain, “De Volkskrant”, menerbitkan sebuah berita singkat, “adalah Klaim Bahasa Indonesia yang wajar”,  tentang korban dari peristiwa tertentu, yang hampir enam puluh tahun kemudian, mencari keadilan-yang adalah kompensasi keuangan – di Belanda courts. Dan pada hari Senin tanggal 8


Grup Gugat Kejahatan Perang Belanda di Rawagede

Pembantaian Belanda di Rawagede yang akan diadili di Den Haag pada 20 Juni 2011

Pembantaian di Rawagede 1947

VIVAnews – Ini adalah apa yang terjadi pada tanggal 9 Desember 1947: tentara Belanda memasuki desa Rawagede menginjak-injak. Para prajurit datang untuk mencari kelompok perusuh. Namun, apa yang terjadi adalah pembantaian. Sebanyak 430 pemukim meninggal, semua adalah laki-laki.


Saat itu hujan pada hari malang, arousining


atmosfer luar biasa. Merah cair, air yang dicampur dengan darah, dibanjiri desa. Perempuan dan anak-sisa pemukim-mengubur tubuh dengan apapun kekuatan dan alat yang mereka miliki. Bau busuk dari mayat dari kuburan dangkal di udara selama berhari-hari. Ini adalah kejahatan paling kejam dan berdarah Belanda yang pernah dilakukan antara tahun 1945 dan 1949.

Rawagede sekarang hilang, nama ini diubah menjadi Balongsari desa, di Rawamerta, Karawang. Hal ini terletak di antara Karawang dan Bekasi. Enam puluh empat tahun telah berlalu, namun kasus hukum Rawagede tidak selesai.

Keluarga para korban pembantaian mengajukan gugatan di Pengadilan Negeri Den Haag pada Rabu, Desember 9, 2009. Diwakili oleh Liesbeth Zegveld, keluarga meminta pemerintah Belanda untuk mengakui kekejaman yang mereka lakukan di Rawagede. Mereka juga meminta kompensasi.

Sidang kasus Rawagede belum lengkap. Pada Senin, Juni 20, 2011 09:30 waktu setempat, pengacara dijadwalkan untuk membaca janji atau pledooi administratie. “Kelompok keluarga korban yang menjadi saksi akan berangkat ke Belanda pada Rabu 15 Juni, 2011 dari Bandara Soekarno-Hatta,” kata siaran pers Komite Utang Kehormatan Belanda yang VIVAnews diterima pada Selasa malam, 14 Juni , 2011.

Ini panggilan di masyarakat Indonesia, terutama yang hidup di negara-negara Uni Eropa, untuk menyaksikan sidang ini Senin. Terutama karena percobaan akan diadakan sehari sebelum peringatan kematian pertama di Indonesia Presiden Soekarno pada tanggal 21 Juni 2011.

Duta Besar Belanda untuk Indonesia kemudian Nikolaos van Dam mengatakan, pemerintahnya telah menyampaikan penyesalan mendalam atas pembantaian Rawagede. Ini disampaikan ketika van Dam mengunjungi peringatan ke-61 Tragedi Rawagede di Monumen Rawagede, Desa Balongsari, Rawamerta, Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat pada 9 Desember 2008

“Diperkirakan bahwa jumlah orang Indonesia yang meninggal karena kekerasan itu besar Belanda. Atas nama pemerintah Belanda, saya ingin menyampaikan penyesalan mendalam atas semua penderitaan, “kata van Dam, yang pensiun sebagai diplomat senior di 2010.

Sebuah pengadilan Belanda diharapkan untuk memerintah nanti jika yang selamat dari pembantaian yang dilakukan lebih dari 60 tahun yang lalu akan mendapatkan kompensasi. Menurut peneliti Indonesia, pasukan belanda menghapuskan hampir seluruh penduduk laki-laki sebuah desa di Jawa Barat, dua tahun setelah bekas koloni mendeklarasikan kemerdekaannya pada 1945. Kebanyakan orang Indonesia tidak tahu tentang pembantaian yang terjadi di Rawagede pada tahun 1947. Hanya baru-baru ini telah dibangun sebuah monumen untuk mengingatkan warga bahwa tentara Belanda membunuh semua orang desa. Para saksi hidup hanya sekarang di tahun 80-an mereka, dan buta huruf, setelah untuk berjuang sendiri setelah kematian suami mereka. “Ada mayat di mana-mana, banyak yang kami temukan di sungai setelah penembakan berhenti,” kata Cawi, sembuh. Pembantaian di Rawagede bukan satu-satunya desa di mana Belanda memiliki sejarah gelap yang belum terselesaikan. Langkah laporan Vassen Al Jazeera dari Rawagede, Indonesia.

Monumen Rawa Gede

Tempat: Kabupaten Karawang


Rawa Gede Monumen, salah satu tempat di Karachi yang memiliki nilai sejarah, adalah tempat di mana Anwar terinspirasi untuk menulis puisi yang terkenal Antara Karawang Bekasi. Dalam terjadinya peristiwa tragis tersebut sekarang telah dibangun Monumen Rawagede.

Anda akan mengikuti cerita tentang peristiwa tragis yang terjadi pada Rawagede 9 Desember 1947 yang dimulai sekitar pukul empat pagi. Pada saat itu, serangan militer ke Belanda melakukan rumah-rumah penduduk. Setiap orang yang ditemukan, terutama laki-laki, dikumpulkan di lapangan. Mereka ditanya tentang keberadaan para pejuang yang bersembunyi sebagai ayah dari Kapten Lukas Kustaryo Danki Resimen VI Jakarta. Semua warga negara tidak ada yang menjawab, sehingga terjadi pembantaian oleh militer Belanda.
Acara ini diwujudkan dalam bentuk dua lantai bangunan monumen yang dibangun mulai November 1995 dan diresmikan pada tanggal 12 Juli 1996.

 Amati ruangan di lantai bawah di mana ada diorama pembantaian warga oleh tentara Belanda, yang mungkin akan membuat Anda berdiri dingin sedikit. Dinding luar dihiasi bagian bawah relief yang menggambarkan perjuangan rakyat Karawang. Khusus pada panel belakang relief menggambarkan perjuangan rakyat di daerah Karawang Rawagede sementara mempertaruhkan nyawa demi kemerdekaan. Makam pahlawan Sampurna Raga di belakang nama. Selain gerbang timur ada dua korban peristiwa kuburan pahlawan dalam aksi militer Belanda Rawagede. Tol itu terdiri dari peristiwa 9 Desember 1947 – Oktober 1948 sebanyak 491 orang. Di antara para korban dikuburkan di makam taman pahlawan sebanyak 181 orang Sampurna Raga.

————————————————– ————

Petisi untuk mendesak Pemerintah Belanda,
untuk mengakui de jure Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia adalah pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945, dan
untuk meminta maaf atas pelanggaran, perbudakan penjajahan, hak asasi manusia dan kejahatan mengerikan terhadap kemanusiaan




The Dutch ambassador to Indonesia attended Tuesday’s memorial service for those who died in the 1947 massacre at Rawagede on West Java, in which almost every man in the village was killed.

It was the first time a representative of the Dutch government has attended the annual event, and comes at a time when pressure is mounting for an official apology for the killing.

The massacre took place during the five years of guerilla war which preceded Indonesian independence when Dutch soldiers executed some 431 men and boys from the village.

In his speech, which was in Indonesian, Nikolaos van Dam referred to earlier “sincere apologies from the Dutch government.” Until now, the official Dutch line has been to say “sorry” for the massacre.

But in the Dutch version of the speech, the words apology or excuses do not appear. Instead, the word “regret” is used.

After his speech, the ambassador said the words could be taken as an apology. “For me, [apologies and saying sorry] are the same,” he said.

Batara Hutagalung, who is behind efforts to get the Dutch government to apologise properly, said the ambassador sent out a mixed message. “Was he speaking about apologies or about regret?” Hutagalung said. “He says they are the same thing, but they are not.”

In 2005 when the then foreign minister Ben Bot spoke about the massacre, he too used the word “regret”.

The Dutch government acknowledged in 1969 that a mass execution had taken place at Rawagede during Indonesia’s struggle for independence, after revelations by a former Dutch soldier on the scale of the atrocities perpetrated by the Dutch army in its former colony.

Relatives and survivors of a massacre in the Indonesian village of Rawagede in 1947 are demanding an apology and compensation from the Dutch government. Indonesia was a Dutch colony in the 1800s and was finally granted sovereignty in 1949 after an armed struggle.

“I never thought they would kill us because we were just ordinary people,” says Saih. “I only realised [what they were going to do] when they began the countdown… Een, twee, drie.” Three soldiers started shooting the men in the back.

According to the village, the soldiers shot dead all the men – 431 people. It was summary justice, meted out as the men were running away or hiding in the river. In 1969, an investigation by the Dutch government into war crimes in Indonesia says 150 were killed in Rawagede.

Saih, now in his late 80s, is one of the 10 survivors and relatives who, 61 years later, are asking for an apology and compensation for the massacre in the Indonesian village of Rawagede carried out by Dutch soldiers on December 9, 1947.

Last week lawyer Gerrit Jan Pulles and Comité Nederlandse Ereschulden, a foundation which represents civilian victims of Dutch colonial rule in Indonesia, said the Dutch government must accept responsibility for the massacre at Rawagede.


Just like many other men, Saih, who sold vegetables, hid in the river when the Dutch arrived. His body under the water, his head in a hole he dug in the river bed. But the soldiers’ four tracker dogs found him. His companion shouted “merdeka” (independence) and was shot. Saih gave himself up and went with the soldiers.

It was raining hard on that day in December 1947. The village of Rawagede was flooded. The Dutch soldiers were looking for Lukas Kustario, an Indonesian freedom fighter, but he had left the day before.

The men who were actually doing the shooting did not look Dutch, says Saih. They had dark skins. Two white Dutchmen watched. Saih was hit in the back, but the bullet had first passed through the son of the village chief so has lost some of its velocity.

Pretended to be dead

When the boy’s body fell on him, Saih pretended to be dead too. During the final salvo, Saih was hit in the arm. But he was still alive and when the soldiers left, he fled.

Batara Hutagalung, chairman of the Comité Nederlandse Ereschulden, became interested in the war crimes committed in Indonesia at the end of the 1990s when he read his father’s unpublished memoires, he says.

He read about the bombing of Surabaya in 1945 by the English who were helping the Dutch get back their colony. An estimated 20,000 people died. “It was the first time I was confronted with what happened back then,” says Hutagalung, who lived in Germany until 1992. “In Germany the Nazis were tried and tracked down as far as South America. I wondered why that didn’t happen here.”

The foundation has successfully asked for an apology and compensation from the British government for the Surabaya bombing.

Dutch government obstinate

Hutagalung then began working on the Rawagede case. But until now the Dutch government has been “obstinate”, he says. The fact that former foreign affairs minister Ben Bot expressed his “regret” for the violence in 2005 is not enough, he says. “Regret is not an apology. I don’t understand why it’s so difficult to say sorry.”

Today Rawagede is called Balongsari. It has a large memorial to the victims of the massacre. The river where Saih hid is now a thin stream full of rubbish. Balongsari is a colourful village thanks to its pretty coloured houses built by the villagers with money earned by many of the women who work temporarily in the Middle East. But according to its chief, the village is still poor. Most of its 3,000 inhabitants work on the land or make prawn crackers.

Piles of corpses

In one of the houses, lives the 86-year-old Tijeng. Mattresses are everywhere, 15 people from five generations live here. Tijeng was breastfeeding her daughter when her husband Nimong tried to flee from the Dutch.

He did not get far, he was captured and shot dead. Three days later Tijeng searched piles of corpses, looking for his body.

When Tijeng sees a baby, she remembers how helpless she felt then. “I didn’t know what to do. I had a baby. I couldn’t work.”

Saih and Tijeng do not know the details of their claim. They have merely given a fingerprint and had their photos taken. They are no longer angry with the Dutch. But compensation would be welcome.

Tijeng has no money for treatment on the swelling in her ear which is beginning to affect her sight too.

And Saih says: “It doesn’t have to be much. Just a small amount for a decent life until I die, and to give my children and grandchildren a better life.”

Tragedy of Rawagede Massacre, December 9, 1947

The Forgotten Dutch Military Aggression’s Victims

By Batara R. Hutagalung
Chairman of The Committee of Dutch Honorary Debts

On December 9, 2007 at the Rawagede monument, the 60th commemoration of the massacre in the Rawagede village will be held.
On December 1947, in military aggression by the Dutch started since July 21, 1947; Dutch military members have slaughtered 431 people of Rawagede village near Karawang, West Java . On October 1948, Dutch military again conducted ‘sweeping’ in Rawagede, and this time 35 more people were killed. The massacre of village people in Rawagede is the second largest massacre after the massacre by Dutch military members in South Sulawesi between December 1946 to February 1947. Until August 1949, thousands of people were still being murdered without legal inquiries. During its aggression in Indonesia between 1945-1950, Dutch military have conducted various atrocities and crimes against humanity and severe human rights abuses, include rape against Indonesian women who have been captured by Dutch military personnel.
Ironically, all the crimes and human rights abuses were done by Dutch military after the end of the World War II on 1945, after the Dutch have been freed from German’ military aggression and hundred thousands of Dutch people were released from Japanese Internment camps where they were detained from 1942-1945.
Netherlands, which is member of nations which victimize by German and Japan’ military aggression, which also made inquiries on German and Japan as perpetrator of war crimes and human rights abuse. But later, Dutch military did the same thing, and responsible for various war crimes and crimes against humanity in its efforts to reinstate its colonialism in Indonesia.

Japan initiated its military aggression in East Asia by attacking the United States ’ military hub in Pearl Harbour, on December 1941. Then Japan attacked South East Asia , include Dutch’ colony which was Nederlands Indie. France , England and Dutch colonies in the region were one by one seized by Japan .
On March 1, 1942, Japanese army XVI under command of Lieutenant General Hitoshi Imamura attacked Java island, after Japan Navy destroyed Allies’ armies ABDACOM (American, British, Dutch, Australian Command) in a battle which known today as ‘the Battle of Java Sea’.
After the fight that last a week, Dutch military members in Dutch Indies almost without struggle, surrendered to Japanese army. On March 9, 1942 in Kalijati, near Subang, West Java, Lieutenant General Hein Ter Poorten, the top command of Dutch military in Dutch-Indies, representing Governor General of Dutch Indies, Jonkheer Alidus Warmmoldus Lambertus Tjarda van Starkenborgh-Stachouwer, signed a document of unconditional surrender and handed over all Dutch colonies to Japan. Therefore, March 9, 1942 marked the end of more than 300 years Dutch colonialism in Indonesia.
On August 15, 1945, Japan declared surrender to the Allies but the unconditional surrender document was signed on September 2, 1945, on board of US warship ‘USS Missouri’ in Tokyo Bay; which brought the vacuum of power during the two dates in all Japanese colonies include ex Dutch colonies which have been handed over to Japan.
On August 17, 1945, during the vacuum of power, Indonesian leaders have declared the Independence of Indonesia, and on August 18, 1945, have establish a government; which by thus, have fulfilled the three conditions to establish a nation, which are : 1. The presence of areas, 2. The presence of population, and 3. The presence of government.
On November 1946, the League of Arab Nations include Egypt, issued a resolution which acknowledged Indonesian independence as free and sovereign nation. It is a de jure acknowledgement according to International law.
After ‘surrendering’ its colonies formally to Japan, the Dutch have lost its rights and legitimation on Dutch-Indies. Therefore, when Indonesian people declared independence on August 17, 1945, this should not regarded as a coup against the Dutch.
The Dutch had been successful to obtain support from British to reinstate its colonialism in Indonesia, and these were enacted in Civil Affairs Agreement (CAA) which was signed in Chequers, England, on August 24, 1945. In CAA, British would ‘clean-up’ any military powers of Republic of Indonesia, to be transferred to NICA (Netherlands Indies Civil Administration).
These are recorded in command of Vice Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, Supreme Commander S.E.Asia Command, dated September 2, 1945, which given to Commander of Division 5, which stated:

“…You are instructed to proceed with all speed to the island of Java in the East Indies to accept the surrender of Japanese Imperial Forces on that island, and to release Allied prisoners of war and civilian internees.
In keeping with the provisions of the Yalta Conference you will re-establish civilians rule and return the colony to the Dutch Administration, when it is in a position to maintain services.
As you are no doubt aware, the local natives have declared a Republic, but we are bound to maintain the status quo which existed before the Japanese Invasion…”

Under assistance of 3 divisions of British army under command of Lieutenant General Phillip Christison and 2 divisions of Australian army under command of Lieutenant General Leslie “Ming the Merciless” Morsehead, gradually the Dutch acquired its power in Indonesia. On July 13, 1946, Australia ‘surrendered’ East Indonesia region to the Dutch, and on July 15-25, 1946, ex Dutch Vice Governor General, Dr. Van Mook, organized ‘Malino Conference’, near Makassar, to establish the East Indonesia State.
During the ‘clean-up period’ by British and Australian military, the Dutch sent more soldiers from Netherlands; in order when British and Australia pulled out their military personnel from Indonesia, the Dutch military power would be able to be immediate replacement. At that time, Dutch military members had exceeded 100,000 people and continuously increased to 200,000 people, with modern artilleries include heavy warfare which granted by British and Australian military.

Linggajati Agreement and Dutch Military Aggression I
British facilitated negotiation between Republic of Indonesia and Dutch in Linggajati. On November 15, 1946, Linggajati agreement was drafted; and on March 25, 1947, the agreement was formally signed by the government of Republic of Indonesia and Dutch government in Jakarta .
The Dutch was clearly using delay strategy, to strengthen its army in Indonesia by continuously shipped more people from Netherlands .
Linggajati aggrement lasted less than 4 months due to breach by the Dutch, by conducted military aggression which started on July 21, 1947, under code “Operatie Product”. As a mask to International community, the Dutch named this aggression as ‘police action’; and declared the acts as internal affairs, which equivalent to statement that Indonesia was still its colony.
Republic of Indonesia reported this aggression to the United Nations, due to its breach against international agreement which is Linggajati agreement. Security Council of the United Nations issued Resolution No. 27, dated August 1, 1947, which called for cease of conflict.
United Nations Security Council has been de facto acknowledged the existence of Republic of Indonesia ; which is proven by formally addressed ‘INDONESIA’ in its resolution, and not ‘Netherlands Indies’. Since the first resolution, which is Resolution No. 27 on August 1, 1947, followed by Resolution No. 30 and No. 31 dated August 25, 1947, Resolution No. 36 on November 1, 1947, and Resolution No. 67 on January 28, 1949, Security Council of the United Nations always referred conflict between Republic of Indonesia and Netherlands as ‘The Indonesian Question’.
Under pressure of United Nations Security Council, on August 15, 1947, the Dutch government finally accepted resolution of United Nations Security Council to stop the fight.
On August 17, 1947, government of Republic of Indonesia and the Dutch government agreed on resolution of United Nations Security Council to cease-fire, and on August 25, 1947, United Nations Security Council established a committee to mediate conflict between Indonesia and the Dutch. This committee acted as Committee of Good Offices for Indonesia, widely known as ‘Committee of Three Nations’, due to the three nations which were its members : Australia which was appointed by Indonesia, Belgium which was appointed by Netherlands and the United States as the neutral party.
Facilitated by Committee of Good Offices for Indonesia , on December 8, 1947, a negotiation was initiated between the Dutch and Indonesia in USS Renville as neutral place.

Rawagede Massacre



Eventhough crease-fire agreement has been signed and during the negotiation in USS Renville, in West Java, the Dutch army from Division 1 which also known as Division of December 7, continued to hunt Indonesian army and patriots who fought against the Dutch. Dutch army which took part in Operation in Karawang areas were Detachment 3-9 RI, 1e para compagnie and 12 Genie veld compagnie, which were support brigade from paramilitary and DST (Depot Speciaale Troepen).
On December 9, 1947, a day after the initiation of Renville negotiation, Dutch army under command of a Major, attacked Rawagede village and raided houses. But they did not find members of Indonesia army. This triggered them to force people to get out from their homes to be gathered in a field. Males above 15 years were ordered to stand side by side, and then questioned on the presence of Republic fighters. But none of the people were willing to reveal the location of Indonesian fighters.
The Dutch Officer then commanded to shoot dead all male villagers, include teenagers as young as 12 years. Few people were able to escape to the forest, even though they suffered bullet wounds. Saih, one of the survivors, now aged 83, told a story how he and his father and neighbors about 20 people were ordered to stand in a line. The Dutch army then emptied their machine weapons onto them, and his father who stood next to them died instantly by the bullets. He also shot in his hand, but he fell on the ground and feigned to be death. He ran away when he found chance.
On that day, Dutch army massacred 431 people of Rawagede; without legal inquiry, lawsuit nor defense. Same as in South Sulawesi, the Dutch army in Rawagede have conducted what they referred as on-site execution (standrechtelijke excecuties); an act which clearly categorized as war crimes which is murder of non-combatants. It was estimated that the actual victims were more than 431, since many have been swept away by torrential flood due to heavy rain.
The downpours caused pool of bloods continue to drench the village. What left were women and children. The next day, after the Dutch army left the village, the women buried the bodies with in-adequate equipments. One mother buried her husband and two sons aged 12 and 15 years. They could not dug deep, only 50 centimeters, which caused the stenches stayed for days.
This massacre was also known by Committee of Good Offices for Indonesia from the United Nations. But the commission’ reaction was limited to ‘critic’ against the military action which they called “deliberate and ruthless”, without further strict sanction due to human-rights abuse; let alone treating this massacre against innocent people as war crimes.
Now, there are 9 widows of the victims and 1 survivor of Rawagede massacre on December 9, 1947. The youngest, Imi, now aged 75. At that time, she was 15 years old and just married for 3 days when her husband was shot dead before her eyes. Since then, she is not married. All of them are only illiterate village people.

De Excessennota
On January 1969, under pressure of Dutch parliament, the Dutch government established a team to review archives which submitted to Dutch government, in order to investigate misconducts by Dutch military members (KL, Koninklijke Landmacht and KNIL, Koninklijke Nederlands-Indische Leger), in Indonesia during 1945-1950. After conducting analysis in 5 months, the results were compiled in a report under title “Nota betreffende het archievenonderzoek naar gegevens omtrent excessen in Indonesië begaan door Nederlandse militairen in de periode 1945-1950”, shortened as De Excessennota. This formal report was presented by Prime Minister deJong on June 2, 1969. This report which prepared in a hurry only put 140 ‘excess’ which done by Dutch army, despite many other incidents; since there were large murder cases done by Dutch military personnel were not included in the Excessennota.
In Netherlands, many parties have clearly denounce that what have been done by Dutch military during this period are war crimes (oorlogs-misdaden) and not a mere excess.
The massacre in Rawagede, South Sulawesi and many other severe crimes against humanity, are only small evidences of Dutch military’ war crimes, in its efforts to re-colonialize Indonesia, after Indonesian people declared independence.
On August 16, 2005, in Jakarta , Dutch Foreign Minister Ben Bot stated that:

“…In retrospect, it is clear that its large-scale deployment of military forces in 1947 put the Netherlands on the wrong side of history. The fact that military action was taken and that many people on both sides lost their lives or were wounded is a harsh and bitter reality especially for you, the people of the Republic of Indonesia . A large number of your people are estimated to have died as a result of the action taken by the Netherlands …”

But this statement has been served as a mere lip service, since the Dutch government continues to remain irresponsible on various massacres on non-combatant people of Indonesia, and 60 years after these tragedies, remained unwilling to compensate the surviving victims, widows and family members of victims of Dutch army’ atrocities conducted during its military aggression in Indonesia between 1945-1950.


On the 9th of December 1947 Dutch soldiers massacred 431 men in the Javanese village of Rawagede. It is not the first time this ghost from the past surfaced in the national media. Recently for instance this reporter wrote about it. In December 2007 newspaper “Trouw” dedicated a lengthy article to this black page of Dutch history. And now, last week, this war crime from over sixty years ago reappeared on TV, internet and in the papers once more.

Friday, the 12th of September there was this story by the son of a non commissioned officer who served during the Indonesian war of independence in the Dutch  army. Not a sheer coincidence, because earlier this week, Wednesday, the 11th of September,  another newspaper, “De Volkskrant”, published a short news item, “The Indonesian claim is reasonable” ,  about victims of that particular event, who almost sixty years later, seek justice- that is financial compensation – in Dutch courts.  And on Monday the 8th of


Group Sues Dutch War Crimes in Rawagede

The Dutch massacre in Rawagede is to be tried in The Hague on June 20 2011


Rawagede Massacre in 1947 (

VIVAnews – This is what happened on December 9, 1947: the Dutch soldiers’ trample entering Rawagede village. The soldiers came to search for a group of rioters. However, what happened was a massacre. As many as 430 settlers died, all were men.


It was raining on that unfortunate day, arousining


uncanny atmosphere. Red liquid, water mixed with blood, swamped the village. Women and children—the remaining settlers—buried the bodies with whatever strength and tools they had. The stench of the bodies from shallow graves was in the air for days. It was the cruelest and bloody crime the Dutch had ever committed between 1945 and 1949.

Rawagede is now gone, the name is changed to Balongsari village, in Rawamerta, Karawang. It is situated between Karawang and Bekasi. Sixty four years have passed, but the Rawagede legal case is not completed.

The families of the massacre victims filed a lawsuit at The Hague District Court on Wednesday, December 9, 2009. Represented by Liesbeth Zegveld, the families asked the Netherlands government to acknowledge the cruelty they have committed in Rawagede. They also asked for compensation.

The trial of Rawagede case is not yet complete. On Monday, June 20, 2011 at 9.30am local time, the lawyer is scheduled to read out a pledge or pledooi administratie. “The group of the victims’ families who become witnesses will leave for the Netherlands on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 from Soekarno-Hatta airport,” says the press release of the Committee of Dutch Honorary Debts that VIVAnews received on Tuesday evening, June 14, 2011.

It calls on Indonesian community, especially who are living in European Union countries, to watch the trial this Monday. Especially because the trial will be held a day before the commemoration of the death of Indonesia’s first president Sukarno on June 21, 2011.

The then Dutch Ambassador to Indonesia Nikolaos van Dam said his government had conveyed a deep regret over the Rawagede massacre. This was delivered when van Dam visited the 61st commemoration of Rawagede Tragedy at Rawagede Monument, Balongsari village, Rawamerta, Karawang district, West Java on December 9, 2008

“It was estimated that the number of Indonesians who died because of the Dutch’s violence was large. On behalf of the Dutch government, I would like to convey a deep regret over all the sufferings,” said van Dam, who retired as senior diplomat in 2010.

A Dutch court is expected to rule later if survivors of a massacre carried out more than 60 years ago will get compensation. According to Indonesian researchers, dutch troops wiped out almost the entire male population of a village in West Java, two years after the former colony declared independence in 1945. Most Indonesians do not know about the massacre that took place in Rawagede in 1947. Only recently has a monument been built to remind residents that Dutch soldiers killed all the men of the village. The only living witnesses are now in their 80s, and illiterate, after having to fend for themselves following the deaths of their husbands. “There were dead bodies everywhere, many of which we found in the river after the shooting stopped,” said Cawi, a survivor. The massacre in Rawagede is not the only village where the Netherlands has an unresolved dark history. Al Jazeera’s Step Vassen reports from Rawagede, Indonesia.

Monument Rawa Gede

Place :Karawang Regencies


Rawa Gede Monument, one of the places in Karachi that has historical value, is the place where Anwar was inspired to write the famous poem Between Karawang Bekasi. In the occurrence of these tragic events have now been built Rawagede Monument.
You will follow the story of the tragic events that occurred Rawagede on December 9, 1947 which began about four o’clock in the morning. At that time, Dutch military conduct raids into people’s homes. Any person who is found, especially males, were collected in the field. They asked about the whereabouts of fighters who hide as the father of Captain Luke Kustaryo Danki Regiment VI Jakarta. All citizens no one answered, so there was a massacre by Dutch military.
The event is manifested in the form of two-storey building monuments built starting in November 1995 and inaugurated on July 12, 1996. Observe the room downstairs where there is a diorama of the massacre the citizens by the Dutch army, which will probably make you a little chilling stand. The outer walls are decorated the bottom of the reliefs depicting the struggle of the people of Falkirk. Specifically on the rear panel reliefs depicted the struggle of the people in the Falkirk area Rawagede while risking life for the sake of independence. The tomb of a hero in the back named Raga Sampurna. In addition to the eastern entrance there are two victims of a hero’s grave events in Rawagede Dutch military action. The toll was made up of events December 9, 1947 – October 1948 as many as 491 people. Among the victims were buried in the garden tomb of heroes as much as 181 people Raga Sampurna.





Petition to urge the Netherlands Government,
to recognize de jure Indonesian Independence Day was on August 17th 1945, and
to apologize for the colonialization, slavery, violation of human rights and horrific crimes against humanity

 the end @ copyrigh6t Dr iwan suwandy 2011

The Sample Of Dr iwan CD-ROM:”The Indonesia Independence Revolution And War 1947″

Sukarno book sarinah 1947,with his comment and sign in 1949.










The Driwan’s  Cybermuseum


(Museum Duniamaya Dr Iwan)

Showroom :

Dr Iwan Book Exhibition


 part III 1947

Based On Dr Iwan Postal And Document Collections

Created By

Dr Iwan Suwandy,MHA

Private Limited E-book Special For Collectors.

Rare Batavia Centrum Handstamped Postmark in 1947,on postally used small cover with  2 x Nica USAprinting stamp 2 cen(rate 4 cent),

in 1947 , there were several unique type of Nica Batavia post office handstamped CDS postmark,this one sample,other look at the chronolic collections.

Aceh revolution papermoney 1947


The Driwan’s Indonesia Independence Revolution And War  Cybermuseum


Indonesia Independence Revolution And War Collection part III in 1947

In 1947 several local Notrh(east) Sumatra  repoeblic indonesia  issued:

(a) Koela Leidong Membang Moeda Banknote

Koealoeh Leidong, Membang Moeda, 1947-1948


Koealoeh Leidong, Membang Moeda, Negara Republik Indonesia, 1947-1948

During the Dutch colonial rule in the Netherlands Indies, Membang Moeda was one of many large rubber plantations, occupying an area of 3.104 ha. It was owned by the Dutch “NV Rubber Cultuur-Mij. Amsterdam” and produced approximately 1.3 million kilo’s of rubber in 1938. Membang Moeda was situated about 50 km south of the city of Kisiran, in the administrative division Asahan, district of Laboehan Batoe, subdistrict Koealoeh Leidong, part of the Sumatra East Coast residency (Sumatera Timor). Membang Moeda was connected to the Deli railroad and had it’s own railway station. The Deli Railroad Company started in 1883 with building a railroad from Laboehan Deli to Belawan. Step by step the railroad was extended throughtout the residency and the last trajectory from Kisiran to Rantauprapat was finished in 1937, connecting Membang Moeda to the network.

(b)Local east Sumatra  Military banknote called Gun(Senapan )Money

(c) Local aceh revoluitionery papermoney 5 rupiah

Megawati was born in January 1947

1.January 1947

January_february electric billing from Djawatan Listrik dan Gas Palembang with dai nippon rev f-.15 without overprint


(1)the very rare handwritten overprint 311 Repin-donesia on Dai nippon sumatra definitif stamp 2sen ,pair two cent, Postally used money order fragment cds  tembilahan showa date 21.1.3(Jan,3rd,1947)

(2) The very rare official cover send by courier from walinegeri NRI(repoeblic Indonesia state) at  Kajai village ( near Taloe,Pasaman west sumatra) to  Military Tjamat  at Talamau village.


The promotion label of Keng Po newspaper(now became Kompas newspaper) under the  redactie leader Injo Beng Goat ,starting issued 2 january 1947, this promotianal in Star weekly magazine 29 december 1946.

January ,6th.1947

The rare of complete   Pospakket evidence form(ontvangbewijs) with pen line overprint by repoeblic pos officie Koeningan (west Java) on DEI dancer stamp


the repoeblik Indonesia National Police Pajakoemboeh(west sumatra) Travelling Pass (rare document)

January 11 1947.

 Waspada newspaper publishes first issue in Medan.


The Dutch Federaal Government ,NIT Negara Indonesia Timue(East Indonesia State) “Melantik”inagurated  their Cabinet.


The recieved of Garut Hospital Billing for medical operation Rp.50.- with java repoeblik Indonesia revenue limabelas sen(-,15) unperforated.


the express postal stationer annyversary  one years Indonesia Independence  day card added java definiti revolutioner stamp 40 seb ,sencered chope telah ditilik send from tjirebon 20.1.47 to Djakarta


(1)The Java electric billing  with revenue

(2)The only two off cover ,

(a)Typewritten overprint rep:indonesia on  dai nippon definitive sumatra stamp 20 cent.straigth two , cds  Bagansiapi-api showa date  21.1,3 or January,3rd.1947 (Riau) -the owner Ricardo,now in Deng Haag Phillatelic museum.

(b) the same stamps,single stamp on money order fragment,date  not clear ,bagansiapi-api. courtecy Dr iwan suwandy.


Dutch attack on December 30, 1946 is really crippling the power of our army. Regional army positions one by one fell into the hands of the Netherlands. In the Dutch attack overran Sikambing River, so it can break into any directions.the advanced of  struggle attracted the attention of the Commander in Medan Sumatra commandment. He considered that the struggle waged by the army People’s Regiment Field Area, is because the policy itself. Commandment decided to form a new command, led by Lt. Col. Sucipto. Handover of command took place on January 24, 1947 in Tanjung Morawa. Since then, the troops entered the Front TRI Medan Area, including assistance from Aceh who joined the Regiment of the Special Field Area.


The rare Sunrise book shop Batavia promotional on the back. send from Kelenteng Pekapuran 3 Batavia  to Surabaia.

at Back of cover  :

a) Happy New Year

(b) The spirit of the new year. Begeloralan seantaro (all) world where life is based abru atat: SAN MIN CHU I> Malay Language output () was published) Kwee Khe Soei “sunrise Bavia” 929, printed dias fine paper, compleet (complete) premises tables, 300 Pagina (page) large, disposable karrtun and National Chinese flag (Chinese Nationalist) and Partij price of 50 guilders.

Sun Yat Sen’s memoirs. AS PATRIOT Dr. Sun Yat Sen meritorious BEEN DOING GREAT WORK LIKE A BANGASA Chinese (CHINESE OVERSEAS) is that it was ERECTING Republic of China. Memoirs premises FULL IMAGE, PRICE 3 guilders. HOSTS NEED TO READ

(a) Selamat tahun Baru

(b) Semangat tahun baru. Begeloralan seantaro(segala) dunia bila dasarkan hidup abru atat :SAN MIN CHU I > Bahasa melayu keluaran ()diterbitkan) Kwee Khe Soei “sunrise Bavia”929, dicetak dias kertas halus , compleet(lengkap) denga tabel ,300 pagina(halaman) besar ,pakai karrtun dan bendera Tiongkok Nasional(Chinese Nationalist) dan partij harga 50 gulden.



(a)the letter of Patih Sragen with officail Boepati sragen handsatmped.

(b) The rare Pen line  overprint on DEI Karbouw 1 cent stamps ,postally used on the “Tanda terima Pengiriman Pospakket”(Pospakket evidence  form)

 and the same stamps in unused mint stamps put on the back of Repoeblic Indonesia paper money chnaged form

.at this time due to many fake papermoney ,Repoeblic Indonesia government asking the people to cgange their money at post office, the original will given back  and the fake one  will stamped false(palsoe) and the owner will gave the recieved.



 the author of book “Soesana Politika Semendjak Indonesia Merdeka (Political Situation Since Indonesia Independence), Mr Moetijar, gave his book to west soematra delegation with his hand written in Indonesia;” Tandamata Perdjoangan kepada toean2 oetoesan dari Soematera Barat dari Pengarang” with his handsign Djakarta 31/1-1947, the owner of the book handsigned Dr.A.R.Oesman

( the father of my friend Dr Razes Osman ) Dr Rahim Oesma had done medical autopstion the Padang city Major  Bagindo Aschischan)

2.February 1947

February,1st ,1947

The electric and gas Indramajoe recieved with  Rep.Indonesia small  Fifteen sen. -.15 limabelas sen.


indonesia journalist organisation iwi protest the PID instructions, they choosed to quit berhenti,




1). On 4 February 1947 set out rows of Special Police Tapanuli residency led by MAS KADIRAN with 150 members to the FRONT FIELD AREA. Up in P. Mas Siantar Kadiran Sumatra facing the police chief based in KBP Siantar P. R. Solomon and met with Governor of Sumatra TM HASAN in the Front Rows of the Special Police Area Medan placed in Perbaungan and High Cliff, and at the forefront of Tanjung Morawa.

2). February 15, 1947 from Battle Field Area Headquarters held throughout the Defense enemy attacks in the city of Medan, in this general attack the Dutch began to exert all the power of Weapons

3) Weight, Tanks and Aircraft, and managed to break a general attack FIELD AREA of the fighters a lot and finally fell victim FIELD AREA FRONT forces retreated to the rear lines, as well as the ranks of the Residency Tapanuli SPECIAL POLICE survive in Marendal, Tg Morawa and Pakam and eventually returned to Perbaungan.



1). Government of Indonesia failed negotiation with the Dutch Government in Linggar teak, then the task sequence SPECIAL POLICE Residency Tapanuli to be a Security Police in the line of the status quo in Medan Area, but this task can not be implemented yet for security Tapanuli Command Council and the Police Chief Residency in Tapanuli to pull back to Tapanuli. Based on MAS KADIRAN order will then ordered his men are still at the forefront in the pull back and return to the Chief Constable of East Sumatra in P. Siantar to return to Sibolga.

2) Next in Sibolga MAS KADIRAN reports to the Regional Defense Council Tapanuli and Police Chief Residency in Tapanuli about the tasks during the Medan area, then MAS KADIRAN Konsulidasi ordered troops in this plan make MAS KADIRAN Armored Cars and few long-distance shooter Weapons (cannon).


1) To accelerate the plan of Armored Cars MAS KADIRAN ask Some inmates in correctional institution who is an expert in the technique out and join the ranks of the Residency SPECIAL POLICE Tapanuli, in danger of capture of the former Japanese Army armored cars and the Dutch Army and aid in Car Repair Sibolga with hard work finally is completed Armored Cars and Armored Car generate 1 2 2.5 Ton 1.5 Ton Armored Cars and Armored Car 1 1 Ton.

2) Plan to add Next MAS KADIRAN Distance Sniper Weapons (cannon) for this MAS members KADIRAN ordered to sail to the Island Tower Poncane (Mursala) to take the former Japanese army cannon and Dutch troops, arriving on the Island Tower Poncane MAS KADIRAN ordered to examine guns after the select then traces the cannon brought to Sibolga for service.

h shootings DUTCH WAR SHIP

Torpedo IN BAY Sibolga

1) On Friday 28 April 1947 Dutch Warship Type torpedo JTI Anchoring 1.5 Miles from Labuhan Angin at Heading Sibolga information from ALRI in G. Ketapang. The situation became tense in the town of Sibolga Tapanuli Defense Council in Battleship berangkatkan headed to file a protest at the presence of Dutch Warships from the results of negotiations in the Dutch Ship Captain Ship delegation accept it and go back to the Army and Warships headed for Sabang.

February 5th.1947.

(a)Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam student organizatino is founded at Yogya.Sukarno and Hatta threatened  to resign if the Linggajati agreement is not ratified

(b)Between December 1946 and February 1947, the Dutch forces (KNIL) executed nearly 3000 people without trial.

(c) Postally used express postal stationer 1 year Indonesia independence card ,added 40 cent revolution java defintif tamp from Tjerebon cds 5.2.47 to  Djakarta (same cover with january.20th.1947

(d) The Repoeblic Indonesia’s Java Kedoe Residency  order (Koetipan Kepoetoesan Residen Kedoe) 5.2.1047 about the list of kedoe official employee , and hope the employee will : “mencurahkan segala fikiran,tenaga dan jiwa masing-masing  untuk keselamatan Negara Republic Indonesia. sign by resident secretary with  ORI overprint republic revenue -.50 (fifty cent.)


the Postally used cover from Padang to Bukittinggi with repoeblic Indonesia sumatra definitive stamps .


the postally used postcard from Pematangsiantar to Padang.with repoeblic indonesia soematra definitive stamps (rare used card)


the white big repoeblic Indonedia independence anniversary postal stationer card 10 cent with legalized Madieon CDS without date,send from  Tjaroeban to Modjokerto, added definive repoblik indonesia java stamps 4o cent , with express stamped and sencore choped “TELAH DITILIK” .


(a)The very rare ,only one ever seen postally used stationer card  Dai Nippon karbouw 3 1/2 cent , with overprint sumatra type 13 A and the rarte change with hand written 100 sen , send from CDS Loeboek aloeng  rep.Indonesia 21.2.47 to Padang.

(b) The CTO Padang repoeblik Indonesia on Dai Nippon 31/2 cent karbouw postal stationer  with double overprin Repoeblic Indonesia 15 sen small and F 0,75 (new nominal) postal stationer


(c) the same CTO postmark above on  Cover with Sumatra definitive stamps. 2x 5 sen,2×15 sen,40 sen brown and 40 sen red.

(f)The Rare Batavia Postmark on postally used cover(unique home made cover with black and red line)

(g)the rare postally used cover with Dai Nippon Lampong stamps used during Reepoeblik without Republic overprint from Telokbetong to Palembang.


The Indonesian Independent anniversary Postal Stationer  card  legalized with postal CDS without date, sent express with add Java definivie republic Indonesia Stamp 40 sen ,from Madioen to modjokerto


The Repoeblic Indonesia Income tax(Pajak Penghasilan negeri) of Padang Panjang west sumatra.3.March 1947,still used the Dai Nippon sumatra form (T)

MARCH 1947

the picture of Djakarta repoeblik Indonesia post office Pasar baroe(now Filately museum and  PFI club office) chief Mr.Abdulrachman


the original letter from Tentara Reublik Indonesia with the official stamped TRI-Republic Indonesia Army  the chief Military police at Pajakoemboeh and with the extreme rare TRI official cover send by courier  (very rare document)



(a)the very rare Postally used Dai Nippon karbouw postal sationer added  6 x Sumatra revolution definitif stamp 15 sewn and 2x 5 sen, postally used cover from Painan cds Painan 2.3.47 to Padang.( very difficult to find this common mint stamp used on cover,not many used-Dr Iwan note)


Tanjungjabung Kuala Tungkal Jambi  republic Independence fighting


A. Entering the waters of the Dutch Navy Kuala Tungkal

In Teak Linggar Agreement signed by the government of Indonesia and the Dutch government on March 2, 1947, the Dutch government expressed its recognition of the sovereignty of the government of Indonesia on the island of Java, Madura and Sumatra.

However, according to reports received, the Dutch navy frequent patrolling in the territorial waters of Kuala Tungkal (Regency Tanjung Jabung) and catch the ships passing in these waters. This means a violation of the Agreement Linggar teak. Therefore, it is in early April 1947 the Young Lieutenant Sub Ardjai of the Military Police Detachment Muara Sabak with Sergeant Major and Inspector of Police Marpi Laisa came Angkata Sea ships operating in the vicinity of Kuala Tungkal, Amsih village  marine waters is an area of ​​RI. Dutch navy on the ship were warned that they had entered the waters of Indonesia and asked to immediately leave the waters. Dutch Navy leaders stated that they were in international waters and directly hold Ardjai Lieutenant Young and his entourage on charges that threaten the security patrol extrimis Dutch navy. The accusation was denied by Lieutenant Young Ardjai by stating that they are the Army Official RI (TRI), as the evidence suggested that they were wearing military uniforms complete with rank and sign of unity Warrant Street. Rebuttal was ignored by the Dutch Navy and Lieutenant Young Ardjai with his friends remained in detention.

some moments later, came the residency Jambi Police Chief Police Commissioner Zainal Abidin with some staff of Police Inspector Adjunct Asmara Siagian, Sutarjo Police Commander, Police Agencies and mahyudi Diah Arifin Maelan Syahbandar Kuala Tungkal and Long Jakfar members of paramilitary troops escorted by a troop commander with heavily armed military led by Lieutenant Young M. Idris Saman Detachment Commander Sub PT Muara Sabak. In these forces helped Young Lieutenant and Lieutenant Young Nungcik Alcaff Jana’ib Ilyas.

To the head of the Dutch Navy who are in the ship,

the Chief of Police KeresidenanJambi protest and memperingatkan Dutch navy having entered the waters of Indonesia and the Dutch navy said the problem was to be discussed later with the head of the Royal Netherlands Army in Palembang. Police Chief Residency Ternnya jambi with his friends brought to Palembang as a prisoner on charges of provoking the Dutch warship.

In Palembang, all the prisoners brought to court and with the help of the Governor of South Sumatera Dr. Young. M. Isa all the captives were eventually in acquittal. At the time of journey from prisoner to the courtroom always get a warm welcome from the people of Palembang in the road moved at a show of hands as sympathetic to their cause.




The registered homemade cover from priaman cds 4.3.47 to kayoetanam cds 8.3.47 with 10 x Dai Nippon Yubin ovpt DEI port 40 cent type 871 violet (rate Rp.4,-) ,with brown black register pariaman label. this DN stamps still used without republic overprint.(the latest used DN stamp at  republican area)


(a)The postally used card send from Kediri, with 2×1 cent ned.Indie karbouw  and repoblic 15 sen definitif java soerabaya anniversary nopember 1945 stamps.

(b) The Revenue of repoeblik Indonesia -.50 fifty sen used on PTT document”surat pengangkatan pegawai”

(c)the Netherland Indie official institute “menyita Muatan” Isbransten ‘s Ship”Martin Behrmann”


the rare money order recu(tanda pengiriman weselpos ) CDS repoeb lik indonesia Padang 6.3.47)


the latest used of repoeblic Indonesia Reveneue -,15 (fifteen cent) at  Jakarta.


 The Padang Postman Mr Soewil have made CTO Padang rep.Indonesia  cds on overprint Rep:Ind: on Dai nippon sumatra definitve stamps at the back of Rep.Indonesia 15 sen overprin dai nippon postal staioner karbouw 31/2 cent.(this one of a mr soewil only collections during repoebli Indonesia Postal history 1945-1948,courtecy dr Iwan,found at his house after many year  apssed away by his wife and son,then bought by Dr Iwan in 1980 for te first payment their new house because the old house must bring back to the owner,all the collection keep on the roof)


The earliest date used of Repoeblik Indonesia sumatra Revenue f1,-


The extreme rare only one ever exist, the padang psotman Soweil private note the date of found reoblik Indonesia sumatra stamps with circulaire date stamped  CDS Padang rep>indonesia 13.3.47 on complete document, the indepnednce fund tsamps  40 sen brown,15 sen dark blue and 5 sen light blue, with independence fund -blank type 40 sen brown,15 sen dark blu and 5 sen light blue,this  collection sold to dr Iwan in 1982 and still in his collections.


Mr Supangkat,the secretari of Jakarta City , became the resident of Bogor.

March ,19th,1947

The certificate of redemption of a damaged motor tooling to Mr. Rahman Tanjung Morawa with good tools and the cost pairs (bill not yet paid) by the fighting battalions of the division’s chief financial officer Elephant Tentra Indonesian republic (kept by Mr. Rahman because of unpaid until after 1950 and was found in field 1985-notes Dr. Iwan)
original document:

Surat keterangan penukaran perkakas motor  yang rusak kepada bapak rahman tanjung morawa dengan perkakas yang baik serta ongkos pasang(bon belum dibayar) oleh  pejabat keuangan batalion pertempuran divisi Gajah Tentra repoeblik Indonesia(disimpan oleh bapak Rahman karena belum dibayar sampai sesudah tahun 1950 dan dietmukan di medan tahun 1985-catatan Dr Iwan)

March 25

(a)Netherlands government finally ratifies Linggajati agreement at the General Comision office at Rijswijk(now Istana Merdeka)

(b) In this day ,time 5.40 PM at Genral comision Djakarta   , the Linggarjati Agreement were sign by the member of Republik Indonesia delegation and Dutch delegeation member. Prime menister said:” stiil our heros  vs the Dutch’s son  with their gun and the murdered wapon , the look each other as the”ancaman”(threads)  that must be off(dilenyapkan)  as the enemy  which must be killed(dibunih), To found the loving seed(benih cinta)  one tother,not teh common work(bukan pekerjaan gampang), but must  with”ketelatenan”, patient(kesabaran) from the elader which guidence(menuntun)  the people to the “arah”direction of  pure love (cinta murni) as the part of human right  adn will be the based of Undang Undang Dasar Repoeblik Indonesia.

(c)Surat hitang pinjaman baterry  dan perbaikan kendaraan dari Komando tempur medan area (hutang ini tak pernah dilunaasi,tetap jadi bon,ditemukan Dr iwan di medan tahun 1986)

surat hutang ini ditulis dibelakang formulir surat keterangan Jalan resimen lasjkar Rakjat(PEOPLE LASJKAR ‘S REGIMENT )  “MEDAN AREA” LOOK ILLUSTRATION BELOW

Other unpaid billing from TNI Gajah and Mean Area Command setch belonging from the same “Bengkel Mobil Pak rahman Tanjong morawa,found at medan by Dr Iwan in 1985”



Leaders fight back streets soon realized haryus compromise for the continuation of the struggle which can not be done alone. An irregular command will not be possible to bring victory. In this case the Government and the command of Army of the Republic of Indonesia agrees to form a paramilitary unit Komado komado to unite people in Medan area, menginggat had enough strength that the People’s paramilitary troops surrounded the city medan.Diperkirakan keeeeeekuatan paramilitary troops already there are people not yet included one regiment-battalion Battalion Tentra Republic Indonesia (Army Pemerntah). tealh As previously described the cause is competition diklaangan parties including the ranks of struggle is a matter of supplies and perbelanjaaan, ka after the formation of a regular regiment of course bring consequences to perbekalan problem also (Caatan Dr. Iwan, ternyat command field area formed create a letter that was never paid huatng-these facts, see the bill that kept the original owner and later found in Medan, maybe the owner has died and the family does not mngerti historical value the debt bill.)

So for that purpose, all supplies were borne by the board of Defense of East Sumatra, located in High Cliff. Untu memimpoin Kasykar People commando regiment was entrusted to Captain Commando NIP Xarim.Untuk meudahkan voering hereinafter Medan front dining area is divided into four sectors: Western Sector held by Kaptem ABd.Hamid, East sector held Yacub Lubis, sectorutara olh Barani Xelatan Pohan and sector by Ibrahim Yahya (Yahya Aceh) Pasuka special Andalas Pesindo north by Aladdin Sitompul. Another found an empty form of Refinery Army, Bat.III.Res.I Dipisi Gadjah II Soematera Kaban Ginger (in the back letter hutangdevisi Elephant II).

2) Combat Command FIELD AREA Tanjung Morawa

British military operations intensified executed and forced the governor’s office moved into the mayor’s office. Headquarters Division II TKR was transferred again to the Siantar. Similarly, Laskar-paramilitary youth moved his base of each out of the city of Medan to consolidate. Paramilitary troops still fighting in the absence of unity of command, and coordination. Gradually they realized this weakness after several losses.
Top perakasa Regional Defense Council, then invited the commanders of the army to negotiate on the Cliff High for 2 days on 8-10 August 1946 to discuss the problem of the struggle. Finally they agreed to form the People’s Warriors Field Regiment Command Area (KRLMA). The consequence of the formation of this command, Laskar-army liberated from their respective parent organizations. Nip selected as captain Karim Marzuki Lubis as Commander and Chief of Staff. Command Headquarters located in Two Rivers. KRLMA consists of five battalions and a special company with a division of territory and responsibility for sure.
At the initiative of the leadership of the Division of Elephant and KRIRMA on October 10, 1941 approved to hold a joint attack. Targets to be seized in the East is the Kampung Medan Sukarame, River collar. On the west is the Padang Bulan Medan, Petisah, Jalan Pringgan, whereas in the south is the city of Medan Matsum that will be his target. determined movement plan, troops will move along the path Medan-Belawan.
Hari “H” is determined date October 27, 1946 at 20:00, the first target Meda east and south of Medan. Exactly on the day of “H”, A Regiment Battalion Warriors of the people under Bahar move to occupy the village of Three Markets Sukarame, while Battalion B Matsum to the city and occupied the Court Street and Main Street. In Medan west Battalion 2nd Regiment of the people and army troops moved to occupy the road Ilyas Malik Pringgan, China and Road Binjei cemetery.
It is worth noting, that some time ago, the British had to give up some powers to the Dutch. At the time some British troops preparing to be withdrawn and replaced by Dutch troops, our forces attacked them. Movements Regiment battalions Medan Area People’s army apparently wafted by the English / Dutch. Medan area south bombarded by mortar fire. Our troops returned fire and managed to mengehentikannya.
Meanwhile, the British attacked the southern field. Close combat raged in the city. On the next day Matsum eastern city was attacked again. British troops are located at Jalan Ismailiah successfully repelled.

While the battle took place, out of order on 3 November 1946 gencetan gun held to the withdrawal of British troops and the truce was made, used to negotiate determine the demarcation line. British occupation was officially handed over to the Netherlands on November 15 1946.Tiga days after the British left the city of Medan, the Dutch began to violate the truce. Brayan on the island on 21 November, the Dutch seized the property of the population, and the next day to make the issue again with the Dutch outposts fired on the troops in station Mabar Laskar, also Padang Bulan ditembaki.Pihak Laskar retaliate. Colonel Schalten shot while crossing in front of the army post. Holland responded with a massive assault on the corners of the city. Dutch Air Force bombing, while at the front south of Medan on Court Street we got heavy pressure, but troop movements in the Netherlands can Sukarame dihentikan.Pada dated December 1, 1946 our troops began firing mortars into the base target Air Polonia and the Dead River. The next day the Dutch attacked the back area behind the city. Kampung Besar, Mabar, Deli Tua, Pancur Bricks and Padang Bulan pinned down and in bombs. Of course the goal is to cut logistical support to troops in the city. But even so, the higher the morale of our troops are achieved thanks to the victory.
Because the feeling of urgency, the Netherlands asked the Chairman of RI to be stopped on the pretext of shooting to ensure the demarcation line that limits the powers of each. With the new demarcation, the troops who won places in the city, had withdrawn mundur.Selagi we will hold a consolidation in Two Rivers, Tanjung Morawa, Binjai and Tembung, they were attacked by the Dutch. The battle went all night. Dutch attack on December 30, 1946 is really crippling the power of our army. Regional army positions one by one fell into the hands of the Netherlands. In the Dutch attack overran Sikambing River, so it can break into any arah.Perkembangan struggle attracted the attention of the Commander in Medan Sumatra commandment. He considered that the struggle waged by the army People’s Regiment Field Area, is because the policy itself. Commandment decided to form a new command, led by Lt. Col. Sucipto. Handover of command took place on January 24, 1947 in Tanjung Morawa. Since then, the troops entered the Front TRI Medan Area, including assistance from Aceh who joined the Regiment of the Special Field Area.
Within 3 weeks of Field Command Area (KMA) held a consolidated, organized plan new attacks against the city of Medan. Its power is about 5 battalions to the division of the appropriate target. Hari “H” is determined February 15, 1947 and at “j” is 06.00. Unfortunately due to communication error of this attack was not done simultaneously, but nevertheless managed to make a general attack Dutch scrambling all night. Lacking heavy weapons, the way the battle is not changed. dawn our troops to retreat to Mariendal. General attack February 15, 1947 This is the last major attack launched by pejoang-pejoang in Medan Area.

Until the eve of the Dutch Military Aggression to I, where RI in Medan Area troops amounted to a riel at 7 battalion and remained in its original position which divides the Front Area of ​​sectors Medan, Medan is the east, south of Medan, Medan Medan west and north. And so did divide Medan on 4 the same sector, and thus they are directly confronted with kita.Pada troops during the Dutch Military Aggression to the I, the Dutch launched an offensive against the forces of Indonesia to all sectors. Resistance to the Dutch almost a week, and after that the troops withdrew from Medan RI Area.
Conclusion: The battle in Medan Area is the most fierce resistance and long in East Sumatra, which lasted nearly two years. In this event is to motivate young people and fighters who do not want occupation, accompanied by a tenacious attitude and never give up. But even so no matter how strong the motivation, without based on cooperation and good coordination, each activity can fail. History has proved how bitter this state. (The author is pejoang ’45 and former prisoners)

LOGAM affair,

These events were related to feelings of dissatisfaction among the public preformance which is limited to those from northern Tapanuli, with accusations that the Government had tirikan their children, he said all officials are from Aceh, no one from North Tapanuli. To menunnukkan dissatisfaction, they MADE  a demonstration, which nearly caused a shedding of BLOOD .Syyukur situations can be mastered.  SM.Amin, REsiden Aceh T.Muhammad Daudsyah dan Residen Tapanuli Dr F.L.tobing .However the situation remains critical that the Government felt to remain vigilant and find it necessary to issue an edict warning addressed to the people to split the incident so as not terjad9i, this edict was signed by Governor Young S. M. Amin, Muhammad T. Daudsyah Aceh Resident and Resident Tapanuli Dr F.L.Tobing. However the situation remains critical that the Government felt to remain vigilant and find it necessary to issue an edict warning addressed to the people to split the incident so as not terjad9i, this edict was signed by Governor Young S. M. Amin, Muhammad T. Daudsyah Aceh Resident and Resident Tapanuli Dr FLTobing.

The leader of this affair led by Mr Logam, had arrested at Pematang Siantar Jail. nbut one day there was a demostration which consist of Battaks peoples in the front of gubervernour  sumatera Office which guarded by  the official and Police which came from aceh.the demontrations sent their “Utusan” to meet with Gouvenour Sumatra,which located at the second floor, after their tals about what their wanted, as fast as built one small”panitia”  to accepted the demonstration envoy, the small panitia consist Gubernur Muda Sumatera Utara (SM Amin),Mr Abdul Abbas(staff Gouvernur Sumatra), and zmr Laut siregar(Staf Gubernur sumatra), the small Panitia meet the Demontran utusan, the demostran asking Mr Logam free from jail arrested.Gubevernour sumatera asking Let.Colonel Bachtiar, the chief of Militer Police Detasme at Pematang siantart whic he arrested Mr Logam, after get the information from Let.Col. Bachtiar, Gouvernour Sumatra release from jail arrested.


The second challenge faced was from the “Lasjkar Marsuse” pane under the leadership of the East. Lasjkar Marsuse This is a combination of several lasjkar a united and demanded an official recognition by the Government as well as a number of funds each month pernelanjaan Rp.120.000.000, -, a jumalh no small sehingga demand was rejected, consequently Pane East with several bodyguards then came to the young governor sumatra north and try to earn money by persuasion-persuasion. This persuasion did not work either, so get out the threat with the words = words: “WHEN VICE PRESIDENT ARRIVES IN LATER Siantar” (vice president is being awaited his arrival from the United Kingdom) “I will do my get it from him and WHERE NOT SUCCEED, THEN AN OCCUR FLOOD BLOOD “. But what happens is a bloodbath as a result of invasion of the Netherlands towards the republic, invasion, known as “Politioneel Actie”.



Para pemimpim perjuangan harus segera sadar kembali kejalan kompromi untuk kelanjutan perjuangan yang tidak mungkin dilakukan sendiri-sendiri. Suatu komando yang tidak teratur tidak akan mungkin membawa kemenangan. Dalam hal ini Pemerintah dan komando Tentara Republik Indonesia sependapat untuk membentuk komado guna menyatukan Komado Lasykar Rakyat di Medan area, menginggat sudah cukup banyak kekuatan Lasykar Rakyat yang mengepung kota medan.Diperkirakan keeeeeekuatan Lasykar rakyat sudah ada satu resimen belum lagi termasuk Batalion-batalion Tentra Republik Indonesia(Tentara Pemerntah).Sebagaimana yang tealh diuraikan sebelumnya  penyebab adalah persaingan diklaangan partai termasuk barisan perjuangannya adalah masalah perbekalan dan perbelanjaaan, ka setelah terbentuknya suatu resimen yang teratur tentu membawa konsekwensi kepadsa masalah perbekaln juga(Caatan Dr Iwan, ternyat komando medan area yang dibentuk membuat surat huatng yang tidak pernah dibayar-ini fakta,lihat bonnya yang asli disimpan pemilik dan kemudian  ditemukan di Medan,mungkin pemiliknya sudah meninggal dunia dan keluarga tidak mngerti nilai sejarah bon hutang tersebut.)

Maka untuk keperluan tersebut ,seluruh perbekalan ditanggung oleh dewan Pertahanan Sumatera Timur yang berkedudukan di Tebing Tinggi. Untu memimpin komando resimen Kasykar Rakyat ini dipercayakan kepada Kapten NIP Xarim.Untuk meudahkan Komando voering selajutnya makan front Medan area dibagi dalam empat sector: Sector Barat dipegang oleh Kaptem ABd.Hamid, sector Timur dipegang Yacub Lubis, sectorutara olh Barani POhan dan sector Xelatan oleh Yahya Ibrahim(Yahya Aceh) Pasuka istimewa Pesindo Andalas utara oleh Aladin sitompul. Formulir kosong lain yang ditemui dari Kilang Tentara ,Bat.III.Res.I Dipisi Gadjah II Soematera Kaban Jahe(in the back surat hutangdevisi Gajah II) .look the form below.

also found the 5 liter  cylinder .bonds which never paid,

Komando Medan area bonds of  one car batteriy

Another bon from kompani II batalion 1 Dipisi Panah(arrow)  Tanjung Morawa

Bon GPPI tanjomg Morawa  4500 F.


Operasi-operasi militer Inggris semakin intensif dilaksanakan dan kantor gubernur terpaksa dipindahkan ke kantor walikota. Markas Divisi II TKR dipindahkan pula ke Pematang Siantar. Demikian pula Laskar-laskar Pemuda memindahkan markasnya masing-masing ke luar kota Medan untuk mengadakan konsolidasi. Pasukan laskar masih bertempur tanpa adanya kesatuan komando, maupun koordinasi. Lambat laun mereka menyadari kelemahan ini setelah beberapa kali menderita kerugian.
Atas perakasa Dewan Pertahanan Daerah, maka diundang para komandan laskar untuk berunding di Tebing Tinggi selama 2 hari pada tanggal 8-10 Agustus 1946 untuk membahas masalah perjuangan. Akhirnya mereka sepakat membentuk Komando Resimen Laskar Rakyat Medan Area (KRLMA). Konsekuensinya dari pembentukan komando ini, Laskar-laskar dibebaskan dari organisasi induknya masing-masing. Kapten Nip Karim dipilih sebagai Komandan dan Marzuki Lubis sebagai Kepala Staf. Markas Komando berada di Two Rivers. KRLMA terdiri dari 5 batalyon dan 1 kompi istimewa dengan pembagian wilayah dan tanggung jawab pasti.
Atas prakarsa pimpinan Divisi Gajah dan KRIRMA pada 10 Oktober 1941 disetujui untuk mengadakan serangan bersama. Sasaran yang akan direbut di Medan Timur adalah Kampung Sukarame, Sungai Kerah. Di Medan barat ialah Padang Bulan, Petisah, Jalan Pringgan, sedangkan di Medan selatan adalah kota Matsum yang akan jadi sasarannya. rencana gerakan ditentukan, pasukan akan bergerak sepanjang jalan Medan-Belawan.
Hari “H” ditentukan tgl 27 Oktober 1946 pada jam 20.00, sasaran pertama Meda timur dan Medan selatan. Tepat pada hari “H”, Batalyon A Resimen Laskar rakyat di bawah Bahar bergerak menduduki Pasar Tiga bagian Kampung Sukarame, sedangkan Batalyon B menuju ke kota Matsum dan menduduki Jalan Mahkamah dan Jalan Utama. Di Medan barat Batalyon 2 Resimen lasykar rakyat dan pasukan Ilyas Malik bergerak menduduki jalan Pringgan, kuburan China dan Jalan Binjei.
Patut diketahui, bahwa beberapa waktu yang lalu, pihak Inggris telah menyerahkan sebagian kekuasaannya kepada Belanda. Pada saat sebagian pasukan Inggris bersiap-siap untuk ditarik dan digantikan oleh pasukan Belanda, pasukan kita menyerang mereka. Gerakan-gerakan batalyon-batalyon Resimen Lasykar Rakyat Medan Area rupanya tercium oleh pihak Inggris/Belanda. Daerah Medan selatan dihujani dengan tembakan mortir. Pasukan kita membalas tembakan dan berhasil mengehentikannya.
Sementara itu Inggris menyerang seluruh Medan selatan. Pertempuran jarak dekat berkobar di dalam kota. Pada keesokan harinya kota Matsum bagian timur diserang kembali. Pasukan Inggris yang berada di Jalan Ismailiah berhasil dipukul mundur.Sementara pertempuran berlangsung, keluar perintah pada 3 November 1946 gencetan senjata diadakan dalam rangka penarikan pasukan Inggris dan pada gencatan senjata itu dilakukan, digunakan untuk berunding menentukan garis demarkasi. Pendudukan Inggris secara resmi diserahkan kepada Belanda pada tanggal 15 November 1946.Tiga hari setelah Inggris meninggalkan kota Medan, Belanda mulai melanggar gencatan senjata. Di pulau Brayan pada tanggal 21 November, Belanda merampas harta benda penduduk, dan pada hari berikutnya Belanda membuat persoalan lagi dengan menembaki pos-pos pasukan Laskar di Stasiun Mabar, juga Padang Bulan ditembaki.Pihak Laskar membalas. Kolonel Schalten ditembak ketika meliwati di depan pos Lasykar. Belanda membalas dengan serangan besar-besaran di pelosok kota. Angkatan Udara Belanda melakukan pengeboman, sementara itu di front Medan selatan di Jalan Mahkamah kita mendapat tekanan berat, tapi di Sukarame gerakan pasukan Belanda dapat dihentikan.Pada tanggal 1 Desember 1946 pasukan kita mulai menembakkan mortir ke sasaran pangkalan Udara Polonia dan Sungai Mati. Keesokan harinya Belanda menyerang kembali daerah belakang kota. Kampung Besar, Mabar, Deli Tua, Pancur Bata dan Padang Bulan ditembaki dan di bom. Tentu tujuannya adalah memotong bantuan logistik bagi pasukan yang berada di kota. Tapi walaupun demikian, moral pasukan kita makin tinggi berkat kemenangan yang dicapai.
Karena merasa terdesak, Belanda meminta kepada Pimpinan RI agar tembak menembak dihentikan dengan dalih untuk memastikan garis demarkasi yang membatasi wilayah kekuasaan masing-masing. Dengan adanya demarkasi baru, pasukan-pasukan yang berhasil merebut tempat-tempat di dalam kota, terpaksa ditarik mundur.Selagi kita akan mengadakan konsolidasi di Two Rivers, Tanjung Morawa, Binjai dan Tembung, mereka diserang oleh Belanda. Pertempuran berjalan sepanjang malam. Serangan Belanda pada tanggal 30 Desember 1946 ini benar-benar melumpuhkan kekuatan laskar kita. Daerah kedudukan laskar satu demi satu jatuh ke tangan Belanda. Dalam serangan Belanda berhasil menguasai Sungai Sikambing, sehingga dapat menerobos ke segala arah.Perkembangan perjuangan di Medan menarik perhatian Panglima Komandemen Sumatera. Ia menilai bahwa perjuangan yang dilakukan oleh Resimen Lasykar Rakyat Medan Area, ialah karena kebijakan sendiri. lihatlah illustrasi  para pejuang dari lasjkar medan area Tanjongmorawa  dibawah ini:
Komandemen memutuskan membentuk komando baru, yang dipimpin oleh Letkol Sucipto. Serah terima komando dilakukan pada tanggal 24 Januari 1947 di Tanjung Morawa. Sejak itu pasukan-pasukan TRI memasuki Front Medan Area, termasuk bantuan dari Aceh yang bergabung dalam Resimen Istimewa Medan Area.
Dalam waktu 3 minggu Komando Medan Area (KMA) mengadakan konsolidasi, disusun rencana serangan baru terhadap kota Medan. Kekuatannya sekitar 5 batalyon dengan pembagian sasaran yang tepat. Hari “H” ditentukan 15 Februari 1947 dan jam “j” adalah pukul 06.00. Sayang karena kesalahan komunikasi serangan ini tidak dilakukan secara serentak, tapi walaupun demikian serangan umum ini berhasil membuat Belanda kalang kabut sepanjang malam. Karena tidak memiliki senjata berat, jalannya pertempuran tidak berobah. menjelang subuh pasukan kita mundur ke Mariendal. Serangan umum 15 Februari 1947 ini adalah serangan besar terakhir yang dilancarkan oleh pejoang-pejoang di Medan Area.Sampai menjelang Agresi Militer ke I Belanda, yang mana pasukan RI di Medan Area berjumlah yang riel sebesar 7 batalyon dan tetap pada kedudukan semula yang membagi Front Medan Area atas beberapa sektor, ialah Medan timur, Medan selatan, Medan barat dan Medan utara. Dan begitu pula membagi Medan atas 4 sektor yang sama, dan dengan demikian mereka langsung berhadapan dengan pasukan kita.Pada saat terjadi Agresi Militer Belanda ke I, Belanda melancarkan serangannya terhadap pasukan RI ke semua sektor. Perlawanan terhadap Belanda hampir 1 minggu, dan setelah itu pasukan-pasukan RI mengundurkan diri dari Medan Area.
Kesimpulan:Pertempuran di Medan Area merupakan perlawanan yang paling sengit dan panjang di Sumatera Timur, yang berlangsung hampir 2 tahun. Dalam peristiwa ini ialah motivasi rakyat dan Pemuda Pejuang yang tidak mau dijajah dengan disertai sikap ulet dan pantang menyerah. Tapi walaupun demikian bagaimana pun kuatnya motivasi, tanpa dilandasi kerjasama dan koordinasi yang baik, maka setiap kegiatan dapat mengalami kegagalan. Sejarah telah membuktikan betapa pahitnya keadaan ini. (Penulis adalah pejoang ’45 dan mantan tawanan)

(d) Naskah Lingarjati agreement


the extreme rare,only one exist in the world, the Repoblic Indonesia overprint Dai Nippon revenue F 5,-(new roepiah) and old f.75,- for legalized the document”Soerat talak”Islamic Divorce “by the chief of repoblic poostoffice boekittinggi official stamped.and the other rare F 2.50 revenue (not clear document)


my sister

After recieved this letter, drop first talak from brother to sister and who hear this will the witness …etc(islamic divorce or talak)

original document in Indonesia


 seterima surat ini maka jatuh talak kakanda kepada adinda  dan siapa yang mendengar itulah yang menjadi saksi  dan seterusnya.(hand written with pencil)


The State Contrubutie tax(Ijoeran negara),paid at Padang Panjang post office CDS 20,4.47.


The NICA USAprinting postalstationer landscape 3 1/2 cent send from Djakarta  to semarang.



240 people from America arrived at Tanjong Priok and went to the inner place(meneruskan perjalanan kedaerah pedalaman)


The Malang Post magazine no 11 info

(a) cover

(b)Penjara di Zaman Repoeblik

Pada hari sabtu,22 maret 1947 setelah minta izin dari tuan R.P. Bahroedin, pemimpin Pejara Daderah Malang, wartawan kitanbersama fotograaf Malang POst melangkah pintu yang meisahkan ribuan orang hukuman dari dunia luar.Kepala keamanan penjara tuan soentro menyambut kita dengan ramah-tamah. Kesan pertama yang kita dapat dari dalam penjara adalah suasana tenang dan tentram serta merasa seperti masuk dlam satu pusat  pemberi pekerjaaan yang walaupun ada sedikit primitif(sederhana) tapi cukup berguan untuk orang yang dipenjarakan, Kemudian kita melihat rumah sakit yang diatur begitu resik,hingga tidak perlu malu dengan rumah sakit biasa, tetapi persediaan obatnya masih kurang. Seblum seorang hukuman baru dapat dicampurkan dengan orang hubuman lain, mereka dimasukkan dalm blok orang baru atau karantina seperti  pulau Onrust, orang baru ditilik kesehatannya oleh doketr penjara Dr Drajat, apabila kesehatannya tidak membahhayakan barulah orang baru itu dicampurkan dengan orang hukuman lain, dalam ruamh sakit diberikan perawatan baik malah ada yang diberei minum susu sehingga mereka merasa kerasan disnan. Dari rumah sakit kita mnuju ke bermacam pekerjaaaan , seperti tempat memintal,menenum,mengayam tikar,bengkel besi,pembikinan barang dari kulit. Yang tidak bekerja disini,bekerja  cocok tanam. buah-buahan dan sayuran.kita melihat kelas buta huruf ,dimana kebetulan gurunya sedang mengajar sejumlah anak umur 16 tahun kebawah. Orang dewasa juga diajar surat menyurat. Akhirnya kita sampai kedapur, bagan penting karewna masyarakat sudah memasrahkan orang yang berdosa sehingga mereka jangan kekurangan makan dn menderita busung lapar, mereka dihukum perbuatannya dan tidak boleh menghukum jiwanya,  DSelain itu juga kita melihat penjara wanita,mereka juga  dapat bantal empuk dan pakaian perempuan penjara,sarung dan bajukurung biru yang s Semua serba baik,mereka tidak tidur diatas beton tetapi diatas ranjang dan sifat pe njara seperti rumah sekolah. (Perlu dibaca oleh pemimpin penjara masa kini untuk dijadikan contoh)


Bon pinjaman uang untuk pembelian busi mobil harga F.300 dari Wakil Kepala  Djabatan perhubungan komado Medan are (Markas Pertempoeran Komando Medan Area ) di Tanjungmorawa(rare original leasing bonds )

April 24 th.1947

Dutch create state of Pasundan in western Java.


The unpaid Bonds of The Battle ‘s command Medan Area Tanjongmorawa

April ,29th.1947

(a)The rare Repoeblic Indonesia Income Tax Paid at Padang Panjang West sumatra Postal office with CDS 29.7.1947

(b) The earliest used of ORI overprint repoblik Indonesia revenue  -.15 lima belas sen (fifteen cent) for buying bond(andeel) Menara Kudus(cigaret factory)

Look the andeel (bonds) of nv oepii below.

May 1947

In early Mei 1947, S.M.Amin was pointed as the Young Guvernour(Gubernur Muda) North Sumatra, by telegram from Vice president Moh,Hatta via Resident Aceh T.Chik Myhamaad Daudsyah.,before he was the chief executive of DPR Aceh , at last Mei he went to Pematang siantar where the capital of Sumatra Province ,in order to meet the Govermur Sumatra Tewuku Mohammads Hassan where he was inagurated , before the capital at Medan but  moving because the Dutch pressuded. Several days working, S.M.Amin must solved the LOGAM (metal) and Marsuse affairs.

original informations:

LOGAM affair,

Peristiwa ini terjadi berkaitan dengan perasaan tidak puas dalm kalangan masyarakat yang terbatas pada mereka yang berasal dari  Tapanuli utara, dengan tuduhan bahwa  Pemerintah meng anak tirikan  mereka, katanya seluruh pejabat berasal dari Aceh,tidak ada yang berasal dari tapanuli utara. Untuk menu nnukkan rasa tidak puas, mereka mengakan suatu demonstrasi , yang hampir menimbulkan suatu pertumpahan darah.Syyukur situasi dapat dikuasai . Namum keadaan tetap dirasa gawat sehingga Pemerintah tetap waspada dan merasa perlu dikeluarkan sebuah Maklumat  Peringatan yang ditujukan kepada rakyat  agar kejadian perpecahan agar tidak terjad9i,maklumat ini ditanda tangani oleh Gubernur Muda S>M>Amin, REsiden Aceh T.Muhammad Daudsyah dan Residen Tapanuli Dr F.L.Tobing.


Tantangan kedua yang dihadapi adalah dari pihak “Lasjkar Marsuse” dibawah pimpinan Timur pane. Lasjkar Marsuse ini adalah gabungan beberapa lasjkar yang bersatu dan menuntut suatu pengakuan resmi oleh Pemerintah serta  dana pernelanjaan setiap bulan sejumlah Rp.120.000.000,-,suatu jumalh yang tidak sedikit seh8ingga tuntutan itu ditolak, akibatnya Timur Pane dengan beberapa pengawalnya kemudian mendatangi gubernur muda sumatra  utara dan berusaha memperoleh uang tersebut dengan bujukan-bujukan. Bujukan ini juga tidak berhasil ,sehingga keluar ancaman dengan kata=kata:”BILAMANA WAKIL PRESIDEN NANTI TIBA DI PEMATANG SIANTAR” (wakil presiden memang  sedang ditunggu kedatangannya dari Bukittinggi)”AKAN SAYA USAHAKAN MEMPEROLEHNYA DARI BELIAU DAN BILAMANA TIDAK BERHASIL,MAKA AN TERJADI BANJIR DARAH”. Tetapi yang terjadi adalah banjir darah sebagai akibat serbuan belanda kearah daerah republik, serbuan yang dikenal dengan sebutan “Politioneel Actie”.

In May 1947, a ship named KM Trade. Bali arrested by the Dutch in the waters of Kuala Tungkal and Sea village to jambi. In addition to commodities such as rice, on the ship there is also a passenger:

1. Captain M. Thaib RH (Company Commander Kuala Tungkal)

2. Sergeant Major Cedet / Kadir Naning (Adjutant) and several bodyguards

3. National Outcome Inspector Helper. Asmara Siagian II (police officer)

4. Teacher David (Head of Religious Bureau Kuala Tungkal)

5. H. Abdullah Aziz (Kuala Tungkal Religious Judge)

6. H. Mohd. Thaib (Office of Civil Religion Kuala Tungkal)

7. Gumri Abdullah (religious teacher) and several other civilians.

KM. Bali with all its passengers were taken to Tanjung Pinang (Riau), while the rice in the waste into the sea.

Captain M. Thaib RH and Letda R. Umar and his men captured in Tanjung Pinang, other civilian passengers were freed. Captain M. Thaib RH and his men were released after the handover of sovereignty of Indonesia.


President Soekarno order as the higest Command Indonesian Army, in as fast Indonesian amred forces (TRI-tentara repoeblik Indonesia)  and the Lasjkar joined in in one organization TNI(tentara Nasional Indonesia _ Indonesia National Army)


(a)The rare emergency overprint  prangko on dai Nippon revenue at palembang, postally used cover send fro Palembang  cds 6.5.47

(b) The original letter of badan pemeriksaan Military Police Division Banteng I Sumatera


THe overprint repoeblik Indonesia -from java on Ned Indie karbouw 2 cent stamp(5x) postally used from Tjiawi to Djkarta.


The very rare used Palembang emergency overprint Repoeblik Indonesia on Dai Nippon revenue  stamps used on cover from Palembang(black and white illustration,recoloured)


The Document of repoeblic Indonesia soerakarta  Justice Court ,about the  “Ahliwaris”


 On May 10, 1947 Battleship Dutch then looked at the tip of the island Poncan Tower and soon anchorage, 1.5 Miles from the Port of Sibolga, with berlabuhnya Dutch war ships, Sibolga standby entire force deployed to keep things that are not desirable , Unity Tapanuli security delivered protest filed by the Company Commander of Navy Oswald Siahaan to Warship Netherlands, but incidents of the negotiators Oswald Siahaan with Dutch ship shootout.

3) With the incident then the chairman of the Defense Council Tapanuli Dutch Warships ordered to immediately leave the port if no action will be taken. The whole combat ready troops firing when the Dutch ship did not go, because the Dutch did not leave the Ship Defense Council ordered to shoot a Dutch ship, resulting in the crossfire between the forces of Indonesia by the Dutch Warship for 6 hours, Dutch Warship finally shoot blindly Ship The Dutch left the Gulf War Sibolga

4) With the blind blindly Dutch war ship then fired Sibolga MAS KADIRAN mepercepat ordered and mobilized for the completion of the manufacture of cannon, unfortunately while testing the cannon, one of the members of Barisan SPECIAL POLICE Residency Tapanuli named “LUNCIUS Simanjuntak” dead less than a month the death Luncius Simanjuntak cannon shooter Distance MAS KADIRAN completed with the name calling Meriam Meriam “LUNCIUS” in order to commemorate the name of one of the members who died while testing the cannon. Finally, experts in these techniques can resolve the 3 pieces of cannon, a cannon shooter distance size of 8 inches, one anti-aircraft cannon and a cannon Anti Tank Cal. 3.8 inch.

i. SPECIAL POLICE FORCES row Tapanuli INTO CAR Brigade residency residency Tapanuli

(MBK Tapanuli)

1) In accordance with the provisions of the Branch Bureau of Police for the Sumatra and Tapanuli Command Chief Residency at the melting renamed “POLICE CAR residency Tapanuli Brigade” Brigade POLICE CAR’s name is based on the letter of Command Chief of Police No. Young. : 126 / 78 / 91 November 14, 1946. concerning the establishment of Mobile Brigade in each of the residency of the formation of the Brigade Police Cars are meant to uniform name, rank structure, the task of working procedures of the police forces that are at the Residency in Indonesia where the name of a wide Variety of Police, there PATRIOT POLICE, POLICE EXEMPLARY, SPECIAL POLICE Barisan , POLICE FAST MOTION. etc.

2) The main purpose of the establishment of Mobile Brigade is composed Forces – the small army as the core of a strong police firepower with high mobility, in each residency in the form of Mobile Brigade residency (MBK) and led by a TK-POLICE INSPECTOR I / II as for the strength of 100 people or more, with space covering the entire residency, Administration, Organization and under the leadership Tactical Police Chief Residency.

3). In addition to the residency of Mobile Brigade (MBK), the Center / Bureau held Reservists are called Mobile Brigade LARGE (MBB), led by the Bureau MBB A POLICE COMMISSIONER receiving command and directly responsible to the Head of State Police. Reservists / MBB-strength 100 s / d 600 Armament Members who complete it.

May 11 th.1947.

Sultan Hamid II of Pontianak governed the “Daerah Istimewa Kalimantan Barat” in cooperation with the Dutch (corresponding to today’s Kalimantan Barat province). He was arrested in 1950 for involvement in a plot against the Indonesian government.

Dutch create state of West Kalimantan with Sultan of Pontianak at head; Sjahrir protests

Dutch vehicle in flames after a guerilla ambush at Puncak, April 1947


Radio Station at delangoe picture during “diresmikan” President soekarno

May ,15th.1947

Used local soematra repoblik Indonesia bea meterai (revenue) f.15,- type WSR 2.(rare nominal)(if the speciaolist collector want to know the different of type WSR 1 and WSR 2 ,please subscribed as the block premium member-Dr Iwan Not, different design of repoeblik Indonesia bea meterai)


the rare Palembang republic overprint PTT NRI on Dai Nippon stamp used on complete document


The official letter from Bandung ,cds Bandoeng BKT 1 22.3.47 to  Batavia centrum. arrived CDS  Batavia C the back of cover.


The used local Sumatra repoblik Indonesia revenue f 1,-(small f) in may,23th 1947, theearliest  12/3.47. two different colour,type WSR 2.


The recieved of building cionstruction from palembang with  Overprint Palembang PTT NRI in round ball Dai Nippon revenue


The latest used of Local  sumatra repoeblik Indonesia revenue f.150  in May.29th,1947, the earliest Sepetember,16th.1946,type WSR 1


The tranportation(pengankutan)  of  last  350  APWI_allied Prisoner  War Indonesia (rombongan tahanan perang) from Republic area arrived at Jakarta.


The picture of Genral sudirman,and othe TNI leader , during “dilantik”inaugurated  by Presiden sukarno at president nRI  Palace Jogya.

(a)In June 1947, Lieutenant Young A. Page Yatub and Sergeant Tambunan arrested by the Dutch Navy in the waters between Kuala Tungkal Sea and the village, they served to bring fighters from Kuala Tungkal incorporated in Lasyakar commander to be sent to the Front Estuary Rupit / Lubuk Linggau.

Dutch complain that Indonesia is stopping shipments of rice to Dutch-controlled areas.Egypt and Syria recognize the Republic of Indonesia.

Menistery Moh.Roem, Mr Amir Sjarifuddin,Hemangku Buwono and Mr A.Madjid arrive at Jakarta due to Prime Menistry St Sjahrir invitation because the situation became worst(suasana semakin Genting)

June ,3th.`1947

(a)Tentara Keamanan Rakyat (Indonesian Army) is renamed Tentara Nasional Indonesia or the unity of TRI and Lajkar Rakyat  Indonesia.

(b) The used local sumatra repoeblik Indonesia revenue  f.25,-, earliest date June,3th.1947, and the latest November.13th.1947( the revenue became up in june from  f 15,-)


The rare document of Aceh Railway (Kereta Api) office


The Unpaid bond Billing  of Komando tempur Medan Area Tanjoengmorawa (east sumatra)


the rare document of the chief of Loerah amapaloe west sumatra repoeblic village(Waminegeri pemerintah repoeblik Indonesia) official stamped . the document about “harta Poesaka”


the rare Medeka newspaper card send  express mail from Djakrta to jogyakarta,with 2x 15 sen and 1×40 sen java repoeblic Indonesia definitive stamps.

June ,18th.1947

The very rare postally used emergency stamps overprint prangko on dai nippon revenue  f0,50 and f 2,- cds Palembang 18.6.47 to Painan west sumatra.

and the complete series of the stamp above in mint (unused) condition.


The Ned Indie Briefkaart kartoepos karbouw 3 1/2 cent send from  Gouw Ho machine fabric Pejagalan 2 CDS Batavia 26.6.47 first type to Semarang

The Poster of Bale Poestaka Batvia Centrum the Lampoeng Book by K.R.A.A. Probonegoro.(rare Nica poster)

(c)the rare bookstore cover with Dr sunyatsen san min chu I book promotion

June 26

(a)Dutch forces mobilize for an invasion of Madura, and eventually Java. William Foote, a USA diplomat, intervenes and offers to mediate between Dutch and Indonesians. The invasion is postponed.

(b) The rare Komando Tempoer Medan area Billing Bond which never pain,sign at Kabanjahe 26.7.1947.

June 27

(a)president’s announcement No.6 YEAR 1947

Berhubung with the urgency of the situation at the present time, the President of the Indonesian republic, on 06/27/1947, government  completely took power for a while,

Yogyakarta, 03:30 hours

dated 26.7.1947

President of the Indonesian republic


at the same time, General Spoor, the DEI chief command, issuing orders dag (Day Order):

1, Day of week begins with the transfer 26/06/1947 all vehicles by the Dutch Military. 2. Sunday afternoon began with the consolidation of all forces that will participate in aksi.3.Senin 30/06/1947 at 3:30 am (AM) beginning with affeideningsactie vanuit aanvalpunten (attack points) 4.senen 06.00 (AM) morning begins with a general attack across the front. 5.Didaerah which has been occupied by Dutch troops have conducted large-besaran.6.Seluruh pengankapan houses of any nation must also digeledah.7.Perintah is valid if the Saturday date of 06/28/1947 at 14:00 (PM) tidka revoked.

With the leaking of the above order of the day, the Great Commander General Sudirmasn menegeluarkan command as follows:

1.Angkatan the Republic of Indonesia and all the people should remain firm, vigilant, alert and ready (not careless) .2. If the Dutch army at one place has started to conduct the attacks on the Indonesian side should be held as well as possible resistance, no (not necessary) to wait for another command from the helm of the republic Indonesia.3.Gerakan Prerang Force general on the whole of Indonesia to maintain a State run by orders from the helm of the army of the Republic of large-scale battles Indonesia.4.Jika ynag didajului actual (executed) by dutch army, then the resistance simultaneously (total) that best

original Info:


bBerhubung dengan gentingnya keadaan pada waktu sekarang,maka Presiden repoeblik Indonesia,pada tanggal 27.6.1947 ,mengambil kekuasaan Pemerintah sepenuhnya untuk sementara waktu,

Yogyakarta,jam 03.30

tanggal 26.7.1947

Presiden Repoeblik Indonesia


 at the same time,General Spoor ,the DEI chief command , mengeluarkan dag order(Day Order):

1, Hari minggu 26.6.1947 dimulai dengan pengoperan semua kendaraan oleh Militer Belanda. 2. Minggu sore dimulai dengan konsolidasi seluruh pasukan yang akan ikut dalam aksi.3.Senin 30.6.1947 jam 03.30 pagi(AM) dimulai dengan affeideningsactie vanuit aanvalpunten(titik serangan) 4.senen jam 06.00(AM) pagi dimulai dengan serangan umum diseluruh front.5.Didaerah yang telah diduduki oleh tentara belanda harus diadakan pengankapan besar-besaran.6.Seluruh rumah dari bangsa apapun juga harus digeledah.7.Perintah ini berlaku jika pada hari sabtu tanggal 28.6.1947 jam 14.00(PM) tidka dicabut.

Dengan bocornya perintah harian diatas, maka Panglima Besar Jendral Sudirman  menegeluarkan perintah sebagai berikut:

1.Angkatan Perang Republik Indonesia dan rakyat seluruhnya harus tetap tegas,awas,waspada dan siap sedia(jangan lengah).2.Jika disalah satu tempat tentara Belanda telah mulai mengadakan serangan maka dari pihak Indonesia harus segera mengadakan perlawanan sebaik-baiknya,tidak usah(tidak perlu)  menunggu Komando lagi dari pucuk pimpinan Angkatan Prerang republik Indonesia.3.Gerakan umum mengenai seluruh Indonesia untuk mempertahankan Negara dijalankan dengan perintah dari pucuk pimpinan angkatan perang Republik Indonesia.4.Jika pertempuran besar-besaran ynag sesungguhnya didajului(dijalankan) oleh tentara belanda,maka perlawanan serentak(total) yang sebaik-baiknya

(b)Amir Sjarifuddin and the “Left Wing” withdraw support of Sjahrir. Sjahrir leaves the government and becomes Indonesia’s representative at the United Nations. Amir Sjarifuddin becomes Prime Minister

Dutch soldiers in Batavia, 1947. By the start of the first Dutch “police action”, there were 92,000 Dutch forces in Indonesia.


the unpaid bonds for medan areacommand  headquater ‘s car (TRI 26) reapiar  by Mr Abdoekl Rahman Tandjong Morawa left. this bod sign by Letnasn A.rahman with medan area official choped,

also look the picture of Medan area headquaters  after burn during politional action


The rare Repoeblic Indonesia Special Card with pen line overprint on dancer 2 cent with Repoeblic Java definitive 3 cent, postally used send from Djakarta.


(1) the month of July 1947, Vice President Mohammad Hatta arrived in Siantar in the review of the Sumatran, after several ahari he was disana.Gubernur sumatra received the news of a private intelligence, that the Dutch army had occupied the city of high cliffs and continue toward the town of siantara, being The TNI and Police beriat no nothing. This is important news as soon submitted to the vice president M. Hatta. meanwhile sma news from the TNI and police followed, so that immediate action should be taken to save the Vice President who happened to be in Sumatra Siantar.Gubernur Pematang instructed to his car, Chrysler’s 7-seat (white elephant) immediately covered with leaves so that the color white no longer visible from the ship flying the Dutch. After consultation with the Vice-President Hatta, Governor sumatra plan to bring him to Brastagi, through Kananjahe and so on through Sidikalang to Bukittinggi. For that SM Amin ordered his driver to fill a full tank for the trip jauh.SEmentara Car gurbenur Sumatra past noon ready wrapped and covered with leaves. Since that time is the Fast, then paced a little food for Iftar are already prepared, had taken Similarly, the car used Sumatra.Anak Vice President and governors of Sumatra Governor and Wife and all goods are in his house had been left in Siantar, cukuk no time anymore to take care of it, handed it to God SWT.Rombongan just waiting for the arrival of Governor Mr Young. SM.Amin, so that can go together, but setalh how long to wait, he never dtang, his car was not returned from filling the fuel (BBM). Apparently accomplice in Siantar NICA has begun to play a role. Therefore it was already two o’clock in the afternoon (PM) then took the decision to Sumatra Guernur bernagkat to Brastagi, Mr. SM Amin was able to catch up later. Head with rush to Brastagi need to done in order  to prevent the Vice President was arrested by Dutch troops, it turns out later that the Dutch troops entered the town of siantar approximately 45 minutes after Vice President Moh.Hatta entourage departed, the group survived until the Brastagi afternoon.

look the illustration of vice presiden Moh Hatta  during departed to balige from pematang siantara and  from there to Tapanoeli and Bukittingi

Governor Young SM Amin who still lives in Siantar the Dutch army entered the city, asked to come to the office to the Netherlands to be examined

original info(ibid. Mr teuku Mohammad hassan,1986)

Dalam bulan July 1947, wakil Presiden Mohammad hatta tiba di pematang siantar dalam peninjauan ke sumatera, sesudah beberapa ahari beliau berada disana.Gubernur sumatra menerima berita dari seorang intel pribadi, bahwa tentara Belanda sudah menduduki kota Tebing tinggi dan terus menuju kota Pematang siantar,sedang dari pihak TNI dan Polisi belum ada berita apa-apa. berita penting ini segera disampaikan kepada wakil Presiden M.Hatta. sementara itu berita yang sma dari TNI dan Polisi menyusul,sehingga segera perlu diambil tindakan untuk menyelamatkan Wakil Presiden yang kebetulan berada di Pematang Siantar.Gubernur Sumatera menginstruksikan supaya mobilnya,Chrysler 7-seat(Gajah Putih) segera ditutup dengan daun-daun agar warna putihnya tidak kelihatan lagi dari kapal terbang Belanda. Sesudah bermusyawarah dengan Wakil Presiden Hatta,Gubernur sumatra merencanakan untuk membawa beliau ke Brastagi,melalui Kananjahe dan seterusnya melalui Sidikalang ke Bukittinggi. Untuk itu S.M Amin menyuruh supirnya untuk mengisi bensin penuh untuk perjalanan jauh.SEmentara Mobil gurbenur Sumatera lewat tengah hari siap dibalut dan ditutup dengan daun-daunan .Berhubung waktu itu adalah bulan Puasa,maka serba sedikit makanan untuk berbuka puasa yang sudah disiapkan,terpaksa dibawa pula dengan mobil yang digunakan Wakil Presiden dan gubernur Sumatra.Anak dan Isteri Gubernur Sumatra dan seluruh barang-barang yang ada dirumahnya terpaksa ditinggal di siantar,tidak cukuk waktu lagi untuk mengurusnya,diserahkan saja kepada Allah SWT.Rombongan hanya menunggu kedatangan Gubernur Muda Mr.SM.Amin,supaya dapat berangkat bersama, tetapi setalh menunggu berapa lama, ia tak kunjung datang,ternyata mobilnya belum kembali dari mengisi bahan bakar(BBM). Rupanya kaki tangan NICA di siantar sudah mulai memainkan peranannya,. Oleh karena waktu sudah menunjukkan jam dua siang(PM) maka Guernur Sumatra mengambil keputusan untuk bernagkat ke Brastagi,sedang Mr SM Amin bisa menyusul kemudian. Berangkat dengan bvuru-buru ke Brastagi perlu duilakukan untuk mencehag Wakil Presiden ditangkap oleh tentara Belanda,ternyata kemudian bahwa tentara belanda masuk kota Pematang siantar kira-kira 45 menit setlah rombongan Wakil Presiden Moh.Hatta berangkat,rombongan selamat sampai di Brastagi sore hari. Gubernur Muda SM AMIn yang masih tinggal di Pematang siantar waktu tentara Belanda masuk kota,diminta datang kekantor belanda untuk diperiksa.

(2)The July 1947, HUa Ning Tsing Nien Hui bewij van Lichmaatschap tevens contributiekaat(Chinese overseas Contrubution Card)


the very rare Dai Nippon Java 5 sen used with added  repoeblik Indonesia 17.8.45 anniversary bull stamps,cds Poerwokerto  sedn to Kebumen central java.


The unpaid Gasoline(bensin) five liter to Bengkel Rahman  from medan area command tanjong morawa.sign with official stamped.which never paid until the owner died.J


the rare Medreka News paper in fo today:


Bukittinggi, 1 July 1947.Kemarinrombongan Moh.Hatta vice president accompanied by rombonga Gurbernur Sumatra that now exists in New York City went to Loeboek aloeng 30 miles of desert. On the ground the vice president, Mr. Soerjo former governor of East Java and host Soepardo a speech in a rally which was held on that day. on his way home, the group stopped at the school who headed the INS kayoe Plant Moh lord, Syafei. Today Vice President headed back home and tomorrow he will go on to a new feed to Riau.


At 23:15 hours jogia 2-6.47 date night, President telang issued orders to Mr. Amir Sjarifuddin, Dr. AK Gani and Drs Setiadjid to form a Cabinet that is responsible and the national character. The formation of this cabinet must have been completed and has diserakan to the President on July 3 before 12 noon.


 Mr. Noor Tadjuddin former chairman of the State of East Indonesia’s parliament is now in solo explain bahma intent after his arrival in Java is no longer served as chairman of the parliament will see the NIT is the political situation here, especially pemb icaraan will also hold the leaders of the republic of Indonesia’s independence struggle Indonesia. He also explained that the position of cabinet Nadjamoedin would soon collapse if it is not getting any help from the dutch again. In general, people in the NIT really Repoeblikein, at least 80 percent among people who love republic, feeling too happy and willing to “adanya tantangan” Sjahrir to the Dutch prime minister to hold a plebiscite. regarding the status of Papua, mr Tadhuddin explained that according to information obtained from the van Mook, Papua has not been able to actually enter the NIT and will still be subject to the people of Papua, but later of course, also enter part of the union Indonesa Negra.

Permit DIRECTLY TO CHINA TO gwan Mr Tan Po

According to the announcement of the Ministry of State Urusanan Peranakkan begun on 17 July 1947, permission to go to Jakarta for the Chinese to inland areas on the way back to China, no longer maintained by lkementerian abroad through the medium of the interior ministry but by the Ministry of State for Peranakan (Mr Tan Po Gwan)



“Shadows Fadjar Time”

Celebrating Artists Congress.

With the leading artist of the theater yanr: Sofiah, Sukarno, Oedjang, Moestadjab, Goddess Reni, Ismail and others

original info;


Bukittinggi,1 juli 1947.Kemarinrombongan Wakil presiden Moh.Hatta diiringi oleh rombonga Gurbernur Sumatra yang sekarang ada di bukittinggi berangkat ke Loeboek aloeng 30 km dari padang. Ditempat itu wakil Presiden  ,Tuan soerjo bekas gubernur Jawa Timur dan tuan Soepardo mengadakan pidato dalam rapat raksasa yang dilangsungkan pada hari itu. dalam perjalanannya pulang ,rombongan singgah di sekolah INS kayoe Tanam yang dikepalai tuan Moh,Syafei. hari ini Wakil Presiden menuju kampung halaman beliau dan besok akan meneruskan perjalanan ke Pakan baru menuju Riau.


Di jogia tanggal 2-6.47 jam 23.15 malam, Presiden telang mengeluarkan perintah kepada Mr Amir Sjarifuddin, Dr A.K. Gani dan Drs Setiadjid untuk membentuk Kabinet yang bertanggung jawab dan bersifat nasional. Pembentukan kabinet ini harus telah selesai dan telah diserakan kepada Presiden pada tanggal 3 Juli sebelum jam 12 siang.


 Mr Tadjuddin noor bekas ketua parlemen Negara Indonesia Timur yang kini berada di solo menerangkan bahma maksud kedatangannya di jawa sesudah tidak lagi menjabat ketua parlemen NIT ialah akan melihat situasi politik disini,terutama juga akan mengadakan pemb icaraan dengan pemimpin repoeblik Indonesia tentang hal yang mengenai perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Ia juga menerangkan bahwa kedudukan kabinet Nadjamoedin akan segera runtuh jika sudah tidak mendapat bantuan dari belanda lagi. Dalam umumnya rakyat di NIT sungguh-sungguh Repoeblikein, paling sedikit 80 persen diantara rakyat yang mencinta Repoeblik, mera juga merasa senang dan bersedia dengan adanyatantanga perdana Menteri Sjahrir kepada belanda untuk mengadakan plebisit. mengenai status Papua, mr Tadhuddin menerangkan,bahwa menurut keterangan yang didapat dari van Mook, sesungguhnya Papua belum dapat masuk bagian nIT dan masih akan diadakan peninjauan kepada rakyat papua, tetapi kelak sudah barang tentu masuk juga bagian dari Negra Indonesa serikat.


Menurut pengumuman Kementerian negara Urusanan Peranakkan muali tanggal 17 juli 1947 , izin pergi ke jakarta bagi orang tionghoa untuk didaerah pedalaman dalam perjalanan pulang ke Tiongkok ,tidak lagi diurus oleh lkementerian luar negeri dengan perantaraan kementerian dalam negeri tetapi oleh Kementerian Negara Urusan Peranakan(Mr Tan Po Gwan)


mempertunjukan :

“Bayangan Waktu Fadjar”

Merayakan kongres Artis.

Dengan artis dari sandiwara yanr terkemuka : Sofiah,Soekarno, Oedjang,Moestadjab,Dewi Reni,Ismail dan lain-lain.


The rare legalized documen by the PTT chief Bukittingi with repoeblik Indonesia revenue 3 x f.25.


The rare Malang Post magazine no.17 cover with information.”Boemi Hangus”

July, 5th.1947

The rare No.17 Malang Post magazine cover with information. “Boemi Scorched”

original info

scorched Earth

one tactic (tactic) the war’s most feared enemy of political aladah “Scorched Earth”. with musnahnya vital to maintain a building area occupied, then the enemy wins despite losing his standing in hahekatnya easily overthrown by the defeated parties. But thiswar  tactic  can creates a feeling of disappointment on the part of his property destroyed, if destruction is not based on calculations of the sacred. For example the houses burned down after the house in the stretcher out by the burner, while the owner was almost not able to bring nothing but the clothes stick to hid body ,in everything there is a human who uses every opportunity to gain advantage for themselves (in the Java language support Aji While his name). slogan of the sacred, even the religion that is light has a higher purpose is often reversed for keu ntungan a class of people who put aside any feelings of justice and humanity .. dpat origin enrich themselves for the loss of others, people willingly sacrifice everything, even his soul , but the generosity of the people must not be wasted with the fraudulent guise for “Nusa and Nation”. if you want to let us all out with an all-out and do the people who so roedin (poor destitute), and the leaders so rich with goods serobotan (earth lift). Therefore in doing politics “Scorched Earth” from any nation, should use wisdom and sense of social justice which is not only good in words alone, but in practice it is also good.

DJAKARTA at night


Chinese and Indonesian Bankers are open “His bank office ‘(money changer) and the court Pantjoran diemperan each with a stack of paper money is green, yellow, red, black from various countries, nations and prices. Throughout the (entire) day scalper money (doeit (this hanging (sitting) behind the small table waiting for people from the countryside to exchange money for ORI with NICA money or exchange money sebaliknya.Orang own Betawi NICA with white money (ORI) for spending on land-Abang or markets, where money White still has value as in the hinterland, eg the post office, the electric tram and crate fire listrik.Bankir pantjoran memeprmaikan kuur money, there is a misnomer because the People’s Bank, is the government of the Republic sendiripu n bandwagon ORI values ​​dropping like according to a news SOERA Oemoem rtanggal 9 June 1948, Kour (value) ORI, each Rp.100, – set by the bank people just f 33 .- more sedikit.Sedangkan Mr. Dasad declared the most meritorious devalued the ORI is some loss of the nationalist government of the Republic sendiri.untung a blessing so, if not accused of kai-hand NICA.

Prinsen PARK

Jkarta residents and also people who dtang from elsewhere to satisfy his sights on a movie theater and Prinsen Park (now candra Naya) that seemed to open a night market continues to be liberally menerus.Penerangan (excess) once, here people can play tambola ( prodded the ball) is served by nona nona “japanese heritage”. In addition to satisfy the eyes, ears satisfy also the voice of Miss Irah, champion (champion) Djali-Muguet Djali of the famous orchestra. For people who love to play, can also select “Miss Noni” or “Miss Tjitjih”. Prinsen Park is an international park of Indonesia without a cap, can dance with the ladies sweet, to have gout (Isakit waist) can be recurrent because nyangking ( hug) sweet lady, slim and get got in djoebin (floor tiles) are shiny.


Noorwijk called brother betawi Norbek to date into the army plesiran belanda.Disini half-hidden. ads a restaurant and dance halls, where Dutch troops were spree Spree until 10 pm through the following day because they are like sheep being led up the truck back to tangsinya. Although children are allowed spree barracks, there is a place for them is telarang Hauber Gang which became a nest “koetilanak” (moll-alias WTS), here the frequent fights and disease and gonorrhea aka lion king (gonoroe aias GO)


Actual picture Pantjoran described no longer exist due to start on 25 May 1947 following haberdashery merchants Bankiet (money changer) has been moved to the morning market is located adjacent to Pantjoran. In the morning there was no tontona market, there is no prostitution, tetapimyang there are dozens of food stalls.


May the Grace of God God’s grace borne along on:

BOENG Tomo (Soetomo)



Marriage Held Thursday yng Paing June 19, 1947 in Malang

The Family Post unfortunate.

original info


salah satu siasat(taktik) perang yang paling ditakuti musuh aladah politik “Bumi Hangus”. dengan musnanya suatu bangunan vital untuk mempertahankan daerah yang diduduki musuh, maka musuh meskipun menang pada hahekatnya kalah karena kedudukannya mudah digulingkan oleh fihak yang dikalahkan. Tetapi siasat perang ini dpat menimbulkan rasa kecewa pada pihak yang miliknya dimusnahkan, bila pemusnahan  itu tidak berdasarkan atas perhitungan yang suci. Umpamanya rumah penduduk dibakar habis sesudah isi rumah di usung keluar oleh si pembakar,sedangkan pemilik barang itu hampir tidak dapat membawa apa-apa selain pakaian yang menempel pada badannya.Dalam segala hal memang ada manusia yang mengunakan segala kesempatan  untuk mendapat keuntungan bagi diri sendiri(dalam bahsa jawa Aji Mumpung namanya). sembojan yang suci,bahkan agama yang sudah terang mempunyai tujuan yang tinggi seringkali diputar balik untuk keu ntungan segolongan orang yang menyampingkan segala perasaan adil dan kemanusiaan..asal dpat memperkaya diri sendiri buat kerugian pihak lain, rakyat suka rela mengorbankan segala apa,bahkan jiwanyanya, tetapi kemuliaan hati rakyat janganlah disia-siakan  dengan perbuatan curang yang berkedok untuk”Nusa dan Bangsa”.kalau mau habis-habisan marilah kita bersama habis-habisan dan janganlah rakyat yang jadi roedin(miskin melarat),dan para pemimpin jadi kaya dengan barang serobotan(bumi angkat). Oleh karena itu dalam menjalankan politik “bumi Hangus” dari bangsa apa saja,hendaklah digunakan kebijaksanaan dan perasaan keadilan sosial yang bukan hanya bagus dalam kata-kata saja,tetapi juga bagus dalam mempraktekannya.



Bankers Tionghoa dan indonesia yang membuka”kantor Banknya'(money changer)  diemperan dan pelataran Pantjoran masing-masing dengan tumpukan uang kertas hijau,kuning,merah,hitam dari bermacam-macam negara, bangsa dan harga. Sepanjang(seantero) hari tukang catut uang (doeit( ini nongkrong(duduk) dibelakang meja kecil menunggu orang dari pedalaman untuk menukar uang ORI dengan uang NICA atau sebaliknya.Orang Betawi sendiri tukar uang NICA dengan uang putih(ORI) untuk belanja di tanah-Abang atau pasar-pasar,dimana uang putih masih tetap mempunyai nilai seperti di pedalaman,umpamanya dikantor pos, dalam tram listrik dan kerat api listrik.Bankir pantjoran memeprmaikan kuur uang , ada keliru karena Bank Rakyat, ialah Pemerintah Repoeblik sendiripu n ikut-ikutan menjatuhkan nilai ORI seperti menurut berita SOERA OEMOEM tanggal 9 juni 1948, kour(nilai) ORI, tiap Rp.100,- ditetapkan oleh bank rakyat hanya f 33.- lebih sedikit.Sedangkan Tuan Dasad menyatakan  yang paling berjasa menjatuhkan nilai ORI adalah beberapa badan pemerintah repoeblik sendiri.untung satu nasionalis yang berkat begitu,kalau tidak bisa dituduh kai-tangan NICA.


Penduduk jakarta dan juga orang yang datang dari lain tempat bisa memuaskan pemandangan matanya di gedung bioskop dan  prinsen Park(sekarang candra Naya) yang seolah-olah buka pasar malam terus menerus.Penerangan diatur secara royal(berlebihan) sekali, disini orang bisa main tambola (bola sodok) dilayani oleh nona nona “warisan jepang” .Selain puaskan mata ,juga puaskan telingga dengan suaranya Miss Irah,kampiun(juara) Djali-djali dari Muguet Orkes yang terkenal. Buat orang yang suka sandiwara ,juga bisa pilih “Miss Noni” atau “Miss Tjitjih”.Prinsen Park adalah park international orang Indonesia tanpa Peci,bisa dansa dengan nona-nona manis, sampai yang punya encok(Isakit pinggang)  bisa kumat karena nyangking(memeluk) nona manis yang langsing dan get got di djoebin (lantai tegel) yang mengkilap.


Noorwijk disebut abang betawi Norbek sampai saat ini menjadi tempat plesiran tentara belanda.Disini setengah tersembunyi. ads sebuah restaurant dan tempat dansa,dimana tentara Belanda ber foya-foya sampai jam 10 malam karena liwat jam tersebut  mereka seperti domba digiring naik truk pulang ke tangsinya. Meskipun anak-anak tangsi ini boleh plesir, ada suatu tempat yang telarang buat mereka yaitu Gang Hauber yang menjadi sarang “koetilanak”(wanita pelacur-alias WTS),disini sering terjadi perkelahian dan sarang penyakit raja singa alias kencing nanah(gonoroe aias GO)


Sebenarnya gambaran Pantjoran yang diceritakan sudah tidak ada lagi karena mulai tanggal 25 mei 1947 pedagang barang kelontong berikut Bankiet (money changer) sudah pindah ke Pasar pagi yang letaknya berdekatan dengan Pantjoran. Di pasar Pagi tidak ada tontona,juga tidak ada pelacuran, tetapimyang ada berpuluh-puluh warung makan.


Semoga Rahmat  kurnia Tuhan Allah senatiasa beserta kepada:

BOENG TOMO (Soetomo)



Yang Pernikahannya Dilangsungkan hari kamis Paing 19 Juni 1947 di Malang

Para Keluarga malang Post.


The repoeblik Indonesia Padang pandjang west sumatra Income tax document(kartjis Padjak Penghasilan negeri) 1946 was pain in


The Repoeblik Indonesia Income tax used Dai nippon Kartjis Padjak T form, paid at Padang Panjang in this day


The rare TRI-Republibc Indonesia Army picture postcard used send from Mataram (the name of Indonesian south java sector army )to BlitarJuly 8TH.1947

Sjarifuddin government makes conciliatory offer to Dutch: Republic of Indonesia will stop seeking international recognition; Netherlands officials can take government positions in the Republic.


the rare Repoeblic Indonesia Aceh are railway ‘s chief with the officila stamped “Kerata api NRI” .lettre asking to Justice court Lhoseumawe about train condecteur justice case at Lhokseumawe.


The rare Machine overprint on japanese occupation revenue  F1, and F2. (3x) ,postally used on cover cds tandjongradja 14.7,47  to talangkar,cover return to sender.

July 20th.1947.

The intersting and historic note of mr Soewil the Padang Postman,on Dai nippon karbouw 3 1/2 cenrt with double overprint repoblik Indonesia 15 sen and F0,50,

1. 20/7/1947  Walikota padang ditembak(the Padang city major was shooted, and his body haveautopsion by Dr.A.rahim Oesman,the Dutch trops said that  he was killed by extrimies(now his name becaome the name of road in Padang),

2.21/7-1947. Kantor pos padang diduduki belanda(Padang post office occupied by Dutch)

3.17 agustus Padang post office ,japanese and dutch stamps had overprint Rep:Indonesia (dikantor pos padang frc2Japan dan belanda di Tjap Rep.Indonesia)

Another rare soematra repoblic card,unused with Bigger type overprin repoeblik Indonesia 15 sen type, found at sawahlunto, at the back pencil written from”Kilang Tebu Rakyat I.W. Tigo Bagai. written in Indonesia :




(the historic collections,courtecy dr Iwan suwandy).

Illustration of Kol.A.H. Nasoetion during actie politioneel pertama july 1947

illustrationKasman Singodimejo


Illustration of Mr Moh roem  at Tebing Tinggi east sumatra near politional action 1 july 1947

illustration of  Mr.Maria Ulfah Santoso , social menistry  also at tebing tinggi

illustration of the national heros from medan Are commad tanjongmorawa near Medan:Abdul manaf lubis,Selamat Ketaren,Ahmad syamsir and Moh.Yakub Lubis (read the storu of Medan area)

west sumatra police hero Police Commisaris johnny anwar cs picture in 1947



first Dutch “police action”: Dutch troops occupy West Java, East Java, Madura, Semarang, Medan, Palembang, Padang, bomb many cities.


(a)The Republic indonesia’menistry who stayed at Jakarta, Vice Prime Menistry Dr A.K. Gani protest the Dutch  action(tindakaan yang tidak senonoh , and the Dutch “menusir” the Republic Indonesia Leader at Jakarta ,included the Major(Walikota) Suewirjo.

(b)On July,21th.1947

On this day, Dutch aeroplane”Mustang”  boombing Binjei with the land army attack with tank ,also Infantry soldiers with many trucks which made all the medan area sector were attack. At the afternoon Pancur Batu occupied by Dutch.

(c) July,21th.1947

The position of Chief of Police City of Padang Challenging encounter resistance to Dutch rule with his minions can last up to the launch by the Dutch Military Aggression I (21-7-1947). Military action Holland around Padang I was preceded by the arrest of officials of the Republic of Indonesia (civil servants and police), including Police Commissioner Johny Anwar II. Since the start of the Dutch Military Aggression I launched, civil servants and police officers WHO left the Republicans in the city of Padang and moved to areas outside the city of Indonesia. Official hours of date


Action by the Dutch invasion began on 22 July 1947 with simultaneous in all fronts, both in east and south, and west and north, seranggan done secra massive and orderly, so that for several time, the defense can be penetrated Indonesian republic. Pancur important place like stone, Binjei, Stabat fall into the hands Netherlands. with disappointment it must be admitted, that the Indonesian republic defense organization in this area has not quite perfect, this is already an estimated two or three days before the Dutch invaded. Front relationships with other fronts less than perfect, cooperation among lasjkar, Soldiers and members of the Government is not satisfactory. Gained the impression, every front act ats will and their own way both in lasjkar as well as by the army. Unity of command is long before the invasion of the Netherlands has been designed and the ideals of the people there. For the umpteenth time, it turns out, that victory will not be obtained because there is no unity among those responsible, is also undeniable, that preformance maintain Timoer Sumatra Regional republic, there have been actions that can not be held responsible, as practiced by some members Lasjkar People who participate in regional memeprtahankan Indonesian republic. Instructions issued regarding the implementation of Scorched Earth is not obeyed, the streets are important for transportation, as well as the bridges are not destroyed. In contrast, other objects that must be maintained properly destroyed instead finished. this led to the Dutch Army can be easily launched its attack quickly to pedalaman.Sedangkan can be expected, that their attacks will not be able to make progress. if the instructions on the scorched earth policy carried out by sempurna.Pemusnahan occurring, especially in shops and goods belonging Chinese, while the instruction on scorched earth and the soul requires to mepertahankan’s residents, both native and asing.Pemusnahan nation without the right reasons, such as property tionghoa population is detrimental to foreign countries in view of (SMAmin, My Life Journey ten windhu, PT Crescent Star .Jakarta, 1987)

original info:

Aksi penyerbuan oleh  Belanda dimulai pada 22 juli 1947 dengan serentak diseluruh front, baik di timur dan selatan, maupun di barat dan utara, seranggan dilakukan secra besar-besaran dan teratur, sehingga dalam bebrapa waktu saja ,pertahanan repoeblik Indonesia  dapat ditembus. tempat yang penting seperti Pancur batu,Binjei,Stabat jatuh ketangan Belanda. dengan kecewa  harus diakui,bahwa organisasi pertahanan repoeblik Indonesia di area ini  belum cukup sempurna, hal ini sudah diperkirakan dua atau tiga hari sebelum Belanda menyerbu. Hubungan satu Front dengan front lainnya kurang sempurna, kerjasama antar lasjkar ,Tentara dan anggota  Pemerintah tidak memuaskan . Diperoleh kesan,tiap front bertindak atas kemauan dan caranya sendiri-sendiri baik di lasjkar maupun oleh tentara. Persatuan komando yang lama sebelum penyerbuan  Belanda telah dirancang  dan menjadi cita-cita rakyat tidak ada. Untuk kesekian kalinya ternyata, bahwa  kemenangan tidak akan diperoleh karena persatuan tidak terdapat diantara mereka yang bertanggung jawab, Tidak pula dapat disangkal, bahwa dalm mempertahankan Daerah Repoeblik Sumatera Timoer, telah terjadi tindakan-tindakan yang tidak dapat dipertanggung jawabkan,seperti yang dilakukan oleh beberapa anggota Lasjkar Rakyat yang ikut serta dalam memeprtahankan daerah Repoeblik Indonesia. Instruksi yang dikeluarkan mengenai pelaksanaan Bumi Hangus tidak dipatuhi, jalan-jalan yang penting bagi perhubungan, demikian juga jembatan-jembatan tidak dimusnahkan. Sebaliknya,obyek-obyek lain yang harus dipelihara dengan baik malah habis dimusnahkan . hal ini menyebabkan Tentara Belanda dapat dengan mudah melancarkan serangannya dengan cepat ke pedalaman.Sedangkan dapat diperkirakan, bahwa serangan mereka itu tidak akan dapat memperoleh kemajuan .apabila instruksi mengenai bumi hangus dilaksanakan dengan sempurna.Pemusnahan yang terjadi, terutama pada Toko-toko dan Barang milik orang Tionghoa, sedangkan instruksi mengenai bumi hangus mewajibkan untuk mepertahankan jiwa dan milik penduduk,baik asli maupun bangsa asing.Pemusnahan tanpa alasan yang benar,seperti harta milik penduduk tionghoa ini merugikan Negara dalam pandangan luar negeri(S.M.Amin,Perjalanan Hidupku sepuluh windu, PT Bulan Bintang<Jakarta,1987)



the original document of Ketua dewan Pertahanan Daerah aceh  T.T.Moh.Faoedsjah ,for salina G.siahaan, about”PENDJELASAN TENTANG PERATORAN DEWAN PERTAHANAN NEGARA NO.19″ (The state Pertahanan Board Regulation no 19,this collection found at beureun from Dr iwan’s friend at Blang Bladeh.)

July 24th.1947

20,000 march in anti-war demonstration in Amsterdam.


(a) The rare and historic Markas Pertempoeran Komado Medan are travel Pass from  Tandjong,morawa to tebing Tinggi for Mr Bachroem driver of Medan area Head quater to pick the belongins to Tebing tinggi with note:diminta kepada segala badan2 Pemerintah serta segenap lapisan dan golongan Rakjat Indonesi ,soepaja diberi bantoean sepenoeh2nja dimana perloe dan perdjalannja jangan dihalangi”(asking help from the govewumment and people)

(b)On July,27th.1947 o6.00 in the morning(AM) with the landing ship tank ,the Dutch army  from Palembang landing at Pantai cermin to attack Medan Area from behind.The Indonesian Navy armed forced at Pantai cermin and Tanjung Beringin lead by Leutenan G.Z.Marpaung cannot suncced to counter the Dutch attack and fle with other another army and “Membumi Hangus” Perbaungan city, and after conquer Medan Area, the Dutch armed forces attack Tebng Tinggi and Pematang siantar.

. Dutch Military action I (the first Indonesia War of Independence )at Kuala Tungkal jambi

On July 27, 1947 the Dutch launched Military Action First, many big cities in Java and Sumatra, is attacked and occupied. Unlike other cities in jambi not directly repetition on a large scale attack, but the Dutch further enhance its economic blockade and psychological warfare that had begun before the First Military Action. Thus, only Jambi in Sumatra and Aceh are not attacked the Dutch in the first military action.

Dutch did not attack Jambi massively since it is estimated that Edinburgh has a full arsenal imported from abroad, because at that time had mamur jambi, the results of barternya trade with Singapore has heavy weapons such as cannons Anti Air Craft (AAC), Machine Gun 12 , 7 in addition to senajata-light weapons.

Jambi communicated waters with the outside world such as Kuala Enok, Kuala Tungkal, Sea Village guarded by Dutch warships. Merchant ships passing through the inspection, which brought goods seized and persons arrested suspected

July 29th.1947.

(a)Indonesian forces launch bombing raids on Semarang, Ambarawa and Salatiga with three surviving planes. The Dutch had previously claimed to have destroyed the entire Air Force

(b)On Wednesday July 29, 1947, a week after the attack by the Dutch started, received official news of his fall the hands of the Dutch town of High Cliff. This news received at the inn Vice President Moh.hatta in Siantar, when he had arrived there preformance framework of its journey around the entire Sumatra.  this bad info, as was first calculated, received by the vice president when he was with Governor Young at the  North Sumatra hotel , and other high official, with calm  he decide to do immediate evacuation immediately. Vice President with the Governor of Sumatra Mr. Mohammad Hasan Justin can get out of town Siantar safely, as well as a number of other authorities, such as Dr. Sunaryo, only vehicles were targeted shot from above so that the fire, lucky fate, Dr. Sunaryo can save himself. SM.AMIN cannot out from Kota Pematang siantar, when the his every day belongings(pada saat barang-barang keperluan sehari-hari ) put in the car which bring other goverment official(sedang dimuat ke dalam mobil yang akan mengangkutnya beserta beberapa petugas pemerintah), some aeroplane flying on the city(beberapa pesawat terbang menderu-deru diatas kota Pematang siantar),  Yung Governor  S. M. AMIN no longer be able to rid themselves out of the city Siantar, when the goods of daily needs are being loaded into cars which will transport it along with several officers pemerimntah, several airplanes roaring city at upper  Siantar the Young Governor S. M. AMIN no longer be able to rid themselves out of the city Siantar, when the goods of daily needs are being loaded into cars which will transport it along with several officers pemerimntah, several airplanes roaring city diats Siantar . The shot returned from below, so there was a shootout with the exclamation, reply back that lasted nearly an hour lamanya.Maksud to leave the city can not be implemented. along with the atmosphere of a shootout with the aircraft, the sound of the Dutch tanks entered the town and shortly thereafter, the residence of the Governor of Sumatra, where the governor was Young SM Amin, has been besieged by the Dutch army, and they ordered the Governor Young SM Amin was taken to a place to examined. Tinfakan first conducted by the leader of the Dutch army against the population Siantar adalh mengiring each population of men who had grown a certain place for inspection. This examination is conducted in a manner that is not penganiayaaan, sec; laipun as kekecualiaan, some residents experiencing a treatment not wjar. Long-haired young man suffered a bad fate, they had to listen carefully to boil the words of criticism, ridicule and contempt poured upon them by the examiner of the Dutch army consisting of Indonesia, Ambon and Indonesia-jawa.After each Inspected examined, each of which has allowed to go home .

original info:

Pada hari rabu tanggal 29 Juli 1947, seminggu setelah penyerangan oleh belanda dimulai, diterima berita resmi tentang jatuh nya kota Tebing Tinggi ketangan Belanda. berita ini  diterima di tempat penginapan Wakil Presiden Moh.hatta di Pematang Siantar, saat beliau telah tiba disana dalm rangka perjalannya mengelilingi seluruh sumatra. Kabr buruk ini, seperti yang sudah terlebih dahulu diperhitungkan, diterima oleh wakil Presiden saat beliau berada dipenginapan bersama Gubernur Muda Sumatra Utara, dan beberapapembesar lainnya, dengan tena ng beliau memutuskan  agar segera dilakukan pengungsian saat itu juga. Wakil Presiden bersama Gubernur Sumatra Mr Teuku Mohammad Hasan dapat keluar dari kota pematang siantar dengan selamat, demikian juga dengan sejumlah pembesar lain,seperti dr Sunaryo, hanya kendaraannya menjadi sasaran tembakan dari atas sehingga terbakar, mujur nasibnya ,dr sunaryo dapat menyelamatkan dirinya. Gubernur Muda S>M>AMIn tidak dapat lagi menyingkirkan diri keluar dari Kota Pematang siantar, pada saat barang-barang keperluan sehari-hari sedang dimuat ke dalam mobil yang akan mengangkutnya beserta beberapa petugas pemerimntah, beberapa pesawat terbang menderu-deru diats kota Pematang siantar. Tembakannya dibalas dari bawah, sehingga terjadilah tembak-menembak dengan seru,balas membalas yang berlangsung hampir satu jam lamanya.Maksud untuk meninggalkan kota tidak dapat dilaksanakan . seiring dengan suasana tembak-menembak dengan pesawat udara, terdengar suara tank Belanda memasuki kota dan tidak lama kemudian, rumah kediaman Gubernur Sumatra, dimana Gubernur Muda SM Amin berada,telah dikepung oleh tentara Belanda, dan mereka memerintahkan Gubernur Muda SM AMin dibawa kesuatu tempat untuk diperiksa. Tinfakan pertama yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin Tentara Belanda terhadap penduduk Pematang Siantar adalah mengiring setiap penduduk laki-laki yang sudah dewasa ketempat tertentu untuk diperiksa. Pemeriksaan ini dilakukan dengan cara yang tidak bersifat penganiayaaan , sekalipun sebagai kekecualiaan, beberapa penduduk mengalamai perlakuan tidak wjar. Pemuda yang berambut gondrong mengalami nasib buruk, mereka terpaksa mendengar dengan hati mendidih kata-kata kecaman,ejekan dan hinaan yang ditumpahkan atas mereka oleh pemeriksa dari tentara belanda yang terdiri dari Indonesia-ambon dan Indonesia-jawa.Selesai diperiksa, masing-masing yang telah diperiksa diijinkan pulang ke rumah masing-masing.

July 30th.1947

(a)Young students blow up a bridge at Bumiayu, preventing Dutch forces from taking Purwokerto.USA and Britain are unhappy with the “police action”; India, Australia, and the Soviet Union support the Republic of Indonesia in the UN. Refugees pour into Central Java. Australia boycotts Dutch shipping.

A Dutch vehicle fords a stream on Java, after the bridge has been blown up by Indonesian forces.

Republik Indonesia 100 Rupiah note, 1947.

(b) On July 30, 1947, the Netherlands held a meeting with the republican party (represented by the Governor of North Sumatra Young SM AMIN), while istansi Sumatra Governor has managed to rid himself, aided by the head of the Bureau and other t8inggi employees, while the Netherlands comes from Recomba Dr. JU. vd Velde, Gerritsen Resident, Chief Resident Nevis Forch and assisetn Schuyf.

At the end of the meeting, the Netherlands announced that Republican officials are not forbidden to continue working as usual. several days, after this meeting, for a small proportion of the republic pegaewai masik entering their workplace, as usual, they are apparently still has confidence in carrying out duties in the interest of DAPT Nusa and the nation. however, gradually kepervcayaan and this work will disappear. Dutch announcement then, that the Government of the republic no longer exists in the areas they had occupied and Republican officials are given the opportunity to choose one of two that work continues as the Dutch East Indies government employees or stopped. this is addressed by Republican officials ZKorps very satisfactory, with beebrapa unless they chose to stop in its entirety. Semangat people in general are also satisfactory, they still voted Republican and still be anti Belanda.Mereka NICA rejected payment with money and some are fighting a war with weapons outside the city. beturut few nights in a row since the army occupied the city belands Siantar, still ongoing eruption sound cannons and rifles pounding, a sign bahw arakyat in cooperation with the Army of the Republic, still menus nukkan loyalty to the republic.

In the beginning of the occupation of the Netherlands, for some time, the Regional Government of the Republic can still be acting independently of government actions. mas in this short period, the agency responsible still can take the following actions tindkan-greetings order to run pemerinrtahan:

(A) Establish an agency under the name “People’s advocates and agency officials” in order to provide cash assistance to every person who should be helped. Fonds this agency is that the money can still be saved from penyitaaan Belanda.Badan 9ini began granting aid to the civil servants who were expelled from the house he lived and juaga temapt to those who want to evacuate. (B) Printing and spread throughout the city, radio broadcasts from the Yogya considered essential for the maintenance of morale pendudk city. By Usha, the residents stay up to date and the settlement of disputes between the Dutch Republic. Also the President’s speech broadcast over radio Yogja, the vice president’s speech broadcast on radio Bukittinggi and speeches from some other republican authorities, greatly enhance the spirit of the people (until now I have not found this printed matter, notes Dr. Iwan) (c) send the to the village of Java Land some strategists to examine the validity of the report is received about the murder and mayhem on a large upper Lasjkar besran by the King family oarng siamlungun and Chinese as well as issuing leaflets to every resident memperingatan didnot  until disturbed security and tranquility of the population of Indonesia, other nations also sepertu people tionghoa, Arabia and India should also be maintained. (d) Taking action in the override of chaos as a result of the Dutch Republic to eliminate money and money from suggested  circulated Nippon papermoney  with hidden and lighting provided in the community to menolakj NICA money and keep money memepergunakan republic and Nippon money. (e) Establish and maintain good relations with the army and Lasjkar surviving outside kota.Bantuan delivered to those who persist in jambi Bah, approximately 13 miles from Siantar. To them also delivered pamphlets menegani state area, pidarto president and vice president as well as other pamphlets that are considered they needed to know.

original info:

Pada tanggal 30 Juli 1947 ,pihak Belanda mengadakan pertemuan dengan pihak republik (diwakili Gubernur Muda sumatra Utara SM AMIN), sedangkan istansi  Gubernur Sumatera telah berhasil menyingkirkan diri,dibantu oleh kepala Jawatan dan pegawai t8inggi lainnya, sedangkan dari pihak belanda hadir Recomba Dr JU.v.d. Velde ,Residen Gerritsen,Kepala Nevis Forch dan assisetn Resident Schuyf.

Pada akhir pertemuan, Belanda  memberitahukan bahwa pegawai Republik tidak dilarang bekerja terus seperti biasa. beberapa hari lamanya ,sesudah pertemuan ini,pegaewai republik untuk sebagain kecil masik memasuki tempat kerja mereka sebagaimana biasa, mereka ini rupanya masih mempunyai kepercayaan dapat melaksanakan tugas demi kepentingan Nusa dan bangsa. akan tetapi, lambat laun kepervcayaan dan kemauan kerja ini menghilang. Pengumuman Belanda kemudian, bahwa Pemerintah republik tidak ada lagi di daerah yang mereka duduki dan pegawai Republik diberikan kesempatan memilih salah satu dari dua yaitu bekerja terus sebagai pegawai pemerintah hindia belanda atau berhenti. hal ini ditanggapi oleh ZKorps pegawai Republik dengan sangat memuaskan, dengan beebrapa kecuali,mereka dalam keseluruhannya memilih berhenti. Sremangat rakyat pada umumnya juga memuaskan, mereka tetap memilih Republik dan tetap bersikap anti Belanda.Mereka menolak pembayaran dengan uang NICA dan ada juga yang melakukan perlawanan dengan senjata diluar kota. beberapa malam beturut-turut sejak tentara belands menduduki kota Pematang siantar, masih terus menerus kedengaran letusan meriam dan dentuman senapan, suatu tanda bahw arakyat dalam kerja sama dengan Tentara Republik, masih tetap menu nukkan kesetiaan terhadap republik.

Dalam permulaan pendudukan Belanda, beberapa saat lamanya, Pemerintah Daerah Republik masih dapat bertindak bebas melakukan tindakan-tindakan pemerintah. dalam mas yang singkat ini, instansi yang bertanggung jawab masih dapt mengambil tindkan-tindakan berikut salam rangka menjalankan pemerinrtahan :

(a) Membentuk suatu Badan dengan nama”Badan Penyokong Rakyat dan Pegawai” dalam rangka memberikan bantuan uang kepada setiap orang yang patut dibantu. Fonds badan ini adalah uang yang masih dapat diselamatkan dari penyitaaan Belanda.Badan 9ini memeberikan bantuan kepada pegawai negeri yang diusir dari rumah temapt tinggalnya dan juaga pada mereka yang ingin mengungsi.(b) Mencetak dan menyebar diseluruh kota, siaran-siaran radio dari Yogja yang dianggap penting demi pemeliharaan semangat pendudk kota. Dengan usha ini, penduduk tetap mengetahui perkembangan penyelesaian pertikaian antara Republik dan belanda. JUga pidato Presiden yang disiarkan melalui radio Yogja,pidato wakil Presiden yang disiarkan radio Bukittinggi dan pidato dari beberapa pembesar republik lainnya, sangat mempertinggi semangat penduduk(sampai sekarang saya  belum menemukan barang cetakan ini-note Dr iwan)

(c) Mengirmkan ke kampung Tanah Jawa beberapa penyiasat untuk memeriksa benar tidaknya bunyi laporan yang diterima tentang pembunuhan dan penganiayaan secara besar-besran oleh Lasjkar atas keluarga Raja siamlungun dan oarng Tionghoa serta mengeluarkan surat selebaran yang memperingatan setiap penduduk supaya janagn sampai terganggu keamanan dan ketentraman penduduk Indonesia ,juga bangsa lain sepertu orang tionghoa,Arab dan India juga harus dipelihara.(d) Mengambil Tindakan dalam mengatsi kekacauan sebagai akibat dari  pihak belanda untuk melenyapkan uang Republik dan uang Nippon dari peredzaran.Anjuran dan penerangan secra sembunyi diberikan pada masyarakat agar menolakj uang NICA dan tetap memepergunakan uang republik dan uang Nippon.(e) Mengadakan dan memelihara hubungan baik dengan tentara dan Lasjkar yang masih bertahan di luar kota.Bantuan yang disampaikan pada mereka yang bertahan di Bah jambi,kurang lebih 13 km dari pematang siantar. Kepada mereka juga disampaikan surat selebaran menegani keadaan daerah,pidarto presiden dan wakil presiden serta lain-lain surat selebaran yang dianggap perlu mereka ketahui.(ibid SM Amin,1978)

August 1947

In August 1947, at the height of the operation more Warship Netherlands, the Dutch ship approaching Kuala seuah Betara (Regency Tanjung Jabung), the ships are being chased by a Navy patrol boat commanded by Lieutenant Nuri I Duna (Sea) M. Sanusi as a commander with seven of his men armed with unflinching spirit of “Merdeka OR DIE”, they immediately attacked the Dutch ship and there was gunfire. Since the force is not balanced, then the ship Ship Nuri I badly damaged, two members of ALRI fall, one of them Corporal (Marine) who is buried in Dabo Remove Singkep. Nuri I ship with the whole crew was dragged to Tanjung Pinang and Lieutenant Duan (Sea) M. Sanusi who suffered severe injuries and his men captured the Dutch navy.

Meanwhile, in the plains jambi, to drop the probable community and troops, a Dutch fighter “Mustang” circling above the city of Edinburgh and shooting at the Red Paal, then fly down the Batang Hari river toward the island Uluan Weasel and a resident becomes death toll at the time. A ship hull “Kho Tek Seng” which berjhenti in Lubuk Ruso shot, the ship was carrying supplies such as oil for purposes that are Uluan troops under the command of Captain A. Chatib escorted by PT led by Lieutenant Young Ardjai. As a result of the shooting, Captain A. Chatib, Sergeant Ahmad Yunus and an officer also died at that time.

August 1st.1947

UN Security Council calls for cease-fire in Indonesia.

August 4Ceasefire agreed to by Dutch and Sukarno, but is ignored in the field. Dutch declare “Van Mook line” at the edge of their military advances in Java and Sumatra.Daud Beureu’eh is military governor of Aceh for the Republic


the block three local sumatra repoblik Indonesia  f.25,0 revenue, date  5.8.47 and latest 15.11,47.


(a)The Young gouvenur North sumatra,SM Amin was cuptere by the Dutch Military Police and bring to medan with Mr T>M> Hnafiah, and he stayed at Medan Major  House Mr Jusuf.

(b)On 6 August 1947, when Governor of North sumtera Young SM Amin was in Jalan Simarito 61, Mandailing villages, dikes Siantar, during visiting his mother who was elderly and dealing with him, being in severalconsidering a matter, suddenly the roar sounded  arrived a few tanks, tank was then stopped in front of the house. several members of the Dutch Military Police entered the tank and turn drai perkaranagn house, climbed the house and ordered him to join them. His mother panicked state, for he can placate it. He parted with his mother and by the Dutch Military Police he was taken to Hotel Siantar. Here SM AMIN Schuyf examined by the Assistant Resident, and at the end of the examination she stated, DAPT does not endorse any of the SM Amin tindkan done since Siantar occupied Holland, and he said so, “Sir will be taken to Medan. Areas that have been occupied by the Dutch. Pemrintah Republic no longer exists “. also present in this examination Mr.T. M Hanafi, a lawyer who was appointed with SM Amin to Hotel siantar.kemudian together with A. Mutalib Moro (deputy Attorney General), SM Amin transported to Medan with a fairly stringent safeguards. Arriving at the field, SM Amin is allowed to stay at home Mr.Muhammad Joseph (Republican Mayor in Medan), Muralib transported Moro continues to Belawan, Diman he ditahn along with members of the army repoeblik.AM Amin was arrested on the field since 6 August smapi 15 September 1947, approximately 40 days lamanya.selama 40 days, the mayor of a ride home Mr. Mohammad Yusuf.

original Info:(ibid SM Amin,1978)

Pada tanggal 6 agustus 1947, sewaktu Gubernur Muda suamtera Utara SM Amin berada di Jalan Simarito 61,kampung Mandailing,pematang Siantar, dlam mengunjungi Ibunya yang telah lanjut usia dan berhadapan dengan beliau, sedang dalam mempertimbangkan bebrapa soal, tiba tiba kedengaran deru beberapa tank ,tank itu kemudian berhenti di depan rumah. beberapa anggota Polisi Militer Belanda turn drai tank dan memasuki perkaranagn rumah,menaiki rumah dan memerintahkan ia untuk ikut mereka. Keadaan Ibunya menjadi panik, untuk ia dapat menentramkannya. Ia berpisah dengan ibunya dan oleh Polisi Militer Belanda ia dibawa ke Hotel siantar. Disini SM AMIn diperiksa oleh Assisten resident Schuyf, dan pada akhir pemeriksaan ia menyatakan, tidak dapt menyetujui segala tindakan yang SM Amin lakukan sejak Pematang siantar dikuasai Belanda, dan katanya seterusnya:” Tuan akan dibawa ke Medan. Didaerah yang telah diduduki oleh belanda. pemrintah Republik tidak ada lagi”. hadir juga dalam pemeriksaan ini Mr.T>M Hanafiah,pengacara yang diangkat bersama SM Amin ke Hotel siantar.kemudian bersama dengan A.Mutalib Moro(wakil Jaksa Agung), SM Amin diangkut ke Medan dengan penjagaan yang cukup ketat. Setibanya di medan,SM Amin diijinkan menginap di rumah Mr.Muhammad Yusuf(Walikota Republik di Medan),Muralib Moro diangkut terus ke Belawan,diman ia ditahn bersama dengan angota tentara repoeblik.AM Amin ditahan di medan sejak 6 agustus smapi 15 september 1947,lebih kurang 40 hari lamanya.selama 40 hari ,menumpang dirumah walikota Mr Muhammad Yusuf.


St.Sjahrir and Haji Agus salim arrived at Lake Succes  airportduring join the United Nation Meeting in this day and the picture of them with unidentified person.(four photos)


The document of Indonesian Military Judge(Jaksa  militer TRI)  from bukit tinggi with rare official stamped TRI.


Repoeblik Indoenesia (West sumatra Military) issued the Postal stationer for  anniversary two years Indonesia Independence with design army,tank and aeroplane, in postally used.(very rare postal history,only one ever seen in used condition..


The rare document of Inspectur police Boekittinggi  with official stamped “kepala Polisi Boekittinggi Pemerintah Repoeblik Indonesia


The Republic Indonesia government recieve the “keputusan Dewan Keamanan PBB”(united Nation security Council), and asked to report the trully of  Indonesian Situation.


The ORI overprint Repoeblik Indonesia revenue on complete document

September 1947

September In early 1947, there was a demonstration, led by some people , The Chinese leader, giving the impression, bahw at which time they feel unhappy about people of Indonesia. Anti-republican demonstrations, they took pictures and drawings of what they see themselves sembotyan called “The brutality that has been done by soldiers and lasjkar several sites around the eastern Sumatran Bekanda pad when entering the republic” gamabr and slogans paraded along the streets, seditious. becoming a matter of surprise, dutch allow such demonstrations, it is different if the Netherlands is the Actor inteltual of this demonstration, domonstrasi Gratitude does not lead to things that are not cool, not cause worst situation between Indonesia and the Chinese people in the city of Medan because this domostrasi inciting nature and this action only by a group of people tionghoa sja, some Chinese people who contacted BC Amin explained that “the Chinese nation never approve of this demonstration”

original info(ibid SM Amin,1978)

Pada permulaan bulan sepetmber 1947, terjadi suatu demonstrasi ,dipimpin oleh beberapa pemimpin Orang Tionghoa, memberi kesan,bahw pada saat itu mereka merasa tidak senang terhadap orang Indonesia. Demonstrasi bersifat anti republik, mereka membawa gambar gambar dan sembotyan mengenai apa yang mereka namakan” Kekejaman yang telah dilakukan oleh tentara dan lasjkar diberbagai tempat di sumatera timur pad saat Bekanda memasuki daerah republik” Gambar dan slogan diarak sepanjang jalan,bersifat menghasut. mejadi suatu hal yang mengherankan,belanda mengijinkan demonstrasi yang demikian, lain halnya jika Belanda yang menjadi Aktor inteltual dari demostrasi ini, Syukur domonstrasi ini tidak mengakibatkan hal yang tidak dinginkan, tidak menimbulkan kekruhan diantara orang Indonesia dan orang tionghoa di kota Medan oleh karena domostrasi ini sifatnya menghasut dan tindakan ini hanya oleh sekelompok orang tionghoa sja, beberapa orang tionghoa yang menghubungi SM Amin menerangkan bahwa”Bangsa tionghoa sekali-kali tidak menyetujui demonstrasi ini”

the Republic Indonesia Poluce departemen travelling permit letter,contrasign by markas pertahan kota jogyakarta, Pemerintah Kementerian Jogyakarta, to give permission to the member of subsektor II(MPK danurdjan).

Diperbolehkan berjalan terus untuk menjalankan kewajibnannya diwaktu ada tanda bahaya (PBO) dan diwaktu malam ,and diberi hak mengadakan control dalam subsector II tsb.


The State contribution tax(Ijoeran Negara)  of Agam west sumatra ,was paid in this day F.33.- with Wedana Limapoeloeh Koto Sepetmber,22th.1947


 Medan dutch tried diligently made preparations for the establishment of the State of East Sumatra, regardless of the Republic of Indonesia. The Netherlands has got a eprsetujuan and help from some prominent people who berasla from eastern Sumatra, eastern Sumatra Negra Movement held a march through the city of Medan, Perbaungan, and embankment Siantar. This parade went to Vice-dutch, Dr. Van de Velde, and with the intercession they filed a eprmohonan to the Dutch, so please menidirkan an independent state of East Sumatra, the Indonesian republic. Dutch apparently not willing to immediately, without first studying this matter carefully. Until now, BC Amin left the city of Medan On 15th September 1947, the country’s eastern Sumatra beklum also formed, probably the Dutch brackish hesitate to meet the demand, see the attitude of sultans in Eastern suamtera who remain passive, the names of the Sultan whose role and determine the masyarakatpun not called.

On September ,15th,1947, Mr SM Amin departure to Penang in order to went to Aceh

In late August 1947, the Dutch republic announced that employees who are not willing to work with dutch sma, are welcome to leave the area occupied Netherlands. On the basis of the provisions of this martial nda, SM Amin, Mr.A.Siddik, Ir Sitompul painstakingly memeproleh of the Dutch permission to go to Malacca, and Mr. and ir asiddik Singapura.dengan Sitompul to help friends and Suheili Abubakar, the purchase of tickets and the cost of the journey, on 15 September 1947. SM Amin went to Penang with the intention to continue the trip to Aceh. In the Ship SM Amin had the opportunity to meet with Barhen of “Chinese Democratic Lieague” the really significant stuff pro-republic and expelled by the Dutch from the field after detained in Siantar. On the next day SM Amin arrived in penang penang.di obtained satisfactory relationships with some really significant stuff republic, merchants who came from Aceh., They provide the support needed another advance of Yaw Hiong Liong (Straits Steamship agents) and his son Ci Ki Kew (chairman of the Chinese in Langsa vereeneging Handels), Kho Hok Khiat (merchant in Lho Seumawe), T Manyak (from Permai shop in penang), ananda Tahir Kar8im Lubis (Child BC kaka amen, Zubaidah who lived there) and Salim aharahap. He, his name on the arrest of five days.

On 21 September 1947

SM Amin departed from Penang with the Tung Song belongs to the Straits Steamship, this boat yachting under the British flag to Uleleu through Sabang, this journey of two days and two nights until at Sabang on 23 September 1947, the ship arrived in sab ang and anchor about two miles from land. when police boarded the ship and mjulai conduct examination of passenger and SM Amin was known to the ship, with a magnifying bealnda necessarily in Sabang issued a travel ban to Uelele ship, before the trip permit is obtained from the Dutch Authorities in Sabang. Two days after his two nights waiting for this permit, yet xit juuga, so Patience agent Lionh Jr. Ship Company. Murray and captain of the ship had run out, they down  lifeboat and headed to the mainland with the intention of seeing Sabang , and at Sepetmebr,25th.1947 Mr SM Amin arrived Ulee Lheuw at afternoon and several days went to Kutaraja.(the full story read the book by SM Amin 1978).This information had proeef that the postally uesd cover send fromaceh to Penang with repoeblic  Indonesa with  aceh overpint stamps wer the original cover,some were the Ricardo colections,now shoed at den Haag phillately museum Netherland)


0riginal info(ibid SM AMIN,1978)

 di Medan belanda berusaha dengan giat mengadakan persiapan bagi pembentukan Negara Sumatera Timur , terlepas dari Republik Indonesia. Belanda telah mendapat suatu eprsetujuan dan bantuan dari beberapa orang terkemuka yang berasla dari Sumatera timur, Gerakan Negra Sumatera timur ini mengadakan suatu pawai melalui kota Medan,Perbaungan, dan pematang Siantar. Pawai ini mendatangi Wakil belanda,Dr. Van de velde, dan dengan perantaraannya mereka mengajukan suatu eprmohonan kepada pihak Belanda,supaya berkenan menidirkan suatu negara Sumatera Timur yang terlepas dari republik Indonesia. rupanya Belanda tidak bersedia dengan segera,tanpa mempelajari terlebih dahulu soal ini dengan teliti. Sampai saat SM Amin meninggalkan kota Medan Tanggal 15 september 1947, Negara Sumatera timur itu belum juga terbentuk, mungkin pihak belanda masin segan-segan memenuhi permintaan tersebut,melihat sikap Sultan-sultan di suamtera Timur yang tetap bersikap pasif ,nama-nama Sultan yang berperan dan menentukan dalam masyarakatpun tidak ada disebut.

Pada akhir Agustus 1947,Belanda mengumumkan bahwa pegawai republik yang tidak bersedia bekerja sma dengan belanda,dipersilahkan meninggalkan daerah yang diduduki belanda. Atas dasar ketetapan bela nda ini, SM Amin,Mr.A.Siddik,Ir Sitompul dengan susah payah memeproleh dari belanda ijin untuk berangkat ke Malaka, dan Mr asiddik dan ir sitompul ke Singapura.dengan bantuan kawan-kawan Abubakar dan Suheili,pembelian tiket dan biaya perjalan, pada tanggal 15 september 1947. SM Amin berangkat menuju Penang dengan maksud meneruskan perjalanan ke Aceh. Di Kapal SM Amin memperoleh kesempatan berkenalan dengan Barhen dari “Chinese Democratic League” yang snagat pro republic dan diusir oleh belanda dari medan sesudah ditahan di pematang siantar. Pada keesokan harinya SM Amin tiba di penang.di penang diperoleh hubungan yang snagat memuaskan dengan beberapa orang republik,saudagar-saudagar yang berasal dari Aceh., mereka memberikan bantuan yang diperlukan anatar lain Liong Yaw Hiong(agen straits steamship ) beserta anaknya Ci Ki Kew(ketua handels vereeneging Tionghoa di langsa),Kho Hok Khiat(saudagar di Lho Seumawe),T Manyak(dari toko Permai di penang), ananda Tahir Kar8im Lubis(Anak kaka SM amin,Zubaidah yang menetap di sana) dan Salim aharahap. la,manya di penang lima hari.

Pada tanggal 21 september 1947 SM Amin bertolak dari Penang dengan kapal Tung Song kepunyaan Straits Steamship, kapal ini belayar dibawah bendera Inggris menuju Uleleu melalui sabang, perjalanan ini dua hari dua malam sampai di sabang pada tanggal 23 september 1947, kapal sampai di sab ang dan membuang jangkar kira-kira dua kilometer dari darat. sewaktu polisi menaiki kapal dan mjulai melakukan pemeriksaan atas penumpang dan diketahui SM Amin berada di kapal, dengan serta merta pembesar bealnda di sabang mengeluarkan larangan perjalanan kapal ke Uelele, sebelum diperoleh ijin perjalan dari Pembesar belanda di sabang. Setlah Dua hari dua malam menunggu ijin ini,  belum keluar juga, sehingga Kesabaran agen Perusahan Kapal Lionh Jr. dan kapten Kapal Murray telah habis, mereka menurunka  sekoci dan menuju ke daratan sabang dengan maksud menemui(cerita lengkap baca buku karangan SM Amin 1978)


Residen Of Batavia(federal state resident at Jakarta), forbidden the megazine and newspaper at jakarta to put in the Indonesia Army (TNI) informations.


President soekarno inaugurate the new memeber of Kabinet from Masjumi Party,and also take photo  together after the ceremony

Dutch military tries to consolidate control of areas within the “Van Mook line”. Dutch take control of all of Madura.United Nations “Good Offices Commission” is organized, with the goal of finding a settlement in Indonesia. Australia, Belgium, and the United States take part.


The postally used small cover from Batavia(rare postmark) cds 3.10.47 to soerabaia


The rare batavia postmark type handstamped on postally used chines overseas Medical,dental and aphothecer organization Batavia centrum circulair letter cover.


Tanda Bukti Penerimaan kantor Pos Indramajoe  (Postal ‘s fact of Sending food) pengiriman kerupuk ,with  Ned.Indie 2 cent and Repoeblik Indonesia definitive Java 3 sen stamps(rare collections)


(a)The rare document from  Taloe(Pasaman west sumatra,remeber the song orang Taloe oslan husein,the populer song) , with the official stamped “Kepala Polisi taloe pemerintah Repoeblik indonesia”(the  taloe’s chief of Police )

(b) Postal used homevard postcad with  15 cent repoeblik Indonesia ddefinif stamp,CDS Toeban 10.10.47 to Yohyakarta with sencored Telah ditilik ,

the same  leter with  2x 5 sen stampsto yogjakarta with sencored telah ditilik .

 and the used Dai nippon money order with Reppoeblik Indonesia java definitf stamps(mint),

The unused Kartoepos Amal 10 sen  berlakoe sampai akhir 1947.


The Ned,indie letter sheet postal stationer karbou 7 1/2 cent send from manado to Batavia-central. the letter information:

Koja Manado,20 Oktober 1947,

Zus, Broer (brother) en Kinderen (son).

At the time of writing usrat, then nyamanlah all of us here. Please also exist applies to all of you. That Pakket we’ve received correctly, we say many thanks for Zus and B Roer (Sister and Brother) got the shipment, especially for Ade and Boeti already working on it. We’ve heard of us had a sister, mother, and Naomi, that they had a cruise on Broer dirumah.Berikut Zus and they’ve talked about and Broer zus had their reception at which they would not have time to respond. Also we’ve heard from them, that there is no liquor Tjap Tikoes (Sopi), sedangkankamu love and together we are trying to send by mail gin stamp tikoes pakket.Semua were five bottles (Vier flesh) and divided in two pakket , because  pakket post should not be more than 5 kg, Bergubung with applicable regulations (uitoveer Ordinance) which sterke dronken (liquor) verbodden zij (forbidden) to be sent from here (voor de uitvoor), we were just saying it sent obart . We hope that pakket was not damaged until the middle of the road and you correctly, because the packaging is strong enough (ERG is het verpakken lastig). no longer know the central office pospakket, if they do send it on. Just for this first. bvanyak respect from us all en veel zontjes (lots of kisses) for Adi, Boeti and Robby from Anis (A look at Koja Tondano Manado)

original letter:

Zus, Broer(kakak) en kinderen(putra).

Pada waktu menulis usrat,maka nyamanlah kami semua disini. Harap juga itu ada berlaku pada kamu semua. Itu Pakket kami sudah terima dengan betul,kami ucapkan banyak terima kasih atas Zus dan B roer(Sister and Brother) punya kiriman, terutama untuk Ade dan Boeti yang sudah mengusahakannya. Kami sudah dengar dari kami punya adik, Ibu dan Naomi, bahwa mereka sudah pesiar pada Zus  dan Broer dirumah.Berikut mereka sudah bicarakan tentang zus dan broer punya penerimaaan pada mereka, yang mana mereka tidak sempat membalasnya. Juga kami sudah dengar dari mereka,bahwa disana tidak ada minuman keras Tjap Tikoes(Sopi) ,sedangkankamu suka sekali dan bersama ini kami ada coba kirim sopi cap tikoes melalui pos pakket.Semua itu ada lima botol(vier flesh) dan dibagi pada dua pakket,menginggat pos pakket tidak boleh lebih dari 5 kg,Bergubung dengan peraturan yang berlaku(uitoveer ordonantie) yang mana sterke dronken(minuman keras)  verbodden zij(dilarang)  untuk dikirim dari sini(voor de uitvoor), kami cuma bilang yang dikirim obart saja. kami harap bahwa pakket itu tidak rusak  ditengah jalan dan sampai pada kamu dengan betul, sebab pembungkusnya cukup kuat(het verpakken is erg lastig). tidak tahu lagi si pusat kantor pospakket , jika mereka buat kirim terus. Sekadar ini dahulu. hormat bvanyak dari kami semua en veel zontjes(banyak cium) untuk Adi,Boeti dan Robby dari Anis (J mandang KOja Tondano Manado)


The Populer Shop Pasar Baroe 93 batavia centrum promotuion card Projector Keystone  send to Semarang with NICa USA printing stamps 5 cent.


(a)Haji agus salim arrived at Jogya from visiti the UNO meeting, and he and Presiden soekarno  and unidentified persons (two photos)

(b) President Soekarno and Repoeblic Menistry islamic  Idul Adha prayed at Alon-alon Djokja


The Good Office Commision(from UNO?) arrived at Jakarta


The postally used homemade card from Repoblic indonesia area CDS Toeban on Java definitive repoeblic stamps 15 sen. and other card from Toeban to the same address with 2×5 sen java repoeblic definitive stamps(date not clear)

The Java repoblic Indonesia definitive stamps on Dai Nippon Money order but not send,the stamp still mint unsued on that Money order


The rare document Of  repoeblic Indonesia State ‘s Police Taloe(Polisi PAM) ,Pasaman west sumatra(remember the song Urang Taloe,sung by Oslan Husein, the famous minagkabau singer)


the picture  Hemangkubuwono and other Repobic Indonesian leader Sembahyang- idul adha praying at  Alon-alon Yogjakarta(photo)


on this day ,two years  anniversary of  Masjoemi party  at Yogja


on this day Prof.Graham  from KTN at Yogja and guided by Haji Agus salim for meet presiden sukarno ( three photos)

Court Du Bois from KTN visit Bung Hatta

Sjafruddin Prawiranegara visir the opening of Sugar Factory “Padokan” ( five photos)


The Vice prime menistery RI Wondo Amiseno joined teh anniversary of International student day at Kepatihan Yogjakarta,look the antique lamp there (two photos)


Republic Indonesia and The Dutch fereaal government , didnot have “mufakat”agreement  where to get the meeeting, that is why the  American Renville Ship which landed berlabuh at Java sea, were prepared for the meeeting.


(a)The first used on complete  document(legalized  use the gourvernment House at biaro stereet bukittinggi), local sumatra  repoeblik Indonesia Rp.75.-, legalized  and sign by the chief of Bukittinggi postal office,Mr  T.Sahib with rare oval official   KANTOR POS BOEKITTTINGGI” WITHOUT REPOEBLIK INDONESIA

(b)The Advententie number of newpaper send from Batavia centrum to Surabaia via airmail,PER LUCHPOST STAMPED.


The KTN meeting between Repoeblic delegation and Dutch delegation atYogja

 and after the meet Haji Agus salim interview by foreign journalist(who is she? please who know tell me via comment)


The Surabaya Jurnalisticgraduate  course “ijazah”

Ijazah kursus Djoenalistik Indonesia Soerabia


The Old Karbauw type Ned Indie 3 1/2 cent Postal statione card send from Batavia centrum to Tjilere Kilometer 43,5 Pengalengan Bandung, with the letter handwritten :

Request brother, please do not be discouraged her, I am going to endeavor again to meet demand in-law’s. About our brothers and Hoesein CASH whether she? Now there is also a send vegetables from Budi, 2 times a week to Senen Market for trading, the market, often also datang.Oey Lay Emen May each week send BOOL 5 tons. If the law had come once to tjobalah Pasar Senen so we talked to set our steps. lot to be asked after so long no see, hope everything is in a state of good health to you later. Bistok, Sitoemorang and families that others may survive. Reverend send tabe (respect) many-banyak.on  7 / 11 1947 the then Lord encouraging in our homes because of one boy who came (born) in a state so his mother . we healthy .thank you  say many of his grace. Please come pray that this child for God’s good behavior and all of us. Horas Be Macklon, Kernolog street 16 Batavia centrum (Central Jakarta).

original letter

Permintaan saudara ,harap jangan ber kecil hati , saya akan ber ikhtiar lagi memenuhi permintaan ipar itu. Tentang saudara kita KAS dan Hoesein apakah kabarnya ? Sekarang ada juga yang kirim sayur dari Budi, 2 kali seminggu ke Pasar Senen untuk diperdagangkan,dipasar tersebut, Emen sering juga datang.Oey Lay May setiap minggu kirim BOOL 5 ton. Kalau ipar sempat tjobalah datang sekali ke Pasar Senen supaya kita berbincang mengatur langkah kita. banyak sekali yang akan ditanyakan sesudah begitu lama tak bertemu,harap semuanya dalam keadaan sehat-sehat saja sampai ketemu lagi. Bistok,Sitoemorang dan keluarga yang lain-lain semoga selamat. Pendeta kirim tabe(hormat) banyak-banyak.Pada rtanggal 7/11 1947 yang lalu Tuhan mengembirakan di rumah kita karena satu anak lelaki yang datang(lahir) dalam keadaan sebat begitu juga ibunya.Kita ucapkan banyak terim akasih atas rahmatNYA. Harap ikut mendoakan supaya anak ini baik tingkah lakunya bagi Tuhan dan kita semua. Horas Be Macklon,Jalan Kernolog 16 Batavia centrum(jakarta Pusat).


the used block four local sumatra revenue f,25, the rate became up from F.75 to f.100,0 this info means devaluation i  Indonesia. othe date 20.12.47. (other collection look in 1948)


 The Renville Meeting on the ship (four photos)

the meeting between  RI goevernment with  consulair commission member at yogja (one photo)

December 8th.1947

(a)Dutch and Indonesian representatives meet on board the U.S.S. Renville, a U.S. Navy transport stationed in the Philippines, which was moved Jakarta harbor for the talks.

(b) The rare postally used cover  send by registered airmail from Canada 8.12.47 to Semarang Dutch East Indie . with  semarang account sencored and at the back arrival CDS Semarang 13.12.47, and with Bonne sante cinderella to affix the cover.

The Tobacco tax  Indonesia 1.70 Rp on Lilitary blend tobacco box  An justijn Tabak My Amsterdam Batavia(rare tobacco label collection)


The Letter of Repoeblik Indonesia”Balai Harta Peninggalan” soerakarta witn official stamped

December 25 th.1947

Dutch create state of East Sumatra.

the end Dr Iwan Suwandy 2011


Thw Sample Of Dr iwan CD-ROM:”Indonesia Independence revolution and War 1949



    • Protest slogan for independenc 1949












The Driwan’s  Cybermuseum


(Museum Duniamaya Dr Iwan)

Showroom :

Dr Iwan Book Exhibition


 part V 1949

Base On Dr Iwan Postal And Document Collections

Private Limited E-book Special For Collectors.


The Driwan’s Indonesia Independence Revolution And War  Cybermuseum



Indonesia Independence Revolution And War Collection part V in 1949


1. Markas Komando Djawa 1948-1949


Abdul Haris Nasution Kol.TNI beliefs (the last of the Five-Star General) that the soldiers who do not have the support of the people must be defeated.
In the Revolution of Independence I (1946-1948), when leading Siliwangi Division, Pak Nas pulled the second lesson. People supporting the TNI. From this was born the idea of guerrilla warfare as a form of people’s war. Method of warfare is freely developed after Pak Nas became Commander of Java in the Revolution of Independence II (1948-1949).

original info in Indonesian language:

Keyakinan Kol.TNI Abdul Haris Nasution (terakhir Jendral besar Bintang Lima)  bahwa tentara yang tidak mendapat dukungan rakyat pasti kalah.
Dalam Revolusi Kemerdekaan I (1946-1948), ketika memimpin Divisi Siliwangi, Pak Nas menarik pelajaran kedua. Rakyat mendukung TNI. Dari sini lahir gagasannya tentang perang gerilya sebagai bentuk perang rakyat. Metode perang ini dengan leluasa dikembangkannya setelah Pak Nas menjadi Panglima Komando Jawa dalam masa Revolusi Kemerdekaan II (1948-1949).

look the cover of vintage book “Markas Komando Djawa “(Java Command Headquaters)

2.The Indonesian east sumatra  National Police(POLRI) 1949


Mobile Brigade residency Tapanuli IN militarization

1) Based on the assessment board of the Regional Defence Forces Tapanuli Mobile Brigade in Militerisasikan be KERESIDNENAN Tapanuli IV Battalion Regiment Brigade XI Tapanuli I TRI and MAS KADIRAN became Battalion Commander IV-I TRI Brigade Regiment with the rank XI MAJOR TRI (Army of the Republic of Indonesia) by the number of troops as much as 380 people complete with weapons including Heavy Weapons (cannon) and the Panzer Wagon Lezonik with Ammunition and Weapons and ammunition reserves.

2) With the Militerisasikan MBK Tapanuli be YON IV MEN I TRI Brig XI under the Tactical Commander Brigade Regiment I Tapanuli XI MAJOR Panggabean and Technical MARADEN under Chief Residency Tapanuli.

k. MBK / YON IV MEN – I Brig XI Tapanuli IN muster to Parapat

1) Dutch aggression in East Sumatra expanding cities in Sumatra in the East was controlled by the Dutch and the Dutch would extend their area by going to the area Parapat. Based on the Regional Defense Command Council Tapanuli and MEN-I Commander Brig IV MAJOR Tapanuli MARADEN Panggabean order Yon IV Force Brig XI MEN-I leave for Parapat Dutch troops to hold its speed of movement. Based on the MAS command KADIRAN with troops depart to Parapat.

2) On arrival in Parapat KADIRAN MAS Coordination with the Force held the Third Regiment under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Tapanuli Siahaan Jansen and the coordination is in agree that MAS KADIRAN as BATTLE COMMANDERS in Parapat to stem the movement of the Dutch troops. Forces MBK / YON – IV MEN – MEN I and members – aided III Society makes Defense Barricades arranged in a big way from AEK Nauli to Parapat and conduct reconnaissance and Pos-Pos Defense in Relay from AEK Nauli to Parapat

3) On day 15 in Parapat obtained news from investigators that the Dutch troops were 15 km from Aek Nauli, the troops under the command MAS KADIRAN ready to fight by way of ambush and destruction in Aek Nauli, at 03.00.Wib all Troops ready in Aek Nauli and at 05.00.Wib pass-Battle fierce battle in a big way Aek Nauli – Parapat.

4) At 10.00.Wib appear 2 Aircraft by firing on the Dutch Defense – defense and an important place in Parapat, the emergence of two Dutch-owned Aircraft Defense Forces opened fire on a split MAS KADIRAN resulting Blind Defense Forces become fragmented and MAS KADIRAN ordered his troops to retreat to Parapat. In this battle forces suffered many losses KADIRAN MAS.

5) Within 21 days Forces MBK / YON IV MEN – I Tapanuli KADIRAN MAS leader, top PerintahDewan Defense and Commander of the Regiment – I IX Brigade Troops Tapanuli to MBK Tapanuli / YON IV MEN – I Brig XI returned to the Parent Unit in Sibolga and Parapat Area Commander in the hand over to the MAJOR LEBERTY terimakan Malau in Parapat.


1) Based on the warrant of the Branch Bureau of the Republic of Indonesia National Police Mobile Brigade was formed for the Great Sumatra – Sumatra (Aceh and East Sumatra – Tapanuli) and designated as Pimpinanya POLICE INSPECTOR CLASS – I SUMATRA Humala Silalahi with the position and is headquartered in the School of Agriculture Sibarani Video Boti and by the Command Chief of Police Residency Tapanuli in the form of Mobile Brigade Tapanuli SOUTH and designate as chairman POLICE INSPECTOR Ibn based in Padang Sidempuan.


1) When Using MAJOR GENERAL Suparto in Tarutung to Briefings on the Residency in Tapanuli Forces which was attended by COLONEL Siahaan Jansen, MARADEN Panggabean MAJOR, MAJOR MAJOR Bejo and MAS KADIRAN. at the hearing that there was fighting between troops MBB-Sumatra with Legion forces on the track Penggempur Boti, COLONEL Siahaan Jansen as a responsible regional security in Toba asked MAJOR MARADEN Panggabean and MAS KADIRAN and MAJOR Bejo for review to the Field.

2) Arriving at the song Boti into four commanders met Humala Silalahi MBB-I Chief of Sumatra, from the explanation POLICE INSPECTOR Humala Silalahi that legions PENGGEMPUR successfully disarmed troops Armament-Sumatra MBB, MBB troops heard this – I do Assault precedes Sumatra. Hearing this explanation then COLONEL Siahaan Jansen as Regiment Commander – Brigade III – XI Tapanuli, ask MARADEN Panggabean MAJOR, MAJOR MAJOR MAS KADIRAN Bejo and to take precautions.

3) With the approval of the 3 Commander, then on Apply Tapanuli troops to secure the area, then there was fighting in Sibolga, Tarutung, songs Boti, Porsea, until the Border Labuhan Batu, OLD MOUNTAIN, CITY LONG LINGGA Pinang. Finally, with the Wisdom of the Government of Indonesia Tapanuli, Chairman-chairman and Chairman of the Peoples Party in Tarutung, then there was peace in Pangaribuan to stop the fighting by both sides because Indonesia only harm and benefit the nation the Netherlands, with the result that the talks are not mutually agree to end strike each of the forces in drag to the parent Its units, troops MBB Tapanuli in Drag to Padang Sidempuan.


1) Some months duration Tapanuli area free of distractions Battle of the armed movement, but movement of the Dutch troops who are in Parapat not cease to infiltration by Divide and Conquer between the People by the People, the Army Forces, all the more so where the Force Commander has been no readiness so often drawn to the pitting, especially after the gathering of forces-forces of East Sumatra in Tapanuli, so that the number of troops in Tapanuli the friction between troops is very possible.

1) So that was happening in Tapanuli of the strongest forces of East Sumatra was at loggerheads in Tapanuli, one party is in force Unity Bull Lead by the MAJOR L. Malau and one more party-B Forces Brigade and the Brigade Leaders MAJOR Bejo-A led by Saragih ROS Two troops of the East Sumatra in Tapanuli berselih understand, so that the combined strength of weapons including XI Brigade became broken and each brings their way individual and eventually attack the Dormitory BATALIYON Brigade – XI in Padang Sidempuan. In this case his Battalion Commander Dies

2) With the crisis MAS KADIRAN MBK Chief Commissioner KLS I Tapanuli and M. Nurdin To Police Resident Resident Tapanuli in calling facing Tapanuli Dr. F.L. TOBING in the talks that Chief MBK Tapanuli MAS KADIRAN firmly take the road side with brigade-B in South Tapanuli and MAS KADIRAN appealed to Chief Resident Tapanuli Dr.FLTOBING to bring his troops into the field Sidempuan to avoid clashes between the Brigade – A and brigades – B.

3) The battle between the forces and Bull Brigade – B occurs which began STEM Toru, Pandaan and arrived in Sibolga, after many casualties the two armies finally entered into negotiations in Sibolga which was attended by Dr. VICE PRESIDENT. Mohd. HATTA. Completed negotiations then Brigade – B led MAJOR Bejo, supported by MAS KADIRAN back to South Tapanuli Bull Forces Leadership and L. Tapanuli Malau to North and Central Tapanuli be submitted to the brigade and Army XI Tapanuli Navy Indonesia


IN residency Tapanuli

1) Under the command of Police Chief of North Sumatra, in order to prepare troops MAS KADIRAN MBB-I-Aceh, North Sumatra Police to handover the Netherlands to the Indonesian police, with the news of the Joint Officer CAPTAIN IBRAHIM HAJI, on the appointed day the North Sumatra Police chief Mr Darwin Karim and Mas Kadiran with 2 Company MBB-I-Aceh, North Sumatra and 1 Battalion – B Mursalin Tello leaders went to Padang Sidempuan to weigh thank the Dutch police, from Padang Sidempuan continued to Sibolga and Tarutung, Weigh accept walk safely, orderly and smooth .

2) While the time to wait for orders received in the weigh in East Sumatra, North Sumatra Police chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner then DARWIN KARIM live in Sibolga with Staff-staff to take care of everything for Police Police stations have received throughout the South Tapanuli, Mas Kadiran ordered Company – C towards Sibolga Go to Company D and P. Sidempuan, Staff Member MBB-I-Aceh, North Sumatra in order to join the Mas Kadiran Sibolga. While Company A and B remain in Balige to wait for the next command into the East Sumatra to Weigh received by the Dutch Police.



By Order Police chief Comr for Sumatra Mr. Commandments UMAR SAID and North Sumatra Police Chief to enter into eastern Sumatra to conduct weigh thank the Dutch National Police, on the day that has been set by two men of Mas Kadiran in Balige. Hanafi Commander and went to Sumatra, West Sumatra MBB East Regional division of MBB-Sumatra-Aceh leader Mas Kadiran do weigh receive in P, Siantar, high cliffs danMedansedangkan MBB-II Sunar do weigh received in Tanjung Balai and Rantau Prapat.


original info in Indonesia language:



1) Berdasarkan Ketetapan dewan Pertahanan Daerah Tapanuli Pasukan MOBILE BRIGADE KERESIDNENAN TAPANULI di Militerisasikan menjadi BATALYON IV RESIMEN I TRI BRIGADE XI TAPANULI dan MAS KADIRAN menjadi KOMANDAN BATALYON IV RESIMEN-I TRI BRIGADE XI dengan Pangkat MAYOR TRI (Tentara Republik Indonesia ) dengan jumlah Pasukan sebanyak 380 orang lengkap dengan senjatanya termasuk Senjata Berat (Meriam) dan Panser Wagon Lezonik dengan Amunisi serta Cadangan Senjata dan Amunisi. 

2) Dengan di Militerisasikan MBK Tapanuli menjadi YON IV MEN I TRI BRIG XI secara Taktis di bawah Komandan Resimen I BRIGADE XI Tapanuli MAYOR MARADEN PANGGABEAN dan Tehnis di bawah Kepala Polisi Keresidenan Tapanuli. 


1) Agresi Belanda di Sumatera Timur semakin luas Kota –kota di Sumatera Timur sudah di kuasai oleh Belanda dan Belanda akan meluaskan daerahnya dengan menuju daerah PARAPAT. Berdasarkan Perintah Dewan Pertahanan Daerah Tapanuli dan Komandan MEN-I BRIG IV TAPANULI MAYOR MARADEN PANGGABEAN agar Pasukan Yon IV MEN-I BRIG XI berangkat menuju Parapat menahan gerak lajunya Pasukan Belanda. Berdasarkan perintah tersebut MAS KADIRAN dengan Pasukannya berangkat ke Parapat.

2) Setibanya di Parapat MAS KADIRAN mengadakan Koordinasi dengan Pasukan RESIMEN III TAPANULI dibawah Komando LETKOL JANSEN SIAHAAN dan dalam Koordinasi ini di sepakati bahwa MAS KADIRAN sebagai KOMANDAN PERTEMPURAN di Parapat guna membendung gerak Pasukan Belanda. Pasukan MBK / YON – IV MEN – I dan Anggota MEN – III dibantu Masyarakat membuat Pertahanan Barikade di jalan besar yang disusun dari AEK NAULI sampai PARAPAT dan mengadakan Pos-Pos pengintaian dan Pertahanan secara Estafet dari AEK NAULI sampai PARAPAT

3) Pada hari ke 15 di Parapat didapat berita dari penyelidik bahwa Pasukan Belanda sudah berada 15 Km dari Aek Nauli, maka Pasukan yang berada di bawah Komando MAS KADIRAN siap untuk melawan dengan cara Penghadangan dan Penghancuran di Aek Nauli, pada pukul 03.00.Wib seluruh Pasukan sudah siap di Aek Nauli dan pada pukul 05.00.Wib terjadilah Pertempuran –Pertempuran yang sengit di jalan besar Aek Nauli – Parapat.

4) Pukul 10.00.Wib muncul 2 Pesawat Terbang Belanda dengan menembaki Pertahanan – pertahanan dan tempat penting di Parapat, munculnya 2 Pesawat Terbang milik Belanda menembaki Pertahanan Pasukan MAS KADIRAN secara membagi Buta sehingga mengakibatkan Pertahanan Pasukan menjadi terpecah dan MAS KADIRAN memerintahkan Pasukannya untuk mundur ke Parapat. Dalam Pertempuran ini Pasukan MAS KADIRAN mengalami banyak kerugian.

5) Dalam waktu 21 hari lamanya Pasukan MBK / YON IV MEN – I Tapanuli Pimpinan MAS KADIRAN, atas PerintahDewan Pertahanan dan Komandan Resimen – I BRIGADE IX Tapanuli agar Pasukan MBK Tapanuli / YON IV MEN – I BRIG XI kembali ke Induk Satuan di Sibolga dan Komandan Parapat Area di serah terimakan kepada MAYOR LEBERTY MALAU di Parapat.


1) Berdasarkan Surat Perintah dari Cabang Jawatan Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia untuk Sumatera dibentuk Mobile Brigade Besar – I Sumatera (Aceh-Sumatera Timur – Tapanuli ) dan ditunjuk sebagai Pimpinanya INSPEKTUR POLISI KELAS – I SUMATERA HUMALA SILALAHI dengan kedudukan dan bermarkas di Sekolah Pertanian Sibarani Lagu Boti dan berdasarkan Perintah Kepala Kepolisian Keresidenan Tapanuli di bentuk MOBILE BRIGADE KABUPATEN TAPANULI SELATAN dan di tunjuk sebagai pimpinannya INSPEKTUR POLISI IBNU berkedudukan di Padang Sidempuan. 


1) Pada Saat MAYOR JENDERAL SUPARTO berada di Tarutung untuk melakukan Brifing terhadap Pasukan Keresidenan di Tapanuli yang di hadiri oleh KOLONEL JANSEN SIAHAAN, MAYOR MARADEN PANGGABEAN, MAYOR BEJO dan MAYOR MAS KADIRAN. di dengar bahwa terjadi Pertempuran antara Pasukan MBB-I Sumatera dengan Pasukan Legiun Penggempur di LAGU BOTI, KOLONEL JANSEN SIAHAAN selaku penanggung jawab Kemananan di Daerah Toba meminta kepada MAYOR MARADEN PANGGABEAN dan MAS KADIRAN serta MAYOR BEJO untuk meninjau ke Lapangan. 

2) Sesampainya di Lagu Boti ke 4 Komandan ini menemui HUMALA SILALAHI Kepala MBB- I Sumatera, dari penjelasan INSPEKTUR POLISI HUMALA SILALAHI bahwa LEGIUN PENGGEMPUR berhasil melucuti Persenjataan Pasukan MBB- I Sumatera, mendengar hal ini Pasukan MBB – I Sumatera mendahului melakukan Penyerangan. Mendengar penjelasan ini maka KOLONEL JANSEN SIAHAAN sebagai KOMANDAN RESIMEN – III BRIGADE – XI TAPANULI, meminta kepada MAYOR MARADEN PANGGABEAN, MAYOR BEJO dan MAYOR MAS KADIRAN untuk mengambil tindakan pengamanan.

3) Dengan adanya persetujuan dari ke 3 Komandan, maka di kerahkanlah Pasukan untuk mengamankan daerah Tapanuli, maka terjadilah pertempuran di SIBOLGA, TARUTUNG, LAGU BOTI, PORSEA, sampai dengan ke Perbatasan LABUHAN BATU, GUNUNG TUA, LINGGA PANJANG KOTA PINANG. Akhirnya dengan Kebijaksanaan Pemerintah RI Tapanuli, Ketua-ketua partai dan Ketua Adat di Tarutung, maka terjadilah Perdamaian di PANGARIBUAN untuk menghentikan Pertempuran oleh kedua pihak karena hanya merugikan Bangsa Indonesia dan menguntungkan pihak Belanda saja, dengan hasil Perundingan itu di sepakati untuk tidak saling menyerang akhirnya masing-masing Pasukan di tarik ke induk Satuannya, pasukan MBB Tapanuli di Tarik ke Padang Sidempuan. 


1) Beberapa Bulan lamanya daerah Tapanuli bebas dari gangguan gerakan Pertempuran bersenjata, tetapi gerakan tentara Belanda yang berada di Parapat tidak henti-hentinya melakukan Infiltrasi dengan Politik Adu Domba antara Rakyat dengan Rakyat, Pasukan dengan Pasukan, terlebih–lebih dimana Komandan Pasukan belum ada kesiapan sehingga sering terpancing untuk di adu domba, apalagi setelah berkumpulnya Pasukan-Pasukan dari Sumatera Timur di Tapanuli, sehingga dengan banyaknya Pasukan di Tapanuli maka gesekan-gesekan antar Pasukan sangat mungkin terjadi.

1) Demikian yang terjadi di Tapanuli dari Pasukan yang terkuat dari Sumatera Timur tersebut berselisih paham di tapanuli, satu pihak pasukan Kesatuan Banteng yang di Pimpin oleh MAYOR L. MALAU dan satu pihak lagi Pasukan BRIGADE-B Pimpinan MAYOR BEJO dan BRIGADE-A yang di pimpin oleh SARAGIH ROS Dua Pasukan dari Sumatera Timur tersebut berselih paham di Tapanuli, sehingga gabungan Kekuatan Senjata yang termasuk BRIGADE XI menjadi pecah dan masing-masing membawa jalannya masing-masing dan akhirnya terjadi Penyerangan ke Asrama BATALIYON BRIGADE – XI di Padang Sidempuan. Dalam hal ini Komandan Batalyon nya Meninggal Dunia

2) Dengan adanya krisis tersebut MAS KADIRAN Kepala MBK Tapanuli dan KOMPOL KLS I M. NURDIN Kepada Polisi Residen Tapanuli di panggil menghadap Residen Tapanuli Dr. F.L. TOBING dalam pembicaraan itu Kepala MBK Tapanuli MAS KADIRAN dengan tegas mengambil jalan memihak BRIGADE-B di Tapanuli Selatan dan MAS KADIRAN memohon kepada Kepala Residen Tapanuli Dr.F.L.TOBING untuk membawa Pasukannya ke Padang Sidempuan untuk mengindari Bentrokan antara BRIGADE – A dan BRIGADE – B.

3) Pertempuran antara Pasukan Banteng dan Brigade – B terjadi dimana mulai BATANG TORU, PANDAAN dan sampai di SIBOLGA, setelah banyak memakan korban akhirnya kedua pasukan mengadakan Perundingan di Sibolga yang di hadiri oleh WAKIL PRESIDEN Dr. MOHD. HATTA. Selesai perundingan maka BRIGADE – B di pimpin MAYOR BEJO yang di dukung oleh MAS KADIRAN kembali ke Tapanuli Selatan dan Pasukan Banteng Pimpinan L. MALAU ke Tapanuli Utara dan Tapanuli Tengah di serahkan kepada BRIGADE XI TAPANULI dan Pasukan Angkatan Laut Indonesia



1) Berdasarkan Perintah Kepala Kepolisian Sumatera Utara, MAS KADIRAN agar mempersiapkan Pasukan MBB-I Sumut-Aceh untuk serah terima Kepolisian Belanda kepada Kepolisian Indonesia, dengan adanya berita dari Joint Officer KAPTEN IBRAHIM HAJI, pada hari yang sudah ditentukan maka kepala Kepolisian Sumut Bapak Darwin Karim dan Mas Kadiran dengan 2 Kompi MBB-I Sumut-Aceh dan 1 Batalyon – B pimpinan MURSALIN TELLO berangkat ke Padang Sidempuan untuk timbang terima dengan Kepolisian Belanda, dari Padang Sidempuan dilanjutkan ke Sibolga dan Tarutung, Timbang terima berjalan dengan aman, tertib dan lancar.

2) Sementara waktu untuk menunggu perintah dalam timbang terima di Sumatera Timur, maka Kepala Kepolisian Sumut AKBP DARWIN KARIM tinggal di Sibolga bersama Staf-stafnya untuk mengurus segala sesuatu untuk Kepolisian timbang terima Kepolisian diseluruh Tapanuli Selatan, Mas Kadiran memerintahkan Kompi – C untuk menuju Sibolga dan Kompi D Menuju ke P.Sidempuan, Anggota Staf MBB-I Sumut-Aceh agar menuju Sibolga bergabung dengan Mas Kadiran. Sedangkan Kompi A dan B tetap tinggal di Balige untuk menunggu Perintah selanjutnya masuk ke Sumatera Timur untuk Timbang terima dengan Kepolisian Belanda.



Atas Perintah Kepala Kepolisian untuk Sumatera Bapak KOMBES POL UMAR SAID dan Perintah Kepala Kepolisian Sumatera Utara agar masuk kedalam Sumatera Timur untuk mengadakan timbang terima dengan Kepolisian Belanda, pada hari yang sudah di tentukan Mas Kadiran dengan dua Kompi yang berada di Balige. dan Hanafi Komandan MBB Sumbar berangkat ke Sumatera Timur dengan pembagian Daerah MBB-I Sumatera-Aceh Pimpinan Mas Kadiran melakukan timbang terima di P,Siantar, Tebing tinggi danMedansedangkan MBB-II Sunar melakukan timbang terima di Tanjung Balai dan Rantau Prapat.




Julius Kardinal information(1978)

at the early January 1949(Pada permulaan bulan januari 1949,)

Bantul regency capital city, 6 km from Ganjuran, Army occupied the Netherlands. makinmencekam atmosphere bai population. At lunch time there was a sudden often datanganya Dutch soldiers, all panicked, ran to evacuate, although most are not true and at night came the attacks of the Parties to the TNI. One morning I received a report from the hospital kitchen that supplies of fuel wood is almost gone. At about 9:00 I was with a young man riding a bike into the village behind the hospital to look for firewood. Apparently the village was deserted, the people already displaced. Fortunately, the intended father’s family home and tend to have quite a lot of firewood supply and willing to help. unfinished pembuicaraan how far the transportation of the eruption sounded, followed by the hiss and the two eruptions in place. Soon there was an eruption of the other majors, the same hiss and ended with two eruptions as well. We both immediately ride a bike to the hospital to attend disana.Seluruh residents Hospitals and orphanages as well as the nurses had to hide under the table trying to seek shelter where dabn thought safe. The atmosphere of panic, fear, all suspect that will eventually hit. Praying and surrender to God. Apparently the former mill complex and Hospital in mortars from two places, thank goodness no one hit the building, so there were no casualties in the complex. Mortar fire lasted approximately setngah hours.

Once convinced that the bombing had stopped, held talks with the five young men in my room. There is still a couple of cloth napkins and a red ink, they immediately make the flag of the Red Cross, seeking gaklah and they are ready to go out to look for victims who need help. New sja out of the hospital, they ran back to my room to meet them head nurse, Captain-ranking commander with about 50 of his men, there was talk among other things: “Father, here are some members of the TNI?.” No “.” Father knows that all around there TNI soldiers, beraapoa their numbers. “” Do not know if the number of Catholic norang I know “.” necessarily “” In this complex there are soldiers who were hiding and no gun?. “No” ” may be searched? “Yes, but you along with me and the chief nurse and lived outside the fruit ank”. Begin a search Kareena arrival of the Captain and how scary. ” It’s certainly the army “.” Instead of, patients’ chief nurse replied. “Later, if it has been cured of menenbak again”. “SEalama in rumag ill be tangunggan me.” “I will take it”. ” not possible, as long so be patient. ”

in these circumstances occur a search throughout the complex, opening each door and entered the room followed by a thumbs gun and questions set geramdiajukan. A search is completed quickly enough and no less thorough. Done a search there is an interview with the captain led pasukan.Di bebrapa factory environment they found a grenade that was not working anymore, but can pose a hazard, then it will d9ibawa to amrkas them for the sake of the security. The captain then asked the youth workers who are dikamar sya, I imagine they would have objected. after a long talk, decided bahewa they’ll come, they ettapi no later than 17:00 hours should’ve come back here. Belumkembali If at that time, I will come kemarkas them. After that they went, the youth participate bebrapa carrying grenades and landmijn, after they left, a sense of relief filled the whole complex, all felt very tired during the bnayak who did not receive food, I myself also experienced a sma. but strangely I feel so sleepy and continue bed rest. Approximately 1500 hrs knock at the door, finally forced to pound because I did not hear him in bed “what else” I thought. It turns out that TNI members ready to come now with straw and kerosene, they heard the news that all the occupants sick dikompleks ruamh dibaw aoleh Dutch soldiers, they are ready for the scorching earth Hospitals and complexity. I spoke with the leaders and take her to see the whole complex so intent membuni scorching canceled and they returned to markasnya.Baru they disappeared, there appeared youth “carrier” and landmijn grenade with the atmosphere of joy and experiences, they shared cigarettes and bread ynag given as a receipt love by the captain. Thus ended the first operation of the army beland, seasudah was still many times suddenly come small patrols, but not exceptional shock until they leave the special area Jogyakarta

original info

 ibu kota Kabupaten Bantul,  6 km dari Ganjuran, diduduki Tentara Belanda. suasana makinmencekam bai penduduk. Pada waktu siang sering mendadak terdengar  datanganya tentara Belanda, semua panik,lari mengungsi,meskipun kebanyakan tidak benar dan pada waktu malam terdengar serangan dari Pihak TNI. Pada suatu pagi saya mendapat laporan dari dapur Rumah sakit bahwa persediaan kayu bakar sudah hampir habis. Kira-kira jam 09.00 saya dengan seorang pemuda naik sepeda masuk desa dibelakang Rumah sakit untuk mencari kayu bakar. Ternyata desa itu sepi, orang-orang sudah mengungsi. Untunglah ayah keluarga yang dituju ada dirumah dan mempunyai persediaan kayu bakar cukup banyak dan rela membantu. belum selesai pembuicaraan bagaimana cara pengangkutannya terdengar letusan dari jauh,diikuti dengan  desisan dan 2 letusan di tempat. Sebentar lagi dari lain jurusan terdengar letusan,desisan yang sama dan berakhir dengan 2 kali letusan juga. Kami berdua segera naik sepeda ke Rumah sakit untuk hadir disana.Seluruh penghuni Rumah sakit dan Panti Asuhan serta para perawat sudah bersembunyi di bawah meja dabn mencoba mencari perlindungan dimana dikira aman. Suasana panik,takut, semua menduga bahwa akhirnya akan kena. Bedoa dan menyerahkan diri kepada Tuhan. Ternyata bekas pabrik dan kompleks Rumah Sakit di mortir dari dua tempat,syukurlah bangunan tidak ada yang kena,sehingga tidak ada korban didalam kompleks. Tembakan mortir berlangsung kira-kira setngah jam.

Sesudah yakin bahwa pengeboman sudah berhenti, diadakan perundingan dengan 5 orang pemuda yang ada di kamar saya. Masih ada berberapa kain serbet makan dan ada tinta merah,dengan segera mereka membuat bendera Palang Merah,mencari gaklah dan mereka siap keluar guna mencari korban yang perlu ditolong. Baru sja keluar dari rumah sakit, mereka lari kembali ke kamar saya dengan suster kepala menemui mereka, komandannya berpangkat Kapten dengan kira-kira 50 orang anak buahnya, terjadi pembicaraan antara lain:”pastor ,disini ada beberapa orang anggota TNI ?.”Tidak ada”.”Pastor tahu bahwa di sekitar ada tentara TNI, beraapoa jumlah mereka”.”Tidak tahu, kalau jumlah norang katolik saya tahu”.”tentu” “Di kompleks ini ada tentara yang bersembunyi dan ada senjatanya?.”Tidak ada””Boleh digeledah ?”Boleh,tetapi bersama dengan saya  dan suster Kepala dan ank buah tinggal diluar”. Mulailah pengeledahan kareena kedatangan Kapten tersebut dan caranya menakutkan.” Ini tentu tentara”.”BUkan,pasien” jawab suster Kepala.”Nanti jika sudah sembuh tentu menenbak lagi”.”SEalama di rumag sakit menjadi tangunggan saya”.”ini akan saya bawa”.” tidak mungkin,selama jadi pasien”.

dalam suasana semacam ini terjadi pengeledahan seluruh kompleks,setiap membuka pintu dan masuk kamar diikuti dengan acungan pistol dan pertanyaaan yang geramdiajukan. Pengeledahan cukup cepat selesai dan tidak kurang teliti. Selesai pengeledahan masih ada wawancara dengan kapten pimpin  pasukan.Di lingkungan pabrik mereka menemukan bebrapa granat  yang sudah tidak bekerja lagi, tetapi dapat menimbulkan bahaya, maka akan d9ibawa ke amrkas mereka demi keamana. maka Kapten minta tenaga pemuda yang ada dikamar sya, sudah saya bayangkan mereka akan keberatan. sesudah agak lama bicara,diputuskan bahewa mereka akan ikut, ettapi mereka selambat-lambatnya jam 17.00 harus udah kembali disini. JIka pada waktu itu belumkembali, saya akan datang kemarkas mereka. Setelah itu mereka pergi, bebrapa pemuda ikut membawa granat dan landmijn, sesudah mereka pergi ,rasa lega memenuhi seluruh kompleks, semua merasa telah sangat lelah karena siang bnayak yang tidak memperoleh makanan,saya sendiri  pun mengalami yang sma. tetapi anehnya saya merasa mengantuk sekali dan terus istirahat tidur. Kira-kira jam 15.00 pintu diketuk,akhirnya terpaksa dipukul-pukul karena saya dalam tidur tak mendengarnya”ada apa lagi” pikir saya. Ternyata yang datang sekarang anggota TNI siap dengan jerami dan minyak tanah,mereka mendengar kabar bahwa semua penghuni dikompleks ruamh sakit dibaw aoleh tentara belanda, mereka siap untuk membumi hanguskan Rumah sakit dan kompleksnya. Saya berbicara dengan pemimpinnya dan mengantarnya melihat seluruh kompleks sehingga maksud membuni hanguskan dibatalkan dan mereka kembali ke markasnya.Baru saja mereka menghilang,muncullah pemuda “pembawa”granat dan landmijn dengan suasana gembira serta menceritakan pengalaman, mereka membagikan sigaret dan roti ynag diberikan sebagai tanda terima kasih oleh Kapten tersebut. Demikianlah berakhir operasi pertama dari tentara beland, seasudah itu masih berkali-kali secara mendadak datang patroli kecil ,tetapi tidak menimbulkan kejutan luar biasa sampai mereka meninggalkan daerah istimewa Jogyakarta.


PTT Djakarta salary book with handsign of the chief of ptt office Djakarta.


Postallyused lettersheet stationer  10 sen send from batavia centrum to Buitenzorg(bogor)

January 5th.1949

Dutch accept UN call for ceasefire in SumatraSultan Hamengkubuwono IX of Yogya refuses Dutch offer to head new Javanese state, resigns as head of Yogya government, and gives help to Republic guerilla fighters.


the information from Warna warta Djawa tengah newswpaper :

(A) the Word Series Rau Juliana

My goal is to fulfill my mother’s ability. Who really really hope that the Government of Indonesia is formed within a few weeks to come nini.Pemilihan which will be held selekans free as possible.

On 6 January the lalau, Series Queen Juliana said to Indonesia that looks like this:

My mother has been able to establish an independent and sovereign Indonesia, the Netherlands and Indonesia entered the union on the basis of sovereign kemaunan respectively, merdekan and on the same basis.

in February 1948 kesangupan oitu tealh repeated again, a sign that it truly became Queen of ability.

My goal since the throne is the ability memenjuhi my mother, to give to people in Indonesia: peace, happiness and prosperity in a sovereign self-government.

My goal really is to the federal government in recent weeks Indonesia was formed; government that will run the obligations on the basis of responsibility and democracy. XSelekas possible if it has been able, to be held the election, thus establishment of United States of Indonesia will soon be achieved.


General sudirman now being seriously ill and is being maintained well but not captured by the army commander of the TNI Belanda.Kolonel Hidajat in Sumatra, on 28 December 1948 tealh take over (over) Pimpina total republican army.


Before military action, Mr Asaat once said that the situation in the republic is beyond miserable than in the war. Denagn these words then one can draw the conclusion that if a held state military movements in that region in more baik.Seorang other princes, saying that the food supply in the republic’s only up to a month Maret.Sesudah famine will arise which hebat.dari words This is also one can draw conclusions that this second military movement led to improvements to the area not only brings tersebut.tentara tegush security and long, but brought the lightness in sehar-day life, also by providing food, clothing and medicine.

(D) some federal pemrintah Indonesia propaganda illustration in this newspaper: Hours gadang Bukittingi committee, Abdul Kadir Wijoyo Atmojo Jakarta, trucks mengangukt nakanan, and Indonesian youth in Practice.


 (a)Sabda Seri Rau Juliana

Tujuanku ialah memenuhi kesanggupan Ibuku. Harapanku yang sungguh sungguh ialah supaya Pemerintah Indonesia dibentuk dalam beberapa minggu yang datang nini.Pemilihan yang bebas akan diadakan selekans mungkin.

Pada tanggal 6 januari yang lalau, Seri Ratu Juliana bersabda untuk Indonesia yang isinya seperti berikut :

Ibuku telah sanggup mendirikan Indonesia yang merdeka dan berdaulat ,mengadakan perserikatan Indonesia Nederland dan berdaulat  atas dasar kemaunan masing-masing ,merdekan dan atas dasar yang sama.

dalam bulan Februari 1948 kesangupan oitu tealh diulangi lagi, tanda bahwa memang sungguh-sungguh menjadi kesanggupan Ratu.

Tujuanku sejak naik tahta ialah memenjuhi kesanggupan ibuku, untuk memberi kepada bangsa di Indonesia : ketentraman,Kebahagiaan  dan kemakmuran dalam pemerintahan sendiri yang berdaulat.

Tujuanku yang sungguh-sungguh ialah supaya pemerintahan federal Indonesia dalam beberapa minggu ini dibentuk; pemerintahan yang akan menjalankan kewajiban atas dasar tanggung jawab dan demokrasi. XSelekas mungkin jika telah dapat, akan diadakan pemilihan, dengan begitu pembentukan Negara Indonesia Serikat akan lekas tercapai.


Jendral sudirman sekarang sedang menderita sakit keras dan sedang dipelihara baik-baik tetapi tidak ditawan oleh tentara Belanda.Kolonel Hidajat Komanda  TNI di sumatra, pada tanggal 28 desember 1948 tealh mengambil oper(alih) Pimpina tentara republik Seluruhnya.


Sebelum aksi militer, Mr Asaat pernah mengatakan bahwa keadaan di republik adalah melebihi sengsaranya daripada dalam perang. Denagn kata-kata ini maka orang dapat menarik kesimpulan bahwa jika diadakan gerakan militer keadaan didaerah tersebut lebih baik.Seorang pembesar lainnya,mengatakan ,bahwa persedian makanan di republik hanya sampai bulan Maret.Sesudah itu akan timbul bahaya kelaparan yang hebat.dari kata-kata ini juga orang dapat menarik kesimpulan vbahwa gerakan militer yang kedua ini membawa perbaikan kepada daerah tersebut.tentara tidak hanya membawa keamanan yang tegush dan lama, tetapi mebawa keringanan dalam kehidupan sehar-hari,juga dengan memberikan bahan makanan,pakaian dan obat-obatan.

(d) beberapa illustrasi propaganda pemrintah federal Indonesia dalam surat kabar ini : Jam gadang Bukittingi, komite abdul kadir Wijoyo atmojo Jakarta,truk mengangukt nakanan ,dan pemuda Indonesia di Latih.


Tanda terima Pengiriman (Ontvangbewij or Recieved) Pospakket from batavia with overprint Indonesia stamps and wilhelmina stamps.


The chief OF PTT NRI Mas Suharto were kidnapped and arrest by Dutch Nica

The chief OF PTT NRI Mas Suharto were kidnapped and arrest by Dutch Nica soldier, and after that he never found (until this day his graved never found)



The rare postally used cover from malang to Medan(Negara Sumatra Timur) East Sumattera State ,the part of Indonesia federal state.

UN Security Council demands release of the Republican government, and independence for Indonesia by July 1, 1950.

There was significant guerilla activity against the Dutch during this period, led by Nasution and Sudirman. At the height of Dutch activity in the 1940s, there were around 150,000 Dutch forces in Indonesia


(a)The invitation to join the ceremony of tranferred the power from Dutch Federal Government to Wali Negara South Sumatra in february,1st 1949 , send from the chief of 7 oeloe village Palembang.



On January 21, 1949, with the city of Kuala Tungkal occupied by the Dutch public figures, scholars, intellectuals fled to the outskirts, which are located opposite the Kuala Tungkal. they dated January 25, 1949 meeting which consisted of various tribes to collect kekauatan to counterattack. Above consensus together, they form the Front pengurunya Wilderness with the following composition:

Chairman: H. Shamsuddin (cum treasurer)

Vice Chairman: A. Sanusi (Teacher Trenches fires)

Members: 1. H. Hanafiah (Head of Good Dyke)

2. Kadir (Sacred Head Dyke)

3. Imran (Head Dyke Mangrove)

4. Zuhri (Head Dyke Palembang)

5. Durasit (Head Parit Sungai Rawai)

6. Abdullah (head of the Trench fires)

Part Penggempur: Abdul Congratulations

Help By: 1. Zaidun

2. H. Saman Mangku (Market Kuala Tungkal)

3. H. Hanafiah (Head of Good Dyke)

Front Jungle forming a line called “Barisan Bally Red ‘.

The purpose of establishing the Barisan / Lasyakar Red Bally is to demolish the Dutch who occupied Kuala Tungkal. Therefore, should be chosen who will lead the Barisan Merah Bally, especially when invaded / attacked the Dutch position.

Then elected Abdul Samad called then moved at the term “Commander” (more popularly known as “Commander Adul”). It was also agreed when the Dutch attacked the Red Bally must together with the TNI and the tactics are under military command

On January 21, 1949 at 11:30 pm, beberpa Dutch ships attacked Kuala Tungkal with cannon and mortar firing. One of them was shot targets Great Mosque (Jami ‘) Kuala Tungkal, when the Islamic manaumat was getting ready to perform Friday prayers.

As a result of the attack, not last Friday prayers. When he feels safe, Dutch troops landed, still firing heavy weapons to protect his troops who were conducting pendarata.

TNI troops led by Lieutenant Young A. Fattah held resistance, backing toward the Trenches Gompong. Two soldiers and a young fighter named teacher of English R. Happy autumn shot dutch at the moment will blow up the Landman who had previously installed near the Post Office.

Kuala Tungkal Kewedanaan government led by the district officer with the Chief of Police Regional Noerdin Mahyuddin Harahap IPI, Head Tungkal Ilir Masdar Kewedanaan Government and its staff in Kuala Tungkal under a hail of bullets and mortar cannon backwards towards the village of Parit Gompong Pembengis through except for some sub-district officials, among others, Masdar, the Police , Information and others, Wedana Noerdin, Police Chief Mahyuddin Harahap and others continued the journey to the village of Parit Deli Betara Left Tungkal Ilir district.

Pembengis is a small village situated 7 (seven) Km from Kuala Tungkal, filled with refugees of various groups, in addition to government officials and military forces.

After the Dutch troops landed in Kuala Tungkal, the Dutch continued to advance to the araha pembengis with intent to break the resistance of military forces. At 17.00 pm in the Trenches Gompong intercepted by military forces led by Cadet Sergeant Major Madhan. AR, resulting in a shoot for 15 (fifteen) minutes. Holland then retreat to Kuala Tungkal to suffer casualties beberpa people were killed and wounded


On January 23, 1949, after retiring from Kuala Tungkal, a squad of military forces under the command of Cadet Sergeant Major Madhan. AR, 1023 Sector Commander assigned to patrol the Dutch Army stalking position. In the Trenches Gompong they met with the Dutch Army, causing a battle that resulted in some Dutch soldiers killed and wounded.

On January 23, 1949 night, the people of Seberang Tungkal trench Congratulations, arson military dormitory in the way of the Old Kuala Tungkal Prosperity. The force is led by Abdul Samad (Adul)


With Kuala Tungkal occupied by the Dutch, then the community leaders in the Trenches Congratulations Kuala Tungkal Tungkal III on January 25, 1949 have formed the Front, headed by H. Woods Shamsuddin prince Tungkal III.

Front board Rimba are those who’ve studied the practice Bally Red is the practice based on the teachings of Islam yangmeyakini that if the deeds carried out as specified, it is concerned will be able to avoid the bullets fired at him.

The formation of this Front, received rave reviews from the public because it fits with their belief that the war against the Dutch colonialists, when autumn meant masti martyr for fighting for the interests of defending the nation, state and religion as taught by the scholars at that time



Tanda terima Pengiriman Ontvangbewijs(Recive notes) Pospakket with overprint Indonesia  1 gld and wilhelmina 10 cent  stamps

(1a)February  7 th.1949

Resolution is introduced in United States Senate to stop all Marshall Plan aid to the Netherlands. Resolution is defeated on March 8.


Ontvangbewijs-Recieve pospakket sent from  batavia to tangerang withj overprin indonesia stamp 3×40 cent and Wilhelmina 10 cent  stamps


Dated February 7, 1949 by 9 (nine) of fruit boats, led by Abdul Samad who fondly known as Commander Adul. 41 people who all have learned the practice before the Dutch occupation of the Red Bally Kuala Tungkal, armed with machetes, knives, kris, spears and other sharp weapons, departing from ditches Welcome to Kuala Tungkal. Divided into four troops, each led by:

1. Abdul Smaad

2. H. warrant

3. H. Nafiah

4. Zainuddin

Bally Red Front army commander Tungkal Area H. Saman (Saman Commander)

Bally Red Commander with some leaders of the Barisan troops Bally Red (BSM).

Keris weapon Commander Haji Saman

Some equipment / weapon of war in the traditional red sash paramilitary troops against Military Aggression Belnda in Kuala Tungkal 1949

At 24.00 pm, they subjugate the Dutch defense simultaneously and suddenly, the Netherlands did not expect / suspect before. Pertempurang happen until 09.00 am in the morning. Since the attacks carried out tiba-tiba/mendadak, many Dutch soldiers who became casualties, of whom there were soldiers at the rank of Captain. Bally Barisan Merah 2 (two) people died of Arup bin Wahid and A. Rachman and two taken prisoner.

With the success of this first attack, then add to the efficacy of public confidence Bally Red deeds, so the more expressed their desire to fight the Dutch atta


Feb.8th and 9th 1949, Tanda Penerimaan Ontvangbewijs(Recieve) of Sending Pospakket with Wilhemina stamps.


On February 11, 1949 following an attack on the Dutch carried out jointly by the troops led by A. Fattah Leside and Barisan Merah Bally total 430 people led by Commander H. Abdul Hamid.

The battle took place in the Trench III Tungkal V. Rows of Red Bally fought bravely armed with machetes, saber, dagger and spear. In a battle going one on one duel. 45 (forty five) Bally Barisan Merah including Commander H. Abdul Hamid fall near the former plant padai Cang Kui Thurs. An Armed Forces and Lieutenant Young A. Fattah Leside wounded. In the Netherlands too many victims whose numbers were falling dapoat not known with certainty.

 Attack From the Trenches Bakau and death of Commander Adul

The first boat was placed at the front of the boat penglima Adul with Sergeant Major Murad CPM Alwi and two members of the CPM is Corporal Corporal Badari and Muhammad as well as 7 (seven) members of the Red Bally among others Abdullah. Sergeant Major CPM Buimin Hasan along with several members of the CPM and the Barisan Bally Red are on the boat finished third.

Once the troops are in the midst of the sea, met with a Dutch warship. Adul Commander and his friends immediately fired a shot aimed at the Dutch Army who were on board.

At once the shooting is intense from both sides. Commander Adul jumped into the water and swam towards the Dutch ship boarded the ship in order to invade the Dutch Army was on the ship. At the time of holding on to anchor the ship, Commander Adul kept mowed by machine-gun fire by the Dutch Army so that the handle apart and sinks do not arise again, the chief Adul fall in place.

Bally Red army commander Tungkal Area Abdusshamad Front (Commander Adul) (Photo May 1937 when he was in Johore Malaysia)

Belada soldiers continued firing machine gun that resulted in several broken or overturned boat, including boat which was Sergeant Major CPM. A. Murad Alwi. A member of Barisan Merah Bally who participated in the boat was shot and killed at that time also.

In a hail of bullets that the Dutch Army, Sergeant Major Murad Alwi trying to reach the coast of Ulu Kuala Tungkal Ladder King, by floating in water, breathe only through your nose, which sought to remain above the water surface. After a successful landing in trouble susuah Ladder King Ulu, Murad Alwi realized that his left hand got a bullet fired through the Netherlands.

From Ladder King Ulu, Murad Alwi headed Trenches Gompong where he met his friends who then took him to Beramitam and continues to the Gulf Nilau to get help and treatment.

In this battle, as many as 30 (thirty) members of the Barisan Bally Red and two CPM of Badari and Corporal Corporal Mohammed died, while 15 others were wounded, including Sergeant Major CPM. A. Murad Alwi. Sergeant Major CPM. Hasan Buimin with members of troops who are in a boat can save themselves and landed on the beach.

 Kuala Tungkal Dutch ship was attacked by Bally Red Army and Armed Forces by using boats and weapons swords and others. (Painting)


For the continuation of the struggle, it is necessary fundraiser / food in a more coordinated. Then on 15 February 1949 in Pembengis kulatungkal Jambi,set improvement board “Front Jungle”, namely:

Chairman: H. Shamsuddin (cum treasurer)

Vice Chairman: A. Sanusi (Teacher)

Penggempur Head: H. Saman (Head of Good Dyke)

Members: 1. Amri (Teacher)

2. H. Zakaria (Imam Mosque)

3. Alan (Member DPW)

4. Tarli (Member DPW)

Kitchen: People Pembengis

Supplies: Dharma Bhakti People

Information: Bureau of Information which consists of Hasan. AR, and Rusli Asrie Rashid Rashid.

Documentation: Head Masdar

With Wilderness Front refinement, then the preparations the resistance could be done better and planned, many donations from the community such as rice, coconuts, vegetables, chicken, fish, sugar, coffee, cigarettes and others were taken by boat or on foot. Not infrequently they come from enrolling to fight against the Dutch.

Special task lighting is to arouse the fighting spirit of the people, through leaflets that are made simple contents of the broadcast quoted ALL INDIA RADIO, BBC broadcasts to the Far East whose content is beneficial struggle.

Tools such as radio-Accu, stencils and typewriter obtained from people who voluntarily provide for the struggle. Accu radio donated by H. Dahlan was a businessman from Kuala Tungkal.

After beberpa times Pembengis were attacked by the Netherlands because it is situated not far from Kuala Tungkal about 7 (seven) Km, then felt insecure as the headquarters of the Front Rimba, Rimba therefore Front deployed administrators control every aspect of the place.

February ,23th.1949

The Jambi,Tanjung Jabung Kuala Tungkal Raid

 This raid occurred on February 23,  1949, the people who will engage in battle or red barret Bally had gathered in the village Pembengis Pembengis and has prepared the soup kitchen. People who become Barisan Merah Pria is dating from every Kepenghuluan (villages now) and each has brought a red cloth the size of 4 cm width and a length of 1 Meter stengah with traditional weapons according to the tribes in question, such as kris, spears , kampilan, sundang, machetes, cauliflower and others. Furthermore, the people will participate in conducting the raid, their names are recorded, which address, from which the village, noting the age and their families. Bally Red cloth should be worn at the time of invasion by forces including military forces, because in addition to the identification of members of the invading forces, is also the foundation of faith by deeds Bally Red every battle. Once everything has been prepared, then combined forces to leave the village it started moving toward the Trenches Gompong Pembengis, because this is the place Trenches Gompong final preparations, because of distance to the city of Kuala Tungkal only about an hour. In the Trenches Gompong is set on the division of groups, an explanation of the intended target, battle tactics, determine the special officers and the invasion of the Dutch defense strategies.

D. Formation of groups, leadership groups and target groups Invasion

1. After arriving in the Trenches Gompong, jumalah who will joined in the attack from the people amounted to 370 people and the Armed Forces of Indonesia as many as 30 people so that altogether 400 people. The first preparation, the examination of traditional weapons, like a dagger, the dagger, machete cauliflower, sundang, kampilan and others by a pawing weapon named Sahibar, which determined which ones should be brought guns invading and should not be taken. So all that will be joined in the attack did not kerkecuali TNI tested by eating pepper (sahang), where if that takes sahang or it was not spicy pepper, then they should not be invaded. Finally after all have provisions above, then the people of the 370 people who will fight terebut iktu allowed to go only 270 people with a military people plus 30 people, then who will conduct raids into the city of Kuala Tungkal only 300 people. To create the spirit and courage in this battle, given a drink of water that has been dijampi by the commander of the Red Bally H. Saman.

2. After finishing these studies, then arranged small groups of this number 300 men into 3 groups, all of which were assembled in three large groups, each of these three groups determined direction. Indonesian Armed Forces to be around groups of 10 people who directly amenjadi raid leader and as Vice drawn from the ranks of the people of Bally Red.

3. After the talks held between the Commander H. Saman Bally Red Army as the Commander and his staff leadership with the leadership battle Tungkal Front Area of ​​the National Army of Indonesia represented by Deputy Commander Cadet Sergeant Major Battle. AD. Madhan. AR and its commanders Sector are: Cadet Sergeant Major Anwarsyah Navy, as Commander Sergeant Major Sector II CPM Buimin Hasan, as the Commander Sector Commander III and Pol. Zulkarnain Idris as the Commander of Sector IV. From the results perebukan or negotiations have been able to set up leaders of the major groups III and at the same time also determine the target raid assault tactics and how to go back Kepangkalan Gompong Trenches.

4. From the results of these negotiations has been able to set the leadership of the propagators of the three groups and the division of the raid targets as well as offensive tactics are as follows:

a. Group I was led by Commander H. Saman and assigned as Deputy Cadet Sergeant Major Madhan. AR targeting kepertahanan assault Dutch army in the office of Post (PO. Diamond Queen is now) and the defense of the Dutch Army at home right now Chief of Police. Movement of the attack was carried out after the group II and III attacked and burned the houses in the way the Port of Customs on the road in the Trenches I Ulu Palembang. The road taken by the group I was way students now, after moving from Simpang Gompong trench.

b. The task of the TNI led by Cadet Sergeant Major Madhan. AR in group I was once seen fires in the Port of Ilir road as well as fires in the Trenches I and have a shootout, then the troops on the group I carry out attacks on Dutch soldiers in the post of Defence Police and the Post Office house with gunfire Kijanju Japanese machine guns and other weapons fire and threw hand grenades Japanese-made machine gun in place of the post office. Meanwhile troops pasuskan sling-led by the commander of the Red H. Saman began to move into town with cries of “Yes-ZALJALALI-WAL – Ikram” and stormed kepertahanan dutch army.

5. Group II, chaired by the Sector Commander III CPM Buimin Sergeant Hasan and Commander Sector Commander Pol IV. Zulkarnain Idris, the Deputy of the Barisan Bally Red H. Sayamsuddin and M. Sanusi who has the task of moving towards the Port road, through the Fishermen’s circuitry, veering through the bridge through the back way towards the goal of the Great mesji houses would be burned. While the military led by Sergeant Major yasng CPM stand on the back of the Grand Mosque, in order to protect the troops who served the Red Bally burned houses in the way of the Port has been burned. Zulkarnain Idris Force Commander at the Crossroads Commander survive and if the houses had been burned in the street Seaport, then this forces the defense menghantan Dutch Army in Simpang Empat at home Rivai. Pamuncak ST. Fire houses in the street and the harbor is a commando attack on the burning of houses by the Group III conducted the attack from the Trenches I.

6. Group III was led by Cadet Sergeant Major AL. Arwansyah assisted by Sergeant Corporal Syamsik of AL and AL and Barisan Sakiban Bally Red headed by Head of Masdar. Task Group III, the main thing is to burn the houses in the area of ​​Palembang on the road and the road near the cemetery and destroy tanks of water available in each house. While the military to protect them dar those shots. Motion carried on the road if the Port has seen fire and had a shootout with the Dutch Army. Thus, the Dutch Army was besieged by seranagan of Ilir and ulu.

E. The course of the Battle

1. Arriving at the Simpang Parit Gompong, each group dispersed into three majors with a unanimous determination to uphold all the decisions and plan their invasion.

In the middle of the pitch-dark night around 2 move all groups to their respective targets:

a. Group I to the way students are now heading to the Dutch defense in the post office is now PO. Diamond Queen and the current police chief’s house.

b. Group II is now moving towards the road on the edge of Fisherman sungat Dyke II, then entered the bridge the road continues to the back of the Great Mosque, and the houses of the Port road.

c. Group III moves forward towards the path of Sriwijaya, langusng to the cemetery road continues to divide the two directions of the road and as well as towards Palembang umah police chief.

2. At 3:15 minutes midnight, the group II who holds the key to the raid, had managed to set fire to houses in the Port road, which is a sign for the group III started his movement set fire to houses in the cemetery road and the road Palembang at 4 pajar fire has been coloring the sky red both of Ilir Pelaguhan road or from Parit Ulu I have been shooting, the bullets like fireflies in the night, flying toward its target, a voice shouts Barisan Merah Bally called “YA-ZALJALALI-WAL – Ikram”, reverberated and echoed in pajar sidikini. They advanced without shaking to the Dutch Army kepertahanan with traditional weapons hump machetes, spears, swords, dagger, dagger and others. “Esa lost two fairly, never come into force retroactively dubalang, Fisabilillah their determination, martyrdom purpose”.

3. Among the Dutch army had panic attacks from Ilir and from Ulu, also accompanied by a thunderous shouts of Barisan Merah Pria then at that time also held a group I suddenly shots kepertahanan Dutch Army Post Office (PO. Queen of Diamonds) now and Police in the house (street Nusa Indah) now, accompanied dnegan throwing hand grenades made in Japan, along with Bally’s Red Army, led by Commander H. Saman with cries of “Yes-ZALJALALI-WAL – Ikram” by firing a pistol in his left hand and right hand on the knob war kepertahanan Army invaded the Netherlands, followed by a red sash around the troops. From all directions from either side Ilir, as well as from the Middle gemuruhlah next Ulu and voice calls greatness “YA-ZALJALALI-WAL – Ikram” interspersed with shots of firearms, pasukana Dutch Army in the Post Office and Police Chief of home defense, began to leave defense they retreated towards the waterfront near the Ferry port now, while firing blindly, but the Barisan Merah Bally continues to pursue even if among them there are ayng shot the Dutch army. TNI troops, army come forward with ways to shoot a moving target, especially the Dutch troops are retreating, because given the bullets are extremely limited, and also members of these forces teleh use traditional weapons, like a dagger or a sword that has been revoked dibabkan bullets in their weapons have been depleted.

4. The morning sun has its light emitting dar UPUK east coincided with that bang-bang kancu martyrs and gun fire from the Dutch navy patrol boat in the river Pengabuan have caused explosions in downtown Kuala Tungkal both of Ilir, in Ulu and back-street Students, who as if to block the withdrawal of troops raid this way. The shooting mortars and cannon kancu of this ship did not stop approximately 3 hours.

5. The sky looked overcast, clouds covered the sky as if this vast and bi glimpsed through the clouds of sunlight that is about 5 feet high from the east UPUK. However ldakan-mortar explosion are still visible around the arena battles of the trenches I still shots karabon one-one that conducted by Cpl AL Sakiban target is not clear what is fired. Cadet Sergeant Major Madhan. AR signaling the Saman H. commander who at that time was behind the cliff path along with a few special men who accompanied him, in addition to the right at the intersection of four BNI now, while Cadet Sergeant Madhan. BRI AR are present in which the sign is to regularly retreat back to base. Cadet Sergeant Major Madhan. AR along with the soldiers I usman and Asnawi and Ilyas, who turns invisible warrior I finally know this (Ilyas) were killed at the time throwing grenades at the Post Defense Army Chief of Police of the Netherlands at home now. Commander H. Saman, along with some of his men saw Cadet Sergeant Major Madhan. AR and two of his men began moving back toward the Dutch Army Defense Pos that have been abandoned, then the commander of H. Saman-even moving backwards calmly standing on foot despite mortar explosions still there. Cadet Sergeant Major Madhan. AR digundikan Dutch defense until after the Post Office, seen one automatic weapon Owen Holland-gun and one gun is the result of that battle.

6. At the time rewind back to this base, look fabric is used as stretchers to carry the members of Barisan Bally Red wounded from the street and road Sriwijaya Students, and other friends who are killed can not be brought back.

F. Cover

1. So … a little story of The War of Independence History of Struggle of the Republic of Indonesia in the District of Tanjung Jabung in general, kecamata Tungkal Ilir particular that really happen that we serve in Attractions Flashback. About the invasion of the Netherlands Army in defense of Kuala Tungkal, for combinations of the Indonesian national army and the people of the Barisan Bally Red line to the defense of the Dutch Army in the city of Kuala Tungkal, which is the power of “single” is a potent and powerful, which may eventually repulsed Army troops Holland has a complete and modern weaponry and as one of the allied forces who took part won World War II past.

2. The raid on Thursday night and Friday on February 23, 1949 but we can repel the Dutch troops, get 2 pieces of LE and an Owen gun-gun, then on the ranks of the TNI and the people of Red Bally, many of which fall as a nation and as kusuma martyrs, who numbered as many as 68 people



The rare Federal State postal stationer smelt 2 sen type one G 95 with “Van Den”(type two  ,common with ven de) send from Padang to Padang Panjang(all west sumatra area  under federal state,except some village still under PDRI state.(this card send by my friend Wirako’s father,Dir MHI Ang Ie Siang)


23 February,1949

Basis battle acttacked move to  Pembengis village

Moved to Pembengis base invasion

After several raids from the sea which resulted in many casualties, then the elders of both the TNI and the Red Bally decided to divert the attack from the mainland. Location was chosen as the center / base to prepare the troops is Pembengis located approximately seven (7) km from Kuala Tungkal.

To support / coordinate the implementation of the attack through the Front Wilderness that has been enhanced to take care of receiving assistance from the public for purposes perjungan such as rice, coconuts, vegetables, fish, sugar, coffee, bread, cigarettes and others, in addition to registering and selecting those that expressed a desire to contribute to fight and fight against the Dutch Army,

For purposes, Forest Front, get a radio-aid batteries from H. Dahlan an entrepreneur that can be used to obtain useful information to better establish the continuation of the struggle. Information obtained by officers who are members of the Bureau of Information Wilderness Front transmitted to the public, among others, BBC Radio broadcast from the Far East for the benefit of struggle.

With the death of Commander and Commander H. Adul Abdul Hamid, the head of the Barisan Merah Bally replaced by Commander H. Saman, who had always accompanied the Commander Adul in raids against the Dutch Army.

In the final preparations to Kuala Tungkal invasion, have signed up to the board at Forest Front Pembengis number 1000 (one thousand) people to participate in fighting the Dutch attack, after selection by an assessment team received as many as 441 (four hundred and forty-one), the rest is prepared as a backup .

After all the preparations done, including practice teaching / practice Bally Red Direct Commander H. Saman, then on February 23, 1949 number of 441 (four hundred and forty-one) consisting of members of Bally Red line, the TNI, Police, Civilian Employee, Village Administrator and Village clergy, led by Pangluma H. Saman attacked the Dutch position in Kuala Tungkal. This attack meruapakan the greatest number of troops and the best preparation than with attacks carried out previously.

In Force attack was contained, among others:

1. Cadet Sergeant Major Madhan. AR (representing the Sector Commander Tungkal 1023 Front Area) A. Fattah Leside being treated wounds, with 3 (three) members of the TNI, namely, Syamsik Sergeant, Corporal (L) and Cpl Sakiban Sahring CPM.

2. H. Shamsuddin (Chairman of the Front Wilderness / prince Tungkal III)

3. M. Sanusi (Vice-Chairman of the Front Wilderness)

4. Masdar Event (Head Tungkal Ilir)

5. Police Commander Zulkarnaen Idris, Bustami and others

Troops are divided into 21 (twenty one) group dipimpini by a Chairman and Vice-direct group led by Commander H. Saman. Departure done from Pembengis (Old Mosque) and before arriving in Kuala Tungkal stopped some time at the Masjid Parit Gompong while carrying out the practice Bally Red as final preparations prior to the raid.

Before dawn, troops stormed Kuala Tungkal, through the checkpoints Netherlands. Occurs single combat with unequal weapons. Bally Red troops set fire to houses in the neighborhood used as a residence / dormitory Dutch Army, without heeding shots Dutch engine, so a lot of Dutch soldiers out of fear and panic ran up to their war ships anchored at the jetty Kuala Tungkal.

After raged almost as long as 3 (three) hours, the Barisan Merah Bally resigned return to Pembengis leaving the victim sebayak 30 (thirty) people died as a hero. In the Netherlands also fell victims to death and many serious injuries and minor.

Since the attacks, the Dutch Army to make the barriers of barbed wire fence around their camp, so that military and Red Bally will not strike again. But in reality, the TNI and the Red Bally never stop the attack. Dutch soldiers who were patrolling out of camp is always blocked and intercepted by the TNI and the Barisan Merah Bally.


Tanda Penerimaaan _Ontvangbewij,(The recieved) of sending Pospakket from Toko Kie Batavia to Ambon with overprint Indonesia stamp 40 cent.


March 1

(1)Guerillas retake Yogya for six hours under Suharto. (Later, this event would be called the “serangan umum” or “public offensive”.)

(2) the very rare change of adressstationer 2  sen dancer stationer, send from Hollandia Ned New guinea (mnow west papua) to Tanjung Pandan Billiton (very rare city postmark of West Papua and Billiton island Sumatra)


(1)Ontvangbewijs (Recieved of sending) Pospakket cds Batavia centrum 4.3.49 with overprint Indonesia stamps 2×40 send and 2x1gld

(2)The chinese overseas Medical doctor,dentist and Apotheecers organization letter send to Dr Thung Batavia,with nica -USA stamp 1 and 2 cent.


The Money Order(Poswessel)  recieved CDS SALAM 7.3.49(The city near Magelang and mountain)


On March 8, 1949, again the combined military forces Kuala Tungkal Jambi and Bally Red with strength of 150 people (one hundred and fifty) people led by Commander H. Saman attacked the Dutch position in Kuala Tungkal. In this raid, 68 (sixty eight) Barisan Merah Bally fall, and in the Netherlands is expected to fall a victim who directly witnessed by the survivors back to base.

Panglima Camak Dari Sungai Undan (Riau)

Commander Camak From River Undan (Riau)

On March 8, 1949 Dutch Army troops landed in the village bay beehive, a member of Bally Red happened to be in the Gulf market beehive named H. Baslan saw Dutch troops landed, H. Bally Red line Baslan members armed with machetes hump. H. Baslan were fired upon with automatic weapons by the Dutch Army and the fall of the scene. H. Baslan semapt injured left arm of a Dutch Army (original Dutch)


Ontvangbewijs (Recieved of sending) Pospakket cds Batavia centrum 9.3.49 with  6×50 sen ,2×40 sen overprint Indonesia and 1 gld overprint indonesia(rate  4.8 gulden).


On March 16, 1949, Commander Camak Barisan leaders of the Red River Bally Undan (Riau) led the 250 (two hundred and fifty) troops march stormed Kuala Tungkal Bally. Participated in this raid 25 (twenty five) troops led by Cadet Sergeant Major Madhan. AR.

Troops dispatched from the Old Mosque Pembengis. In this raid, Commander Camak under a hail of bullets fired by the Dutch invaded with his army, jumped over the barbed wire directly invaded the Netherlands in the camp. Semantara troops kept firing to protect them. Because the unbalanced force which forces the Red Bally only use sharp weapons such as machetes, swords, dagger, dagger, spear and the like. While the Netherlands using modern senajata automatic machine guns and other like-lai, Bally Red Army withdrew back to Pembengis. In battle, the commander Camak with 36 (thirty six) members of Barisan Merah Bally fall.

J. Sector Headquarters 1023 always moving

After several times attacked by military forces along the Barisan Merah Bally, based in Pembengis, the Dutch Army increased patrols to Pembengis and surrounding both by sea using BO patrol boat equipped with heavy weapons as well as by land from the Trenches Gompong so pembengis not safe anymore .

1023 Tungkal Area Sector Commander Lieutenant Young A. Fattah Laside with staff.
Standing in front from left to right: Sergeant Major Moerad Alwie, Madhan Cadet Sergeant Major AR, A. Young Lieutenant Fattah Laside and Sakiban. Squatting in front of Major Buimin Hasan.

For further struggle interests of the loading and preparation struggle berpinda-moved from place to place (mobile). Sector Commander Lieutenant Young A. Fattah Leside first move its headquarters to the Trenches Trench VII, then to the Mangrove, River Gebar and last base of the spines / Punggur River.

Strategy and tactics of the struggle then continue to use the strategy and tactics of war grilya (hita-and-run). In order for the strategy and tactics are run more efficiently and effectively, therefore 1023/Tungkal Sector structure Sector Area or Area Tungkal enhanced by including the following:

Sector Commander / Battle:
Lieutenant Young A. Fattah Leside accompanied by Lieutenant (N) Makky Perdana Kusuma.

Vice Commander:
Cadet Sergeant Major Madhan. AR.

Sub-Sector Commander Betara River / Ditch Deli:
Sergeant Major (L) T. Anwar Shah.

Pengabuan River Sub-Sector Commander:
Sergeant Major CPM A. Murad Alwi.

In addition there are several Unity Unity Tempur Tempur ie, each led by Sergeant Major CPM Buimin Hasan, Idris Zulkarnaian Police Commander, Sergeant Major (L) Sanusi and Sakiban moving from place to place (mobile). For the Dutch guerrilla attack. Until the announcement of the Cease Fire Ipenghentian shootout / ceasefire). Pengahadangan against Dutch troops continue to be made of them in Punggur River, Gulf of beehive, paar serindit River, Market Nilau Bay, River and other Gebar



The Diensbriefkaaart(Official Postcard),free stamp of Landsdrukkereij Batavai(Official printing) send from batavia to Semarang.


The Chan’s Book Store promotional cover send from  CDS Batavia centrum to Probolinggo with dancer 3 cent stamp.


the rare federal state postal stationer smelt 5 sen type one G 95 with van den,send  from Padang to Padang Panjang(this card send from my friend wirako’s father to my father in law- the family historic collections)


March 31 U.S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson privately tells Dutch that their Marshall Plan aid is still in jeopardy


Sjarifudin Prawiranegara headed the emergency PDRI government while Sukarno, Hatta, and the rest of the regular Republican government were being held by the Dutch. He would be involved in Indonesian politics for many years to come, as part of the rebel PRRI government in 1958, and yet again as a signer of the “Petition of 50” criticizing the government in 1980.


The postally used cover CDS Bandoeng ,the capital city Pasundan State of Indonesia Federaal

April 6th.1949.

91)United States Senate passes resolution to stop Marshall Plan aid to the Netherlands, but only if the UN Security Council votes sanctions against the Netherlands.

(2) The picuters of Malioboro road corner, during the PTT repaired the phone cables.


 the battle on the River Gebar in April 1949, dutch temtara patrol intercepted by navy troops led by Sergeant Major (L) T. Anwar Shah was accompanied by Lieutenant (N) Makky Perdanan Kusuma. After fighting a long time since losing in the number and types of weapons, troops backed by the victim’s 3 (three) people were slightly injured among them Lieutenant (N) Makky Perdanan dip aha Kusuma shot left.

April 12, 1949, Dutch soldiers using heavily armed BO ship docked in Bay Village Market NIlau, by landing troops by fully armed. Seeing the Dutch army landed, the troops march Bally Red spread around the Gulf Market Nilau, see the Dutch soldiers who were walking hand in hand towards the mainland, a member of the Barisan Bally named Aban Red Army invaded the Netherlands alone, have not had time to get to the Dutch Army troops, Aban has Automatic weapons were fired upon by the Dutch Army and Aban died the scene.

K. KL soldiers. Netherlands In the Capture

In early April 1949 after the headquarters moved to the Base of Sector 1023 Duri, a Dutch war ship approached the shore Jetty spines. Earlier the Dutch Army had been frequently patrolling the base of spines around the coast because that area 1023/Tungkal Sector headquarters are in this place.

The warship filled with native Dutch soldiers called Koningkelijke Leger (KL). Before arriving in Kuala Jetty Duri, the ship ran aground in the middle of the ocean because the water was receding. With a lifeboat 3 (three) persons to kuala Jetty Dutch soldiers with the intention of investigating the situation spines, but not biased to land because of low tide.

A Dutch Navy who were captured by the army of the republic of Indonesia (TRI)

being interrogated by Lieutenant Young A. Haddy D. Head III.

One of them by using a fishing boat that was passing by tried to reach land Jetty Kuala spines where there are houses and a Post Customs (Customs). Before samapi on the mainland, a boat accidentally overturned by the owner, then by the population residing in Kuala Jetty Duri Dutch Army is busy-busy arrested and taken to River Punggur, of whom helped Adnan Hasibuan a Customs Officer on duty at Jetty Kuala Duri .

Looking at these events, two Dutch soldiers who were on the boat right back to the ship. River Punggur Dutch soldiers were taken to the Sector Commander 1023 A. Fattah Leside was examined by Lieutenant Young A. Hadi Chief of Bureau III? Intel’s Northern Front, which happened to be in the village in order to help their duties in a combat situation Tungkal Front Area.

In the afternoon a patrol boat equipped with a BO Dutch heavy and light weapons opened fire towards the Jetty Kuala Sungai Punggur spines and without a definite direction (blindly). Dutch soldiers went ashore and then continue shooting. Apsukan TNI withdrew kepedalaman while shooting a reply to slow down the Dutch Army. In the event thirty (30) residents were arrested by the Dutch and taken to the Kuala Tungkal.

Lieutenant Young A. Haddy D. Head III Intel TNI


the rare Indonesia federal state letter sheet(Postblad-warkatpos) postal stationer queen wilhelmina  10 cent send from Pasundan state capital ,Bandung to Batavia(Jakarta)

April 16th.1949.

Tan Malaka is captured and executed by a TNI commander after a Dutch contingent attacks the town where he was staying.the latest information the tomb of Tan Malaka was found,the bone is DNA test and cofirmed.

April 22th.1949.

 Dutch announce that they will return the Republican government to Yogya if the guerilla war stops.


Free of Revenue,Acte van overleiden(Deth Certificate) od Batavia for European people  (Rosalia Julia Lapre.)


(1)Sukarno and Hatta remain in custody on Bangka.

(2) Sadar _Ontwaken magazine,Mei 1949-The chinese overseas magazined lead by Thio In Lok ,every one month. intersting info about Pao An Tui.

In the unconscious has been described by colleagues Soegardo about PAT (Pao’s tui) which summarily describes that PAT is only logical that there is, for defending the rights of the Chinese nation has. Among the many questions surrounding the establishment of PAT, it is our attention, that all fees that amount is not small shouldered by the Chinese community itself, so that by the time the organization has never sounded kesahnya complaints about financially, could be the water as the Chinese community and the PAT as a fish . But the situation at that time was really sad karewna kwmungkinan PAT dissolution exists, financial kiarena not suffice. If PAT is dissolved, menunjukn that Chinese society is still too weak in the union to mengalang an organization to defend human rights. No one has objected the PAT in Indonesia, which defended the rights of Chinese people as no other person able to membelanya.Tidak there was a broad outlook will Indonesiapun with this prizip meolak. (Parent Iwan spoke about how the leadership of Dr. Poh An Tui city Padang, Chinese dilingkungankampung maintain and defend the legendary Chinese moans of other tribes, such as Tanah Kongsi burning efforts by spraying petrol dikalikecil, Dr. Iwan still remember the night-maolam told n = mengunsi home Ntjek Ko Lai because he wanted dibakar. Small-time record of dr iwan

Didalam sadar pernah diuaraikan oleh rekan Soegardo tentang PAT(Pao an tui) yang ringkasnya melukiskan bahwa sudah sewajarnya PAT itu ada, untuk membela hak-has azasi dari bangsa Tionghoa. Diantara banyak soal sekitar pendirian PAT ,adalah sangat menarik perhatian kita,bahwa segala biaya yang jumlahnya tidak sedikit dipikul oleh masyarakat Tionghoa sendiri,sehingga pada waktu organisasi itu tidak pernah kedengaran keluh-kesahnya soal finasial ,bisa merupakan air sebagai masyarakat Tionghoa dan PAT sebagai ikannya.Tetapi keadaan pada waktu itu sungguh menyedihkan karewna kwmungkinan dibubarkannya PAT itu ada, kiarena keuangan tidak mencukupkan. Jika PAT dibubarkan ,menunjukn bahwa masyarakat Tionghoa masih terlampau lemah dalam persatuannya untuk mengalang suatu organisasi guna membela hak azasi. Tak ada seorangpun yang keberatan adanya PAT di Indonesia ini,yang membela hak azasi bangsa Tionghoa karena tidak ada lain orang yang mampu membelanya.Tidak ada seorang Indonesiapun dengan pandangan luas akan meolak prizip ini.(Orang Tua Dr Iwan bercerita bagaimana pimpinan Poh An Tui kota Padang,dilingkungankampung Tionghoa menjaga dan membela kaum Tionghoa daris erangan suku lain,seperti upaya membakar Tanah Kongsi dengan menyiramkan bensi dikalikecil, Dr iwan Masih ingat malam-maolam disuruh mengungsi ke rumah Ntjek Ko Lai karena katanya Kali Kecil mau dibakar.-catatan dr iwan)


MAY, 5TH. 1949


1) On May 5, 1949 at around 04.00.Wib Dutch Army from Pijor koling held siege attack of four majors, assisted by 2 members of Mobile Brigade road Bookmarks Tapanuli named MAKALEO and Syamsul Bahri, the Dutch attack was captured FORT HURABA, Troops MBK Tapanuli in Fort Huraba Tolang and retreated to his native troops led brigade-B CAPTAIN ROBINSON Hutapea back to Kampung Tolang

2) Arriving in the village of MAS Tolang KADIRAN collect all the existing forces and ordered the attack on replies to the Dutch troops who have occupied FORT HURABA, Battle happen again with the help of troops firing mortars KADIRAN MAS can be expelled from FORT HURABA and at 16.30.Wib FORT HURABA can the reclaim and Dutch troops retreated into the field of battle FORT Sidempuan HURABA losses in the troops led by MAS members MBK KADIRAN 10 people were killed, 12 people from the Forces Brigade – B were killed and losses Weapons.

3) After the Dutch troops retreated from FORT HURABA Dutch troops never again attack the FORT HURABA, only MAS KADIRAN never received a letter from the Dutch in Padang Sidempuan Army to surrender and give up when the going gets Position, but the letter was returned by the MAS KADIRAN delivered by a woman trader named MARIAM the contents of the letter reads “WE DO NOT WANT TO MEYERAH ..!!! PLEASE COME TO FORT HURABA IF TRUE MASTER – MASTER want to colonize. WE THANK-BEANS BEANS WITH OUR ”

4) With the CEACH FIRE in September 1949 the MAS KADIRAN A commander of the Battle Command Battle Fortress Fortress Huraba submit to Aiptu USMAN Huraba Danki – A MBK Tapanuli and Mas Kadiran Penyabungan left to take care of everything in case of delivery of the purposes of sovereignty and Weigh received by Dutch Army.


Penyabungan city is the capital of South Tapanuli, after the city of Padang Sidempuan in the Dutch Army controlled, as the Civil Administration / Regent is KING LUBIS lord, is the king Oloan police chief and commander of troops is a MAJOR Bejo. For the Chief Constable of North Sumatra occurred Kepakuman because at Sibolga and Dutch troops occupied Sidempuan P. DARWIN’S FATHER KARIM Kapala as North Sumatra Police went to Paya Kumbu, then proposed by MAS KARIM DARWIN’S FATHER KADIRAN to lead the police in North Sumatra.


With the CEACH FIRE / truce, and no longer Dutch attacks as head of the MAS KADIRAN MBK Tapanuli DARWIN’S FATHER KARIM propose to add members to MBK Tapanuli and practice it, the proposal to be approved later KADIRAN MAS Mas Kadiran choose Youth-Youth of the Guerrilla Merapi 60 people and of the Brigade – B led MAJOR Bejo as many as 50 people. The next 110 Youth Education gets sent keNataluntuk Police and other exercises and as Chief of Police Education and Training. North Sumatra Police chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner DARWIN KARIM lift Iptu Ibn as Chief of Police Education and Training at Christmas.

t. Mobile Brigade residency Tapanuli


MAS KADIRAN summoned FATHER SAID UMAR Sumatra Police chief in Bonjol, Mr. Umar Said asks you about the status of the Mas Kadiran Tapanuli MBK “WHAT IS ORGANIC Mobile Brigade SIGN IN OR REMAIN IN POLICE Army ‘Mas Kadiran then replied” IF WE ARE STILL IN NEED WORKERS IN POLICE THEN WE WILL CONTINUE TO BE A MEMBER OF POLICE BECAUSE WE ARE STRIVING FOR INDEPENDENCE OF THE POLICE IS “thus Sumatra Police chief Mr Umar Said That set MBK Tapanuli remain in the Police and the rank was raised to MAS KADIRAN KLS POLICE COMMISSIONER-II with Position COMMANDERS BIG CAR Brigade – I SUMUT – ACEH, after inauguration the next day please Mas Kadiran Prayer Restu to Mr. Said Omar to return to Penyabungan and when he got in Penyabungan reports to the Chief Constable of North Sumatra Mr. Darwin Karim.

May 7th.1949.

“Roem-Royem” agreement: Dutch agree to restore the Republic of Indonesia government, to hold talks according to the UN Security Council resolution of January 28, and to work towards a settlement based on the Renville agreement.

Based on Aneta information Jakarta said the Republic Radio “Voice of Sumatra” the PDRI government  about Van Royen-Roem Agreement. The PDRI goverenment accept the Roem-Royen agreement on  such codition(atas syarat-syarat) :

a) Pasoekan Republik harus diperkenankan tetap menduduki posisi yang ada ditempatnya sekarang.

b)Tentara Belanda haruslah dengan perlahan-lahan ditarik mundur dari posisinya sekarang ini.

c)Pengembalian Pemrintahan Republik ke Djokja haruslah dengan tidak bersyarat(tanpa syarat)

d)Souvereinieteit (Kedaulatan)Republik atas Jawa,Sumatra,madura serta pulau-pulau sekitarnya,harus diakui oleh Belanda menurut perjanjian Linggarjati.


The Postally Used Lettersheet postblad warkatpos ,from Batavia(Jakarta) to Semarang.with Wilhelmina stamps 10 sen.


General Spoor, commander of the Dutch in Indonesia, resigns. He dies of a heart attack on May 25.


(1)On May,31th.1949,

Panittia status Tapanoeli telah mengadakan suatu rapat di Taroetoeng yang dihadiri oleh lebih kurang 200 orang yang mewakili seluruh masyarakat demikian”Aneka”. Diantara para hadirin juga terdapat beberapa orang terkemuka yang berhaluan Republik. Setelah diadakan suatu perdebatan yang panjang lebar,maka rapat mengambil suatu resolusi ,dimana disetujui status ketatanegaraan untuk tapanuli. Dalam suatu rapat di Balige,yang dihadiri oleh lebih kurang 700 orang, telah disetujui tujuan panitia status Tapanoeli. Pembentukan suatu Dewan Perwakilan Tapanoeli telah diperbincangkan dengan teliti,bahkan telah disertai dengan perayaan,demikian Aneta. Selanuutjnya juga di Sibolga telah diadakan rapat untuk memperbincangkan hal ini.Untuk pekerjaaan pembangunan kembali telah dibentuk suatu panitia yang diberinama “Pembangunan Bersama Saerah Tapanoeli”

(2) Postally used Posttas stationer card 5 sen send from bogor to Jatinegara,Prison  Bukit duri, a letter to the custodian at Bukit Duri prison with their officias stamped:” de factory Gevangenen kamp meester cornelis(very rare and only one ever seen-Dr Iwan note)

the letter :

Bogor 01/31/49

greetings and Happy

Thank God we say to the Divine Presence, this is blown over the first of our mouths, I arrived home safely.

Mas (elder brother) was ketir scenery and atmosphere, very different from what dahulu.Apa-aspired to in the fumble prisoners will all but I am not surprised.

While this is in addition to working on something, just stay home writing maaaf. Bogor air (air) was dinggin once.

  Sofyan bung in Bogor is still working. What are the kurasai. only then can I be glad when there is no longer prisoners in Bukit Duri. Mas all these signs of suhardja letter, tell the brothers. Sorry for the other brothers

Bogor 31/1.49

salam dan Bahagia

Alhamdulilah kami ucapkan kepada hadirat Ilahi, atas inilah yang terhembus pertama-tama dari mulut kami,dengan selamat saya tiba dirumah.

Mas(elder brother) memang ketir pemandangan dan suasana ,amatlah berbeda dengan dahulu.Apa-apa yang dicita-citakan dalam tawanan meleset semua akan tetapi saya tidak heran.

Sementara ini selain mengerjakan sesuatu,hanya tinggal dirumah menulis maaaf. Bogor udaranya (hawa) terasa dinggin sekali.

 bung Sofyan ada di Bogor masih  bekerja. Sedang apa yang kurasai. saya barulah dapat bersenang hati bila tak ada tawanan lagi di Bukit Duri. Mas semua inilah tanda surat dari suhardja,katakan kepada saudara-saudara. Kasihan pada saudara-saudara yang lain. 



the rare change of adress dancer 2 cen added overprint Indonesia federaal stampF 1.-,postally used via airmail from Malili(rare area) to Semarang ,


(1)Postally used circulair letter from the chineseoversees  Medical Doctor,Dental health and aphothekeer organiztions ,alaydrus street ,Central jacarta to the member with federal usa printing stamps 1 and 2 cent.

(2)Menurut keterangan Sultan Djokja ,pada hari ini lebih kurang seratus orang pembesar Republik dan orang partikelir beserta keluarga,oleh Belanda telah diangkut dari Magelang ke Djokja. Sebagai alasan orang-orang itu dianggap berbahaya untuk keamanan dan ketertiban  umum serta mereka mendapat pangilan pemerintah Repoeblik,sedangkan hal tersebut ternyata tidak benar.Hal ini telah dilaporkan kepada ketua delegasi Republik,supaya dengan perantaraan PBB diajukan protes.

Keterangan Sultan yang kedua ,mengenai soal pelemparan granat tangan dihalaman tempat kediaman Iboe Soekarno.Sultan menerangkan ,bahwa difihak orang Belanda ingin memperlihatkan kepada dunia ketridak sanggupan pemerintah republik untuk mempertahankan keamana dan ketertiban,jika telah dikembalikan ke Djokja dan bahwa kejadian itu dibesar-besarkan. Kabar yang mengatakan bersumber dari pihak Republik,bahwa granat tangan itu dilempar oleh pihak FDR dan bukanlah oleh PKI,menurut Sultan pihak resmi Republik sama sekali tidak tahu dan sampai sekarang rtidak ada bukti bahwa orang Indonesia yang telah melemparkanya. Akhirnyaditerangkan oleh Sultan bahwa sampai pada waktu Pemerintak Republik dikembalikan,maka tentara Belanda bertanggung Jawab atas keamanan penduduk di Djokja.

Sultan Jogja menerangkan dalam konperensi pers di Djokja sekembalinya dari kunjungan ke Jakarta dan Bangka ,bahwa kunjungan tersebut memberikan kepuasan. Mungkin dalam minggu ini akan diumumkan, kapan berlangsungnya penyerahan kekuasaan di Djokja oleh Belanda kepada republik.Kembalinya Presiden Soekarno dan Drs Moh Hatta beserta pemimpin rfepubli lainnya, sangat bisa terjadi dua atau tiga hari steelah terjadi penyerahan kedaulatan tersebut,hal ini juga tergantung kepada  keresidenan Djokja.

KETERANG Dr SOEKIMAN, Ketua Masjumi dr Soekimanpun telah memberi satu uraian yang panjang lebar tentang kunjungan Hatta ke Aceh. dikatakannya rombongan Hatta sangat menyesal karena sudah tidak dapat bertemu muka dengan Mr Sjafroeddin,akan tetapi ini tidaklah mengakibatkan hal yang tidak enak. Dr Soekiman menegaskan bahwa seluruh Aceh ada menyokong kesepakatan  van Royen-Roem.Sebelumnya Hatta datang di Aceh,pihak PNI sangat menentang persetujuan itu, akan tetapi pendirian ini telah berubah setelah Mr Ali Sastroamidjojo memberikan keterangan selengkapnya.  Dr Soekiman menceritakan juga, bahwa pada waktu sebelumnya rombongan pemimpin republik datang, lapangan terbang Longah di Aceh telah ditembaki dengan sanpan mesin dan dibom dari udara oleh pasukan Belanda.Tapi pihak militer belanda yang berkuasa menyangkal dengan keras keterangan tersbut diatas.

Pembantu Mimbar Oemoem di Djokja memberikan informasi dari Dr Halim,seorang anggota Badan Pekerja KNI(Komite nasional Indoensia), ia menerangkan bahwa setelah Pemerintah Republik nanti kembali ke Djokja, pada pokoknya ia setuju sekali dengan adanya kabinet parlementer , karena lebih demokratis dari kabinet Presidentiel. Tetapi menilik suasana pada waktu ini, justru dalam waktu peralihan ,figur-figur seperti Bung Karno dan Bung Hatta yang tidak terikat dalam salah satu patai atau golongan , masih diperlukan untuk dapat mengatasi segala pertentangan partai dan golongan sekalipun mereka itu  sebagai manusia juga tidak luput dari kesalahan dan kekurangan. Dr Halim setuju sekali bila diadakan resuffle kabinet buat menganti beberapa orang yang dipandang kurang kuat.

INTERVIEW WITH THE RESULTS dr.j.h. van Royen by BMDiah leader Merdeka newspaper published in the Daily Panarangan:

a. Apabilakah conceivably pemrintah Republican masters to come back? The answer: The Return of the Republic to Djokja is preceded by two terms: the evacuation of civilians and the achievement of a formula to hold a “Cease fuire order” which is being discussed by the two sub-commission for it, and I hope by the end of this week reached a command to stop fighting . Then with the Dutch troops will be withdrawn segrara mundur.Ini at least take a week and I beraharap at the end of this week reached a command to stop fighting.

b. The Conference will be held Bilakan bunda.Jawabannya table: Selaks as possible, I hope that after the Republic back and aprlemennya approve the agreement was made, it will be taken as a date destination July 15 to hold a Round table conference.

c.Bagaimanakah may hold an agency representative to welcome kedaulatn.Jika right for freedom and limited state of mind this people? only in Dutch-controlled area for those who want to follow the lead of the Netherlands while the class of the republic can not speak? he replied: I think the will of the people and independence of thought has already been firmly expressed desire for independence that would not indicate that there is a real will of the people? not the greatness of the popularity of President soekarno it as fact will of the people? However, regarding the matter of election of some form of state or constitutional legendary esuatu Indomnesia area had to be done together under international supervision. If the Dutch troops had withdrawn from the areas occupied by itself for both parties, for the followers of the Republic there is no reason to say that they are oppressed to express their opinions and for those who think differently should be gaining independence cukup.Pemilihan so this should be done under international supervision. In this case the limits of something where the sound was to be done pemunggutan also in harmony with a healthy mind. Self-determination sendir it properly recognized, but also in this great little area must ditemntukan first, for example by a constituent assembly.

d) if the master trust in the current Republican leaders opposed to host negotiations? answer: I sunguh put their trust in them. in connection with this question, the chairman of the Dutch delegation was advancing petanyaan replies: “Are People Indonesia will put their trust in them, also Kapau transfer of sovereignty has been done, we Jawan: Stay at least to their confidence in the Indonesian People depend on their results in the fight for independence by way talks with the host delegation led (headed), also with the wisdom of his leadership in running the master Lovink ini.Apabila approvals done in the land can be implemented with the help of masters and kepercayaabn Indonesia into larger nation against the Dutch government’s intention, then their position will be stronger and higher also harhat and their degrees in the eyes of the people, the more the days after the transfer of sovereignty.

FACTS ABOUT MR Roem RETURNS TO THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF DJOKJA.Dalam a question and answer between the editor in chief harin Indonesia Merdeka with delegation chairman Mr.Moh.Roem, he stated that the Government return to Djokja Rrepublik within the next week is not yet possible, but can be expected to occur in this June as well. As is known by the sound of a communique slah United Nations Commission for Indonesia, the return of republican government may hope will happen daslam mid-June and the day that the Sultan of Yogyakarta ditentukan.Saat not been able to take over the government leadership seluruj Jogja around the 20th of June.

To the question whether the delay in the return of government to Djokja RFepublik caused difficulties djumpai about cease fire, Mr. Roem replied, delayed because of problems of refugees and the withdrawal of Dutch troops.

(Source of info: Panarangan Newspaper, Padang, 16 june 19 549)


HASIL WAWANCARA DENGAN dr.j.h. van Royen oleh  B.M.Diah pemimpin surat kabar Merdeka yang dimuat dalam harian Panarangan:

a. Apabilakah menurut pikiran tuan pemrintah Republik Dapat kembali? Jawabannya: Kembalinya Republik ke Djokja adalah didahului oleh dua syarat: evakuasi orang sipil dan kedua tercapainya suatu formula untuk mengadakan “Cease fuire order” yang sedang dibicarakan oleh kedua sub-komisi untuk itu,dan saya berharap pada akhir minggu ini tercapai bentuk perintah menghentikan pertempuran. Kemudian dengan segrara pasukan belanda akan ditarik mundur.Ini sekurang-kurangnya memakan waktu satu minggu dan saya beraharap pada akhir minggu ini tercapai bentuk perintah menghentikan pertempuran.

b. Bilakan akan diadakan Konperensi meja bunda.Jawabannya : Selaks-lekasnya,saya harap sesudah Republik kembali dan aprlemennya menyetujui persetujuan yang dibuat, maka akan diambil sebagai tanggal tujuan 15 Juli untuk mengadakan konperensi meja Bundar.

c.Bagaimanakah mungkin mengadakan suatu badan yang representatif untuk menyambut kedaulatan.Jika hak kemerdekaan dan menyatakan pikiran rakyat itu terbatas?hanya pada daerah yang dikuasai Belanda bagi mereka yang mau mengikuti pimpinan Belanda sedangkan golongan republik tidak dapat bersuara?jawabnya : Menurut hemat saya kehendak rakyat itu dan kemerdekaan menyatakan pikiran itu sudah tegas bukankah  keinginan untuk kemerdekaan itu menunjukkan bahwa ada kehendak rakyat yang nyata? bukankah kebesaran popularitas Presiden soekarno itu sebagai kenyataan kehendak rakyat? Akan tetapi mengenai soal pemilihan sesuatu bentuk negara atau ketatanegaraan daris esuatu daerah Indomnesia memang harus dilakukan bersama dibawah pengawasan Internasional. Apabila tentara belanda sudah ditarik dari daerah yang diduduki dengan sendirinya bagi kedua belah pihak,bagi pengikut Republik tidak ada alasan mengatakan bahwa mereka ditindas untuk menyatakan pendapatnya dan bagi mereka yang berpikiran  lain haruslah mendapat kemerdekaan cukup.Pemilihan demikian ini harus dilakukan dibawah pengawasan Internasional. Dalam hal ini batas-batas sesuatu tempat dimana dilakukan pemunggutan suara itu haruslah pula selaras dengan pikiran yang sehat. Hak menentukan nasib sendir itu benar diakui,tetapi juga dalam hal ini besar kecil daerah itu harus ditemntukan lebih dahulu,umpamanya oleh konstituante.

d) apakah tuan menaruh kepercayaan pada pemimpin Republik yang sekarang lawan tuan berunding?jawabannya: Saya sunguh menaruh kepercayaan kepada mereka. berhubung dengan pertanyaan ini,ketua delegasi belanda itu memajukan petanyaan balasan:”Apakah Rakyat Indonesia akan menaruh kepercayaan kepada mereka,juga kapau penyerahan kedaulatan  sudah dilakukan, jawan kita : Tetap tidaknya kepercayaan Rakyat Indonesia kepada mereka tergantung kepada hasil mereka dalam memperjuangkan kemerdekaan dengan jalan berunding dengan delegasi yang tuan pimpin(ketuai),Juga dengan kebijaksanaan tuan Lovink dalam menjalankan pimpinannya dinegeri ini.Apabila persetujuan yang diperbuat dapat dilaksanakan dengan penuh bantuan tuan-tuan dan kepercayaabn bangsa Indonesia menjadi lebih besar terhadap maksud pemerintah Belanda,maka kedudukan mereka akan lebih kuat  dan lebih tinggi pula harhat dan derajat mereka dimata rakyat,lebih-lebih dimasa sesudah penyerahan kedaulatan.

KETERANGAN MR ROEM TENTANG PENGEMBALIAN PEMERINTAHAN REPUBLIK KE DJOKJA.Dalam suatu tanya jawab antara pemimpin redaksi harin Merdekan denga ketua delegasi Indonesia Mr.Moh.Roem, beliau menyatakan bahwa pengembalian Pemerintah Rrepublik ke Djokja  dalam minggu depan ini belum mungkin , tapi bisa diharap akan terjadi dalam bulan Juni ini juga. Seperti diketahui menurut bunyi slah satu komunike Komisi PBB untuk Indonesia,pengembalian pemerintahan republik dapat diharap akan terjadi dalam pertengahan bulan Juni dan harinya tidak ditentukan.Saat itu Sultan Jogja sudah dapat mengambil alih pimpinan pemerintahan seluruj Jogja sekitar tanggal 20 juni.

Atas pertanyaan apakah tertundanya pengembalian pemerintahan Republik ke Djokja disebabkan kesukaran yang djumpai soal cease fire, Mr Roem menjawab, tertunda karena adanya soal pengungsi dan penarikan tentara Belanda.

(sumber info: Panarangan Newspaper,Padang,16 june 19549)


Mr.Mohammad Roem visit “Sekolah RakyaT”(people school” at Dukuh (two photo)


Mr van Maarseveen had pointed as the Dutch menistry of oversees area(menteri usrusa n saerah seberang lautan) , and the menistry will visit Indonesia in order the get the general situation, and Mr van Schaik as the Dutch menistry of internal affair(menteri dalam Negeri)


(1)The Postal used letetr from Chinese oversead Medical doctor,Dentish and Aphother organization with NICA USA stamps 2 sen dan 1 sen.

(2)The Federal state PTT official letter to Mr Soewil first Class officer PTT Padang from the Chief of PTTT 4th area (Sumatra) C.den Haan about mr Soewil moving to Laboehan Bilik Est sumatra.


Information from Panarangan newspaper from Padang West Sumatra Wensday,June,15th.1949.,:

(1)Round Table Conference at Den Haag May be Agust 1st 1949.

(2)The PDRI(Pemrintah Daroerat Rep8ublik Indonesia) accept the Roem-Royen Agreement with condition(dengan syatat)

(3) Dutch must “Mengakui Kedaulatan” the sovereign of Republic Indonesia State (NRI) on Java,sumatra,Madura and the island around it

(4)The Federalis of Sumatra want to meet Mr Sjafroeddin: Warta Indonesia newspaper had recievd informations that the Sumatra Federalis leaders want to meet the leader of PDRI(Pemerintah Daroerat Repoeblik Indonesia) ,Mr Sjafroeddin Prawiranegara.The Main speking about the status of Aceh and Nias to the Sumatra Federal state and the  status of Sumatra in relationship commjunication with another area in Indonesia.



(1) The very rare Est Sumatra Stae(Negara sumatra Timur) Merriage act(Surat Kawin Negraa Sumatra Timur Bahagian agama ,with the emblem of NST.)

(2)June, 11th.1949
Postally used cover from cds batavia centrum to Jogja, with 10 cent wilh  wilhelmina stamp.the included love letter:

My thoughts.

At a time when dusk blind chickens, mountains visible in the sky golden yellow, signifying the king’s almost night and day.

There was no view except from the sky that surround the house hatiku.Dibelakang porters and field, faint eye could see that look just tegals verdant. The city that became the center of my life. The first time I began to see the natural beauty authorized.

… City of Jakarta, a city that permai.Hati Nica-flirt seduce the news Lien family circumstances disini.Kebetulan dik at that time I was playing around at home like Ni and we were sitting diserambi muka.Sekonyang suddenly there came a letter carrying postbode addressed to Ms. Ni and saw the letter before I can know that the letter from Dik Lien. After we settle for words and we chatted to go home, feeling that it received a letter from a friend or sis comes home famili.After  stepped into the room really was a letter located on the table. Whose letter from hell?

I know the last new letter from you and the inner I  understand. with news and discussion of the letter was as if a fortune alighted dibadanku, well, apparently dik Lien wrote kemari.Aku count (say) many thanks for your kindness that the brothers want to waste the time to write letters and will not forget us family here, hopefully saj onwards. Have younger brother received a letter from dik Seger, they all have in Semarang open. Hanyas my family who still live in Yogyakarta, the same mother and my sister is in salatiga, only the father who still  living in mobile jogya.We  always thinking about it why they can not go back as soon as possible bersama.Mungkin dik Lien had received a letter from Supartinah salatiga. Perhaps they were still there long, since waiting for the arrival of the father of Jogya.Kami herein have not been to school only temporarily akat take privatlessen pending in August is coming up and we had to comply with the Federal government, because there was no school here, but not why the sister Republic of study and participate remember in my soul like a son of Indonesia. Lien dik certainly not going to open the school.Wah kasiahan deh if  remember the  kid in Yogyakarta patiently educating school, It will soon be restored, by itself you can study  with tenang as usual.

seringkah (always) dik Lien met with Sud. He was still with you. Does he always tells me its after my peaving .How  close to him to convey greetings.

Well so enough news from me, worship me for RAMA (father ), tante (aunt ) and Mukarta Mbak, Mas Slamet and thank you …… unforgetable my nationality salut for you , MERDEKA!



COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Het uitrollen van rubbersheets in een rubberfabriek te Naga Timbool TMnr 60014061.jpg

the rare postcard from Onderneming(Plantation) Dolok Oeloe  Deli-Batavia Rubber Maatshapij(Factory) with  Ned Indie 5 cent stamps CDS Pematang Sianatar 21.6.49.

(b) The photo of presdient Soekarno and  VIce Presiden Hatta  press conference with American jourlanist at Bangka Island  which they were “Diasingkan” (four photos)

June 24th.1949.

Dutch troops begin evacuating Yogya


June, 27th, 1949

 Delivery of truce negotiations and Sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia

On June 27, 1949 Principles of Agreement “Rum Royen” announced the contents of which include the peghentian tenbak firing from both sides. On August 1, 1949 signed the joint agreement “Termination Shoot Shoot” from both sides. Implementation is disseminated through radio announcements, the overall wire TNI in the archipelago. Meanwhile, from the dutch H. Y. Lovink act as Deputy Supreme Crown of the Netherlands in Jakarta, delivered throughout the Netherlands Army. Cessation of gunfire followed and supervised by UNCI and after poko agreement is implemented then continue the Round Table Conference in The Hague.

At Edinburgh on August 3, 1949 announced the termination shootout by the power of the Dutch military, with emphasis on instruction / command termination Shoot Shoot it in the form of pamphlets that circulated from the airplane because the position of the TNI in the pockets of guerrillas.


The original wire is directly delivered by the Military Governor of South Sumatra to the Government Resident of the Emergency Civil Affairs Sub Commander Territorial Edinburgh and Edinburgh.

As a continuation of the wire termination shootout by the Military Governor of South Sumatra was issued on the instruction-instruction as follows:

1. Notice to the commander-the commander of Force (Battalion, Company, Section) regarding the determination of the TNI hangout for each unit of concentration.

2. To be held talks between Vice TBA Introduction of Van Schendel and Lieutenant Colonel A. G. W. Navis with the Local Joint Committee consisting of Colonel Abunjani, Regent M. Kamil and major Brori Mansyur.

Fire Ceas order not to breach the ceasefire by each of the warring parties and based on the results of the meeting Estuary Tembesi October 27, 1949 between Indonesia and the Netherlands under the coordination UNCI / Three Nations Commission agreed that all troops should leave and empty pockets . To that end, representatives of the Local Joint Committee TNI Major Brori Mansyur and from the Dutch Lieutenant Wolterbeck use the facility held a meeting Dutch BO Motor / meetings with the leaders of the Front Tungkal Area, which was attended, among others, Lieutenant Young A. Fattah Leside, Cadet Sergeant Major Madhan. AR, Hasan Buimin Sergeant Major, Sergeant Major Sergeant Arwansyah Syamsi with bodyguards, in the first week of November 1949 in the Trenches Deli (Tungkal Ilir) deliver instruction and manage technical implementation of TNI forces evacuations in place of concentration Merlung Battalion joined the staff of Gatot Kaca and co- colleagues from the Front Sengeti Area. While waiting for the next settlement, supply and logistical aid sent periodically to the Tungkal Ulu by the Dutch facility administered by the Joint Committee staff.

Evacuation is obvious disappointment for the troops Tungkal Area, let alone the countryside except the city of Kuala Tungkal, merupaka intact areas of the Republic of Indonesia by people who Republikien, but by realizing greater importance in the struggle. There is no other alternative, but to follow evacuation instructions, with a heavy heart and tears during a farewell to the people who like fish and water unite in the struggle for Sports and grief of this beloved Republic of Indonesia.

 Perundingan Genjatan Senjata dan Penyerahan Kedaulatan Republik Indonesia

Pada tanggal 27 Juni 1949 Pokok-pokok Persetujuan “Rum Royen” diumumkan yang isinya antara lain mengenai peghentian tenbak menembak dari kedua belah pihak. Pada tanggal 1 Agustus 1949 ditanda tangani persetujuan bersama “Penghentian Tembak Menembak” dari kedua belah pihak. Pengumuman pelaksanaannya disebarkan melalui radio, kawat keseluruhan jajaran TNI di Nusantara. Sedangkan dari pihak belanda H. Y. Lovink bertindak sebagai Wakil Tertinggi Mahkota Belanda di Jakarta, menyampaikan keseluruh Tentara Belanda. Penghentian tembak menembak ini diikuti dan diawasi oleh UNCI dan setelah poko persetujuan ini dilaksanakan barulah dilanjutkan Konferensi Meja Bundar di Den Haag.

Di Jambi pada tanggal 3 Agustus 1949 diumumkan penghentian tembak menembak oleh KUasa Militer Belanda, dengan memperbanyak intruksi/Perintah Penghentian Tembak Menembak itu dalam bentuk surat selebaran yang disebarkan dari pesawat udara karena kedudukan TNI berada di kantong-kantong gerilya.


Asli kawat ini langsung disampaikan oleh Gubernur Militer Sumatera Selatan kepada Pemerintah Sipil Darurat Residen RI Jambi dan Komandan Sub Teritorial Jambi.

Sebagai kelanjutan dari kawat penghentian tembak menembak oleh Gubernur Militer Sumatera Selatan tersebut dikeluarkan pada intruksi-intruksi sebagai berikut:

1. Pemberitahuan kepada Komanda-komandan Pasukan (Batalyon, Kompi, Seksi) TNI tentang penentuan tempat berkumpul masing-masing kesatuan konsentrasi.

2. Supaya diadakan Perundingan Pendahuluan antara Wakil TBA yang terdiri dari Van Schendel dan Letnan Kolonel A. G. W. Navis dengan Local Joint Commitee yang terdiri dari Kolonel Abunjani, Bupati M. Kamil dan mayor Brori Mansyur.

Ceas Fire agar jangan sampai terjadi pelanggaran gencatan senjata tersebut oleh masing-masing pihak yang berperang dan berdasarkan hasil rapat Muara Tembesi 27 Oktober 1949 antara RI dan Belanda di bawah koordinasi UNCI/Komisi Tiga Negara disetujui bahwa semua pasukan TNI harus meninggalkan dan mengosongkan kantong-kantong. Untuk itu, utusan Local Joint Committee dari TNI Mayor Brori Mansyur dan dari pihak Belanda Letnan Satu Wolterbeck mempergunakan fasilitas Motor BO Belanda mengadakan rapat/pertemuan dengan Pimpinan Front Tungkal Area yang dihadiri antara lain Letnan Muda A. Fattah Leside, Sersan mayor Kadet Madhan. AR, Sersan Mayor Buimin Hasan, Sersan Mayor Arwansyah dengan pengawal Sersan Dua Syamsi, pada minggu pertama November 1949 di Parit Deli (Tungkal Ilir) menyampaikan intruksi dan mengatur tekhnis Pelaksanaan Evakuasi Pasukan TNI ketempat konsentrasi di Merlung bergabung dengan staf Batalyon Gatot Kaca dan rekan-rekan dari Front Sengeti Area. Selama menunggu penyelesaian selanjutnya, bantuan suplay dan logistik dikirim secara periodic ke Tungkal Ulu oleh fasilitas Belanda yang diatur oleh petugas Joint Committee.

Evakuasi tersebut jelas menimbulkan kekecewaan bagi pasukan Tungkal Area, apalagi daerah pedalaman kecuali kota Kuala Tungkal, utuh merupaka daerah Republik Indonesia dengan rakyatnya yang Republikien, tetapi dengan menyadari kepentingan yang lebih besar dalam perjuangan. Tidak ada alternatif lain, selain mematuhi intruksi evakuasi tersebut, dengan berat hati dan tetesan air mata sewaktu terjadi perpisahan dengan rakyat yang manunggal seperti ikan dan air dalam sukan maupun dukanya perjuangan menegakkan Republik Indonesia tercinta ini.

June 29

 Indonesian troops enter Yogya.from south sector lead by Let.col soeharto(later presiden Indonesia) and north Sector lead by Col.Djatikusumo, look the picture of them with Sri Paku Alam.


The Postally used private Banjarmasin “Depot Masa “book store  cover,send from cds Banjarmasin to Bing Sin ‘s Book store Surabaya-simpang..


The photo of high dutch commisaris nigh  Lovink ‘sreception in june 1949,the chiel of Repoeblik Indonesia delegation Mr.Moh Roem “hadir’ (two photos)

July 1

Jawa Pos (Djawa Post) newspaper publishes first issue in Surabaya.


the picture of Sultan Yogja with the leader of military grilya at Kepatihan


(1)the rare official free stamps cover from cds Djambi 4.7.50 to Batavia(very arre cover from Djambi because in 1949 until July under PDRI state,and after PDRI gave the autority to NRI Jogya,Djambi became federal state until the soeverinity to RIS december.27th.1949(only five month under federal state)

(2) The Batavia’s Chinese overseas Medical doctor,dentist and aphothekeer organization circulair letter with smelt 3 sen stamp  to the member Dr Tung sin Nio (the first lady doctor from Medical Faculty of Indonesia University)


(a)Sjafruddin Prawiranegara, the leader of PDRI cs ready back to  Yogya “dijemput” by Dr Leimena and Moh Natsir and before depature Moh.Natsir speaking(pidato) ,also Sjafruddin Prawiranegara and other realted pictures(five  photos )

(b) the meeting between  Dutch delegation and Indonesian delegation  supervied by United Nation at Yogja on this day.

July 6th,1949

(a) President Soekarno arrived at Yogja this day, also another menistry Ali sastroatmidjojo,Haji Agus salim.(two photosZ)

(b)Republican government returns to Yogya. Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX receives Sukarno and Hatta at the Kraton.


(a)Sjafruddin Prawiranegara arrive at Kemyoan airport from suamtra(six photos)

(b) Sjafruddin Prawiranegara arrived at Yogja( five photos)

 and  meeting with president soekarno(three photos)


(1)Tanggal 8 juli 1949,didesa Krejo Kecamatan Ponjong, daerah Gunung Kendeng, saya(Rosihan anwar) dan Letkol Soeharto(kelak jadi presiden) bertemu presiden Soekarno  dan Wakil Presiden Hatta  untuk meratakan jalan kearah dimulainya KMB(konperensi meja Bundar)  di den Haag(napak tilas KMB,kompas,28 januari 2010)

(2)Panglima Besar General sudirman arrived at Yogja freom gureilla  area, “disambut” welcome by the chief of PDRI Syafruddin prawiranegraa (two photos)


Let.col.Suharto(later presiden RI) behind General sudirman.

(3) Postally used Book store “Kamadjoean” Semarang’s private cover, send from Semarang to Surabia. 


Postally used  Postal stationer  briefkaart_Kartoepos stationer 5 sen, send from stairgt Stamped TEMANGGOENG  to Semarang (rare post mark).

July ,13th.1949

(a)Power is transferred back from the emergency PDRI government under Prawiranegara to the Republican government in Yogya under Sukarno.Dutch-created states hold conference, support joining the Republic.

(b) After transferred of Power fro PDRI, begin the first NRI Cabinet meeting(bersidang) at Yogjakarta.( one photo)

(c) The Dutch delegation  lead by DR. Van Royen arrived at Maguwo airtport Yogja, welcome by the Indonesian delegiati n leader Mr.Moh Roem(two photoa)

and at night for the distinguist guest ,presiden Soekarno made the reception(one photos)


Republic troops retake Surakarta.


The Rare  food distribution zegel label , for used in the Ombilin coal mine store Sawahloento West Sumatra.

August 7th.1949

Darul Islam movement formally breaks with the Republic of Indonesia.


The rare Money Order (binnenlanden Postwissel) send from pontianak in city with smelt 121/2 sen stamps.

August 11

Ceasefire on Java.

August 12th 1949

Postally used federal state postal stationer smelt 2 sen send from Pajakumbuh with federal postal Satmped CDS Republik Indonesia stamped which the  rep Indonesia clean off(dibersihkan) to Van Dorp book store Batavia centrum(jakarta pusat)(This special  card send from Mr W.D my senior  phillatelist friend’s farther Dr Adnan  W.D, the medical doctor in Payakumbuh where my father and grandfather live during Dai Nippon Occupation,my sister Elina born there in 1947-Dr iwan Notes)

August 15

a)Ceasefire on Sumatra.Hamengkubuwono IX of Yogya coordinates handovers from Dutch to Republic.Dutch begin releasing 12,000 prisoners.

b) in this day Rosihan anwar,senior reporter, by Skymaster airoplane depature from Jakarta and arriev schipol airport in august 17th 1949.

c)postally used cover from batavia centrum with ovpt Indonesia stamps to semarang


In this day the Indonesia KMB delegation arrive schipol airpot and staright to Kurhaus. Prime menister Moh Hatta made anniversary of Indonesia Independece Proclamation reseption, at the reseption Rosihan anwar seen Sultan hamid from pomntianak, Anak Agung Gde Agung ZPrime menister of NIT(negara Indonesia Timur) they were the BFO leader,also Dutch employeed.


the official free stamps cover from Resident Ommelanden batavia Meestercornelis(jatinegara) to Batavia centrum(Jakarta pusat),rare postally used cover from jambi,because  Jambi still fight with Dutch army until june 1949.

August 23 th.1949

1)Round Table conference begins in the Hague. Hatta head delegation for the Republic of Indonesia, Sultan of Pontianak heads delegation from the Dutch-created states.

2)Postal Used cover send from Bangkalan CDS 23.8.49 to Sorabaia CDS  24.8.49 (rare cover send during KMB Round Table conference.)

3) Special Post Mark Ronde Tafel conference s’gravenhage 1949 send from s’grafeluke zaal 23.8.49 to Althier.

4)Bagaimana jalannya KMB? Tiga delegasi yang berunding Belanda,Republik Indonesia,Golongan Federal yang dihimpun dalam Bijzonder Fedral Overleg(BFO) .Dalam praktik Republik dan BFO menyatu bila menghadapi Belanda, beberapa Komisi dibentuk :Komisi politik :  disana Bung Hatta domina, Ekonomi ,disana DR Sumitro Djojohadikusumo menyangkal kebenaran angka-angka utang yang diajukan Belanda, Komisi Pertahanan,dimana Republik diwakili oleh DR J.Leimena dan Kolonel TB Simatupang serta Komisi Kebudayaan dima Mr ali Sastroamijoyo berperan.

Hasil KMB, Belanda tidak bersedia menyerahkan Papua (Irian) Barat  kepada Republik Indonesia Seikat.Penyelesaiaannya ditangguhkan untuk masas satu tahun , RIS harus mengoper hutang Belanda yang telah dibuatnya dalm memrangi NRI 4.100 Juta Gulden,sedangkan menurut hitungan Sumitro justru Belanda yang berutang kepada Indonesia 500 juta gulden.di bidang pertahanan  Belanda mau membikin tentara KNIL sebagai intisari tentara RIS, ini ditolak dengan tegas oleh Leimena dan TB Simatupang akhirnya Belanda setuju TNI kekuatan pokok tentara RIS.Belanda tetap tidak mau mengakui proklamasi 17 Agustus 1945 oleh Sukarno-Hatta, Belanda hanya mengakui penyerahan kedaulatan tanggal 27 Desember 1949 sebagai bermulanya negara merdeka berdaulat berbentuk Federal yaitu RIS.


The Advocate cover send registered  from  Pontianak  to same  city Potianak with wilhelmina stamp,overprint indonesia and smelt numeric stamp rate 35 sen . this time Pontianak as the Dewan Kalimantan Barat State,lead by Sultan Hamid II.





September, 5th, 1949

On the 5th of September 1949 talks held in Bangko diruangan Regents Office, the delegation of the Local Joint Committee escorted the heavily armed military section with a red and white flag.

Negotiations went lancer with the results as follows:

1. The concentration of military forces

a. Troops belonging to the battalion “Gatot Kaca” gathered at the Port Merlung and Trade, as a liaison officer Lieutenant Junior ditnjuk A. Hadi

b. Troops belonging to the Battalion “Cindur Mato” gathered in Rantau Ikil and Land Grows, as Liaison Officer was appointed Second Lieutenant M. Nawawi.

c. Troops belonging to the Battalion “Gajah Mada” gathered at the Bangko as Liaison Officer was appointed Lieutenant Suhaimi.

2. Pemberitahun

a. Notification to the concentration and position in the cease-fire Battalion Commander Sub territory handed over to Edinburgh via couriers.

b. All will be summoned to the Battalion Commander Tembesi Estuary and will be given instructions by Major Brori Mansyur Local Joint Committee as Members of Indonesia Jambi area.

c. Prior to October 10, 1949, the Dutch Army had to be withdrawn from towns outside the city of Edinburgh, and was replaced by TNI troops.

d. Dutch assistance was sought in the transfer of members of the TNI from the pockets of concentration Guerrilla place.

e. Wasted Ayang troops will occupy the Muara Tebo.

f. Forces BT, BB, CPM Team, Police Squad’s time to move to the Air samapai thunder where Dutch troops will leave the Muara Bungo so that these forces immediately occupied the Muara Bungo.

g. Regarding Troops Battalion Gatot Kaca, Major Brori Mansyur held the first talks between the envoys battalion Gatot Kaca Captain (N) Soerjono with leaders of the Dutch Army Detachment, Kuala Tungkal tensions. Major Brori Mansyur accompanied by Major Z. Rivai directly intervened to negotiate with Chief of Staff Captain Wolterbeck Regiment in the Trenches Deli Dutch Kuala Tungkal.

After a full explanation is given, then the TNI in Kuala Tungkal willing to concentrate on Tungkal Ulu, namely TNI CPM Squad led by Sergeant Major A. Murad Alwi, Navy forces under the command of Sergeant Major T. Arwansyah, while the police led by Inspector Mahyuddin remain in Kuala Tungkal


Departemen van Gezonheid(Health) roundschrijfen(round letter) about the International certificate of Pooken(cacar or variolla) vaccinatie(vactination). send to all health office in Indonesia federal state send b y the secratary of Healt department Dr G.Sieburg:

1.Inspectuer v.gezonheid Oost-java Suarbaya, Batavia,Semarang,Padang and sabang.

2.Residentie artsen(Medical doctor) banjarmasin,Samarinda,pontianak,Pangkalpinang,and tanjungpinang.

3.Menistry of Healt Negara te Pasoendan(Pasundan state)(the menistry was my friend father Dr Kornel singawinata,look his picture in December ,27th.1949).

3.Health and Social departemen of Negara Sumatera Selatan.Palembang.(Osut sumatra State)

4. Menistry of heakt Negara Indonesia Timur NIT(east Indonesia State) at Makasssar.

5. menistry of Healt Negara sumatra timur(East sumatra State) at Medan

6, the chief of Health departement at batavia

7.Directir of Pasteur Insttitue at bandung

8. The Seaport Medical doctor at Tandjoeng Priok,Soerabaja,Semarang,Makasa,belawan.

with the variolla certicate form.



The postally used cover from Amboina to Batavia with building stamps

Connecting to 1949 recognition by Dutch, the reactions in the field was not always easy for the new Republic of Indonesia. One of them was insurgency from  some ex-Dutch formed army, KNIL (Koninklijk Nederland-Indisch Leger, The Dutch East Indies Army). Many KNIL members were from Eastern people from Sulawesi and Moluccas that generally had closer relationships with Dutch because their more privileges in economy, politics and education during the Dutch colonialism due to their faith, mixed blood and became closely similar habits. Knowing that the new formed Republic of Indonesia would reduce their status than they had before, the insurgency begun by some ex-KNIL members and eastern politician leaders. That ex-KNIL and eastern politician leaders rebel became serious threat to central government in Jakarta with the movement called RMS (Republik Maluku Selatan; Republic of the South Moluccas).

During the eradicating of the RMS immunity, Lieu. Col. Slamet Riyadi and Colonel Alexander Evert Kawilarang who in the front line commanding the troops were inspired and amazed by effectiveness and combat ability (especially in men’s sniping) of ex-KNIL members that also helped by KST (Korps Speciale Troepen) during insurgency. They then inspired to build a similar force for Indonesia. However, at that time, neither of the Indonesian commandants had any experience or skill in special operations. (However, Lieutenant Colonel Slamet Riyadi would not see his dream realized due to his death in a battle against the troops of the RMS).

Not long after, with the use of military intelligence, Colonel Kawilarang located and met with Captain Major Rokus Bernardus Visser – a former member of the Dutch Special Forces who had remained in independent Indonesia, settled in West Java, married an Indonesian woman, and was known locally as Mohamad Idjon Djanbi. He was the first recruit for the Indonesian special forces, as well as its first commandant. He later re-positioned to become Major after his request to be at least one rank higher than any his trainee. Due to him, the unit adopted a Red Beret similar to that of the Dutch Special Forces, which is still in use by the present Kopassus.

Ambon 1950

Col. A. E. Kawilarang, Lieu. Col. Slamet Riyadi and staffs arrived in Ambon, 1950

Brig. Gen Slamet Riyadi Col. A.E. Kawilarang 1_4d06e516bb4d542b35ae28b87fabfb6b

Brig. Gen. Slamet Riyadi & Col. Kawilarang & Maj. M. Idjon Djanbi


(1) the Death certifiacte of chinese oversead ,who pass away in poor (dalam keadaan miskin) n the Krangan evacuation cap semarang, legaluized by pengurus pengungsi Tionghoa semarang(Semarang tionghoa refuugee administrator)


November 2

The Hague Agreement is the result of the Round Table Conference: “Republik Indonesia Serikat” is supposed to have the crown of the Netherlands as a symbolic head, Sukarno as President, and Hatta as Vice-President. It consists of 15 Dutch-created states plus the original Republic. Sovereigny is to be transferred by December 30. Dutch investments are protected, and the new government is responsible for the billion-dollar Netherlands Indies government debt. The Dutch keep Irian Jaya.


The rare posatlly used change of adress 2 sen dacer stationer card send from Palembang to malang,one stamp (1 sen) off.

12.December 1949


The unique letter sheet(postblad warkatpos) postal stationer smelt 10 sen send from  Bukittinggi to Mr Soewil the chief of Emma Haven Post Office(Teluk Bayur), with interesting letter :

Tanggal 7 desember 1949, kota bukittingi sudah dipulihkan pada Republiken(orang republik) . Drang-barang saya yang ditinggalkan di pedalaman sudah dijemput kembali  oleh isteri saya diantaranya prangko simpanan saya yang dikumpulkan tahun 1942 dan seterusnya sudah distempel(dicap). Karena saudara ada di Emma Haven(pelabuhan Teluk Bayur ) , apakah ada orang Euro yang menanyakan(membeli) prangko tersebut, sekiranya ada (mungkin) ada yang senang (menyukakannya) boleh saya kirimkan pada saudara, hasilnya 1/3 buat saudara  dan 2/3 buat saya, atau ka;lau mungkin tukarkan dengan kain untuk pantalon(celana) jadi juga. Maklumlah dari prangko yang sudah dioverdruk(cetak tindih) bermacam-macam selama pendudukan Jepang dari 1 c sampai 1,2, dan 5 gulden. Prangko pendudukan jepang  yang dibikin(dibuat)  indonesia , prangko Jepang yang dipakai di Indonesia,serta prangko republik 1c,2c,21/2c,3c,5c,10c,15c,30c,40c,50c,rp.1,rp.2.rp.3,50(sukarno)  seluruhnya belum dicap(distempel). Selain itu prangko tersebut diatas ada 100 buah prangko yang berasal dari euro lama yaitu Bayern,belgia,Bosnia-Germany-Findland-Franch,Swiss,Nederland dan Russia bermacam-macam rupa(bentuk) dan belum pernah dicap(stempel) dan adapula yang sudah dicap. Berilah kabar (kepada) saya dengan lekas(cepat0 ,supaya lekas pulah dikirimkan. Demikianlah supaya saudara maklum,salam saya Djamoen.

PS. hal ini jangan diberi tahukan hendaknya (kepada) kawan-kawan(teman) kita, malu kita !!!!

english translate:

On 7 December 1949, the city has been restored bukittingi the Republicans (the republic). Drang my things left in the interior has been picked up again by my wife whom I collected stamps deposits in 1942 and beyond has been stamped (branded). Because you are in Emma Haven (Bay harbor Bayur), is there anyone who asks Euro (bought) such stamps, if there is (probably) there is a happy (menyukakannya) May I send it to brothers, the result is 1 / 3 for the brothers and 2 / 3 for me, or ka; lau may change with the cloth for trousers (pants) so well. It’s known from stamps that have been dioverdruk (print overlapping) vary during the Japanese occupation from 1 c to 1.2, and 5 guilders. Japanese occupation stamps are made ​​(made) Indonesian, Japanese stamps used in Indonesia, as well as stamps of the republic 1c, 2c, 21/2c, 3c, 5c, 10c, 15c, 30c, 40c, 50c, Rp.1, Rp.2. Rp.3, 50 (Sukarno) has not been entirely stamped (stamped). Besides the above there are 100 postage stamps fruit that comes from the old euro namely Bavaria, Belgium, Bosnia-Germany-Findland-Franch, Switzerland, Netherlands, Russia and many kinds of creatures (form) and have not been stamped (stamp) and those that are already stamped. Give the news (to) me with a quick (cepat0 so quickly pulah sent. So that you understand, my greetings Djamoen.

PS. This should not be announcing should (to) my friends (friends) we, ashamed of us!!



The rare postally used change of adress 2 cwnt dancer stationer card add smelt 1 sen stamps (rare 3 sen) send from  from surabaya in city.

December 19th.1949

Universitas Gadjah Mada founded at Yogya.

December 27th.1949

Dutch formally transfer sovereignty to “Republik Indonesia Serikat” (Republic of United States of Indonesia).

December 28

Sukarno is returned to Jakarta.

1. 27 Desember 1949

1)Upacara Serah terima tanggung jawab Pemerintah dari Pemerintah Belanda diwakili Dr HJ Lovink  kepada Indonesia diwakili  oleh Menteri Pertahanan Hemangkubuwono,Menteri Negara Mr Roem,Menteri Dalam Negeri Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung dan Menteri Sosial Mr Kosasih Purwanegera dan  Pemerintah Belanda mengakui Kedaulatan  RI.

Ceremonial handover of responsibility from the Government of the Netherlands Government was represented Dr. HJ Lovink to Indonesia was represented by Minister of Defense Hemangkubuwono, Minister of State Mr. Roem, Minister of the Interior Ideas Anak Agung Gde Agung and Social Services Minister Mr Kosasih Purwanegera and the Dutch Government recognizes sovereignty of Indonesia

(1) foto penandatanganan protokol serah terima tanggung jawab pemerintahan yang mewakili Republik Indonesia serikat Sultan Hemangku Buwono IX (Menteri Pertahanan) dan disebealh kirinya peguasa Belanda AHJ Lovink di Istana Merdeka(sebelumnya istana Rijswijk)

photo signing protocol handover of responsibility of government representing the Republic of Indonesia union Hemangku Lane IX Sultan (Defense Minister) and his left Dutch Crown representing  AHJ Lovink at Merdeka Palace (formerly the palace Rijswijk

(2) foto pidato Wakil Tinggi Mahkota Belanda Dr H.J.Lovink setelah penanda tanganan serah terima  pemerintahan dan pengakuan kedaulan RI di Istana Merdeka.

High Representative’s speech photos Dutch Crown Dr HJLovink after the signing of the handover of government and recognition kedaulan RI at Merdeka Palace

(3)Setelah penandatanganan serah terima dari Pemerinath Belanda kepad RI dan pengakuan kedaulatan RI, dilangsungkan upacara penurunan bendera Belanda merah putih biru dan penaikan bendera Republik Indonesia serikat Merah Putih dihalaman Istana Merdeka Jakarta .

After the signing of the handover of the Dutch goverment to  RI and recognition of the sovereignty of Indonesia, held a ceremony decline Dutch flag red white and blue union flag-raising Red and White Republic of Indonesia Istana Merdeka Jakarta yard

(a) foto penurunan bendera belanda(Dutch Flag decline picture)

(b) foto penaikan bendera RI(RI flag raising pictures)

(c) Penghormatan upacara penurunan dan penaikan bendera oleh Sultan Hemangku Buwono IX

Respect for flag-raising ceremony and a decrease by Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX

(d)Penghormatan bendera pada upacara penurunan dan penaikan bendera oleh ispektur upacara  oleh Kapten AD Poniman (pernah menjadi Panglima Siliwangi dan terakhir Jendral,Menteri Pertahan dan keamanan RI, saya pernah main tennis dengan beliau saat ia menjadi panglima Komando Daerah Militer 17 agustus  Sumatera barat tahun 1959- Catatan Dr Iwan ),pasukan tiga peleton dengan komandannya Letnan G.H. Mantik.

Respect for the flag on the flag-raising ceremony and a decrease by ispektur ceremony by Captain AD Poniman (last-General, Minister defend  and security of RI, I never played tennis with him when he became commander of the Military Regional Command West Sumatra August 17, 1959 – Note Dr. Iwan), with three army peleton ,chief letnan GH Mantik.

(e) Foto Rakyat Jakarta yang menyaksikan upacara penurunan dan penaikan bendera

Photo of Jakarta People who witnessed the decline and the flag-raising ceremony

2) Sampul Peringatan  Pengakuan kedaulatan Republik Indonesia Serikat (Republik Indonesia sovereign State) dengan  mengunakan sampul stasioner hinda belanda  ratu Wilhelmina  12 1/2 sen dengan cetak tindih  sepuluh sen, stempel pos CDS batavia  21.12.49

Warning cover of recognition of Indonesian sovereignty States (the Republic of Indonesia sovereign STAE) by using the cover of Dutch queen Wilhelmina stationary hinda 12 1 / 2 cents to ten cents a print overlap, CDS postmark batavia 21:12:49

3) Sampul peringatan pengakuan kedaulatan   RIS 27 Dec 1949 dengan prangko seri bangunan 45 sen dan 50 sen  dengan stempel pos 27.12.49 dikirim kepada Mr Clyde J.Sarzin USA(mungkin  sampul ini CTO, ditemukan oleh Dr iwan Suwandy  di Bangkok tahun 1994). New Information related to Mr Clyde J .Sarzin from my friend Mr Hartkamp ,please read below:

Mr. Clyde J. Sarzin (21-05-1915 / 23-11-1987) was a well known stamp dealer!


Maybe you find it interesting to know that the cover underneath is certainly CTO.
Mr. Clyde J. Sarzin (21-05-1915 / 23-11-1987) was a well known stamp dealer!

An other answer:

The cancelation on this cover is only partly visible.
The complete text:
This cancellation is used in ‘s-Gravenhage in the years 1947 to 1951. In Holland a lot of firms changed their names and crossed out the name of Netherlands Indie after 27-12-1949.
Because the written information on this card concerns the payment of a contribution for the subscription of the New Year I suppose that this cancellation is of the beginning of 1950. After a while the firms changed the imprints of their printed matter, so it is not likely that the cancelation is of beginning of 1951.

The cover of the recognition of sovereignty warning RIS Dec. 27, 1949 with 45 cents postage stamp series buildings and 50 cents with a postmark 27/12/49 sent to Mr. Clyde J. Sarzin USA (maybe the cover is CTO, invented by Dr. Iwan Suwandy in Bangkok in 1994)

4)Kementerian Penerangan mengumumkan,bahwa sejak penyerahan kedaulatan,maka Ibukota RIS ialah Djakarta( ejaan baru Jakarta).

Ministry of Information announced that since the handover of sovereignty, the capital city of  RIS is Djakarta (new spelling Jakarta

5) Pada hari ini juga dilaksanakan beberapa serah terima aset negara,sayang informasinya belum ditemukan. Hanya ada satu foto dari keluarga besar almarhum Osman Singawinata, berupa foto serah terima aset kesehatan dari pihak Belanda kepada pihak Indonesia diwakili oleh Let.Kol. TNI AU Dr Kornel Singawinata,ayah alm Oesman Singawinata, ex menteri kesehatan negara Federal Pasundan disaksikan oleh Bung Karno . Terima kasih atas perkenannya untuk menampilkan gambar yang bersejarah ini kepada isteri bapak Oesman Singawinata(Bu Retno),Disamping itu juga ada foto KOrnel Singawinata dengan Sultan Hemangkubuwono IX.

On this day also held several handover of state assets, unfortunately the information has not been found. There is only one photo of a large family of the late Osman Singawinata, a picture of health asset handover of the Dutch to the Indonesian side was represented by Dr. Kornel Singawinata, Osman Singawinata late father, former state health minister of the Federal Pasundan witnessed by Bung Karno. Thank you for your good pleasure to display these historic images to the wife of in memoriam Mr. Oesman Singawinata( Mrs Retno), beside that also the picture of Kornel singawinata with Sultan Hemangkubuwono IX

6)Undang Undang Darurat N0.1 Tahun 1949  ditetapkan di Jogjakarta pada tanggal 27 Desember 1949  tentang akan diumumkannya undang-undang federal melalui Radio  dan penyiaran dalam surat kabar harian,ditanda tanganni oleh Presiden Repulbik Indonesia serikat sukarno, Menteri Pertahanan Hemangku Buwono  IX dan Acting Menteri Kehakiman Muhammad Rum .

N0.1 Emergency Act 1949 set out in Jogjakarta on 27 December 1949 concerning the publication of legislation going through the federal Radio and broadcasting in a daily newspaper, signed by President tanganni union Repulbik Indonesia Sukarno, Defense Minister Hemangku Buwono IX and Acting Minister of Justice Muhammad Rum.

2.December.20th, 1949

Menurut informasi yang belum dapat dibuktikan, di Kantor Pos Pusat Jogyakarta di jual prangko cetak wina muali dari tanggal 15 Desember 1949, dan dinyatakan  dapat digunakan sampai tanggal 1 agustus 1950, dan prangko cetak Wina UPU juga dijual  kantor pos Jogyakarta  mulai 1 december 1949 sampai  1 Maret 1950 dan dinyatakan berlaku sampai 1 juli 1950. (sampai saat ini belum pernah ditemukan prangko in9i digunakan diatas sampul dengan stempel pos yang asli, banyak koleksi CTO yang plasu beredar, baca artikel misteri prangko cetak wina di web blog ini hhtp:// dan juga di blog lain hhtp://

Prangko cetak wina edisi pertama dengan ejaan lama Repoeblik,dipesan oleh PTT NRI yang waktu itu dipimpin oleh Mas Suharto, prangko ini tak sempat dipergunakan karena Class kedua 8-20 Desember 1948, january 1949 Mas Suharto dijemput tentara NICA yang kemudian hilang dan jazadnya tidak diketemukan, lihat foto profil  almarhum  dan foto keluarga.

Prangko cetak wina dengan ejaan baru Republik dipesan oleh pimpinan PTT NRI 1949-1951 R.Soekardan,juga mngalama hal yang sama ,prangko di terima 12 Desember 1949 ,sebelum penyerahan kedaulan dari Belanda dan NRI jadi bagian dari RIS  sehingga perako republik Indonesia certak wina dari percetakan USA juga tak daat diedarkan, bersamaan dengan cetak tindih RIS diatas seluruh prangko Indonesia, yang mulai diedarkan April 1950 ternyata cetak wina terlambat lagi sehingga tak sempat diedarkan terburu  RIS diganti dengan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, demikianlah nasih prangko cetak wina yang cukup tragis itu,lihatlah fot profil R.Soekardan dibawah ini :

According to information that has not been proven, at the Central Post Office on the sale of stamps printed Jogyakarta Vienna halted from December 15, 1949, and could otherwise be used until the 1st of August 1950, and print prango Vienna UPU also sold at post offices Jogyakarta from 1 december 1949 to 1 March 1950 and declared valid until 1 July 1950. more info from my friend Mr Hartkamp

Dear Mr Suwandy,
How ever I have seen hundreds of canceled envelopes  (more as thousand) and thousands of cancelled Vienna printing stamps, I have never seen a real cancellation before 13 December 1949.
After this date I have several envelopes and stamps with are officially used, mostly CTO, but sometimes it seems to be officially used.
I have a document (Surat pernjataan) of the P.T.T. witch proves that on 13 Desember these Vienna printings are received at the head office of Jogjakarta.
Underneath a part of the text of this document.
I do not know what the ‘PR’ and the ‘t.l.n.’ means in: No. 3 / PR / t.l.n. , do you know?
No. 3 / Pr / t.l.n. Surat pernjataan.——————–( Proces verbal ).-  1.      Pada hari ini tanggal 13 Desember 1949, oleh kami jang bertan-da tangan dibawah ini, Moedjiman komis dan Sahoewin klerk, jang ditundjukoleh dd. (dienstdoende) Kepala Seksi Urusan Uang Anak Seksi IV dalam R VI hoofdstuk VI ma-
sih disebut: Beheerder der Post & Zegelwaarden dari Djawatan P.T.T. (Pos, Telegrap dan
Telepon) Republik Indonesia di Jogjakarta, untuk menerima dan membuka 3 (tiga) bungkusan bersegel dalam keadaan baik dengan perantaraan Sekretariaat kantor Kementeriean Luar Negeri Jogjakarta. Alamat jang tertempel pada salah satu bungkusan ditudjukan pada: “ Republic of Indonesia Office 30 Raffles. PlaceSinggapore / Malayu ” dan alamat jang tertulis dengan potolot merah: “ Stamp    ToRepublic of Indonesia Jogjakarta ”. Setelah bungkusan² tsb. (tersebut) kami buka terdapat 17 ( tudju belas ) buah paket semua tertutup rapih dengan lim pelekat.
Isinja kami periksa dan hitung dihadapan Tuan R. (Raden) Soehardjo Komis dan selaku saksi, jang ikut bertanda tangan dibawah ini, terdapat, bahwa isi² itu————— terdiri dari perangko² tjetakan: “ Staatsdruckerei WienIII di New York dan E.A. Wright Banknote Company of Philadelhia U.S.A. sbb. (sebagai berikat):

(until now has never been found in9i stamps used on the cover with the postmark of the original, many of which plasu outstanding collection CTO, read articles Vienna mystery print stamps on this blog website hhtp: / / and also on the blog other hhtp: / /

3.December ,24th.1949

Presiden RIS Bung Karno tiba di jakarta dari Jogya

RIS President Sukarno arrived in Jakarta from Yogyakarta

(a)  foto prsedien RIS Bung Karno dan isteri Bu Fatmawati  serta  putranya Guntur  di lapangan terbang  Maguwo Jogya (saat ini Adisucipto) saat akan berangkat ke Jakarta  diantar oleh president NRI Mr Asaat (dibelakang) dan  Letkol Suharto (terakhir presiden Ri,almarhum)  sebagai komandan  WK IIII Jogyakarta.

photograph prsedien RIS Bu Bung Karno and Fatmawati wife and son at the airport Maguwo Guntur Yogyakarta (currently Adisucipto) when leaving for Jakarta escorted by Mr. Asaat NRI president (behind) and Lt. Col. Suharto (the last president of the Ri, deceased) as iiii WK commander of Yogyakarta.

(b) Foto presiden RIS Bung Karno kembali tiba di Jakarta ,didepan lapangan terbang Kemayoran(saat ini kompleks Pekan Raya Jakarta)

Photo of Bung Karno RIS president arrived back in Jakarta, Kemayoran airport in front of (the current complex Jakarta Fair)

(c) Foto Perpisahan wakil Presiden Moh Hatta dengan Rakyat Djokja,Mr Asaad sedang mengucapkan selamat jalan kepada beliau.

the picture of farawel party with Djogja people with vice presiden RIS Moh.Hatta, Mr Asaad say goodbey to him.


The RIS PTT Bukittinggi announcement about the Telephone fee tarief,with legalizied  the chief of Telefon office Republic Indonesia(RI)


1)Sampul postal history yang dikirim dari Tanjung Pandan Belitung CDS 29.12.1949 ke Padang  ,mengunakan prangko ratu Wihelmina 10 sen dan 17 1/2 sen dan cetak tindih Indonesia  pada prangko  Wilhelmina 15 sen, (koleksi ini sangat langka karena merupakan pemakaian terakhir prangko Hindia Belanda setelah pengakuan Kedaulatan RI saat RIS, siapa yang menemukan pemakaian prangko sejenis setelah tanggal ini harap berkenan memberikan informasi liwat comment,terima kasih dari Dr Iwan suwandy)

The cover postal history sent from Tanjung Pandan Belitung CDS 29.12.1949 to Padang, using stamps queen Wihelmina 10 cents and 17 1 / 2 cents, and print on overlapping Indonesia Wilhelmina stamps 15 cents, (this collection is very rare because it is the last use of the Dutch East Indies stamps after the recognition of sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia as RIS, who discovered the use of similar stamps after  this date please deign to give information through the following comment, thank you from Dr. Iwan suwandy)

2) Post Telegraaf en Telefoodienst (PTT) advies van betaligen bewijs ,post rekening van de pandhuis dienst ,ter uitbetaling door het kantoor der posterijen te Tarutung 2000 gld in cijfers , aan de beheerder van het panduis te Tarutung , 29 December.otherside voor de comntrol van ommestaande hantekening postastamped Taroetone CDS 29.12.50, recived CDS Siboga 12.7.1951

Tanda Penerimaaan Pos Telegraph dan Telefoodienst (PTT) , pasca bayar dengan layanan pegadaian untuk pembayaran oleh kantor Kantor Pos pada tahun 2000 GLD Tarutung dalam angka, manajer dari Jawatan Pengadaian untuk Tarutung, 29 December. pada lembaran dibaliknya berupa kontrol  dari contah tanda tangan dengan stempel pos  Taroetoeng 29.12.50 CDS, CDS diterima  Siboga 1951/07/12(Hal ini karena terputusnya hubungan antara Tarutung  ke Sibolga akibat dihadang oleh pasukan Mayor Bedjo dari tentara NRI, mayor B edjo yang buta huruf ini sangat legendarais dan dijadikan tema film Indonesia Nagabonar -catatan Dr Iwan )

Postal Telegraph and Telefoodienst (PTT) betaligenbewijs advice, postal service on behalf of the pawnshop, for payment by the office of the Post Office in 2000 gld Tarutung in figures, the manager of the panduis to Tarutung, 29 December.otherside for comntrol of handsigned ,postastamped Taroetoeng   29.12.50 CDS, CDS recived Siboga 12/07/1951(very late amost one years because the transportation by road from Tarutung to Sibolga were broken due to Mayor Bedjo ,NRI local Tapanuli Army stop and cutting the line,the legend Mayor Bedjo cuoldnnot read and writting, he beacame the base of the Film Story, Nagabonar-Dr Iwan Note)

Perjuangan Kuala Tungkal Jambi

Sesudah tanggal 29 Desember 1949 dengan berhasilnya KMB dan sekaligus penyerahan Kedaulatan Republik Indonesia, pasukan Front Tungkal Area yang dipimpin oleh Letnan Muda A. Fattah Leside mendarat di Kota Kuala Tungkal mengambil alih tanggungjawab terhadap Koata Kuala Tungkal yang ditinggalkan Belanda. Dalam suatu upacara penaikan bendera merah putih di Lapangan Sepak Bola yang saat ini menjadi Terminal Kota. Bertindak selaku Inspektur Upacara Act. Kolonel Abunjani KOmandan STD/Garuda Putih Anggota Joint Committee yang sengaja dating dari Jambi. Selesai upacara diadakan do’a syukuran dan makan bersama yang diselenggarakan oleh Kepala Warga India di Kuala Tungkal Muhiddin.

Pemboman bekas markas pertahanan Tentara RI Bataliyon Gatot Kaca pimpinan Mayor Z. Riva’i oleh Belanda di Merlung. (LUKISAN)

Demikianlah riwayat perjuaangan ini dibuat untuk dapat diketahui oleh generasi penerus yang akan meneruskan perjuangan bangsa. Sengaja riwayat perjuangan Barisan Selempang Merah dan TNI-AD, TNI-AL, dan TNI-AU, serta rakyat dan POLRI ini dibuat untuk kenang-kenangan bagi yang tinggal, kalau nanti para pelaku perjuangan sudah tidak ada lagi di bumi persada ini.

Riwayat perjuangan ini disadur dari catatan Sdr. Madhan. AR (mantan Wkl. Komandan Pertempuran Sektor 1023 Front Tungkal Area), catatan Patih Masdar selaku Camat Tungkal Ilir dan dari beberapa para pejuang yang masih hidup.


1)Hari ini adalah hari terakhir pengumpulan pasukan Tentara Nasional Indonesia Divisi Siliwangi ( Jawa Barat) berdasarkan surat perintah  Divisi Siliwangi no 162/49  tanggal  10.12.1949 ,ditanda tangani oleh staf  kwartier Panglima  Divisi IV Siliwangi Kolonel  Sadikin, lihat fotkopi surat tersebut dibawah ini:

Today is the last day of the collection of the Indonesian National Army troops Siliwangi Division (West Java) based on a warrant Siliwangi Division No. 162/49 dated 10.12.1949, signed by the staff of Commander of Division IV kwartier Siliwangi Colonel Sadikin, fotkopi see the letter below

 foto tentara nasional Indonesia diatas truk saat kembali ke Ibukota RI Jakarta serta foto Tentara Nasional Indonesia setelah tiba di Ibukota Jakarta.

Indonesia photo above the national army trucks returning to the capital of Indonesia Jakarta and the Indonesian National Army photo after arriving in the capital Jakart

2)Postal used  home made postcard send from Malang to RVD selling and art division  at Jakarta with smelt numeric diffinitive  stamps 2 and 3 sen without RIS overprint , CDS Malang 31.12.49,the letter asking free magazine”Natura” in Indonesian Language.

3) Official free stamp homemade cover sent from  Semarang CDS 31.12.49 to Djogja cds 9.1.50, handwritten back(kembali) return to sender with note soedah pindah roemah ke Jakarta(have house moved to Jakarta)

5.The Unique Postal History From Dutch in 1949(date not clear)

Kartu Pos dari KIVTLV(Koninklijk Instituut Voor De Taal Land en Volkunde Den Haag ) yang telah mencoret Van Ned. Indie (dari Hindia Belanda)  sehingga mereka sudah mengakui kedaulatann RI dan Hindia Belanda sudah berakhir , dikirimkan kepada L.Ch.Damais Amsterdam untuk membayar kontribusi F.15.- sebagai anggota institue tersebut.(Kartu Pos ini sangat bersejarah karena badan yang terhormat ini dari newgeri Belanda telah mengakui kedaulatan Republik Indonesia,sayang tanggal pengirman tidak jelas karena  karena distempel sistem roller. Apabila kolektor memiliki koleksi sejenis harap memberikan informasi liwat komentar,terima kasih dari Dr Iwan Suwandy)

Postcards from KIVTLV (Koninklijk Instituut Voor De Taal Land en Volkunde Hague) which has been crossed out Ned Van. Indie (from the Dutch East Indies), so they had to admit kedaulatan Affairs and the Dutch East Indies was over, sent to Amsterdam to pay a contribution L.Ch.Damais F.15 .- as a member of the Institute. (Postcards of this very historic because this honorable body of  Netherlands State has recognized the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, unfortunately the sender  date is not clear because as stamped roller system. If the collector has a similar collection please provide the information through the following comments, thanks from Dr. Iwan Suwandy)My Friend Mr Hartkamp send an informations related to the postal history above:

The cancelation on this cover is only partly visible.
The complete text:
This cancellation is used in ‘s-Gravenhage in the years 1947 to 1951. In Holland a lot of firms changed their names and crossed out the name of Netherlands Indie after 27-12-1949.
Because the written information on this card concerns the payment of a contribution for the subscription of the New Year I suppose that this cancellation is of the beginning of 1950. After a while the firms changed the imprints of their printed matter, so it is not likely that the cancelation is of beginning of 1951.

the end @ copyright Dr iwan Suwandy 2011

PS. THE ECONOMIC  CD-ROM  LIMITED EDITION 100 CD EXIST PRICE US4150, AN DTHE LUSX SPECIAL FULL INFO AND ILLUSTRATION VERY LIMITEE ONLY TEN CD PRICES US$ 300,(THREE HUNDRED ), please subscribed via comment as fast as you can because this rare info and collections you never found anymore.

The sample Of DR iwan CD-ROM”Indonesia Independence Revolution and War 1948″


    • Pro-Indonesian slogan on a wall in Yogyakarta 1948












The Driwan’s  Cybermuseum


(Museum Duniamaya Dr Iwan)

Showroom :

Dr Iwan Book Exhibition


 part IV 1948

Base On Dr Iwan Postal And Document Collections

Perjuangan NRI Jambi kuala tungkal


A. Dutch navy Tungkal Often Go Into River While Doing shooting

On June 4, 1948, Patrol Boats / Speed ​​Boat Navy Tungkal Dutch entered the river, shooting at the port and the boarding of the TNI in the way of prosperity, contact this gun running dive 1 (one) hour. In this battle we killed a Navy named Private AL. A. Mana. Viewing from the harbor shore land army / navy and army reserve to fight a very persistent, Patrol Boats Dutch retreated to open sea.

On July 20, 1948, the Dutch warship reentered Tungkal river, from the sea is warship firing kepertahanan Army / Army and the Army / Navy (judging by the defense now Army / Army and the Army / Navy Ancol Beach in coastal areas). In the battle this fall on the Army / Army Private A. Kadir Shawwal and in the army / navy Private Basri Sete, for 2 (two) hours Trenches coastal regions III to Household of King Ulu trench I continue bombarded by cannon fire and mortar and other automatic weapons.


Java&Madoera 1946 ZBL 43A Proof Double+Mirror Print

the Djokjakarta  Set stamp,80 cent borobudur stupa design, mirror image stamp. All value (60 cent  RI flag and 80 cent- borobudur stupa) exist in several slightly different colour shade. the postally used 50 cent  found in june,15th ,1947 cds Jakarta and the 80 cent in 11.7.47 cds Djakarta.

the extreme  rare (RRRRR)  on money orde fragment of Middle Sumatra Local Repoeblic Indonesia stamp, machinal type Rep.Indonesia ,used cds bagan siapi-api, only two exist, one in Den Haag musem Mr Ricardo Collection off cover blocktwo stamps, an this Dr Iwan collections.

Private Limited E-book Special For Collectors.


The Driwan’s Indonesia Independence Revolution And War  Cybermuseum


Indonesia Independence Revolution And War Collection part IV in 1948

Dr iwan picture in 1948(3 years old) at Kali Ketjil behind Tanah Kongsi market Padang city west sumatra,(1) alone (2) with Mother Diana lanny and brother Edhie,sister Elina and Erlita this pictures had  taken by his father Djohan oetama,have given to grandpa Gho Kim thian, after the war Dr iwan found this pictures in the cupboard and keep until now.





Quotations (excerpt) Resident Assessment NRI West Sumatra

Bukittinggi 2 January 1948


Considering that the necessary renewal of the appointment of permanent purveyor of State revenues that are in a financial environment and the residency of western Sumatra, Given Bb 10 843

SETTING While repeal regulations that conflict with this ketapan, depositor is required on the list attached herewith, to deposit the reception environment of the West Sumatran residency to the State Treasury (helper).

A copy of this ordinance be sent to:

(1) PT (Excellency Mr.) State Commissioner of Financial Affairs in London. (2) PT Sumatera Province Governor in the United Kingdom (3) PT Sumatera Province Chief Financial Officer at Bukit Tinggi (4) PT Head Office of State Finance settlement Sumatra Province (5) PT Head of Audit General of West Sumatra Province (6) PT Head Office of State Finance Sumatra settlement in New York City (7) PT Head Office Finance Department Resident in Bukittinggi West Sumatra (8) PT Supervisor PTTT Central Sumatra Bukittinggi (9) Supervisory PTT PT Sumatera center in New York City (10) PTT Head Post Office in London (11) Head Post Office in Pajakumbuh (12) PT Head Post Office in Padang Pandjang (13) PT Head of the State Treasury in London (14) PT Chief Officer of West Sumatra to be understood and passage to those declared to be known and in Pedomani.

Same sound with the list above

Head Office of the State Money Calculation

Signed by (DTO)


LIST OF APPENDICES BESLIT resident of West Sumatra 1948 NO DATE 2 NAURI BT/XII/2/10

(1) purveyor: Gripir District Court in New York City

(2) Type the paid-up: Reception following provisions (beslit) etc.

(3) Time to deposit: No later than the 10th of each month cash deposit: Bukittinggi

This quote is used sent without postage stamps from the stamp Duty-Free Service department Affairs Office of the affairs of state resident Calculation Money WEST SUMATRA (round stamp), there is no stamp Postage, possibly delivered by a courier. (Collection of rare, important to history because of the financial system known residency Sumatra Sumatran province west and residing in London as well as the head post office that oversees all areas of the republic in western suamtera Bukittinggi, Pajakumbuh and field length, while the post office in Padang in accordance with agreements under the NICA lingarjati emarkasi boundary line in Lubuk Alung)

original info:

Kutipan(Petikan) Ketetapan Residen NRI Sumatera Barat

Bukittinggi 2 januari 1948


Menimbang bahwa perlu dilakukan pembaruan penunjukkan penyetor tetap penerimaan Negara yang mengenai dan berada dalam lingkungan keuangan keresidenan Sumatera barat, Mengingat Bb 10843

MENETAPKAN Sambil mencabut peraturan yang bertentangan dengan ketapan ini , diharuskan penyetor yang dimaksud pada daftar terlampir bersama ini,melakukan penyetoran dari penerimaaan dilingkungan keresidenan sumatera Barat kepada Kas Negara (pembantu).

Salinan ketetapan ini dikirimkan kepada:

(1) P.T.(paduka Tuan) Komisaris Negara Urusan Keuangan di Bukittinggi.(2) PT Gubernur Provinsi Sumatera di Bukittinggi(3)PT Kepala Pejabat Keuangan Provinsi Sumatera di Bukit Tinggi(4) PT Kepala Kantor Pemberesan Keuangan Negara Provinsi Sumatera(5)PT Kepala Pemeriksa Keuangan Umum Provinsi Sumatera Barat(6)PT Kepala Kantor Pemberesan Keuangan Negara Sumatera di Bukittinggi(7)PT Pimpinan Bagian Keuangan Kantor Residen sumatera Barat di Bukittinggi(8) PT Pengawas PTTT Sumatera Tengah di Bukittinggi(9)PT Pengawas PTT Sumatera tengah di Bukittinggi(10) PTT Kepala Kantor Pos di Bukittinggi(11 )Kepala Kantor Pos di Pajakumbuh(12)PT Kepala Kantor Pos di Padang Pandjang(13)PT Kepala Kas Negara di Bukittinggi(14) PT Kepala Pejabat Sumatera Barat untuk dimaklumi dan petikan kepada yang berkepentingan untuk diketahui dan di Pedomani.

Sama bunyinya dengan daftar yang tersebut diatas

Kepala Kantor Urusan Perhitungah Uang Negara

Ditanda Tangani Oleh(DTO)



(1)Penyetor : Gripir Pengadilan Negeri di Bukittinggi

(2)Jenis yang disetor :Penerimaan berikut dengan ketetapan(beslit) dsb

(3) Waktu menyetor: Paling lambat tanggal 10 tiap bulan Kas penyetoran: Bukittinggi

Kutipan ini dipergunakan dikirim tanpa prangko stempel Dinas Bebas Bea dari stempel dinas Kantor urusan Urusan Perhitungan Uang negara RESIDEN SUMATERA BARAT(stempel bulat), tidak ada stempel Pos,mungkin diantar oleh kurir.(koleksi langka ,penting untuk sejarah karena diketahui sistem keuangan keresidenan Sumatera barat dan provinsi sumatera yang berada di Bukittinggi serta kepala kantor pos yang mengawasi seluruh daerah republik di suamtera barat Bukittinggi,Pajakumbuh dan padang Panjang, sedangkan kantor pos Padang dibawah NICA sesuai dengan perjanjian lingarjati batas garis demarkasi di Lubuk alung)


the rare Change of adress stationer dancer 2 cend card send from  soerabaia to Malang



The primemenister of NIT Anak Agung Gde agung  arrived at Kemayoran airport jakarta “Disambut” NRI menistry Moh,Natsir (two photos)

 and the sametime vice Presiden Moh, Hatta  and St Sjahri arrive at Kemayoran from their vist abroad.(two photos).

and afetr that  Vice Presiden Moh.Hatta fly to Jogjakarta, look the illustration when he arrived at Maguwo jogya airport ,the picture  of his wife Rahmi Hatta with the eldery child Muetia Hatta(three photos)


The earliest used sumatra local repoeblik indonesia revenue  f 75 single label fragment,the latest 9/9.48 , the biggest variation collections(complete info only for specialist revenue collector and prmium member only)and the


IKW-Ikatan Warta Harian Jakrta(Newspape Organisation)  had protest  pembreidel(stop circulation) of berita Indonesia newspaper to KTN komisi Tinggi National (high national commision)



The Aceh Government issued Soekarno papermonery Rp.5.-(very rare collections)

January 17th.1948

Renville agreement under UN auspices draws a ceasefire line favorable to Dutch.look the pictures of Indonesian Delegation during renville meeting ( two illustration)

The Renville Agreement which sign after the fourth meeting between  NRI delegetion,Dutch delegation and Dewan keaman Komisi tiga negara(KTN on Thre tsate Commision from United Nation),look two illustration,( complete document,only for premium member.please subscribed via comment)

January 21

Dutch found “Negara Madura” government on Madura.


Berita Indonesia newspaper get permission to circulate again

January 23

Sjarifuddin resigns as Prime Minister; the “Left Wing/Sayap Kiri” parties go into opposition.Sukarno appoints Hatta to head an emergency cabinet answerable to President.Dutch organize “Daerah Banjar” government on Kalimantan. Republican forces under Hasan Basry continue fighting from the countryside.

The Renville agreement called for a truce along the so-called “Van Mook line”. The original draft did not even mention the Republic. Amendments were added that included mention of the Republic of Indonesia after the United States applied pressure on the Dutch, and it was only then that the Indonesians agreed.The PNI, Masyumi, and Tan Malaka all opposed the Renville agreement.


The Java Banaran village chief(kepala desa)’informed letter,”Surat keterangan” about the owner of Radion Erres want ot solfd the radio at Solo,with rare NRI Village’s cheaf official stamped,


 separatist political ranglkaian Netherlands in an attempt to cripple the position of the Republic of Indonesia on the island of Madura is propaganda by causing a psychotic attack (angstphsychose “against what they say” the occupation of the Republic “that madura” dianak-tirikan ‘ step son by the Republic, which raised the “instict tot zelf behoud” desire to set himself an incentive to secede from the republic of Indonesia. With this trick, the Dutch tried to lure people Harti madura to set up a “State of Madura ‘own. on January 25, 1948 Elections were held in Madura people to choose the form of the State of Madura and the dated 20mPebruari keputusan WTM 1948 came the letter that recognizes the Madurese as the Netherlands. shown in the picture below Walinegara Madura tjakraningrat beside Van der PLaas and Geral Majoor Baay

Suatu rangkaian politik separatis Belanda dalam usahanya melumpuhkan kedudukan Republik Indonesia ialah propagandanya di Pulau Madura dengan menimbulkan suatu serangan psikotik(angstphsychose” terhadap apa yang mereka katakan”penjajahan Republik” bahwa madura “dianak-tirikan’ oleh Republik,sehingga timbul “instict tot zelfbehoudZ” keingingan mengatur sendiri  yang menjadi pendorong untuk memisahkan diri dari republik Indonesia. Dengan muslihat demikian,belanda berusaha memikat harti rakyat madura supaya mendirikan “Negara madura’ sendiri. pada tanggal 25 Januari 1948 di Madura diadakan Pemilihan rakyat  untuk memilih bentuk Negara bagi Madura dan pada tanggal 20mPebruari 1948 datanglah surat keputudsan WTM Belanda yang mengakui Madura sebagai . Tampak pada gambar dibawah ini Walinegara Madura Tjakraningrat disamping Van der PLaas dan geral majoor Baay.


PIM-partai Indonesia Merdeka(Indonesia Independence Party) Jakarta branch had protest to KTN  in order to off the forbiden to meeting(mencabut larangan berkumpul)


 (a)the earliest used single label local sumatra  green paper revenue f 75,- the latest  30/6.48 many colour variations.

(b)the Historic letter send from The chief of Kampong 7 oeloe Palembang , as the recall letter to attend the ceremony of deliver of the power from Dutch government to Wali Negara Sumatera Selatan (south Sumatra)  in



After several month In aceh,The Young_Gouvernue North Zsumatara Mr. SM Amin in february 1948 was appointed as the “Hakim Pengadilan tinggi” at Bukittinggi.

(1)Sjahrir forms PSI (Partai Sosialis Indonesia), supports Sukarno.”Left Wing” under Amir Sjarifuddin renames itself People’s Democratic Front (Front Demokrasi Rakyat). Sjarifuddin criticizes the Renville agreement.Col. Nasution leads Siliwangi division out of West Java to Central Java

(2)The Dutch blockaded the areas under control of the Republic of Indonesia around this time, causing shortages of food and medicine.
(3)Provisional 50 Rupiah note for “Daerah Banten”, Republik Indonesia, 1948.


(a)GPRI_Gerakan Plebisit RI founding lead by Mr Ali Budiardjo.

(b) The rare Official NRI Aceh newspaper “WARTA MINGGOEAN”WEEKLY PAPERS


Prime minister: Wakiol NRI President Hatta, interior minister (Dr Sukiman Wirjosandjojo, foreign minister (Haji agus sakim), the Minister of Finance (Mr.AAMaramis), Justice Minister (Mr Soesanto Tirtoprodjo), Kemakmoeran (Mr Sjafruddin Prawiranegara) <Stock people food (Ignatius zJosef Kasimo), Health (Dr Johannes Leimena), Teaching, education and kedudayaan (Mr ZAli Sastroatmidjojo), Lighting (Mohamad Natzir), Labour and Social Affairs (Koesnan), with establishment and Youth (Soepebo), Transportation (Ir Raden Djoeanda), Public Works ad interim (Ir.r.Djoeanda), Religion (Kiai Haji Masjkoer) <Ad Interim Defense (Drs Moh.Hatta) and non-portfolio Minister (Hemangkoe Boewono IX.



1900 FORCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF DATE 3 FEB. WILL DIKUMPULKAN.Medan 01/31/48. Major Jnedral Djatikoesoemo Republic, komadan divis VTN 1 that since the need to implement the cease-weapon carriage dasn Forces of the Republic of the area supervised by the Dutch in West Java tealh come to visit the area yesterday afternoon and arrived back in Surabaya, will soon depart the aircraft Dakota USA back to Djokja, alleged today akn back to Suarbaya. More than 1900 troops Bandung rumored that the delivery of the Battalion III yangterkenal republic under the leadership of captain Ahmad Wiranata Koesoema Tuesday, February 3, will be collected.

THE MINISTER OF THE REPUBLIC fly to dJOKJA. Djkarta 01/31/48. This morning the Minister of the Republic is now in ZJakarta tealh went to Jogjakarta with an aircraft and Committee Services Offers both, participated in a plane itutermasuk nachoda ship visit to Djokja Renville participate. Among the authorities of the Republic there are parents Sjarifuddin Prawiranegara Moh.Roem Leimena, H. Agus Salim and Mr. Tamsil.

TRANSFER OF FORCES OF THE REPUBLIC. Djokja 31/01/48. On removal of troops from the West Java region, Aneta pasuka it proclaims that as many as possible will be transported by train. Now they are transported to the place-Temat located along the railroad as Tjiandjoer, Padalarang and Poewkarta. According to Radio Hilversum, the place is going to gather THI 5000 soldiers, from here they will be transported to Tjirebon and by boat departing from the stricken area Repoeblik.Pasukan Tasikmalaja stricken republic would have to come by train. Tjiandjoer removal of troops expected to be completed by February 1 to come.

After PLACE OF NEGOTIATIONS, Djkarta 01/31/48. Merdeka kalanggan obtain news from the always reliable, that the republic delegation has put forward the proposal that negotiations be held alternately in New York after 14 days and in Jogjakarta. Special Committee of Good Offices tealh objected to it because of how it will complicate the work of negotiating a fixed panitia.Suatu place and satisfactory for both parties still sought. Furthermore, the Free Daily paniteraan proclaim that the republic will be entirely pndah delegation from New York to Djokja.




Perdana menteri: Wakiol Presiden NRI Hatta,Menteri dalam negeri(Dr Soekiman Wirjosandjojo,Menteri luar negeri(Hadji agus sakim),Menteri Keuangan(Mr.A.A.Maramis),Menteri Kehakiman(Mr Soesanto Tirtoprodjo),Kemakmoeran(Mr Sjafruddin Prawiranegara)<Persediaan Makanan rakyat(Ignatius zJosef Kasimo),Kesehatan(Dr Johannes Leimena),Pengajaran,pendidikan dan kedudayaan(Mr ZAli Sastroatmidjojo),Penerangan(Mohamad Natzir),Perburuhan dan Sosial(Koesnan),Pembanguna dan Pemuda(Soepebo),Perhubungan(Ir Raden Djoeanda),Pekerjaan Umum ad interim(Ir.r.Djoeanda),Agama(Kiai Hadji Masjkoer)<Pertahanan ad Interim (Drs Moh.Hatta) dan Menteri non portofolio(Hemangkoe Boewono IX.



1900 PASUKAN REPUBLIK TANGGAL 3 FEB. AKAN DIKUMPULKAN.Medan 31/1/48. Jendral Major Republik Djatikoesoemo ,komadan divis VTN 1 yang berhubung perlunya melaksanakan Gencatan sejata dasn pengangkutan Pasukan Republik dari daerah yang diawasi oleh Belanda di Jawa barat tealh datang untuk mengunjungi daerah tersebut dan kemarin sore telah tiba kembali di surabaya ,segera akan berangkat dengan pesawat terbang Dakota USA kembali ke Djokja, diduga hari ini akn kembali lagi ke Suarbaya. Lebih lanjut dari Bandung dikabarkan bahwa 1900 pasukan republik diantarnya Batalion III yangterkenal dibawah pimpinan kapten Ahmad Wiranata Koesoema hari selasa tanggal 3 pebruari akan dikumpulkan.

PARA MENTERI rEPUBLIK tERBANG kE dJOKJA. Djkarta 31.1.48. Pagi hari ini para Menteri Republik yang kini berada di ZJakarta tealh bertolak ke Djokjakarta dengan sebuah pesawat terbang dan Panitia Penawaran Jasa baik,turut serta dalam pesawat itutermasuk nah=achoda kapal renville ikut melawat ke Djokja. Diantara para pembesar Republik terdapat tua Sjarifuddin Prawiranegara, Moh.Roem<Leimena,H.Agus salim dan Mr Tamsil.

PEMINDAHAN PASUKAN REPUBLIK. Djokja 31/1.48. Tentang pemindahan pasukan TNI dari daerah Jawa barat, Aneta mewartakan bahwa pasuka itu sebanyak mungkin akan diangkut dengan kereta api. Kini mereka diangkut ketempat-temat yang terletak disepanjang jalan kereta api seperti Tjiandjoer,Padalarang dan Poewkarta. Menurut Radio Hilversum,ditempat tersebut akan berkumpul 5000 prajurit THI, dari sini mereka akan diangkut ke Tjirebon dan dengan kapal kedaerah Repoeblik.Pasukan yang berangkat dari Tasikmalaja akan di datangkan kedaerah Repoeblik dengan kereta api. Pemindahan pasukan dari Tjiandjoer diharap akan selesai tanggal 1 pebruari yang akan datang.

USAI TENTANG TEMPAT PERUNDINGAN,Djkarta 31/1/48. Surat kabar Merdeka memperoleh kabar dari kalanggan yang senantiasa dapat dipercaya, bahwa delegasi Repoeblik telah mengemukakan usul  supaya perundingan diadakan berganti-ganti sesudah 14 hari di Djakarta dan Di djokjakarta. Panitia Penawaran Jasa Baik telah berkeberatan terhadap hal itu karena cara itu akan menyulitkan pekerjaan  panitia.Suatu tempat perundingan yang tetap dan memuaskan bagi kedua belah pihak masih terus dicari. SElanjutnya Harian Merdeka mewartakan bahwa ke paniteraan delegasi Repoeblik seluruhnya akan pndah dari Djakarta ke Djokja.

Feb ruary,4th.1948

Jakarta had choosed thier  “perwakilan” to join WEst Java conference R.sujoso,Harun Alrasjid and R.Abunjamin.

February ,6th.1948

NRI Passport no.0028 President of the Republic of Indonesia dated February 6, 1948, the opium smuggling trio dihunakan RI (Kamajaya, Tonny Subeno and Wen)

, was not dberlaku in singapore, so wen Tonny was arrested and several months of languishing in prison, but they managed to RI baik

.Markas opium smuggling in Mitre Hotel, Kiliney Road, Singapore (4 photo illustration), while also H. Karkono involved in smuggling opium Partokusumo RI, belaiu then Assistant Ministry of Finance in Singapore, under the coordination of former Ambassador Mukarto Notowidigdo large and Foreign Minister in charge to smuggle the opium. (apparently correct RI for the state Treasury to smuggle opium, as alleged in the Dutch newspaper in 1947)

original info:

Paspor NRI no.0028  Presiden Republik Indonesia tanggal 6 pebruari 1948, yang dihunakan tiga sekawan penyeludupan candu RI (Kamajaya,Subeno dan Tonny Wen) , ternyata tidak  dberlaku di singapore, sehingga Tonny wen ditangkap dan beberapa bulan mendekam dalam tahanan ,tetapi mereka berhasil dengan baik.Markas penyeludupan candu RI di Mitre Hotel,Kiliney Road,singapore(4 illustrasi foto), selain itu juga H.Karkono Partokusumo  terlibat dalam penyeludupan candu RI tersebut,belaiu  saat itu Pembantu Kementerian Keuangan RI di singapura,dibawah koordinasi Mukarto Notowidigdo bekas Duta besar dan Menteri Luar negeri yang bertugas menyeludupkan Candu tersebut.(ternyata benar RI untuk keperluan Keuangan negara menyeludupkan Candu,seperti yang dituduhkan Belanda dalam surat kabar tahun 1947)


rare republic stamp used  cds .8.2.48..djakarta (djokjakarta?)on fragment ,design young man with tranportations ,annyversary three years Indonesia Independence day,VERY RARE USED STAMPS


The rare Change Of Adress card dancer 3 cent, postally  used  from Surabaya to Malang (this  old  nede.indie 1941 card still used in 1948 until 1949 at federaal state area-Dr Iwan Notes.)


(a)The Renville ship departured Tanjung Priok

(b) three member of “Pasukan Berani Mati ” which throwed Granat get sentece to death at Dutch Justice court,and sevent other get to jail.

(c) the Pamphlet”Lelang Paksa” from Bukittinggi  stae Justice court(Pengadilan Negeri Bukittinggi)


The rare Straigth handstamp mark TASIKMALAJA , on used postal stationer overprint 5 cent on 3 1/2 cent card  send from tasikmalaya to Pengalengan (langstamped)


 The express independence anniversary postal stationer card 10 cent added java repoeblik Indonesia definitive stamp 40 cent, sen from Tjaroeban to  Modjokerto,with express stamped and sencore”telah ditilik” postmark.  and madioen without date cds as the legalized original card from madioen.


The recieved  of Money (kwitansi) f 1000, for repaird the car,by Repoeblic indonesia Traficc organisation (Dians lalulintas Sumatera barat ,now LLAJR),free revenue,with rare official NRI stamped.


The people  who enter their name to be the member of GPRI -Gerakan Plebisit Republik Indonesia at Cilincing were arrest by the Dutch.

97) February,26th-1948

The Dai Nippon Java Card used with ned.Indie Karbouw 5 cent stamps send from Bandung to Pengalengan,bandoeng the capital of Pasundan State of Federaal Indonesia.



the picture of Pasar baroe Djakarta postal Office during in Repoeblik Indonesia,Abdoel Rahman (rare photo)


(a)the very rare ontangbewijs(postpakket sending reciveced) sedn from Batavia with very rare BATAVIA CENTRUM 4 MCH 48 square in box  violet .hand stamped

March 9

 Van Mook creates a provisional government for federated Indonesia: the “Voorlopige Federale Regering”. The name “Nederlands-Indië” is changed to “Indonesië” in the Netherlands constitution

By this time, Van Mook saw that Indonesia would not remain a colony of the Netherlands forever. His actions became not so much efforts to keep the Netherlands Indies, as ways to manage a slow transition to self-rule.


(a) The rare Telephone bill send free stamps cds Lhoseumawe rep Indonesia 16.3.48. (Aceh postal history)

(b)The Jakarta Justice court had  get sentence 10 years to Yamamoto Isoho (the Glodok Camp leader) because he were “Kekajaman” to the prisoners


(a)registered covered with Pekalongan emergency register label and overprint 1947 on knonijnenberg 40 cent stamp,send from pekalongan to Semarang

(b)The Overprint soekarno local sumatra Republic Issued,off cover, CDS Bukittinggi,20.3.48


the postal used postcard stationer overprint 5 cen on 3 1/2 cent stationer card  NIG 282 (error normal 2381)  send from soerabaia to Malang.


The rare postal stationer  ovpt.5 cent on 3 1/2 cent NIG 2477 send from  Tanjoeng Enim to  Bandung


Tijwoelijk Bestuur Dienst Voorlichtings Residentie Banjoemas Identity card.


The illustration of the building of telephon  and telegram by PTT in preparation of KTN-komisi Tiga negara(three state commision) conference at Kalirang in april 1948


Weeskamer Soerabaia official letters ,r

return AFS.postmark (return to sender) April ,1st ,1948 return in April,29th.1948

The circulation of Weekly magazine “The worker”(Pekerja) had stop .


The postally used card from bandung to surbaia.April,16th.1948

the rare change of adress statione dancer 2 cent card ,added stamp off( 1 sen) send from  Tegal to Malang


the illustration of  paketvart post meeting and the inner of Jogya Post office in April 1948.


The Atjeh Weeklypaper “WARTA MINGGOEN” THIS INFO WITH DAY, 11 APRIL 1948

3 kekoesaan commission will be expanded,

vice president arrives in djakarta, at 12.30 today has left the premises pesawt Boekittingi Vice President pick up the air that he helped his hour 12.00.Beserta also the Minister of Health Dr. Leimena, generals Maj. Abdul Harris Nasution, a member agency workers KNIP Baharuddin Zainal and Ir Indratjaja. With a plane to pick the vice president, arrived in New York City police chief Omar Said State Sumatra. upon arrival in jkarta, vice president explained that he would stay a few days in Jakrta and Nati night 9:00 (PM) will hold a meeting at home van Mook. To fetch his arrival, the field seemed to fly members of the Dutch delegation, and the rulers of which Mr Ali Boediardjo republic and chairman of the Indonesian republic delegation Mr.Moh.Roem.

Dr.MANSOER NOT ACKNOWLEDGE NEGOTIATIONS WITH DUTCH republic. Djokja 10 April, Dr Mansoer which was recently established by Dr. van Mook to be Head of State of East Sumatra, expressing their preformance a press conference, that the State of East Sumatra, is a certainty and tida DAPT eliminated. Also he mkenerangkan bahw atiap each party negotiations conducted and the Dutch republic of Indonesia, will not doiakuinya or approval, Pelita People’s Daily demikianditulis March 13, the llau. Actually Dr. Mansoer forget, that face negotiations with the Dutch delegation republic, representing the Kingdom of the Netherlands adalh, where the State Dr. Mansoer also be involved and establish the existence of the State bahw ayang it go round decision (nesluit) from the Dutch Indies government. Meanwhile pulu stated that Dr. Mansoer not compare the holding of a plebiscite its region, if on the other regions were also held

COMPOSITION OF THE CABINET Negar pASOENDAN, according to newspapers in Bandung, the State Cabinet Pasoendan as follows. Prime Minister and concurrently the economy (Abbas Soerjana Atmadja), In the country (former regent Tasikmalaja, Soenarja), Health (Dr Abdoel Patah), Social (M Siradj), Teaching (Soendoro), Finance (Mr. Djoehana), General Pekerjaan (M. Enoch ), Justice (Soenarja Koesoema)

OEANG republic INDONESIA (ORI), bERHUBUBNG BECAUSE rumors that ori BE DIRECTLY IN EXCHANGE WITH Monica, explaining that official circles NEWS IS LESS truth.after Interim government that is actually formed, it will be held the unity of the money (or federaalgeld Munteenheid-federal money) . According to working paper republic, the money is proposed, if the money NICA and ORI exchanged with federal money 1 to 1. According to economic considerations, it is only logical because, according to the basic NICA our economy ORI and Money in the end is  people belonging . Negotiations on these financial unity until now didnot found definitive results.

EVENTS uprising in Biak, From jakarta diartakan that the republic’s political kjalangan there want menegtahui SIKA Negar Government of Indonesia East Uprising event at Biak (Papua) because it turns out that the people of Irian was declared emphatically would not form a special area, but want unity by State Eastern Indonesia


POH AN TUI MEDAN, dated March 20 ceremony was held in Medan dissolution POH AN TUI (Chines eoverses police) with the official.

UNITY TAPANOELI. In Mewdan has stood by the Union Tapanuli rtujuan to repair the interest groups in the country soematra Tapanouli Timoer. Now there are three flow between the tribes Tapanoeli: State pro a.Yang Btak Kingdom, b. Which bejuang to get position in the State of eastern Sumatra, c. which bejuang preformance they occur pernag Front Nasional.Diantara great pen pioneered Naigolan ole DR.

DUTCH LOT IN INDONESIA, Djokja 1o April 1948, Jumalh Dutch sent to Indonesia dai Nederland outnumber knows ago. In 1945 some 2600 people to send to Indonesia, is an employee selurunya NICA (Netherlands Indies Civil Agency), so diwarta Aneta. In 1946 some 7141 people comprising partikelirmpegawai domestic workers, women and children. in 1947 this number increased to 21.000 more. According to information, the amount of discharged itusesudah jnauari pernag second world until 1948, has a 31.247 (note Dr. Iwan, this essay I will definitely be read by the families of those currently in the country would still be a lot of Dutch, greetings to the families when and want info on family you, become a premium member, because dr ribuaninfo iwna have created you from a collection)




kekoesaan komisi 3 akan diperluas,

wakil presiden tiba di djakarta,pukul 12,30 hari ini telah berangkat meninggalkan Boekittingi Wakil Presiden denga pesawt udara yang menjemput beliau jam 12.00.Beserta beliau turut juga Menteri Kesehatan Dr Leimena,Djendral Mayor abdul Harris Nasution, anggota badan pekerja KNIP Zainal Baharuddin dan Ir Indratjaja. Dengan pesawat yang menjemput wakil presiden ini ,tiba di bukittinggi Umar Said Kepala kepolisian Negara Sumatra. pada saat tiba di jakarta,wakil presiden menerangkan  bahwa  beliau akan tinggal beberapa hari di Jakarta dan nanti malam jam 9.00(PM) akan mengadakan rapat dirumah van Mook. Untuk menjemput kedatangan beliau,dilapangan terbang tampak anggota delegasi Belanda dan para pembesar Repoeblik diantaranya Mr Ali Boediardjo dan ketua delegasi repoeblik Indonesia Mr.Moh.Roem.

Dr.MANSOER TIDAK MENGAKUI PERUNDINGAN BELANDA DENGAN REPOEBLIK. Djoja 10 april, Dr Mansoer yang baru-baru ini ditetapkan oleh Dr van Mook menjadi Kepala Negara Sumatera Timur, menyatakan pendapatnya dalm suatu konperensi pers, bahwa Negara Sumatera Timur merupakan suatu kepastian dan tida dapt dilenyapkan. Juga beliau mkenerangkan bahw atiap-tiap perundingan yang dilakukan pihak belanda dan pihak repoeblik Indonesia, tidak akan doiakuinya  atau disetujuinya, demikianditulis harian Pelita Rakyat tanggal 13 Maret yang llau. Sebenarnya dr Mansoer lupa, bahwa delegasi Belanda menghadapi perundingan dengan Repoeblik, adalh mewakili Kerajaan belanda,dimana Negara Dr Mansoer juga ada didalamnya dan bahw ayang menetapkan adanya Negara itu adlah keputusan(nesluit) dari pemerintah Hindia belanda. Sementara itu dinyatakan pulu,bahwa Dr mansoer tidak menolok diadakannya plebisit didaerahnya,jika dilain daerah juga diadakan

SUSUNAN KABINET nEGAR pASOENDAN, menurut  surat kabar di Bandung, Susunan Kabinet Negara Pasoendan sebagai berikut. Perdana Menteri merangkap ekonomi(Abbas Soerjana Atmadja), Dalam negeri(Bekas bupati Tasikmalaja, Soenarja), Kesehatan (Dr Abdoel Patah), Sosial(M siradj),Pengajaran(Soendoro),Keuangan (Mr Djoehana),Pekrjaan Umum(M.Enoch), Kehakiman(Soenarja Koesoema)

OEANG REPOEBLIK INDONESIA(ORI),BERHUBUBNG DENGAN ADANYA DESAS DESUS BAHWA orI AKAN LANGSUNG DI KURS DENGAN nica,KALANGAN RESMI MENERANGKAN BAHWA BERITA ITU KURANG BEANR.Sesudah Pemrintah Interim yang sebenarnya dibentuk,maka akan diadakan kesatuan uang(Munteenheid atau federaalgeld-uang federal). Menurut kertas kerja repoeblik, tentang Uang ini diusulkan,jika uang NICA dan ORI ditukar dengan Uang federal 1 banding 1. Menurut pertimbangan ekonomi,hal ini sudah sewajarnya karena menurut dasar ekonomki ORI dan Uang NICA pada akhirnya adalah tangunggan rakyat. Perundingan tentang kesatuan keuangan ini smapai sekarang belum mendapat hasil yang pasti.

PERISTIWA PEMBERONTAKAN DI BIAK, Dari jakarta diwartakan bahwa kalangan politik Repoeblik disana ingin mengetahui sika Pemerintah Negar Indonesia Timur terhadap peristiwa Pemberontakan di Biak (Papua) karena ini ternyata bahwa rakyat Irian sudah menyatakan dengan tegas tidak mau membentuk daerah istimewa,tetapi ingin mengabung dir dengan Negara Indonesia Timur


POH AN TUI MEDAN,tanggal 20 maret di Medan telah dilangsungkan upacara pembubaran POH AN TUI (chines eoverses police) dengan resmi.

PERSATUAN TAPANOELI. Di Mewdan telah berdiri Persatuan tapanuli dengan rtujuan untuk memerbaiki kepentingan golongan Tapanouli di negara soematra Timoer. Sekarang terdapat tiga aliran diantara suku Tapanoeli:a.Yang pro Negara Btak Raya,b. Yang bejuang untuk mendapatkan Kedudukan di Negara sumatra timur,c. yang bejuang dalam Front Nasional.Diantara mereka terjadi pernag pena yang hebat dipelopori ole DR Naigolan.

BANYAK BELANDA DI INDONESIA, Djokja 1o april 1948, Jumalh orang Belanda yang dikirm ke Indonesia dai Nederland melebihi jumlah tahu yang lalu. Dalam tahun 1945 sejumlah 2600 orang yang dikirm ke Indonesia,selurunya adalah pegawai NICA(Netherland Indie  Civil Agency),demikian diwarta aNeta. Pada tahun 1946 sejumlah 7.141 orang yang terdiri dari pekerja partikelirmpegawai negeri,wanita dan anak-anak. dalam tahun 1947 jumlah ini meningkat jadi 21,000 lebih. Menurut keterangan ,jumlah itusesudah habis pernag dunia kedua hingga jnauari 1948,telah menjadi 31,247(catatan dr Iwan, karangan saya ini pasti akan dibaca oleh keluarga mereka yang saat ini tentu masih banyak di negeri belanda, salam bagi para keluarga bila anda ingin info tentang keluarga anda,jadilah anggota premium,sebab dr iwna memiliki ribuan info buat anda dari koleksinya)



(a)the Rare postalstationer NIG 2477 send from Batavia centrum to Bandung.April,26th.1948

(b)The besluit Resident Palembang 1919 was legitimation with Nederland  handelsmaatschapij (bank)  Palem april.12..48 hand stamped.

(c)The Territorial commandant of West Java, Major-general H.J.J.W. Durst annouced that the 1st Mei ceremony(arak-akan) was forbidden.


 The earliest used  of Repoblik Indonesia local revenue f 25,- and the latest block four 24/4.48.


the earliest used blue paper local sumatra repoblik Indonesia revenue f,25, block three,the latest used 21/6.1948.


two photos of the meeting between Indonesia  and Ducth delegation supervised by KTn at Kaliurang (near Djokja)


MAY 1948

(1)two photos of the meeting at Kepatihan Djojakarta between NRI ands Ducth Delegation under  supervision KTN

(2)at Late May 1948, Mr SM AMIN was pointed as the Guvenour Of North sumatra by Presiden Soekarno.

(3)Kartosuwirjo proclaims himself Imam of Negara Islam Indonesia, or “Darul Islam”, an Islamic state rebelling against both Dutch and the Republic. His followers begin setting up local administrations in West Java.

(3) The Typhoid disease in Jakarta, 20 % were died.


The postally used cover from CDS Mamasa 3.5.48 to semarang (rare city cds) 


Postlly used card from CDS Malili 7.5.48 to Semarang with  overprint Indonesia on Wilhelmina 1 gld stamp(rare city cds)


The error 15 sen Java republik Indonesia unperforated revenue used on document,


the chinese women fund horganisation letter,send from jakarta with special federal Postal  Batavia handstamped violet  Batavia centrum 15.5.1948.


related with the War condition, Emergency Government on may, .16 in 1948, stipulates that to strengthen and centralize all in order to  menyempurnakan defend need power tools of civil and military special preformance of each military area preformance one hand, then in the special military regions all powers of Civil and Military conducted by the Military Governor. The next preformance residency civilian government run by the Council on behalf of the Regional Defence and bertangungg responsible to the Military Governor is concerned, while the business is run by military commanders on behalf dab Sub_Teritorial Responsible to governor Militer on 17 mei PDRI made provisions that force the centralization of power to the civilian and military Military Governor in the Military Specialties, the post of Governor of Sumatra Province for the time being removed. also stipulated that the oversight of regional autonomy as stipulated in Government Regulation 1948 made ​​by Ko in the Emergency Government decree dated 17 May 1949 no 23, set seterusnya, that the Government Commissioner who will supervise the former Province gubewrnur saudara Mr. SM Amin, the advance of another, the government appointed Commissioner for regional defense Utara.Dewan Sumatra regional diamksud above Ketetapn Commissioner formed by the Central Government for the North Sumatran June 19, 1p49 No. 3 and consists of Resident TTDaudsyah as chairman, and as a member M.Nur.El Ibrahimy, Yahya Siregar and Alemz.masing respective former executive member of the Parliament of North Sumatra

original info(ibid TM Hassan,1986)

related with the War condition, PDRI on may,.16th 1948, menetapkan bahwa untuk memperkokoh dan menyempurnakian petahanan perlu memusatkan sehgala alat-alat kekuasaan sipil dan militer dalm tiap daerah militer istimewa dalm satu tangan, maka dalam daerah militer istimewa segala kekuasaan Sipil dan Militer dilakukan oleh Gubernur Militer . selanjutnya dalm keresidenan pemerintah sipil dijalankan oleh Dewan Pertahanan Daerah atas nama dan bertangungg jawab kepada Gubernur Militer yang bersangkutan,sedangkan urusan militer dijalankan oleh komandan Sub_Teritorial atas nama dab bertanggung Jawab kepad gubernur MiliterPada tabnggal 17 mei PDRI mmebuat Ketetapan bahwa berlakunya pemusatan kekuasaan sipil dan militer kepada Gubernur Militer di daerah Militer Istimewa, jabatan Gubernur Propinsi di Sumatra buat sementara waktu dihapus. ditetapkan pula bahwa pengawasan atas daerah otonomi seperti dimaksud dalam Peraturan Pemerintah tahun 1948 dilakukan oleh Ko dalam ketetapan PDRI tanggal 17 mei 1949 no 23,ditetapkan setrusnya,bahwa Komisaris Pemerintah yang akan melakukan pengawasan tersebut adalah bekas gubernur Propinsi saudar Mr SM AMin,anatar lain,diangkat menjadi Komisaris Pemerintah untuk daerah Sumatera Utara.Dewan pertahanan Daerah yang dimaksud diatas dibentuk dengan Ketetapan Komisaris Pemerintah Pusat untuk sumatera Utara tanggal 19 Juni 1p49 no 3 dan terdiri dari Residen T.T.Daudsyah sebagai ketua,dan sebagai anggota M.Nur.El Ibrahimy, Yahya Siregar dan Alemz.masing-masing bekas anggota eksekutif DPR Sumatera Utara.


the Soeloeh rajat News paper

May, 18th.1948

The Rajat Soeloeh News paper

(a) Establishment Attitudes and the plan nekerja pesundan State,

NIDS struggling collar formation gives equal rights to all citizens, the pursuit of improved teaching, social, economic health, etc..

In the trial the State Parliament Pasoendan 134 dated May 1948 the then Prime Minister Mr. Adil Poeradiredja telang has provided a statement of government policy leaders plan to be run by the government, below we include a summary of these statements. Mr fairly stated, that the cabinet was formed on the basis of politics where the most important advance of the program are:

(a1) we struggle towards Indonesia Addressing the union of a free and sovereign (Indonesia is now the organization has been established as Federasi0, which will stand as Unity State.

(b1) Give equal rights to all citizens without distinction bangdsa mengiggatkan, religion and kultuur.

(c1) Recognize and protect the rights of minorities.

(2) Prundingan will move to Djokja

(3) Representative to the Conference of Bandung Banka

(4) Commercial illustration Perkebuna n be a way to enlarge the country and folk sources of income.

original info:

(a) Sikap Pendirian dan rentjana nekerja Negara pesundan,

berjuang kerah pembentukan NIDS memberi hak sama pada semua Warga  negara,mengejar perbaikan Pengajaran,sosial,kesehatan ekonomi dll.

Dalam sidang Parlemen Negara Pasoendan tanggal 134 Mei 1948 yang lalu,Perdana Menteri Mr Adil Poeradiredja telah memberikan suatu keterangan telang kebijakan rencana pemimpin pemerintahan yang akan dijalankan oleh pemerintahannya, dibawah ini kami memuat ringkasan keterangan tersebut. Mr adil menyatakan , bahwa kabinet ini dibentuk atas dasar politik program anatar mana yang terpenting ialah :

(a1) Menujukan perjuangan kita kearah Indonesia serikat yang merdeka dan berdaulat (organisasi Indonesia sekarang telah ditetapkan sebagai Federasi0, yang akan berdiri sebagai Persatuan Negara bagian.

(b1) Memberi hak yang sama kepada semua warga Negara dengan tidak mengiggatkan perbedaan bangdsa,agama dan kultuur.

(c1) Mengakui dan melindungi hak minoritas.

(2) Prundingan akan berpindah ke Djokja

(3) Perwakilan banka Ke Konperensi bandung

(4) illustrasi Pengusahaan Perkebuna n suatu cara untuk memperbesar sumber penghasilan negeri dan rakyat.


(a)The house of the lead of GPRI organisation Mr Ali Budiardjo at Pegangsaan timur “digeledah” because subversif.

(b) Two photos of the 40th years Indonesia national erection day anniversary(Hari Kebangkitan Nasional)  at Yogjakarta.look the Imam Bonjol picture on the wall.

(c) The Meeting between Indonesia delegation and Dutch delegation under KTN supervision at Kaliurang near Jogja.


The  Cover Fragment of Block 8 Ned.indie. dancer 4cent stamp cdas Medan 26.5.48 and other fragment Ned.indie Stamps in 1948 dancer 3 cent block 10.(during East sumatra State)


 the rare label of Income tax recieved at Padang panjang CDS 28.5.48 ,the change or repoeblik curency from small f to new bigger F new URIPS money(Uang Republik Indoesia propinsi sumatra)


the photo of  the meeting between NRI goverment with political party in Yogja Place

6.June 1948


the photo of Presiden Soekarno cs fled by flight to Sumatra

and after arrievd at Bukittinggi, he  look Bukittingi at night


president went to Padang Pandjang

and then President Sukarno arrive at Padang, Resident Sumatra Barat Moh Sjafei spoke during the night meeting

and Dr Sukiman speaks. also Moh sjafei talks with pemuka Rakyat.

June ,5th,1948

the photo of  Dr Soekiman speaking during Isjak Mirazd  day at Buktittingi this day



(a)On June,6th,1948  Presient Soekarno after melantik Ketua (chief)dan anggota(member)of The Central commisariat Gouvernment for sumatra at Bukittinggi,President soekarno depart to North with Car and from Siboroing-borong flyed by Aeroplane RI-002,without left door, to Lho Nga airport near Kutaraja.

(b)The Postally used cover witn overprinti 1947 on wilhelmina stamps 12 1/2 cent.


(a)President Sukarno  visit Maninjau West sumatra

(b)on this day  Mr S.M. Amin had  inagurated  as the Gouvernur  of North sumatra at the Banda aceh palace(kraton). The new gouvenor of North sumatra found many difficulty because this are “kurang aman” unsecured, and also the Dutch WarShip alway shooting the land,beside the Dutch Blockade around Aceh coast. One of the movement in Aceh lead by Said Ali,who didnot done the order of North sumatra Gouvernur, and he was arrested by the Military Gouvernur (look daud berueuh Pamphlet)


(a)The photo of KTN resception at Kepatihan Yogjakarta

(b)During the landroad travelling from Bukittinggi to Tapanuli, Presiden Sukarno some time rest in this day(three photos)

(c)The postally used  register cover with Djokjakarta series stamps 60 cent _ Borobudur stupa design , cds. Djakarta 11.7.48 to  probolinggo,with  censor chop

Java&Madoera 1946 ZBL 43A Proof Double+Mirror Print

Thi other series ,rare bird 50 (double print)cent used combination with def 100 sen   at money order fragment. and flag 60 cent mint block four


the use repoblik indonesia local sumatra f 75,- on complete document with legalized Bukittinggi post office,s chief

June ,13th.1948

Presiden soekarno arrived at Tarutung this day(photo) and vist hospital there.

June.14th 1948

(a) the recieved of Wang ambonnement  Tan Nie Liang,Keng Po and sinpo newspaper. (newspaper fee) F.6 of newspaper   june 1948(14.6.48)

(b)The kaliurang conference had moved to Jakarta, the delegation went to Jakarta by train.look some picture of the delegations Australian delegation Critcley, indonesi  hatta,moh roem etc.


The rare postally  used express. cover with Djokjakarta  series stamp -design RI flag from CDS Djakarta to CDS Probolinggo.June,16th.1948

The Chinese oversees  women study fund organisation jakarta(Federatie van chinese studiekringen-Chig Hsing Lien Ho Hui) letter CDS Jakarta.


(a)the rare Merdeka newspaper card send from Djakarta cds  17.6.47, by express to Jogyakarta. with java NRI definitive stamps 2×5 sen and 1x 40 sen (rate 50 sen)

(b)the Samidi book store private postcard send from batavia to Soerabaia.


Presiden Soekarno arrived at Jambi by plane (three photos)


(a)Presiden soekarno arrived at Bengkulu to  vist the house where he was arrest  by dutch in 1942.( four photos)

(b)Moh Natsit  meeting with Vice Presiden Moh Hatta (photo)


Presiden Soekarno arrived at Tjoerup bengkulu(two photo)


Presiden soekarno arrived at Telok Betong Lampong(five photos)


Amir Syarifuddin form the People’s Democratic Front (FDR) on June 28, 1948. Political group is trying to put himself in opposition to the government under cabinet Hatta. FDR joined the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) to plan a coup.

Some of the actions undertaken by these groups including waging anti-government propaganda, conducting demonstrations, strikes, kidnap and kill political opponents, and move the riots in some places.



The  earliest used of Sumatra repoeblic Indonesia local revenue f 70 (old roepiah) ,used fragment. and other date in 1948.


The postally used cover from cds Makassar on overprint 1947 Wilhemina 12 1/2 cent stamp to Batavia centrum.

July 8 th.1948.

Representatives of 13 Dutch-controlled states created by Van Mook convene at Bandung, to begin process of creating United States of Indonesia.


 Surat Pangilan dari polisi Kota bukittingi tanggal 10 juli1948,

atas nama Negara republik Indonesia sajya roeslan di kantor Polisi Bukittingi disuruh menghadap  etc tanggal 14.7.1948 jqm 9.pqgi dihadpan Pengadilan Di Bukittinggi untuk diperiksa menjadi terdakwa dalm perkara…etc


The Matraman area Jakarta were surround (dikepung) by dutch army and Police because the subversif action at that area


The Indonesian  Nation Meeting(pertemuan kebangsaan)  of all Indonesia at Perguruan rakyat (People s chool) salemba.


(a)The Indonesia national nation meeting finish with will (menghendaki) : Negara Serikat with souverinity(berdaulat)  and Independence as the The justice law state with basic azas democracy and in republic form.

(b) The rare ORI overprint on 0.15 sen   of Java Repoeblic Indonesia local revebue ,on compleet document( the-,15 more common)

the postal used stationer overprint  5 cent on 3 1/2 cent NG error 2 21(nomal 2721) send from Lahat to Batavia.


The circulations of Sentosa newspaper was stopping(dibreidel)


The postal used postal stationer card 5 cen ovpt 31/2 cen feredral state card NIG 2721,but tis card misprint 2 21,the 7  off , send from Lahat to Batavia


The rare latest used single repoeblic Indonesai loca sumatra revevue f15,- on complete document with official chief Market(pengholeoe pasar) padang Pandjang, because the rate up to f.25 and then  f.75,-


The Sin Min New paper information;

(A) Invasion of Surrounding Salatiga

Obtained that news on Thursday night that plainly, s erombongan likelihood of complete guns with vandals have attacked the line of the status quo on the east side of Salatiga and made two attacks on Dutch military camp in Dadapajam, where the vandals are using mortars and automatic weapons. This attack can be repelled. A Dutch military were wounded. Almost simultaneously with it, about five kilometers adjacent to its south is also a Dutch military camp near Rekosari has been attacked by vandals mortier by gerembolan (dutch menamkan republican army like that). They can be driven out and headed to a military camp south of elatnya away, at the Soeroeh, who attacked denganhebat smpai three times, but also here they DAPT repelled. It seems the attacks were carried out on a large scale and regular, entourage uuga vandals set fire to several houses to escape the village and destroy the bridge underlined the status quo, further also found roadblocks (Begitulan news from the Federal tentan Dutch troops attack the Republic of Indonesia said vandals, who is the leader of this attack, until now there has been perenah reported, he needs to dinugerahkan decorated hero of independence, hope this info related reports, notes Dr. Iwan)

(B) Sjafroeddin-Sukiman Resign?

Apparently kalngan served until now still want interesting events to strike Delanggoe undesirable situation, even though the incident has been resolved and the workers have started working again.

In a news published daily as saying that the interior minister Dr Sukiman and Prosperity Mr. Minister, Sjafroeddin, aan resigned, because he was not satisfied with the attitude of the government’s resolve an issue and a matter delangoe permogokan in a special area of ​​Surakarta. In addition to the news broadcast also said Mr.Moh.Roem would resign from the delegates. Roem sendiri menyatakan kepada kita,bahwa berita tersebut tidak benar sama sekali demikian harian “Merdeka”‘ Gd=’The first news about it, among the really significant stuff Masjoemi adjacent to the helm, said, just do not know about it, was the second news menegani, Mr Moh> Roem himself tells us, that the news is not true at all so daily “Independent” ‘ closure_uid_buen0h=”80″>The first news about it, among the really significant stuff Masjoemi adjacent to the helm, said, just do not know about it, was the second news menegani, Mr Moh> Roem himself tells us, that the news is not true at all so daily “Independent”

(C) Railway Fire delegation arrived in Jakarta

Monday night at 19:30 the train has arrived in Jakarta, leaving from Djokja 6 am from Monument station. Australian representative in the KDB Crichley, come ride the train, from the Netherlands delegation there are 15 members of staff of the Republican delegation and 77 people participated.

The picture of the Kaliurang meeting Delegation meeeting with Sukarno like mr Critchley, also Hatta and zMoh>Roem and from feral  Abd,Kadir.

(D) For What  the Republican Political Meeting  Stops

 Algemeen Handsblad Amsterma.26 June. in his article titled “Djokja and Bandung,” among other things wrote: “The decision to stop negotiations, the fall in conjunction with government activities which maikin federaal intensified, which has held its own with the initiative of conference Bandung to seek progress in resolving the problem of Indonesia. Selanjtnya also, the fall in conjunction with state of cessation of the Dutch government. With the rapid reaction of the Commission of the United Nations (UNO), and on Tuesday the Security Council will discuss again this matter. Conference of heads of states and regions in Bandung can be interpreted that the Federalists could not wait for the policy to establish NIS Netherlands Indonesia-United states.
this raises concern in Djokja republican party. Leftists in Republican states, that the pressure of the left in the republic bertambah.Sudah increasingly apparent that a new national program has not drawn up in accordance with the Federal arrangement, which is now outside the Republican establishment. So for Djokja no better hand over Indonesia to the Council about the UN Security is untu obstruct and impede the movement of the Netherlands the Federalists, who by friends Djokja in the Security Council would be called a state Doll.

(E) Advertising Market Night at Alon sisters Ambarawa

”Market opening night date 31 August 1948 to 5th of September 1948 yng interested to come to the committee office address Openbarfe SWerken Magelang 148 Ambarawa street.   Still available in the market place for game night (tombola, loterij goods) restaurant, etc. Market opening night date 31 August 1948 to 5th of September 1948 yng interested to come to the committee office address Openbarfe SWerken Magelang 148 Ambarawa street. “Gd =” Still available in the market place for game night (tombola, loterij goods) restaurant, etc. Market opening night date 31 August 1948 to 5th of September 1948 yng interested to come to the committee office address Openbarfe SWerken Magelang 148 Ambarawa street. Still available in the market place for game night (tombola, loterij goods) restaurant, etc.> Market opening night date 31 August 1948 to 5th of September 1948 yng interested to come to the committee office address Openbarfe SWerken Magelang 148 Ambarawa street.’ Gd='”> Still available in the market place for game night (tombola, loterij goods) restaurant, etc.> Market opening night date 31 August 1948 to 5th of September 1948 yng interested to come to the committee office address Openbarfe SWerken Magelang 148 Ambarawa street.’ closure_uid_buen0h=”95″>”> Still available in the market place for game night (tombola, loterij goods) restaurant, etc.> Market opening night date 31 August 1948 to 5th of September 1948 yng interested to come to the committee office address Openbarfe SWerken Magelang 148 Ambarawa street

 original info :

(a) Penyerbuan Disekitar Salatiga

Didapat kabar bahw pada hari kamis malam yang lalau,s erombongan beasr kaum pengacau dengans ejata lengkap telah menyerang garis status quo disebelah timur Salatiga dan melakukan dua serangan pada kamp militer Belanda di Dadapajam,dimana kaum pengacau mengunakan mortir dan senjata otomatis. Serang ini dapat dipukul mundur. Seorang Militer Belanda menderita luka-luka. Hampir bersamaan dengan itu,kira-kira lima kilometer disebelah selatannya, juga sebuah kamp militer Belanda di dekat Rekosari telah diserang dengan mortier oleh gerembolan pengacau(belanda menamkan tentara republik seperti itu). Mereka dapat diusir  dan menuju ke kamp militer yang elatnya sebelah selatan lagi, yaitu di Soeroeh, yang diserangnya denganhebat smpai tiga kali, akan tetapi juga disini mereka dapt dipukul mundur. Kelihatannya serangan-serangan itu dilakukan secara besar-besaran dan teratur, rombongan pengacau itu uuga membakar beberapa rumah kampung dan waktu melarikan diri menhancurkan jembatan digaris status Quo, lebih jauh juga ditemukan perintang jalan(Begitulan berita dari  pihak Federal belanda tentan serangan pasukan Republik Indonesia yang dikatakan pengacau,siapakah pemimpin serangan ini,sampai saat ini belum perenah dilaporkan, beliau perlu dinugerahkan bintang jasa pahlawan kemerdekaan , harap yang terkait melaporkan info ini ,catatan Dr Iwan)

(b)Sjafroeddin -Soekiman Mengundurkan diri ?

Ternyata sampai sekarang masih saja kalngan yang hendak menarik peristiwa pemogokan Delanggoe kepada keadaan yang tidak diinginkan, meskipun sebenarnya peristiwa tersebut telah diselesaikan dan kaum buruh sudah mulai bekerja kembali.

Dalam suatu harian dimuat berita yang mengatakan, bahwa menteri dalam negeri Dr Soekiman dan Menteri Kemakmuran Mr,Sjafroeddin, aan mengundurkan diri,karena katanya tidak puas dengan sikap pemerintah dalam menyelesaikan maslah permogokan di delangoe dan soal daerah istimewa Soerakarta. Selain itu disiarkan juga berita yang mengatakan Mr.Moh.Roem akan mengundurkan diri dari delegasi. Mengenai berita pertama itu,kalangan yang snagat berdekatan dengan pucuk pimpinan Masjoemi, mengatakan ,sama tidak tahu tentang hal itu, sedang yang menegani berita kedua, Mr Moh>Roem sendiri menyatakan kepada kita,bahwa berita tersebut tidak benar sama sekali demikian harian “Merdeka”

(c) Kerata Api delegasi tiba di Jakarta

Hari senen malam jam 19.30 kereta api  telah tiba di jakarta, berangkat dari Djokja jam 6 pagi dari stasiun Tugu. Wakil Australia dalam KDB Crichley ,ikut menumpang kereta itu, dari delegasi Belanda ada 15 orang anggota staf dan dari delegasi Republik ikut 77 orang. 

(d) Sebab Apa Republik Menghentikan Prundingan Politik

 Algemeen Handsblad Amsterma.26 juni. dalam artikelnya berjudul ” Djokja dan Bandung” anatara lain menulis :”Putusan untuk menghentikan perundingan,jatuhnya bersamaan dengan kegiatan pemerintah fedreaal yang maikin diperhebat, yang dengan inisiatif sendiri telah mengadakan koferensi Bandung untuk mencari kemajuan dalam penyelesaian masalah Indonesia. Selanjtnya juga,jatuhnya  bersamaan dengan keadaan berhentinya pemerintahan Belanda. Dengan cepat timbul reaksi dari Komisi PBB(UNO), dan pada hari selasa Dewan Keamanan akan membicarakan lagi masalah ini. Konperensi kepala negara dan daerah di bandung dapat diartikan bahwa kaum Federalis sudah tidak sabar lagi terhadap kebijakan Belanda untuk membentuk NIS-negara Serikat Indonesia.
hal ini menimbulkan kekuatiran pihak republik di Djokja. Kaum Kiri di Republik menyatakan, bahwa tekanan kaum kiri di republik makin hari makin bertambah.Sudah nyata bahwa program nasional yang baru disusun sudah tidak sesuai dengan susunan Federal, yang sekarang pembentukannya diluar Republik. Maka bagi Djokja tidak ada yang lebih baik  menyerahkan soal indonesia kepada Dewan Keamana PBB untu  merintangi Belanda dan merintangi gerakan kaum Federalis, yang oleh teman-teman Djokja di Dewan Keamanan tentu akan disebut sebagai negara Boneka.
(E) Advertising Market Night at Alon sisters AmbarawaPembukaan pasar malam tgl 31 august 1948 sampai 5 sepetember 1948 yng berkepentingan supaya datang kepada komite alamat kantor Openbarfe SWerken Magelang street 148 Ambarawa.” Gd=”Still available in the market place for game night (tombola, loterij goods) restaurant, etc.> Market opening night date 31 August 1948 to 5th of September 1948 yng interested to come to the committee office address Openbarfe SWerken Magelang 148 Ambarawa street. “>Still available in the market place for game night (tombola, loterij goods) restaurant, etc.> Market opening night date 31 August 1948 to 5th of September 1948 yng interested to come to the committee office address Openbarfe SWerken Magelang 148 Ambarawa street.(F) Applicability of Rule Seals In 1921From the Department of Finance has been notified as follows: “Paraturan seal 1921 and seal of the legal rules contained mengaenai preformance other general rules, with ordonasi August 21, 1945 (Stadblad 220) for temporarily revoked (not used), except for the so-called seal capital (kapitaal zegel) has been extended with ordonasi dated 19 January 1948 (stadblad No. 25) that is, until July 1, a new past. From that date wajiblah redeemable stamp duty again as before, then it would be useful to give a brief view of the changes and Additional primarily from the regulatory seal of 1921, which has been held swsudah announced the full text of the calendar attachment in Government (Regering-a tender Almanac 1941, which headed (caption) Tax Law Indonesia-Indische Belastingwetgeving. 1941.Perubahan years held the customs to usrat Pas Travel abroad and certificate (lehitimatie-bewijs), nor may cataan to extend the time of this letter, has been raised menjafi F.5, – Aatu more than that becomes F.7, 50. To take into account the duties of the proof of lease hire, charges totaling 10 cents for each F.100, -, has been awarded a new rounding rule, which reads, customs sukrang least fifteen cents sampi 25 cents, more than 25 cents sampi 50 cents to twenty-five cents, more than 50 cents up to Rp 5, with fifty cents and more than Rp 5, – with a dollar. If jumalh of the charges calculated lies between the two stamp duty, wajiblah pay customs duties are the second highest dar8. stadsblad premises (gazetted) in 1948 no.135r opportunity to pay the stamp duty has been extended by membeolehkan setorn to the State Treasury for the deposit of a power of attorney issued by the comptroller’s office (inspectie van Fiancien). F.500 .- Limit has been lowered to F.25. For the attachment of the seal of all letter, then if desired be allowed to wear the seal paste (plakkzegel) instead of paper affixed with zegel which relies on private law only.Stamp duty remains of F.1, 50 for mail with  signatures created as evidence of action, facts and circumstances that must be paid, for securities that rely on private law (privaatrechtlijk) as well as the law governing the transportation between  private  people and the government (punliekrechtlijk ) have limited to a letter that relied on private law only.According to section IV a new beginning ekarang legendary duty levied at 50 cents from a letter of evidence storage, gudangdan penerimaa. Further charges 25 cents for kononsemen created here, party suarft chaeter of cargo and cargo.Jual beli hasil bumi sela njutnya tidak lagi dikenakan bea istimewa ini.”
“Chapter VIII of the rules for the collection of stamp duty meuat commerce / trade (handlzegel) has been greatly shortened and simplified Buying and selling agricultural produce between  no longer subject to this special duty. “>Chapter VIII of the rules for the collection of stamp duty meuat commerce / trade (handlzegel) has been greatly shortened and simplified Buying and selling agricultural produce between njutnya no longer subject to this special duty. if the case is made that the letter was signed, this letter is subject to the general stamp duty F.1, 50.Sale and purchase of fixed effect subject to this special duty, Customs for the memorandum to be made in this, dituanikan with outboard seal the ordinary. Metrai Commerce to be paid twice tealh turrunan dihapuskan.jiga not need to be taken in a list marked.For outstanding amsih letter, which was made before 1 July and which still must be given the seal selurhnya later (nazegelling) because the re-enactment rule bea.due to rules for regular mail and letters about the household tealh set, that of the letter the letter permulaaannya exempt from stamp duty. Bea was just be accomplished, if it is used sutrat notaries, prosecutors, penyitaaan or also if a pegaswai government must heed the determination of when to take the contents of the letter.In the meantime set also with changes streak halted as of July 1, the last, that the petition to the government or government agency and the determination to be taken upon it, subject to no more than the general stamp duty sebayak F1, 50. It has also been abolished preferential voting determination letter from the letter, which meuat appointment in the office and giving a raise. in this connection should be noted that the letter  to implement the employer’s premises parftikelir agreements already exempt from stamp duty under ordonasi in stadblad 1928 no.533Because time will pass so long, people can run the new stamp duty rules in 1921 premises really Supervisory Head of the Department of Finance has memebrikan keuasaan until the 1st of january 1949 to the Post in order to seal the employee to mention all the proposed “surat memunggut “no fines or make prosec Verbaal (news inspection program) so that all the errors until the date fixed

(e) Iklan Pasar Malam di Alon aloon Ambarawa

Masih tersedia tempat didalam pasar malam buat permainan (tombola,loterij barang) restaurant dll >Pembukaan pasar malam tgl 31 august 1948 sampai 5 sepetember 1948 yng berkepentingan supaya datang kepada komite alamat kantor Openbarfe SWerken Magelang street 148 Ambarawa.

(f)Berlakunya Peraturan Meterai Tahun 1921

Dari pihak Departemen Keuangan telah diberitahukan sebagai berikut:”Paraturan Meterai tahun 1921 dan aturan yang mengaenai hukum meterai yang termuat dalm peraturan umum lainnya,dengan ordonasi tanggal 21 Agustus 1945(Stadblad 220) untuk sementara dicabut(tidak dipakai),kecuali untuk yang dinamakan meterai modal(kapitaal zegel) telah diperpanjang dengan ordonasi tertanggal 19 januari 1948(stadblad no 25) yaitu sampai tanggal 1 July yang baru lalu. Mulai tanggal itu bea meterai wajiblah ditunaikan lagi seperti sediakala, maka itu berguna kiranya untuk memberikan pemandangan yang singkat tentang perubahan dan  tambahan yang terutama dari peraturan meterai 1921,yang telah diadakan swsudah diumumkannya naskah lengkap tentang itu didalam lampiran Penanggalan Pemerintah(Regering-almanak tahum 1941,yang berkepala(caption) Undang-Undang Pajak Indonesia -Indische Belastingwetgeving. tahun 1941.Perubahan yang diadakan adalah bea untuk usrat Pas Perjalanan keluar negeri dan surat keterangan(lehitimatie-bewijs),begitupula cataan untuk memperpanjang waktu dari surat ini,telah dinaikan menjafi F.5,- aatu lebih dari itu menjadi F.7,50. Untuk memperhitungkan bea dari tanda bukti sewa menyewa,bea berjumlah 10 sen untuk tiap F.100,-,telah diberikan aturan pembulatan baru, yang berbunyi, bea sukrang-kurangnya lima belas sen sampi 25 sen, lebih dari 25 sen sampi 50 sen dengan  duapuluh lima sen,lebih dari 50 sen sampai RP.5,  dengan lima puluh sen dan lebih dari RP.5,- dengan satu rupiah. Jika jumalh dari bea yang diperhitungkan  terletak diantara dua bea meterai ,wajiblah membayar bea tertinggi dar8 kedua bea tersebut. Denga stadsblad(lembaran negara)  tahun 1948 no.135r kesempatan untuk membayar bea meterai telah diperluas dengan membeolehkan setorn ke Kas Negeri atas surat kuasa untuk menyetor yang dikeluarkan kantor pengawas keuangan (inspectie van Fiancien).Batas F.500.- telah diturunkan menjadi F.25. Untuk penempelan meterai dari semua surat,untuk selanjutnya jika dikehendaki diperkenankan memakai meterai tempel(plakkzegel) sebagai ganti kertas yang dibubuhi zegel yang bersandar atas hukum pribadi saja.

Bea meterai tetap dari F.1,50 untuk surat  yang dibuhi tanda tangan dibuat sebagai bukti  tindakan,kenyataan dan keadaaan  yang harus dibayar ,untuk surat yang bersandar atas hukum pribadi(privaatrechtlijk) maupun atas hukum yang mengatur perhubungan anata orang partikjulir dan pemerintah(punliekrechtlijk) tealh dibatdsi untuk surat yang bersandarkan atas hukum pribadi saja.

Menurut bab IV a yang baru, mulai daris ekarang dipungut bea sebesar 50 sen dari surat bukti penyimpanan,gudangdan penerimaa. Selanjutnya bea 25 sen untuk kononsemen yang dibuat disini,partai chaeter tentang muatan serta suarft muatan.

Bab VIII yang meuat aturan untuk pemungutan  meterai perniagaan/dagang(handlzegel) telah sangat disingkatkan dan dipermudah>Jual beli hasil bumi sela njutnya tidak lagi dikenakan bea istimewa ini. jika tentang hal ini dibuat surat yang ditanda tangani,surat ini dikenakan bea meterai umum F.1,50.

Jual beli surat Effect tetap dikenakan bea istimewa ini, Bea untuk nota yang harus dibuat dalam ini, dituanikan dengan meterai tempel yang biasa saja. Metrai Perniagaan yang harus dibayar dua kali tealh dihapuskan.jiga tidak perlu diambil turunan  dalam suatu daftar yang diberi tanda.

Untuk surat yang masih beredar,yang dibuat sebelum tanggal 1 juli dan yang seluruhnya masih  harus diberikan meterai kemudian(nazegelling) karena berlakunya kembali peraturan bea.sesuai demngan aturan untuk surat biasa dan surat mengenai rumah tangga tealh ditetapkan,bahwa dari dari permulaaannya surat  surat itu dibebaskan dari bea meterai. Bea itu baru harus ditunaikan ,jika sutrat itu dipakai notaris,jaksa,penyitaaan atau juga jika seorang pegaswai pemerintah sewaktu mengambil penetapan harus mengindahkan isi dari surat itu.

Dalam pada itu  ditetapkan juga dengan perubahan kilat yang terhitung muali tanggal 1 Juli yang lalu, bahwa surat permohonan kepada Pemerintah atau badan pemerintah dan penetapan yang harus diambil atas hal itu,dikenakan tidak lebih dari bea meterai umum sebayak F1,50. JUga telah dihapuskan pemungutan istimewa surat dari surat penetapan,yang meuat pengangkatan dalam jabatan dan pemberian kenaikan gaji. dalam hubungan ini harus diperhatikan bahw asurat yang dinuat untuk melaksanakan perjanjian kerja denga  majikan parftikelir sudah dibebaskan dari bea meterai menurut ordonasi dalam stadblad 1928 no.533

Karena akan lewat sekian waktu lamanya, baru orang dapat menjalankan aturan bea meterai 1921 denga sungguh-sungguh Pengawas Kepala Departemen Keuangan telah memebrikan keuasaan sampai tanggal 1 january 1949 kepada pegawai Pos supaya menyegel lagi semua suart yang diajukan tidak memunggut denda atau membuat prosec verbaal(berita acara pemeriksaan) sehingga semua kesalahan sampai tanggal itu dibetulkan


the rare Residentie west sumatra official information(BERITA RASMI)

.undang Act no11 tentangf change the tax rate cut.


To the Inspector UmumKeuangan on Tax officials from the ministries of Finance M. Goenadi Widjojo Asmoro ynag while running keqwajibannya pad for a State Commissioner of Financial Affairs in Bukititnggi.

Ordered, visiting each of the Residency in dsumatera order;

a. Perfecting Ijurannegara official organization, both technical and admimistratif based on the prevailing peraturam in Java and Madura.

b.Dimana necessary, to restore people’s trust to the Official State Ijuran (Dues)

c.Memperhebat receipts for the State so that the danger of inflation DAPT reduced.

To the Governor and Commander of the TNI Sumatra Sumatra commandment, all residents and the Unity of the Armed Forces d Sumatran hereby requested to provide all necessary assistance and information kepad a host of M. Goenadi widjojoasmoro tresbut in running a command that we provide.

Boekititnggi, 8 April 1948

Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia



Considering that in order to prevent price increases for goods makana seentara need to hold a prohibition for the time being, remove material from West Sumatra makana such as Copra, dry pepper, Peanut and Sweet Oil, and so on.

bukititnggi 25 mei 1948

Resident of West Sumatra

Mr St.Mohd.Rasjid.

diumukan dated 26 May 1948 by the secretary of the residency Haroen al Rasjid.


Governor of the State sumatra republic IndonesiaMenimbang that for mecapai rationalization in the use of workers labor on government positions in the province of Sumatra, needed to be rules about menberhentiakn employees as the excess energy than necessary to provide money Wait (wachtgeld) with peresetujuan of the Working Committee and the Legislative Decree Sumatra Prseiden NRI September 29, 1946.

 Memuruskan, by canceling the (deadly) regulations regarding the provision of money waiting (wacht geld) current, and so on


1.undang undang no11 tentangf perobahan tarip pajak potong.


Kepada Inspektur UmumKeuangan pada pejabat Pajak dari kementerian Keuangan M.Goenadi Widjojo Asmoro ynag buat sementara menjalankan keqwajibannya pad a Komisariat Negara Urusan Keuangan di Bukititnggi.

Diperintahkan ,mengunjungi tiap-tiap Keresidenan di dsumatera guna;

a. Menyempurnakan organisasi pejabat Ijurannegara,baik admimistratif  maupun teknis dengan berpedoman pada peraturam yang berlaku di Jawa dan Madura.

b.Dimana perlu,mengembalikan kepercayaan rakyat kepada Pejabat Ijuran Negara (Iuran)

c.Memperhebat pemasukan uang bagi Negara sehingga bahaya inflasi dapt diperkecil.

Kepada gubernur Sumatra dan Panglima TNI Komandemen Sumatra,segenap residen dan Kesatuan Angkatan Perang d sumatera dengan ini diminta supaya memberikan segala bantuan dan keterangan yang diperlukan kepad a tuan M.Goenadi widjojoasmoro tresbut dalam menjalankan perintah yang kami berikan.

Boekititnggi, 8 april 1948

Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia



Menimbang bahwa untuk mencegah kenaikan harga barang makana buat seentara perlu mengadakan larangan buat sementara waktu ,mengeluarkan bahan makana dari daerah Sumatera Barat seperti Kopra,Lada kering,Kacang tanah dan Minyak Manis, dan seterusnya.

bukititnggi 25 mei 1948

Residen sumatera Barat

Mr St.Mohd.Rasjid.

diumukan tanggal 26 mei 1948 oleh sekretaris keresidenan Haroen al Rasjid.


Gubernur sumatra Negara republik IndonesiaMenimbang bahwa untuk mecapai rasionalisasi dalam pemakaian tenaga pekerja pada jabatan Pemerintahan dalam Provinsi Sumatera,perlu diadakan peraturan tentang menberhentiakn Pegawai sebagai tenaga yang berlebih dari semestinya dengan memberikan Uang Tunggu(wachtgeld) dengan peresetujuan Badan Pekerja Dewan Perwakilan Sumatra dan Ketetapan Prseiden NRI tanggal 29 September 1946.

 Memuruskan ,dengan membatalkan (mematikan) peraturan tentang pemberian uang tunggu(wacht geld0 yang berlaku sekarang, dan seterusnya



Two POSA member had sentence to death by Jakarta JUstice court because they throwed the granat at Kramat area Jakarta at july,20th.1948 .and two other sentence to jail 9 and 5 years.



The KPOB_Komite Pendidik and Organisasi Buruh”(Worker oragnitation) had founded in order to unity the worker in struggle and work.(berjuang dan bekerja)

August ,4th.1948

The promotion of Fonds Pembelian Kapal terbang(FDK_Republik Fund for buying aeroplane) from Tapanoeli(very rare pamphlet, used the back for homemade cover in 1950)


The postally used An Lok book store Makassar, cds Makssar on karbouw 5 cent stamp to Bing Sien bookstore soerabaia.\


The very rare earliest used off document , Sumatra Local republic revenue one new rupiah Rp.1.- august,11th.1948, look illustration below

and other date in August 1948 look above


The Java repoeblic Indonesia revenue,used on document, misprint the 15 cent, the 5  abnormal.

August 11th.1948

Musso, former PKI leader from the 1920s, arrives in Yogya after spending twelve years in the Soviet Union. Sjarifuddin announces that he has been an underground member of PKI. PKI sponsors strikes and demonstrations.Hatta, with little money to pay troops, begins demobilizing some TNI (army) units.


(1)The the youngman had made “Api Unggun”(glory flame)  di RI Building Pegangsaan Timur 56, but the Dutch soldier and Police  shooting and arrest them, Suripto was died(gugur)

(2) Sin Min Newspaper

(A) Pendjualan Opium Republic

Het dagblad of Opium in the Republican Sales

Dutch newspaper “het Dagblad” wrote about the sale of opium ole case of the Republic as follows: “Yesterday we have announced how the republican play around with interest, which is being held by the international community, by the way Republicans have set aside the international regulations for its own sake. As a general already know, it tealh illicit opium trade in a deal that was held preformance second world war, where tealh agreement was signed also by the country belanda.Sebenarnya opium sales conducted on a large scale by the republic, not just limited to areas within the archipelago. toxins that damage the health of the country, tealh entered by the Republic in the market again, while people with joy to see, that the compaction was halted tealh can be controlled. apparently the preformance of the republic is still opinionated bahw atujuan or intent that justify the way the tactic for achieving it. Cra-republic techniques now used to obtain money to finance his representatives abroad is a clear proof that Jogya skali sincerely can not apply as a country are commendable (Dutch propaganda in order to drop the name of the republic of Indonesia in the eyes of the world-calendar notes Dr. Iwan)

(B) Day 17 August in Australia

Melbourne, 14 August. Correspondent Daily politicians ‘Melbourne Herald’ wrote: “Most members of the diplomatic corps in Canberra may not be attending the reception day dtang lettuce that will be held by representatives of the Republic of Indonesia which telanh mengakat himself, Mr. Osman Sastroamidjojo. Now maybe the ministry of Foreign Affairs Australia will be forced to notify the ministry’s information whether or not to admit Mr Oesman. Mr. Oesman was not recognized by the government nor have Zustral8ia seta tesmi status, but according to her deputy foreign customs he has send the invitation to a birthday reception with respect to know n the third of the republic of Indonesia. Correspondent was indicating, that Ausrtralia may not be represented by Prime Minister J. Chifley, Evatt, who had no minister, acted as minister of state sementara.Chifley curved never attended such an occasion. According to the correspondent of increasing interest concern is whether the Australian foreign ministry officials not to attend the reception.

(C) Bandung Conference

Jakarta 15 August 1948, according to Aneta: “Unlike the first announcement is that the federal conference in Bandung will be postponed until the month of September setelah chairman and the author returned from the Dutch country. Finally taken a decision to proceed in the jkarta komnperensi on Monday night broadcast addressed pangilang to all state representatives, they were invited to come in Bandung Selas as possible.

(D) Communion For Cochran

Jakarta, 14 August (Aneta). Consul General of the United States and the American delegation in the KDB, on Saturday night held a banquet to honor members of the new United dlam KDB H.merle Cochran, held a reception room Hotel des Indes.Diantara bnayak people, who came to salute the master Cochran, was Lieutenant-General Dr. HJ van Mook chairman of the Dutch delegation, R. Abdoelkadir Widjojoatmodjo, young Laksmana ASPinke, state secretary of economic affairs Mr JE van Hoogstraren. of delegation of the Republic, among others, seem present chairman Mr Mohammad Roem and also foreign minister Haji Agoes Salim.Banyak leading people from the military and civilian masters come to berkenalan with Cochran.

(E) Bureau PTT in the Netherlands Indies

Jkaarta August 11, 1948, shortage of employees in the Bureau PTT is such that the composition of which is now barely sufficient for the daily work of the 1940 PTT terpenting.Dalam diIndonesia effigy has 12,418 employees, consisting of 5785 employees and medium-high, low pengawai 6633 . In permulaaan the 1948 figure to be 7202 (3944 and 3258). Especially the shortage of high officials and mewnengah.
Postal service had not so many losses when compared with the tehnikmeskipun number of post offices and post office assistant no longer used DAPT. postal delivery everywhere is almost normal again. but also in this case was once an employee keurangan kantor.Pengiriman money (poswessel) and delivery is still hampered by epraturan pospaket expenditure of foreign exchange and agricultural products. Bangaiman growing number of the letters turned out, that the preformance of 1947 with the mediation service and curved flight in the country of the Netherlands Indies government service, the semi-official and a private had been transported a number of postal 1,510,281 kg (69 624 kg in 1940) of that total civilian 689,542 kg and 361,800 kg of the military.

 With Jakarta Amsterdam KLM airplane trip, in 1947, has been transported into and through the State dutch postal number 202.4e82 kg (1939 42 820 kg). of that number there are 136,131 military post, especially for dutch country. From dutch country and other countries preformance in 1947 with KLM Amsterdam jakarta transported 331,441 kg while in 1939 55 744 248 119 kg of between this military post. In 1939 many pospaket sent and received on average 112,000 pounds, years ago in 1947 and 105 000 kg in 1948 to the present 185.0000 kg.

PTT in Indonesia in the year before the war gets hit, for example in 1940 the acceptance of 09.29 million dollars with penegluaran 23.8 million, so profits 6100.000 guilders, while the results of the lau-year 1947 loss menunnukkan 4.589 million guilders (20.050.0000 reception and penegluarahn 25,639. 000) although it should be noted also that in general the action after the new politionil billed telephone Subscribed money that unless the postal receipt is always the biggest gains, while both of 1947 new bahgian elevated rates. by not investigating the possibility of small, can be expected that the reception in 1948 will amount to between 40 and 50 million rupiah. purchase price of goods remains in January 1, 1941 amounted to 63.000.0000 guilders, while the January 1, 1948 nearly 55.8 million gulden.Berhub ung with ten-year plan can be said that everything depends on the development of political and economic circumstances of this dinusantara. all that the PTT service can be held here after the war, would not be possible, if there is no assistance from the military, especially on the protection of workers PTT group, so we have to thank the Dutch PTT in the country as a matter of tools.

 indonesian version:

(a) Pendjualan Candu Republik

Het dagblad tentang Penjualan Candu di Republik

Harian belanda “het Dagblad” menulis tentang perkara penjualan candu ole Republik sebagai berikut: “Kemaren kami telah mengumumkan bagaimana republik bermain-main dengan kepentingan, yang sedang diselengarakan oleh dunia Internasional, dengan cara Republik telah menyampingkan peraturan internasional untuk kepentingan diri sendiri. Seperti umum telah ketahui,memperdagangkan candu itu tealh terlarang dalam suatu perjanjian  yang diadakan dalam perang dunia kedua,perjanjian mana tealh ditanda tangani juga oleh negeri belanda.Sebenarnya penjualan candu yang dilakukan secara besar-besaran oleh republik itu , tidak hanya terbatas pada daerah dalam lingkungan Nusantara. racun yang merusak kesehatan negeri itu,tealh dimasukan oleh Republik dalam pasar lagi,pada saat orang dengan gembira sekali melihat,bahwa pemadatan itu telah mulai dapat dikendalikan. rupanya orang dalam republik masih tetap berpendirian  bahw atujuan atau maksud itu membenarkan cara yang dipaki untuk mencapainya. Cra-cara yang sekarang dipakai republik untuk mendapatkan uang guna mengongkosi  para utusannya diluar negeri adalah suatu bukti yang nyata skali bahwa Jogya sunguh-sungguh tidak dapat berlaku sebagai negara yang patut dihargai(propaganda belanda guna menjatuhkan nama republik Indonesia dimata dunia -catatn Dr iwan)

(b) Hari 17 agustus di australia

Melbourn,14 agustus. Koresponden politi harian”Melbourne Herald” menulis: “Sebagian besar anggota korps diplomatik di canbera mungkin tidak akan menghadiri resepsi hari selada yang akan dtang yang akan dilangsungkan oleh wakil Republik Indonesia yang telanh mengakat dirinya sendiri,Mr Osman Sastroamidjojo. Sekarang mungkin kementerian Luar negeri Australia akan terpaksa memberi tahu keterangan apakah kementerian itu mengakui Mr Oesman atau tidak. Mr Oesman tadi tidak diakui oleh pemerintah Zustral8ia seta tidak pula mempunyai status tesmi, kan tetapi sesuai dengan adat kebiasaan wakil negeri asing ia telah mengirmkan undangan untuk suatu resepsi  berkenaan dengan hari ulang tahu n ketiga dari republik Indonesia. Koresponden itu menunjukkkan ,bahwa Ausrtralia mungkin tidak diwakili oleh perdana menteri J.Chifley,yang selama menteri Evatt tidak ada, bertindak sebagai menteri laur negeri sementara.Chifley tidak pernah menghadiri kesempatan seperti itu. Menurut koresponden itu yang sedang menarik perhatian ialah apakah pegawai kementerian luar negeri Australia kan menghadiri resepsi itu.

(c) Konperensi bandung

Jakarta  15 agustus 1948, menurut Aneta :” Berlainan dengan pengumuman dahulu yaitu bahwa konperensi federal di bandung akan diundurkan sampai bulan september  setealh ketua dan penulisnya kembali dari negeri belanda. Akhirnya diambil suatu keputusan untuk melanjutkan komnperensi tersebut di jkarta pada malam senin menyiarkan pangilang yang ditujukan kepada semua wakil negara ,mereka diundang datang di bandung selas-lekasnya.

(d) Perjamuan Untuk Cochran

Jakarta,14 agustus(Aneta). Konsul Jenderal Amerika Serikat dan delegasi amerika dalam KDB,pada hari sabtu malam mengadakan perjamuan untuk menghormati anggota baru Amerika dlam KDB H.merle Cochran, bertempat diruang resepsi Hotel des Indes.Diantara orang bnayak, yang datang menghormat tuan Cochran ,tampak Letnan jendral dr H.J.van Mook ketua delegasi belanda,R.Abdoelkadir Widjojoatmodjo,laksmana muda A.S.Pinke, sekretaris negara urusan ekonomi Mr J.E. van Hoogstraren. dari delegasi Republik antara lain tampak hadir ketua Mr Moh roem dan juga menteri luar negeri Haji Avgoes Salim.Banyak sekali orang terkemuka dari kalangan militer dan sipil datang untuk merkenalan dengan tuan Cochran.

(e) Jawatan PTT di Hindia Belanda

jakarta 11 Agustus 1948, kekurangan pegawai di Jawatan PTT adalah sedemikian rupa hingga susunan  yang sekarang hampir tidak cukup untuk pekerjaan sehari-hari yang terpenting.Dalam tahun 1940 PTT diIndonesia mempunyai 12.418 orangan pegawai, yang terdiri dari 5785 pegawai tinggi dan menengah, 6633 pengawai rendah. Pada permulaaan tahun 1948 angka tersebut jadi 7202(3944 dan 3258) .terutama kekurangan pegawai tinggi dan mewnengah.
Jawatan Pos mengalami tidak begitu banyak kerugian jika dibandingkan dengan bagian tehnikmeskipun sejumlah kantor pos dan kantor pos pembantu tidak dapt dipakai lagi. pengiriman  pos dimana-mana sudah hampir biasa lagi. akan tetapi juga dalam hal ini terasa sekali keurangan pegawai kantor.Pengiriman uang(poswessel) dan pengiriman pospaket masih terhalang oleh epraturan pengeluaran devisa dan hasil bumi. Bangaiman bertambah banyaknya jumlah surat-surat ternyata, bahwa dalam tahun 1947 dengan perantaraan jawatan penerbangan dalam dan laur negeri dari jawatan pemerintah Hindia belanda, setengah resmi dan partikulir telah diangkut sejumlah 1.510.281 kg pos(dalam tahun 1940 69.624 kg) dari jumlah itu  sipil 689.542 kg dan militer 361.800 kg.

 Dengan pesawat terbang KLM Jakarta  Amsterdam pulang pergi, dalam tahun 1947 telah diangkut ke dan melalui Negeri belanda pos sejumlah 202.4e82 kg(tahun 1939 42.820 kg). dari jumlah itu ada 136.131 pos militer terutama untuk negeri belanda. Dari negeri belanda dan negeri lain dalm tahun 1947 dengan KLM Amsterdam jakarta diangkut 331.441 kg sedangkan tahun 1939 55.744 kg dari antara ini 248.119 pos militer. Pada tahun 1939 banyak pospaket dikirm dan yang diterima rata-rata 112.000 kg ,tahun yang lalu 1947 105.000 kg dan tahun 1948 sampai sekarang 185.0000 kg.

PTT di Indonesia pada tahun sebelum perang mendapat untung,misalnya tahun 1940 penerimaaan 29.9 juta rupiah dengan penegluaran 23.8 juta,jadi keuntungan 6.100,000 gulden, hasil sementara tahun yang lau 1947  menunnukkan kerugian 4.589.000 gulden(penerimaaan 20.050.0000 dan penegluarahn 25.639.000) meskipun harus diperhatikan juga bahwa pada umumnya sesudah aksi politionil  baru  ditagih uang langanan tilpon yang kecuali penerimaan pos  selalu merupakan keuntungan terbesar,sedangkan bahgian kedua tahun 1947 baru dinaik tarif. dengan tidak menyelidiki kemungkinan kecil, dapat diharapkan bahwa penerimaaan tahun 1948 akan berjumlah antara 40 dan 50 juta rupiah. harga pembelian barang-barang tetap pad atanggal 1 januari 1941 berjumlah 63.000.0000 gulden,sedangkan 1 januari 1948 hampir 55.800.000 gulden.Berhub ung dengan rencana sepuluh tahun dapat dikatakan bahwa segala sesuatu tergantung pada perkembangan  keadaan politik dan ekonomi dinusantara ini. segala apa yang jawatan PTT disini setelah perang dapat diselenggarakan, tidak akan mungkin, jika tidak ada bantuan dari fihak militer, terutama tentang perlindungan rombongan pekerja PTT ,seterusnya kita harus berterima kasih kepada PTT di negeri belanda karena soal pemberian alat-alat.


The postally used cover  with rare airmail label(per luchtpost  AV5  send from soerabia to semarang


The three years Indonesian Independence day :


the picture in Jogyakarta

(b) postal history

(b1) The 3d anniversary of indepndence issue design young mad withtransportation, 100 sen and 150 sen

(b2) West Sumatra  3rd  year independence  postal sationer with design soldier and tank.

(c) The Youngman Suripto was burried  “dimakamkan”


The earliest used new  half Rupiah(new rupiah R 1 = 100 old rupiah f.) local sumatra revenue, used off cover still very rare collections courtecy dr iwan,look illustration below

and the latest used 16 and 17  november 1948,look illustrations above


The rare Repoblik Indonesia income tax with handwritten R.2,- added bea, postmark CDS Padang Pandjang 19.8.48(Only one ever seen in the world)August,20th.1948

(1)The NRI gouvernemnt annouced “Ikut Berdukacita”  and honored  to  the Youngman patriot .

(2) Postally used Wilhelmina federal state lettersheet postal stationer send from Ms Cornelis(now jatinegara) to Buitenzorg (now Bogor)

(3) After Presiden soekarno and vive Prsediedent Moh.Hatta back to Yogja, The PDRI  Sjafruddi PrawiraNearaa hasdgave back the NRI Gouvernment ‘s  Mandat to them. and on august,20th.1948, the instruction of Vive Prime menistry for Sumatra at Kutaradja for vice the the central Gouvernment, with the president instruction ,the vice Prime menistry will helped by the Dewan pembantu and Penasehat(advisor) which consist The Gouvernment comisaris(Komisaris Pemerintah) for north sumatra,Central sumatra and south sumatra and Panglima Tentara and Territorial Sumatra.

(4)The Chinese oversees health Organization(MD<Dentist and aphothekeer) letter to their member batavia,with dancer 3 cen and specila Batavia CDS,


the rare offiial cover from pasir pengarayan CDS repoeblik poststamped with Rep Indonesia off, to Pakanbaru.


Federal state Indonesia first day cover 50 year wilhemina royal netherland crown.cds at Batavia centrum.


910 Mr Syafruddin Prawiranegara which pointed as the Vice Prime menistry of sumatra with Religious menistry K.H. Masykur arrived at Kutaraja this day and Vice Priem Menistry of sumatra, Mr Syafruddin Prawiranegara dismissed(membubarkan) Daerah Istimewa Aceh and chaged to be the Aceh P{rovince. Military Gouvernour Tgk.M.Daud Beureuh “diberhentikan” from his “jabatan”

(2)the Picture Postcard  Hotel Des Indes  send from batavia to Bali.


Rumahsakit Perguruan tinggi diambil Belanda ,dengan demikian habislah gedung yang berbau Republik,seluruhnya sudah diduduki Belanda.

Mustapha Abdullah dan kawan-kawannya 11 orang  ditangkap karena dipersalahkan melempar granat dimuka gedung Bioskop Capitol dan disekitar Molenvliet Jakarta. Penangkapan itu sesudah diadakan pengeledahan sejak terjadi peristiwa peledakan tersebut.


(a)The diploma of nursing from Health suddivision of Defense Menistry, issued at Jokja august 23th, 1948, legalizied by health menistry in February,15th 1950 with local Jogja revenue  7 1/2 rupiah green,

(b)Manifes Perhimpunan Mhasiswa Jkarta berhubung dengan pengambilan gedung RSPT dalam usaha penyelengaraan penyususan Perguruan tinggi Nasional menghadapi banyak rintangan :

(a) Pengusiran mahasiswa kedokteran di asrama prapatan 10(oktober 1945)

(b) Pengambilan gedung Perguruan Tinggi kedokteran Jakarta,pengambilan gedung Perguruan Tinggi Hukum dan Kesusasteraan (21 juli 1947) dan pengambilan Gedung Rumah Sakit Perguruan Tinggi(sekarang RSCM )


the earliest date ,postally used  3rd anniverasry Indonesia Independence 100 and 150 sen on cover.


KTN diminta memperhatikan soal tindakan pengusiran oleh Belanda terhadap pegawai RI di Jakarta.


(a)The rare new rupih RP.1.50 republic sumatra local revenue uesed off document august,31th.1948 look below

and upper September 1948 same  new rupiah used revenue.

(b) The ORI (newr Roepiah currency oeang repoeblik indoneisa0overp[int -.50 lima poeloeh sen repoblik Indonesia Reveneu on “surat pengangkatan pegawai Pegadaian Negeri Daerah Djawa Timur di Blitar”

(c)The form of the republic Indonesia paper moner  have change in POstal office model G(because to many false banknote, all banknote must show at pos office, the false with keep and the origianl will chnage with the new repoeblic Indonesia paper money)

at the back the  mint repoeblic Indonnesia pen strip overprint the ned Indie karbouw 1 cent stamp.look the used on documnet ontvang bewij(pospakeet recu) in  january,29th.1947


PKI gains recruits from PDF; new Politburo includes Aidit, Lukman and Njoto.Republican Government releases Tan Malaka from custody as a counter to PKI influence.


2000 police on doty to keep the security(keamanan) during Price Juliana  crowning(penobatan)

September 5

Musso gives speech advocating that Indonesia align itself with the Soviet Union.


(1)Dr iwan collections of the first PON(pekan Olah raga nasional-Basional sport weeks) at Solo(surakarta) .

(2) The very rare and only one ever seen the block four  4x f100 local sumtara republic indonesia revenue,used on fragment document, 9.10.1948


The jakarta justice court had sentence 15 years to  the Dai Nippon war criminal Ikeda seichi due to get the Java young womens to be prostitute.


the IWI (journalist organization) resolution to  Let.General abdul kadir  Widjojoatmodjo(NICA vice commander) to “Mencabut”(off)the regulation to stop the neewspaper circulations.

September 17

Siliwangi division drives PKI out of Surakarta; PKI retreats to Madiun.

September 18

PKI attempts a coup in Madiun; kills pro-government officers there.

FDR -federasi demokrasi rakyat  (People Democratic  Front) joined the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) to plan a coup.

Some of the actions undertaken by these groups including waging anti-government propaganda, conducting demonstrations, strikes, kidnap and kill political opponents, and move the riots in some places.

In line with the event, came Muso a communist leader who has long been in Moscow, the Soviet Union. He joined the Amir Syarifuddin to oppose the government, he even managed to take over the helm of the PKI. After that, he and his friends increased terror, pitting units and aggravate the personal existence of the TNI leadership Soekarno-Hatta. Peak action is a rebellion against the Communist Party of Indonesia on September 18, 1948 in Madiun, Java Timur.T ujuan rebellion was undermining the state of RI and replace it with a communist state. In this action several officials, military officers, party leaders, scholars and people who are considered enemies murdered in cold blood. This act of cruelty to make people angry and condemn the PKI. Figures of warriors and military forces are currently facing the Netherlands, but the government of Indonesia is able to act quickly. Soedirman commander ordered Colonel Gatot Subroto in Central Java and East Java Colonel Sungkono to run insurgency operation of the PKI. On 30 September 1948, Madison can be occupied again by the TNI and the police. In this operation successful Muso was shot dead while Amir Syarifuddin and other figures were arrested and sentenced to death.

PKI atrocities

In Madiun Affair September 1948, PKI followers among others catch Regent Magetan Sakidi. PKI executioner stretched a ladder cross over a well in Soco. Then the body of the regents was laid on top of that ladder. When supine bound like that, executioners sawed off two Sakidi body, dropped down into the well. Mrs Sakidi who heard her husband was executed in Soco, followed there by holding her two children aged 1 and 3 years. She was desperate to ask to see the corpse of her husband. Hassle serve, PKI massacred all the woman witnessed her two children, then dicemplungkan also into the well. In Starch and Wirosari, anal villagers pierced with bamboo spears and then plugged in the rice field like a scarecrow bird repellent. Meanwhile, a woman stabbed her pussy with bamboo spears and also plugged in the rice field

 look the picture of  TNI Siliwangi  soldier and from east Jawa “Menumpas”PKI Madium,the peopled killing by PKI(communist) and two other pictures TNI operations against Indonesian Communist Rebelion atg Madium.

September 19

PKI figures in Yogya arrested; Sukarno denounces the Madiun coup; Musso replies that he will fight; popular opinion sides with Sukarno.


The Communist separatis issued Money this day at Purwodadai.



The registered airmail cover send from bandung to Shanghai  by Royal dutch airlines(KLM)

September 30 Siliwangi division recaptures Madiun. PKI abandons Madiun, pursued by army. Aidit and Lukman leave for China.

The “Madiun incident” was the second time the PKI made an unsuccessful, poorly-planned revolt. The first was against the Dutch in 1926-7; the last was in 1965.The events at Madiun changed the opinion of United States diplomats toward the new Republic. Formerly suspicious, the USA now saw Indonesia as a potential ally against Communism.


Pro-government Tan Malaka followers create Murba Party. Tan Malaka is arrested again.

October,2 nd.1948

Jakarta citizen census  1.243.048 peoples.


The postally used letter sheet postal statione wueen wilhelmina added  wilhelma stamps 40 cent send via airmail with the rare label of per luchtpost P 37 AA B10 k/2 frombatavia to Amsterdam(rare collections)


The local Republic sumatra revenue, usedoff document, October,7th,1948 and other date in october.look below

also Nopember used look above


(a)The very rare combinataion used of sumatra local repoeblic indonesia revenue on fragment document, between the old revenue f.100( now became new RP 1,-) with new ropeiah revenue Rp.1.- and Rp.0.50) ,The best and very rare collection courtecy dr Iwan and only one exist in the world.(the mint unuse many exist,but the use very rare)

(b) The rare postally used Postal stationer dancer 5 cent card(federal state postal card) Type II a with the distance between dancer desing to top 4 mm ,cds makassar to surabaia.

(c) The basketbal team picture at Muntilan 11.10-48

October 11

Van Mook resigns as Lt.-Governor of the Indies.


The postally used cover from Germany to Batavia.

October,18th.until 21th 1948

The Program of  Radio in Fedreal state -Djkarta,bandoeng,Makasssar,Medan,soerabaia,Menado,Padang,palembang,Pontianak,semarang,PCJ.Garoet, the rare historic info of music  collection,like  Indonesian walfare ochestra lead by Tjoe Kim Po Jakarta, “Poetera maloekoe”orchestra  lead by Pattiwael. Java art studio jakarta lead by Ki Sossrohoetomo  ,pesinden Bokmas Soeratmi.  and tembang Tjiandjoer Rengannis lead by MangOndo pesinden Iming at bandung.Orkes sinar Sejati singer  Hoo Eng Djoe and Miss Ijem at Makassar. Orkes Miss Roekiah with kroncong “Lief Java” at Medan.

Orkes keroncong studio surabaya lead by Lie sian hway

also the music picture like R.KOESBINI,VIOLIST MAKASSAR, Rebab,Tionghoa orkes Thung Lok Khiak Sheh Medan,bing crosby,miss ijem makassar,composer tshaikowsky and handel,miss sally host from royal KNIl Jkartat ,

The promotion label inside the brochure like Ketjap Tjap bango,Tenoenan asli Tjap radio Bandoeng.

Federal state postal stianoner card dancer 5 cent,rare type 11 mmm distance of the stamp picture from above,send from Batavia to Soerabaia.

October 31

(a)Musso killed while attempting to escape arrest.

the picture of Musso

(b)Dr van mook farawel party and back to netherland at kemoyoran airport


Maklumat (announvement) Gubernur Militer Atjeh Langkat and tanah Karo TGK Moh.Daud Beureuh, Kutaraja 4 nopember 1948 .


(a)The C7 postal identity card issued at Malang

(b)The rare postally used lettersheet stationer Wilhelmina ,send by air mail with rare airmail label .P 37 AA B 10.


 The republic Indonesia Income tax, paid via postoffice cds padangpanjang. 


The Centenary Railways Exhibition coevr wit CDS Expoxiyion Barcelona send to Soerabnaja java Ned.east Indie,with at vthe back arriveal cds Soeraia 27.10.48.


The  Postal stationer card Briefkaart Kartoepos dancer 5 cent send from Mester Cornelis(Jatinegara) to Semarang


The very rare used new roepiah revenue of Repoeblic Indonesia Sumatra Rp. 0,50 yellow strip three and four ,off document ,look illustration below.

and the same ravenue used in September 17th.1p48,look illustration  above


The Sin Min Newspaer information this day:

(A) No Agreement Reached Deng Anything republic.

Aneta Koresponden in den Haag got word that the party in power in the Hague did not know about something the approval in principle to resume the negotiations, as has been reported by menetri lighting republic, Moh.Natzir.Setealh sidakan cabinet meeting on yesterday, the trial which results from the minister’s visit to Indonesia negotiated Stikker cook-maska, the Dutch cabinet is now again set his stance. Allegedly, that the Dutch establishment this for several days to be delivered to the republic, but once again stressed that up to now will not be sent again to the Dutch minister of Indonesia to resume negotiations with the republic. Didoega, that contact with Hatta will be conducted by the panasehat., Who is also obeying the most recent negotiations in Kalioerang. Dutch government to prepare and establish his stance again, where according to ZAneta, the Dutch government continue to demand that ceasefire violations was stopped, and where to Hatta will be asked to explain about the important issues that are found by him.

The Picture Of Ducth Menistery  Stikker vist Indonesia with MOh Roem at airport and with Moh Hatta.

(A1) According to the Daily Independent Soeara Indonesia, Indonesian Red Cross in congress Djokja d 12 to 14 November 1948, it has been decided and mengsahkan angaran new basis, also determine the status of PMI as a legal entity and establish a new board. As a chairman appointed Mr. Soetardjo Kartohadikoesoemo, the new chairman of the board eprtimbanngan Agoeng, vice-chairman Dr Poedjo Darmohoesodo, the author (secretary) Dr Dapari. Junior will be held in preparation for the red cross. (Red Cross youth-PMR)

(B) Conference Bondowoso

On this night, on 15th November, with the room housed “ball room” in advance aloen aloen diadakjna night pekenalan anatara delegates, invited guests, and the rulers of the entire residency office. Tgl 16 will be held a meeting between the chairman and members of the conference. and the 17th member of the delegation tomorrow diberika opportunity to hold a public eprtemua and in vain to speak to register in dahulu.Para delegation numbered 65 people and raised Recoba 10 people, a total of 75 orang.Acara konpereni (a) Creation of the Recomba and delivery of leadership temporary chairman of the meeting to the designated Recomba. (b) Establish rules and elections chairman of the Mayor (c) Selection of Chair and alikora (e) Delivery of workers from temporary chairman to chairman of the newly elected (f) Penunmnjukkan Central committee.

Preparation of business conferences in sum Sek8ian State formation Timoer Java. In komperensi Bondowoso, Recomba timoe Java, van der Plaas tealh speech, first daalm Indonesian language support and the dutch language support, which explains the centralization of government at a time when the past can only be dicehag in the presence of a strong state. Interest of 8 million people may well be considered if Java leb8ih Timoer own democratic government has a high degree.

(C) Sjafroedin led the ranks in the South Randoeblatoeng

Office lighting dutch army proclaim as follows: “It turns out that the progress of the Communists to the north causing pimpuina troops entered the republic in retaliation secra massive. Sebgaian of the communist forces led by Amir Sjarifoeddin, Djokosoejono and Maroeto Daroesman pad atanggal 12 November at Getas, now in sekatan randoeblatoeng. The Koimunis do great evil in the brittle, now Siliwangi Brigade was ordered to immediately eliminate the communist forces. In connection with threatening Bodjonegoro Tjepoe and then a battalion of the brigade had been sent to Tjepoe Siliwangi, but also the northwest section area were also taken action because the republic had received the news that Communist troops were heading to D0oplang the railroad from randoeblatoeng kebarat.Pasukan Republicans had sent to Koendoeran to occupy the roads between Ngawen and Wirosari. Madien told a news of the People in the area Madioen became agitated, setelag hear bahw apsukan siliwangi will be withdrawn from the region and unity itu.Koordinasi anatara various agencies and organizations can not be repaired again. Dispute anata schools of various parties have very deep rooted. dfengan pemerontakan outbreak again in milir, wilaryin, Doengoes, Walikoekoen and attacks (of all places surrounded Madioen) then there are residents in a state of frantic, demiklian news.

It was reported that the communist forces, which last week had resigned from the east sbelah Madioen and Doengoes to south direction, is now veering to the north Ponorogo, westernized and then to the north, behind the main forces of communist troops. some of these troops had fought with the republic and the army fled to the South. Next is also rumored that the republic troops in the area Lawoe Yawangmanggoe tealh self mengunturkan premises insistence communist forces, from both north and south pegoenoengan it (Dr Iwan has attended military latiahan epndidikan school when compulsory military officers at the acre Tawangmanggoe)

Finally, according to the Dutch army transportation service. rumored that it was fighting with automatic weapons in a place l8ima kilometers along Ngawi, so the relationship along the road from north madioen to be broken(terpoetoes)

original info:


(a) Tidak ada Tercapai Persetujuan Apa-apa Deng Repoeblik.

Korespo9nden Aneta di den Haag mendapat kabar bahwa pihak yang berkuasa di den Haag sama sekali tidak mengetahui tentang sesuatu persetujuan dalam prinsip untuk melanjutkan perundingan,seperti yang telah diwartakan oleh menetri penerangan Repoeblik,Moh.Natzir.Setealh sidakan sidang kabinet pada hari kemarin, dalam sidang mana hasil dari kunjungan menteri Stikker ke Indonesia dirundingkan masak-maska, maka sekarang kabinet Belanda lagi menetapkan pendiriannya. Diduga,bahwa pendirian Belanda ini dalam bebrapa hari akan disampaikan kepada repoeblik, akan tetapi sekali lagi ditegaskan bahwa hingga sekarang tidak akan dikirm lagi menteri Belanda ke Indonesia untuk melanjutkan perundingan dengan Repoeblik. Didoega,bahwa kontak dengan Hatta akan dilakukan oleh para panasehat .,yang juga mengkuti perundingan yang paling akhir di Kalioerang. Pemerintah belanda lagi menyusun dan menetapkan pendiriannya, dimana menurut ZAneta,pemerintah belanda tetap menuntut supaya pelanggaran gencatan senjata dihentikan, dan dimana kepada Hatta akan diminta penjelasan tentang soal-soal yang penting yang ditemukan olehnya.

(a1) Menurut harian Soeara Indonesia Merdeka, pada kongres Palang merah Indonesia d Djokja tanggal 12 sampai 14 November 1948, telah memutuskan dan mengsahkan angaran dasar baru, juga menentukan status PMI sebagai badan hukum dan menetapkan pengurus baru. Sebagai ketua ditunjuk Tuan Soetardjo Kartohadikoesoemo, ketua baru dewan eprtimbanngan Agoeng, wakil ketua Dr Poedjo Darmohoesodo,penulis(sekretaris) Dr Dapari . dalam persiapan akan diadakan Junior red cross.(Palang Merah remaja-PMR)

(b)Konperensi Bondowoso

Pada malam ini ,tgl 15 november, dengan bertempat diruangan”kamar Bola” di muka aloen aloen diadakjna malam pekenalan anatara delegasi ,tamu yang diundang dan para pembesar dari seluruh kantor residensi .Tgl 16 akan diadakan pertemua antara ketua dengan dan para anggota konperensi. dan tanggal 17 besok diberika kesempatan anggota delegasi untuk mengadakan eprtemua umum dan pada sia yang angkat bicara supaya mendaftar terlebih dahulu.Para delegasi berjumlah 65 orang dan yang diangkat recoba 10 orang,total 75 orang.Acara konpereni (a) Pembukaaan oleh RECOMBA dan penyerahan pimpinan rapat kepada ketua sementara yang ditunjuk Recomba.(b)Menetapkan peraturan pemilihan ketua dan Walikota (c) Pemilihan Ketua dan alikora (e)Penyerahan pekerja dari Ketua sementara kepada ketua yang baru dipilih(f) Penunmnjukkan panitia Pusat.

Sek8ian ringkasnya usaha persiapan konperensi pembentukan Negara Djawa Timoer. Pada komperensi Bondowoso, Recomba Jawa timoe, van der Plaas tealh berpidato,mula-mula daalm bahsa indonesia lalu dalam bahsa belanda, yang menerangkan sentralisasi pemerintahan diwaktu yang lalu yang hanya dapat dicehag dengan adanya negara bagian yang kuat. Kepentingan 8 juta penduduk dapat leb8ih baik diperhatikan jika Djawa Timoer mempunyai pemerintahan demokrasi sendiri yang tinggi derajatnya.

(c) Sjafroedin memimpin Barisannya Di Selatan Randoeblatoeng

Dinas penerangan Tentara belanda mengabarkan sebagai berikut :” Ternyata bahwa kemajuan kaum komunis ke utara menyebabkan pimpuina Tentara republik mengadakan tindakan balasan secra besar-besaran. Sebgaian besar pasukan komunis yang dipimpin oleh Amir Sjarifoeddin,djokosoejono dan Maroeto Daroesman pad atanggal 12 November berada di Getas, kini berada di sekatan randoeblatoeng. Kaum Koimunis melakukan kejahatan besar di getas, kini  Brigade Siliwangi diperintahkan untuk secepatnya memberantas pasukan komunis itu. Berhubung dengan diancamnya Tjepoe dan Bodjonegoro maka satu batalion brigade Siliwangi telah  dikirim ke Tjepoe, tetapi juga dibagian barat laut  daerah tersebut juga diambil tindakan karena pihak repoeblik telah menerima berita bahwa pasukan komunis sedang menuju ke D0oplang di jalan kereta api dari randoeblatoeng kebarat.Pasukan Republik sudah dikirim ke Koendoeran untuk menduduki jalan antara NGawen dan Wirosari. sebuah berita dari Madien mengatakan Rakyat di daerah Madioen menjadi gelisah,setelag mendengar bahw apsukan siliwangi akan ditarik dari daerah itu.Koordinasi dan persatuan anatara berbagai badan dan organisasi belum dapat diperbaiki kembali. Perselisihan faham anata berbagai pihak sudah berakar sangat dalam. dfengan pecahnya lagi pemerontakan di Milir,Wilangan,Doengoes,Walikoekoen dan Serangan (semua tempat dikeliling Madioen) maka penduduk ada dalam keadaan kalut, demiklian berita itu.

Dikabarkan pula bahwa pasukan komunis,yang minggu lalu sudah mengundurkan diri dari sbelah timur Madioen dan Doengoes ke jurusan selatan, sekarang membelok ke utara Ponorogo ,kebarat dan kemudian keutara, di belakang pasukan induk tentara komunis . sebagian pasukan ini sudah bertempur dengan pasukan repoeblik  dan melarikan diri ke Selatan. Selanjutnya juga dikabarkan, bahwa pasukan Repoeblik didaerah Lawoe  di tawangmanggoe telah mengundurkan diri dengan  desakan  pasukan komunis, baik dari utara maupun selatan pegoenoengan itu (Dr Iwan pernah mengikuti latiahan militer saat epndidikan sekolah perwira wajib Militer di are Tawangmanggoe tersebut)

Akhirnya, menurut dinas perhubungan tentara Belanda. dikabarkan bahwa sudah terjadi pertempuran dengan senjata otomatis disebuah tempat l8ima kilometer di sepanjang Ngawi,sehingga hubungan disepanjang jalan dari madioen ke oetara menjadi terpoetoes. 


The Official Justice Departement Indonesia(Dutch federal state) free stamp oficial card send fro batavia centrum to Semarang


the Dutch had finished the Forbidden act to enter Jakarta(Belanda  mencabut larangan  masukkekota Jakarta), especially for Dr J.Leimena the  Indonesia security Delegation leadrer.

November 26

Dutch create state of Jawa Timur in occupied areas of East Java.Dutch abolish post of Governor-General, replacing it with a “High Representative of the Crown”.

December 1948

The ducth federaal governement central postal (Jawatan PTT Nica) issued Indonesia numeric smelt and overprint Indonesia on wilhemina stamps.


December 1

(1)The extreme rare RRRRR,only one ever seen in the world, fragmen strip two republi Indonesia Sumatra local revenue ,used on fragmen ,strip two, old revenue f.1,- this mis used because in this time the rate was two new roepiah revenue(2x RP.1,-), and this revenue  never used before because the devaluation  which made this revenue to low for used,(If the collector who have this revenue in used on document please report, the unsuesd or mint one many found),compare with the real new roepiah RP.1,50 off document collections  below.

look above  the real used new roepiah revenue from november to the latest one in december,10th.1948

(2)the postally used cover send from Pakanbaru to Tembilahan Indragiri with local  republic Indonesia  sumatra stamps and TNI sencored choped.

(3)Amir Sjarifudddin captured

(4)  The Indonesian menistry back to Jakarta from Kaliurang Meeting.

December ,2th.1948

The Dutch language Newspaper”De Locomotief” information:

(A) Jawa Timur Koos Wali Negara; RTAhmad Koesoemonegoro Regent of Banjoewangi. and the illustration of Jawa Timur Regency Banjoewangi Walinegara and time the photo was taken Bondowoso conference.

(B) The terror

238 INCIDENTS IN PAST WEEK. The service contacts the Army reports that the week of 24 to 30 November in Fedraal gecled total of 238 incidents were geregistereerd.Hiervan 60 in the immediate vicinity of the status quo line caused by gangs who operate from Republican territory. Terruer again proved to be mainly directed against the population burgerche hanging on property. Of the total number of incidents related shootings of 100 villages, companies, etc., and robberies by gangs geinfltreerde. also acts of sabotage and arson were reported. Of the 160 terrorist acts were directed against the population there were no fewer than 43 murders in Indonesian Indonesian Federal gebled.

(C) Wali Negara

The presidentile system that requires elected heeldt von a wali Negara full responsibilities and powers woordelik present today which owns the Wali Negara, make that absolutely clear. We geloren that therefore the Councils of kueze Toemengoeng Koesoemonegoro Achmad, the regent of Banjoewangi. a lucky choice did. This Regebnt, now wal8 Negara is not easy to find him some man.Sommigen angular and as authoritarian.

(D) Large fire in Pekalongan

By hitherto unknown cause in last night at about half past one fire broke out in the center of Pekalongan. namely in kampong Bandjar Sari, who wrapped main thing is unmediated, recently geevacuneerde Chinese. 40 dee As houses.

(E) and Amir Soeripno arrested

Antara reported from Yogyakarta that the communist insurgents leid Amir sjarioeddin Tuesday in hell village mosquito net 20 km north-west of Poerwodadi, was arrested. Antara following information received was to Yogya Sjarifoeddin at that time with smaen Soeripno republikeluse former representative in Prague, also was arrested.



(F) The Fight in the Republic

The Department of Military Contacts reported that under Republican reports the main body of the corimunistsce troops during fighting in the swamps north of Panawangan tenWesten and on the banks of the river on 28 November Loesi vernichtigd would

Great tournament stadium advertising vootbal Semarang

(G) Board conferentuie in Bandung

Monday and Tuesday to fold a board Bandung conference in which all of the residents and regnten Negara Pasundan participated and attended by the Wali Negara Wiranata Koesoema and Prime Minister Adil Poeradiredja. Among others were at the conference dealt with the measures for peace and order to maintain the practisce implementation of the recently passed by Parliament emergency law on the electoral system in the regencies, the position of divine service ambtenareb, the institutions to support needy and also internal affairs, which the department of interior affairs concern.

(H) of Sultan Koetai on grains

The Government’s steamer “Leonora” was Monday afternoon the Sultan of Koetai Adji moeh. Parikesit, accompanied by his wife to Balikpapan gearriveerd.Aan to the mast of the Leonora blew the Sultans standard time. The party was a grand reception to Balikpapan in part. Gepavolseerde gouvernemnewt geschepen and motorboats were the reason an escort. A great honor guard of members of the general police of Balikpapan was drafted and all, and many houses were blown diesntwoningen flags. The visit of the Sultan of Koetai and his company is also linked to the inauguration of the cemetery to Balikpapan where many remains of war victims herbegraven.De Sultan and his entourage will return on December 3 to Tenggarong.

(I) Company fired

In  Tuesday night at half past one circumferential Wensday , the office of Government to Plimping Poewaran rubber company, located in the Kadjen.In Pekalongganse onedr attacked by a large bende.Gevuurd was a distance of about 50 meters from the west. The shelling lasted about one hour. The fire was answered by four members of the company’s guard and two Europeans residing there. After the gang had been subtracted, was found at the place from which she had fired a klewang, 30 patterns and about 200 shells of Lee Enfield rifles, Sten guns and Mk95 carabines.

(J) Amok in express train

The express train from Semarang to Batavia Monday has a height advantage Boeginees Djatibarang amok. Resolute action by a fellow sergeant and a corporal of traveling KNIL worse could be prevented. Both soldiers were warned by a Chinese passenger and Gigen immediately take the car there. They faced two Chinese passangiers bathed in blood on the floor of the chariot. while third Chinese passenger was struggling with the ampkmaker, a large format jackknife as a weapon hanteerde.De overneesterden the soldiers running amok maker who his Chinese opponent already seriously wounded in the hand. De laatste bleek echter onvindbaaar.” Hd=”After some time the calm amok maker, who declared he was a fellow passenger . The latter proved onvindbaaar. After some time the calm amok maker, who declared he was a fellow passenger gesard. The latter proved onvindbaaar. At the station, the Tjihaoergeulis amok maker surrendered to the police. Pasangiers got into the wound a bandage sneiltrein preliminary and were Pegandanbaroe by a Red Cross car and taken to the hospital Soebang charged.

(K) The 120-year RNMA

Bandung 30 November (Aneta)-The committee ‘to commemorate the one hundred twentieth anniversary of the KMA received on behalf HMKoningin Juliana the vogende telegram: Her Majesty Queen Juliana has told me the Bandung to celebrate the 120th birthday of the KMA united out M>A< in Breda ontving het feest-comite’ een telegram met de volgende tekst:” Uw gelukwensen” Hd=’cadets to convey her gratitude for the sentiments expressed in your telegram gebracht.De adjutant record “The governor of the K> M> A cadets to convey her gratitude for the sentiments expressed in your telegram gebracht.De adjutant record “The governor of the K> M> A <Breda received the festival committee,” a telegram with the following text: “Your congratulations I have a very high value added. I can assure you that the old traditions will be upheld corporal and the KMA again flourishes “The telegram was signed Colonel Puffrius.

(a) Djawa Timoer Koos Wali Negara; R.T.Ahmad Koesoemonegoro Regent van Banjoewangi. en the illustratie van Regent Banjoewangi and Walinegara Djawa Timur  foto werde genomen tijden de conferentie te Bondowoso.

(b)De terreur

238 INCIDENTEN IN AFGELOPEN WEEK . De dienst voor Legeren contacten meldt, dat in de week van 24 tot en met 30 November in Fedraal gecled in totaal 238 incidenten zijn geregistereerd.Hiervan werden 60 in de onmiddelijke nabijheid van de status-quolijn veroorzaakt door benden die vanuit republikeins gebied opereren. Wederom bleek de terruer  zich hoofdzakelijk te richten tegen de burgerche volking op  hangeigendommen. Van het totale aantal incidenten betroffen 100 beschietingen van kampongs,van ondernemingen,enz, alsmede roofpartijen door geinfltreerde benden. ook brandstichtingen en sabotage-daden werden gemeld. Van de 160 terreurdaden die tegen de bevolking waren gericht waren er niet minder dan 43 moordaanslagen op Indonesische Indonesiers op Federaal gebled.

(c)Wali Negara

Het presidentile systeem ,dat men gekozen heeldt eist von een wali negara de volle verant woordelik heden en de bevoeg heden welke de Wali Negara bezit, maken dat zonder meer duidelijk. We geloren dat men daarom met de kueze van Raden Toemengoeng Achmad Koesoemonegoro, de regent van Banjoewangi. een gelukke keuze heeft gedaan. Deze Regebnt ,thans wal8 negara, is geen gemakkelijk man.Sommigen vinden hem wat hoekig en want autoritair.

(d)Grote brand in Pekalongan

Door tot dusver onbekende oorzaak is in de afgelopen nacht om ongeveer half twee brand uitgebroken in het centrum van pekalongan. en wel in kampong Bandjarsari,die in hoofzaak bewond wordt door onbemiddelde,kortgeleden geevacuneerde Chineze. 40 huizen in dee As.

(e) Amir en Soeripno gearresteerd

Antara meldt uit Djokja dat de leidr van de communistische opstandelingen Amir sjarioeddin Dinsdag in hel dorp KLamboe 20 km ten Noord-Westen van Poerwodadi, gearresteerd werd. Volgen inlichtingen die Antara te Djokja ontving was Sjarifoeddin op dat ogenblik smaen met Soeripno de voormalige republikeluse vertegenwoordiger te Praag,die eveneens gearresteerd werd.



(f) De Strijd in de Republiek

De Dienst voor Legercontacten meldt, dat volgens republikeinse berichten de hoofdmacht van de  corimunistsce troepen tijdens gevechten in de moerassen ten Noorden en tenWesten van Panawangan aan de oevers van de rivier Loesi op 28 November vernichtigd zou zijn

reklame Groot vootbal tournooi stadion Semarang

(g) Bestuur conferentuie te bandoeng

Maandag en Dinsdag voud te Bandoeng een bestuur conferentie plaats waaran alle regnten en residenten van de Negara Pasoendan deelnamen en die werd bijgewoond door de Wali negara Wiranata Koesoema en premier Adil Poeradiredja. Onder meer werden op de conferentie behandeld, de maatregelen om orde en rust te handhaven, de practisce uitvoering van de kortgeleden door het parlement aangenomen noodwet betreffende de  kiesregeling in de regentschappen,de positie van gods dienst ambtenareb,de instellingen tot steun aan hulpbehoevenden en voorts interne aangelegenheden,die het departement van binnenlanden zaken aangaan.

(h) Sultan van Koetai op rels

Met de gouvernements stomer “Leonora” is Maandag middag de Sultan van Koetai Adji moeh. Parikesit , o.m. vergezeld door zijn gemalin te Balikpapan gearriveerd.Aan de mast van de  de Leonora woei ditmaal de Sultans standaard. Het gezelschap viel te Balikpapan een grootse ontvangst ten deel. Gepavolseerde gouvernemnewt geschepen  en motorboten vormden op de rede een escorte. Een grote erewacht van leden der algemene politie van balikpapan stond opgesteld en van alle diesntwoningen en vele huizen woeien vlaggen. Het bezoek van de sultan van Koetai en zijn gezelschap houdt tevens verband met de plechtige opening van het ereveld te balikpapan waarbij een groot aantal stoffelijke overschotten van oorlogs slachtoffers worden herbegraven.De Sultan en zijn gevolg zal op 3 december naar Tenggarong terugkeren.

(i)Onderneming beschoten

In cde nacht van Dinsdag op QWoensdag omtreeks half twee is het kantoor van de gouvernements rubber onderneming Poewaran te Plimping,gelegen te Kadjen.In het Pekalongganse onedr vuur genomen door een grote bende.Gevuurd werd  van een afstand van ongeveer 50 meter uit Westelijke richting. De beschieting duurde ongeveer een uur. het vuur werd beantwoord door 4 leden van de ondernemingswacht en de twee daar verblijf houdende Europeanen. Nadat de bende afgetrokken was, vond  men op de plaats waar vandaan zij gevuurd had, een klewang,30 patronen en ongeveer 200 hulzen van Lee Enfield geweren, Mk95 karabijnen en stenguns.

(j) Amok in de sneltrein

In de sneltrein van Semarang naar batavia heeft Maandag  een Boeginees teer hoogte van Djatibarang amok gemaakt. Door resoluut ingrijpen van een medereizend sergeant en een korporaal van het KNIL kon erger worden voorkomen. De beide militairen werde door een Chinees passagier gewaarschuwd en gigen dadelijk mee daar de betrokken  wagon. Zij troffen daar twee Chinese passangiers badend in het bloed op de vloer van de wagen aan. terwijl een derde Chinese passagier aan het worstelen was met de ampkmaker,die een groot formaat knipmes als wapen hanteerde.De militairen overneesterden de amokmaker,die zijn Chinese tegenstander reeds ernstig aan de hand had verwond. Na enige tijd bedaarde de amokmaker,die verklaarde dat hij werd gesard door een medepassagier>De laatste bleek echter onvindbaaar. Aan het station van Tjihaoergeulis werd de amokmaker aan de politie  overgegeven. De wonde pasangiers kregen in sneiltrein voorlopig een noodverband en werden in Pegandanbaroe door een Rode Kruis-auto overgenomen en naar het hospitaal te Soebang gebracht.

(k) De 120 -jarige KMA

Bandoeng 30 November(Aneta)-Het comite’ ter herdenking van het hondertwintig jarig bestaan van de KMA ontving namens H.M.Koningin Juliana het vogende telegram: Hare Majesteit Koningin Juliana heeft mij opgedragen de Bandoeng ter gelegenheid van de 120ste verjaarig van de K.M.A verenigde out-cadeten Haar dank over te brengen voor de gevoelens in Uw telegram tot uiting gebracht.De adjudant van dienst” Van de gouverneur van de K>M>A< in Breda ontving het feest-comite’ een telegram met de volgende tekst:” Uw gelukwensen heb ik op zeer hoge prijs geteld. Ik kan U de verzekering geven,dat de oude corpstradities zullen worden hoog gehouden en de K.M.A. weer tot bloei komt” Het telegram was getekend Kolonel Puffrius.


(a)Vice President Moh Hatta announced that the situation worst(suasana buruk) and he “memepringatkan ” the people to ready for antisipation all will hapen(siap menghadapi segala kemungkinan)(b) The Java local definitif stamps,one with clear CDS 4.12,48 city not identified,


The rare official Justice court Maninjau  postal used homenade cover from Maninjau to Bukitttinngi December,8th.1948

the postally used postal stationer card dancer 5 cent ,send from bandung  to  cds Malang. 10,12.48.


the Local middle java  revenue Rp. 0,50 used on document of Surakarta  official governement employee certificate.


the Local middle java  revenue Rp. 0,50 used on document of Jogyakarta  official governement employee  uprank certificate(Keputusan kenaikan pangkat)

the same certificate of up the salary  issued at Magelang (keputusan kenaikan Gaji) with  3 x 7 1/2 Rp and 2 x 1/2 Rp.

mint meterai pembagunan from middle java, and local revenue.

December 11

Dutch inform UN representatives that further talks with the Republic are “futile”.


The latest used of local repoeblic Djokja issued  ,borobudur stupa revenue used on complete document.alsoother nominal on document date unclear.

and looh above  the mint revenue ,also the other materai pembangunan (development revenue) in mint condition ,issued at the Djokjakarta.


The North sumatra Gouvernor, “melantik” the mamember OF  North sumatra ‘s DPR at Tapak tuan (south aceh,near Kabanjahe). Residen Aceh (T.T.Daudsyah) and  Teuku mnahmud also “hadir”, after the meeting had several”keputusan’ like Kutaradja as the capital of North sumatra Province.

December,17 th,.1948

The Dutch ultimatum Republik through The United Nation  Commission(komisi Jasa baik PBB),Republc must answer in december 18th 1948 10.00 am  at Jakarta.

December 18

(1) The Dutch  at 23.30 PM tell the United nation commision that starting at December,19th.1948 10.00 AM Jkarta Time didnot tied with the Renville Agreement. and at 23.45 this day The Dutch have delivered a letter to Indonesia delegation’s secretary  with the same information, and the delegation informed to the Republuic Indonesia gouverfnment at Djokja but cannot communicated because the Dutch had broken the communikasion(pihak belanda telah memutuskan hubungan antara Jakata dan Djokja). In this nigh the member of Indonesian delegatioan were arrested by the Dutch.

(2)Dutch organize Negara Sumatra Selatan state, with capital at Palembang.and the ceremony  transfered of power will be in february,2th. 1949

(3) In this night 40 RI military leader were moved  by catalina amphibi RI 006  flight to Sumatra, but when came back to Jogya the flight have “sergap”  by the Dutch ,until broke.

December 18

(a)Dutch officials tell representatives of the United States and the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta that they are cancelling the Renville agreement. The news does not reach Yogya, as the Dutch have already cut the phone lines there.

(b)at  11.30 PM ,Dr Beel  had annouce that the Dutch Federal state didnot related with renville agreement anymore, which meaning thje second agrattion will starting.

(c) the latest used indonesia 3rd independence stamp on  on sencored  chop postcard.

December 19th.1948

(1)On December,19th.1948 in the morning Dutch soldiers boombing Bukittinggi, the Ducth begun attacked repoeblic Indonesia. at afrternoon Mr Syafruddin Prawiranegara,Menteri kemamukarn RI whic stayed at bukittingi from the central gouvernment ,with Colonel Hidaya, The comandenemen comandant TNI Sumatra who just take the command from Mayor General Soehardjo Hardjowardojo, vist Mr T.M.Hassan the chief of central Commisariat at his house at BGarai(valley) Sianok Bukittinggi, for meeting aboutmthe movement against the Dutch army, they didnot know the situation of presieenrt and vice president Repoeblic Indonesia.this day no info from Yogja.Mr Sjafruddin Prawira negara told that in order to save the stae NRI, he accepeted to built PDRI(pemerintah daruata republic Indonesa-emergengy gouvernment RI) and at night ,9.00 PM the NRI official will move out Bukittinggi to Halaban (onderneming or Plantation) near Payakumbuh.

(2)Second Dutch “police action” begins at 5:30 A.M. without warning. Yogya falls to the Dutch.Emergency government for Indonesia is declared (PDRI) at Payakumbuh nearby under Sjafruddin Prawiranegara. Soedirman radios his immediate support for the emergency government.Civil government of republic, including Sukarno, Hatta, Sjahrir, allows itself to be captured, hoping to outrage world opinion; Sukarno and Sjahrir are taken into Dutch custody, and eventually flown to Bangka. look the illustraion of sukarno.hatta and Haji Agus Salim at Maguwo Airport when the dutch took them to custody in Bangka.

the illustratio of Hotel Manumbing at bangka whete Bung Karno,bung Hatta were exile.

Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX of Yogya remains in his palace, and does not leave during the entire Dutch occupation.Dutch occupy Bukittinggi.Tan Malaka escapes again during the confusion.

Panglima Besar Soedirman
Soedirman is warmly remembered today as perhaps the greatest hero of the revolution. Towards the end of the fighting, he fell ill and directed troops from his sickbed.
Soedirman was another complex character in the revolutionary era. He had been impressed by Japanese military traditions and the spirit of bushido; yet he was also thought to be sympathetic to the leftist movement of Tan Malaka. He was one of the military figures who was not completely trusting of the political leadership (such as Sjahrir), as to them the political leadership seemed more interested in compromise than victory. This feeling was certainly strengthened when the entire political leadership allowed itself to be taken captive by the Dutch on December 19, 1948.

On 19 December 1948\

 at 05:30 am Maguwo airfield was bombed by the Dutch Mitchell bombers (B 25) is immediately followed by a battalion of troops jumping green beret who was assigned to seize the flying field Maguwo. On the morning of this miraculous Dutch terdfiri aircraft from aircraft Spitfire, Mustang, Lockheed and Mitchell seemed hovering above the city of Djokja which soon opened the attack by shooting at and dropping bombs in several places. In the Netherlands Maguwo menerjunlan payungdengan troops seize field goal Maguwo.penduduk menyhangka city does not at all that it was an explosion and gunfire attacks that actually means, they suspect that the heavy temabakan just war, because war forces the GoI has planned a latihanbesar- besara. semaking intensified after his shots and more bombs being dropped, then people realize. after the victim began to fall. They realize vahw abelanda tealh their attacks. Sekalipunkesatuan in Maguwo too small, yet still provided resistance under the leadership of opsit picket Kasmiran, patriotic resistance which lasted bravely than 06 000 hours (AM) until 7:00 to finally air cadet kasmiran with approximately 40 members of his unit killed on the field of service. However the new field at 08.00 hours seluurh Maguwo successfully controlled by the Dutch, they immediately opened the air bridge to lower Semarang Djokja Engineers heavy equipment and transport equipment for eprsiapan seize Djokja. Meanwhile the relationship anatara base Maguwo Djokja disconnected so the situation can not be known at all by the dreamers who are in town n RI Djokja. Dutch movement from the city Djokja Maguwo dimuali sjak morning and at 14:15 (PM) they arrived on the edge of the east and from here they try to occupy the city. Teridir of their movement and group movement setaip memepunyai groups specific tasks to further isolate the town in order to soldiers of the Republic of Indonesia that will try to get out of town can be prevented.

Dutch troops launch on sat afresi colonial, Great Commander General Sudirman was nearly issued a flash command:


1.we  has been attacked

2. On 19 December 1948 the Dutch Armed Forces attacked the Yogyakarta city and the airfield Maguwo

3.The  dutch’s  government  had  cancel truce agreement

4.All  Armed Forces carry out the plan that has been set to face the Dutch attack

Issued in place, on 19 December 1948, jam.08.00

Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic Indonesia

Lieutenant General Sudirman.

Thus flash command Zbesar Commander, thus exercise plan on a large war-bvesaran by the TNI on 19 December 1948 can not be implemented because of the impending attack of the Dutch. Who carried out the TNI since today is perintah siasat Panglima Besar namely organizing Universe diembani Guerrilla warfare by the military Pemerinath.

On this day, since morning, Republican Leader of the Government of yanga da fi palace in Yogya gather and sit under Pimpina President Sukarno. sidangs elesai then my head after da Sjagfruddin Prawiranegara SH, prosperity minister, who was in Sumatra, was given powers by President Sukarno to form an emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI) sui Sumatran, the mandate has been delivered through the radio and reads as follows:

MANDATE OF THE PRESIDENT TO Syafruddin Prawiranegara SH

We inform the President of the Republic of Indonesia on Sunday abhwa jqm 19.12.1948 06.00 am dutch seranggannya has begun on the capital of Yogyakarta. If the state Government can not run again kewajibannnya we depute to Mr. Syafruddin Prawiranegara, Minister of the Republic of Indonesia Prosperity for memebentuk Daruart Republican government in Sumatra.

Yogyakarta 19 desembver 1948

President Vice President Soekarno Hatta.

In addition to the above mandate issued to the Maramis SH, Minister of Finance who was outside Megeri and dr.Sudarmono in New Delhi as follows.

Prof. Dr. Sudarmono, Plar, Mr Maramis.New delhi

We are the President of the Republic of Indonesia given that on Sunday 19.12.1948 at 06.00 am on the Dutch had begun its attack on the capital city of Yogyakarta. If efforts Sjafruddin Butler State Emergency SH to form a government in Sumatra unsuccessful, kapada brothers Exulle Gouvernmen empowered to form the Republic of Indonesia in India. please be advised this is in connection with Sjafruddin in sumatra.jika relationship is not possible, please take the necessary action

Yogjakarta 19 december 1948

Vice President Mohammad Hatta, Agus Salim _Menteri Overseas.

Similarly, the President has expressed amanantnya as follows:


The beloved nation!

On this day December 19, 1948, at 06.00 am the Netherlands have begun with the attack on the city of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. with this action is evident that Belands tealh again start a colonial war to destroy the Government and the Republic of Indonesia so that they can re-colonize the entire country and the nation of Indonesia. We Setealh berusha months with all sincerity to resolve disputes nBelanda premises are suddenly their memebri not know in advance the appropriate use of a weapon that is on them to do their will with no mengindahkanadanya paksaaan by KTN in Yogyakarta, with no presence memperduluikan ceasefire agreement, they eliminated all possibilities to achieved a peace compromise . We believe , that the entire people of Indonesia and those are areas that are Republican or area occupied by the Dutch in unison will be standing behind a bunch of the republic of Indonesia to oppose any effort and in our mind that there are actions that violate this humanity. We know that the deeds of their weapons, the Dutch may be able to seize and occupy some of the important place, but no way they can break the spirit of our fight or shut = Indonesia’s national independence which we tealh insyafkan and maintain over the years.

We have our independence proclaimed on August 17, 1945 and ntealh pervasive in our souls, it is impossible dapatr suppressed with violence. Let my people, we defend the homeland and our independence with the strength of victory will surely believe in us. Isja gods.

Yogyakarta, 19 December 1948

President of the Republic of Indonesia


indonesian version:

Pada tanggal 19 desember 1948 jam 05.30 pagi lapangan terbang Maguwo di bom oleh pesawat pembom Mitchell Belanda(B 25) yang segera diikuti dengan penerjunan satu batalion pasukan baret hijau yang ditugaskan untuk merebut lapang terbang Maguwo. Pada pagi hari ini bebrapa pesawat Belanda yang terdfiri dari pesawat Spitfire,Mustang,Lockheed dan Mitchell tampak melayang-layang diatas kota Djokja yang tak lama kemudian membuka serangan dengan menembaki dan menjatuhkan bom dibeberapa tempat. Di maguwo Belanda menerjunlan pasukan payungdengan tujuan merebut lapangan Maguwo.penduduk kota memang tidak menyhangka sama sekali bahwa ledakan serta tembakan itu adalah serangan serangan yang sesunguhnya, mereka menduga bahwa temabakan berat itu hanyalah latihan perang saja, karena pihak angkatan Perang RI telah merencanakan suatu latihanbesar-besara. setlah tembakan semaking menghebat dan bom semakin banyak yang dijatuhkan,barulah rakyat sadar. setelah korban mulai berjatuhan. Barulah mereka sadar vahw abelanda tealh melancarkan serangannya. Sekalipunkesatuan yang ada di maguwo terlalu kecil,namum perlawanan tetap diberikan di bawah pimpinan opsit piket Kasmiran,perlawan yang patriotik berlangsung dengan gagah berani dari jam 06.000 (AM) sampai 07.00 hingga akhirnya kadet udara kasmiran bersama lebih kurang 40 orang anggota kesatuannya gugur dimedan bakti. namum baru pada jam 08.00 seluruh lapangan maguwo berhasil dikuasai oleh Belanda,segera mereka membuka jembatan udara Semarang Djokja untuk menurunkan alat -alat Zeni berat dan alat transport bagi eprsiapan merebut Djokja. Sementara itu hubungan anatara pangkalan Maguwo Djokja terputus sehingga situasi tersebut tidak dapat diketahui sama sekali oleh pemimpi n RI yang berada dikota Djokja. Gerakan belanda dari maguwo ke kota Djokja dimuali sjak pagi hari dan jam 14.15 (PM) mereka baru tiba ditepi timur dan dari sini mereka berusaha menduduki kota. Gerakan mereka teridir dari gerakan kelompok dan setaip kelompok memepunyai tugas tertentu untuk selanjutnya mengisolir kota agar pasukan Republik Indonesia yang akan berusaha keluar kota dapat dicegah.

pada sat tentara belanda melancarkan afresi kolonialnya, segra Panglima Besar Jendral Sudirman mengeluarkan perintah kilat :


1.kita Telah diserang

2. Pada tanggal 19 desember 1948 Angkatan Perang belanda menyerang kota Yogyakarta dan Lapangan terbang Maguwo

3.Pemerintah belanda tealh membatalkan persetujuan gencatan senjata

4.Semua Angkatan Perang menjalankan rencana yang telah ditetapkan untuk menghadapi serangan Belanda

Dikeluarkan di Tempat,Tanggal 19 desember 1948,jam.08.00

Panglima Besar Angkatan Perang republik indonesia

Letnan Jenderal Sudirman.

Demikianlah perintah kilat Panglima Zbesar , dengan demikian rencana Latihan perang secara besar-bvesaran oleh TNI pada tanggal 19 desember 1948 tidak dapat dilaksanakan karena adanya serangan pihak belanda. Yang dilaksanakan TNI sejak hari ini adalah perintahsiasat Pamnglima Bsar yakni menyelenggarakan perang Gerilya Semesta yang diembani oleh Pemerinath militer.

Pada hari ini,sejak pagi Pemimpin Pemerintah Republik yanga da di yogya berkumpul fi istana dan bersidang dibawah pimpina presiden sukarno. sesudah sidangs elesai maka kepa da Sjagfruddin Prawiranegara SH,menteri kemakmuran, yang sedang berada di sumatera ,diberi kekuasaan oleh Presiden Sukarno untuk membentuk Pemerintahan darurat Republik Indonesia(PDRI) sui sumatra, mandat tersebut telah disampaikan melalu radio dan berbunyi sebagai berikut :


Kami Presiden Republik Indonesia memberitahukan abhwa pada hari Minggu tanggal 19.12.1948 jqm 06.00 pagi belanda telah muali seranggannya atas ibukota Yogyakarta. Jika dalam keadaan Pemerintah tidak dapat menjalankan kewajibannnya lagi kami menguasakan kepada Mr Syafruddin Prawiranegara ,Menteri Kemakmuran Republik Indonesia untuk memebentuk pemerintah Republik Daruart di Sumatra.

Yogyakarta 19 desembver 1948

Presiden Soekarno Wakil Presiden Hatta.

Selain mengeluarkan mandat tersebut diatas kepada Maramis SH,menteri Keuangan yang sedang berada diluar Megeri dan dr.Sudarmono di new Delhi sebagai berikut.

Prof. Dr Sudarmono,Plar, Mr Maramis.New delhi

Kami Presiden Republik Indonesia memebrikan bahwa pada hari minggu tanggal 19.12.1948 jam 06.00 pagi Belanda telah mulai serangannya atas Ibu Kota Yogjakarta. Jika ikhtiar Sjafruddin Prawira Negara SH untuk membentuk Pemerintah Darurat di sumatra tidak berhasil, kapada saudara-saudara dikuasakan untuk membentuk Exulle Gouvernmen Republik Indonesia di India. harap maklum hal ini berhubung dengan Sjafruddin di sumatra.jika hubungan tidak mungkin,harap diambil tindakan seperlunya

Yogjakarta 19 desember 1948

Wakil Presiden Moh Hatta _Menteri Luar negeri Agus Salim.

Demikian pula Presiden RI telah menyampaikan amanantnya sebagai berikut:


Bangsaku Yang tercinta !!!

Pada hari ini tanggal 19 Desember 1948,pada jam 06.00 pagi Belanda telah mulai dengan serangan atas kota Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya . dengan tindakan ini nyata bahwa Belands tealh memuali lagi perang kolonialnya untuk menghancurkan Pemerintah dan negara Republik Indonesia agar mereka dapat menjajah kembali seluruh tanah air dan bangsa Indonesia. Setelah kita berbulan-bulan berusaha dengan segala ketulusan hati untuk menyelesaikan pertikaian denga nBelanda secara sekonyong-konyong mereka dengan tidak memebri tahu lebih dahulu mempergunakan alat senjata yang ada pada mereka untuk melakukan kehendak mereka dengan paksaaan dengan tidak mengindahkanadanya KTN di Yogyakarta, dengan tidak memperduluikan adanya perjanjian gencatan senjata, mereka telah meniadakan segala kemungkinan untuk mencapai penyeledsaian secara damaui. Kami eprcaya,bahwa seluruh rakyat Indonesia maupun yang berada didaerah Republik ataupun yang berada didaerah yang diduduki Belanda serentak akan berdiri dibelakang republik Indonesia untuk menentang sengan segala tenaga dan batin yang ada pada kita tindakan yang melanggar    perikemanusiaan ini. Kami mengetahui,bahwa dengan perbuatan senjata mereka, belanda mungkin akan dapat merebut dan menduduki beberapa tempat yang penting, akan tetapi tidak mungkin mereka dapat mematahkan semangat perjuangan kita atau mengurung =kan kemerdekaaan bangsa Indonesia yang tealh kita insyafkan dan pertahankan selama ini.

Kemerdekaan kita yang telah kita Proklamirkan pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945 dan telah meresap pada jiwa kita,mustahil dapatr ditindas dengan kekerasan. Marilah bangsaku,kita pertahankan tanah air dan kemerdekaan kita dengan segala tenaga yang ada percayalah kemenangan pasti akan pada kita .Isja allah.

Yogyakarta,19 desember 1948

Presiden republik Indonesia



On December 19, 1948, Sunday morning, the day the town of Magelang repeatedly came under fire bombing Belanda.Setelah heard that Yogja already occupied by the Dutch, who had planned to begin preparations dilaksanakan.Sesuai commander subteritorial lektkol M. Sarbini, Magelang city on earth soon hanguskan.Pengungsian held, both activities are carried out to perfection, almost all the major buildings were destroyed and depleted the civil pegasai as the father of Governors, Regents, Mayors and Chief of Police following the resignation of the TNI, especially to the westward marbles Sumbing.Jalan mountain highway in the direction of Secang line of demarcation has been destroyed, the trees felled to block roads and the various holes and rfanjau has been prepared to inhibit movement of the Dutch army soldiers belanda.Akan but that is expected to emerge from Semarang  did not came, they do not take the nearest road, because the road has maintained by the TNI, but they attacked from the rear is from the south and threaten the West that is from Banjarnegara

original info(ibid Mrs Ahmad Yani,1981)

Pada tanggal 19 Desember 1948 , minggu pagi hari itu kota Magelang berkali-kali mendapat serangan  pemboman Belanda.Setelah mendengar kabar bahwa Yogja sudah diduduki Belanda,persiapan yang sudah direncanakan mulai dilaksanakan.Sesuai perintah komandan subteritorial lektkol M.Sarbini ,kota Magelang segera di bumi hanguskan.Pengungsian diselengarakan  ,kedua kegiatan tersebut terlaksana dengan  sempurna,hampir semua bangunan besar habis dihancurkan  dan para pegasai sipil seperti bapak Gubernur,Bupati,Walikota dan Kepala Polisi mengikuti pengunduran TNI,terutama ke jurusan barat kelereng gunung Sumbing.Jalan raya dari Secang ke jurusan garis demarkasi telah dirusak,pohon-pohon ditebang untuk merintangi jalan dan berbagai lubang dan rfanjau telah disiapkan untuk menghambat gerakan tentara belanda.Akan tetapi Tentara Belanda yang diduga akan muncul dari Semarang ternyata tidak kunjung dtaang, mereka tidak mengambil jalan yang terdekat,karena jalan tersebut dipertahankan oleh TNI,akan tetapi mereka menyerang dari belakang yaitu dari selatan dan mengancam dari Barat  yakni dari Banjarnegara.

(e)DECEMBER, 19TH.1948



1) The Netherlands carried out the attack to Sibolga both from the Sea, Army and Air Sibolga and eventually fell into the hands of the Dutch Army, with the entry into the Dutch Army Dutch Army menghempang Sibolga for the MAS KADIRAN with MBK Tapanuli Forces based in Padang Sidempuan leading to the Bridge Trunk Toru, The Netherlands Army continued to advance to the Padang Sidempuan but in Batang Toru Bridge in the Dutch Army Forces Prevent by MBK, then there was a very fierce battle, with the assistance of the Dutch Army aircraft may eventually repelling forces MBK Tapanuli to P. Sidempuan.

2) After the Batang Toru grab the next in the Japanese Army bombed the city with two P. Sidempuan Force Aircraft and MAS Chairman MBK Tapanuli KADIRAN on the pull back to Penyabungan and some survive in Kampung Pijor Koling battle in Pijor Koling loss Padang Besar and finally Sidempuan fall into the hands of the Dutch Army.


With the fall of the City of P. Sidempuan into the hands of the Dutch Army in Kampung Goti Defense held talks back to seize the city of Padang Sidempuan. So-I MMB Forces SUMATRA Forces Leadership and MBK Iptu Ibn Tapanuli KADIRAN and MAS Chairman Brigade FORCES CAPTAIN ROBINSON-B Leader Battle Hutapea held for 3 days in the City of P. Sidempuan and eventually can reclaim. After the city can seize P. Sidempuan Japanese Army retreated to the Batang Toru, but only 6 hours in control suddenly appear 2 Aircraft fired the city and attack back P. Sidempuan is getting help from Sibolga and ultimately the City P. Sidempuan can Movement controlled by another Dutch soldier in the Netherlands can no longer stand MBK Forces Tapanuli and MBB-I Sumatera and brigade-B Company and the Indonesian Navy continues to retreat from the village of Goti – Pijor Koling – Door to Kampung Padang Huraba and survive in the Village and Village Huraba Huraba called by FORT HURABA

(e)The Rice Coupon(Bon Beras0 Of The South sumatar republic gouvernment issue under orde GSS 19.12.48, the value of coupon 5 kg rice. ,sign by the command Colonel M.simbolon, look the coupon and  profile picture of Colonel M.Simbolon below.

December 20

(1)Army executes Sjarifuddin, withdraws from Yogya.All of Indonesia except for Aceh and parts of Sumatra are under Dutch control. Guerilla warfare heats up; Soedirman leads guerilla war from sickbed.Many American newspapers publish editorials against the Dutch.

(2) Mrs Ahmad Yani book’s,1981 info

On 20 December 1948, then the Dutch army attacked villages near the line Pinggit demarkasi.Semenatra move it one column in the western part of Sumowono through Kaloran Ngoho and occupied, in the northern city kecamatabn Temangung.Korta temangung constantly under attack from the air dutch

original info

Pada tanggal 20 desember 1948,barulah Tentara Belanda menyerang desa Pinggit didekat garis demarkasi.Semenatra itu satu Kolone bergerak di bagian barat dari Sumowono melalui  Ngoho dan menduduki Kaloran,kota kecamatan di sebelah utara Temangung.Korta temangung terus menerus mendapat serangan belanda dari udara .

(3)Warna Warta Middle Java Newspaper info;

(a) Pembesar Republik Yang Ditahan

Pada hari minggu tanggal 19 Desember yang lalau ,waktu Tentara Kerajaan menduduki seluruh kota Djokjakarta, maka beberapa pembesar Republik terkemukapun telah ditahan. Mereka itu ialah Presiden sukarno,Wakil Presiden drs Moh.hatta,menteri Luar negeri Haji agus salim, Komodor  udara Suryadarma,Penasehat Presiden Sutan sjahrir, sekretaris negara Mr. Pringgodigdo dan beberapa anggota KNIP dianataranya ketuanya Mr Asaat. Waktu keesokan harinya telah ditawan ketua delegasi Republuik Mr.Moh.Roem, penasehat delegai Dr Setiabudi dan meneteri Penerangan Moh.Natsir. Dilain bagian ada dimuat gambarnya Prsediden sukarno dan pemebesar lainnya .didepan Keprseidenan Djokjakarta,bersama seorang opsir belanda.

Illustrasi pembesar republik yang telah ditawan di Djokja 19 Desember 1948.

(b) Gerakan Tenatara Di Jawa dapat dikatakan selesai ,kota-kota terpenting diduduki,

Pada hari minggu tanggal 19 Desember yang lalu jam 3 lohor(PM), seluruh kota Djokjakarta telah diduduki Tentara Kerajaan , keesokan harinya menduduki Kaliurang dan lain-lain tempat disekitar Djokja. Gerakan pembersihan yang dilakukan dilain jurusanpun berlangsung lancar. secara singkat disini dapat disebutkan nama tempat yang penting saja diberbagai daerah yang sudah diduduki.

Di Jawa Tengah,selainya Djokja dan kaliurang, Lali,Solo,Klaten,Wonogiri dan Sragen. didaerah Kedu tealh diduduki Parakan,Temanggung,Wonosobo dan magelang. Didaerah pantai mutara pulau jawa telah diduduki Pati,Kudus,Rembnag,Purwodadi,juana,Japara,Cepu,Bojonegoro,Tuban, Babat dan Blora. Dibagain selatan barat dari jawa Tengah ,dapat disebut beberapa tempat Banjarnegara,Kebumen dan Purworejo. dijawa Timur telah diduduki Wlingi,Turen,Dampit,Kepanjen,blitar,Kediri,Magetan,Ngawi,Madiun dan Plossso. Daerah banten telah diduduki setalh berlangsung gerakan tjepat sekali, Serang,djasinga,Pandegelang, rangkasbitung,Baja,Labuan dan Menes.

Di Sumatera beberapa tempat pun berturut-tururt telah dibebaskan , Bagan siapi-api,Asahan,Bukittinggi,Tandjung panjang,Rantau Prapat,Balige,Kota Pinang,Pajakumbuh,Sibolga, sidikalang dan fort van der Capellen(Batusangkar).(catatan Dr iwan : Tarutung belum diduduki)

Umumnya gerakan tentara di jawa sudah selesai, ditempat yang ditilik Tnetara Kerajaan sekarang diambil tindakan buat mengamankan keadaan, supaya daerah itu lekas mengambil bagian dalam usaha pembanguna kemakmuran seluruh Indonesia.

(c)Susuhunan dan Mangkunegara kerjasama dengan Pemerintah federal Indonesia

Paduka yang bijaksana Kangjeng Susuhunan Surakarta dan P.K. Pangeran Mangkunegoro dengan mengadakan kerja sama yang rapat dengan pembesar militer dan sipil dari Pemerintahan Federaal Indonesia Sementara, yang baru-baru ini ditempatkan di Solo, telah memulai kembali mengambil pemerintahan atas Kesunanan dan mangkunegaran. keputusan yang bijaksana itu rtentu akan membantu berlangsungnya pemerintahan yang teratur dengan selekas mungkin.karena ityu, maka pembagian bahan pakaian akan segera dapt dimulai, dan tindakan yang meringankan penderitaan rakyat di Kasunanan dan Mangkuneraran akan diambil juga.

(d)Sabda Sri Baginda Ratu Juliana

 Sri Baginda Ratu Juliana menunaikan sabda Ibu Suri pada tanggal 7 Desember 1942 pada rakyat Indonesia. sri Baginda Ratu Nederland yang sekarang telah mngesahkan anggaran dasar kerajaan belanda yang kini mewujudkan Negara Indonesia Serikat yang merdeka dan berdaulat. Tentara kerajaan datang membawa keamanan dan ketertiban untuk memungkinkan penyelenggaraan Sabda Ibu Suri.

illustrasi mahkota kerajaan belanda sejak 8 September diserahkan kepada Puteri Juliana oleh ibundanya,pada gambar ini seri baginda ratu juliana bersama prins Bernhard.

(e) Illustrasi Rombongan pasukaaan Belanda masuk kota Solo dilihat oleh Rakyat.

(f)Larangan Menyimpan Senjata

Kepada segenap penduduk dipermaklumkan peraturan militer dibawah ini,yang belaku untuk seluruh dadesrah Jawa Tengah: “Menurut peraturan dari Pemimpin Daerah serta Tentara Jawa Tengah,semua orang yang tiada berhak terdapat mempunyai senjata api,mesiu, barang yang mudah meledak, dan barang peledak, ada kemungkinan ditembak mati pada tempatnya,tiada pakai pemeriksaan pengadilan lagi.

JUstinus Kardinal Darmojuwono in 1 78 write what his happen this day(terakhir uskup Agung-kardinal Jakarta)

Fhari minggu pagi sbelum Natal 1948 saya naik sepeda dari tempat kediaman sauya di Ganjuran menuju Bantul untuk menuniakan tugas pengembalaan. Saya agak heran mendengar suara keapal terbang dari arah selatan dan setelah melihat beberapa kapal terbang besar, saya yakin bahwa kapal terbang tersebut bukan milik Republik Indonesia, apalagi sesudah bewberapa waktu terdengar ledakan-ledakan bom yang cukup mendebarkan hai. Sampai di tempat, ternyata orang-orang mula verkumpul.Sebelum dan sesudah upacara gereja saat berbicara mereka menyatakan bahwa sedang diadakan latihan oleh Angkatan Udara dan Angkatan darat Republik Indonesia di Maguwo dan Yogjakarta. Mereka saya biarkan dalam pandangannya, saya sengaja tidak membantah mereka,karena memamng tidak tahu benar,tetapi dalam hati tidak percaya akan kebenaran pendapat mereka. Muali tengah hari, mengalir rombongan demi rombongan pengungsi dari Yogjakarta dengan barang-barangnya ke arah Selatan. Kemana? tempat saudara,kenalan? Kebanyakan tanpa mengertti secara pasti,mau kemana? Ternyata,kota Yogjakarta diduduki oleh tentara Belanda. Suasana mencekam rakyat. Rasa ketakutan,binggung,khawatit, seolah-olah setiap saat akan ada serbuan atau serangan dari pihak musuh. Dalam waktu dua tiga harimsudah terdengar perintah membungi hanguskan 2 pabrik gula dan gedung=gedung bangunan yang dapat fipergunakan pihak tentara Belanda sebagai markas dan sekaligus uang ORI tidak berlaku lagi.

(2) Mrs Ahmad Yani Book’s info,1981

On December 21, 1948, the city of Magelang district Secang and experienced air raids, a Dutch plane was shot down, a military column moving from south to Magelang, others come from Salaman and experiencing a military attack on some other tempat.yang majors came back from Yogya and the Dutch army entered the city Muntilan, Dutch soldiers in battle here fell victim six orang.Sesudah Magelang city fell, then the column the TNI from the North dapayt further advanced.

original info

Pada tanggal 21 Desember 1948, kota distrik Secang dan Magelang mengalami serangan udara,sebuah pesawat belanda tertembak jatuh,satu kolone TNI bergerak dari selatan menuju Magelang,yang lain datang dari Salaman dan mengalamai serangan TNI di beberapa tempat.yang lainnya datang lagi dari jurusan Yogya dan tentara belanda tersebut memasuki kota Muntilan,dalam pertempuran disini tentara belanda jatuh korban enam orang.Sesudah kota Magelang jatuh, barulah kolone TNI dari Utara dapayt maju lebih lanjut,.

December 22

(1)Nasution declares military government for Java.

92) On December,22th,1948 the PDRI Cabinet were built with the Java Commisariat.

UN is outraged at Dutch; Dutch attack while UN observers are at Kaliurang.

19 Asian countries boycott Dutch.

Dutch-chosen members of East Indonesia state government vote to condemn the “police action”.

USA suspends postwar aid to the Netherlands (Marshall Plan money) that is budgeted for military use in Indonesia.

(2) Mrs Ahmad Yani Book 1981’s info

On December,22th.1948 Secang occupied by Dutch soldiers and the Dutch army ‘s Zeni had repair the road to Magelang and occupied Temenggung city.

After occupying the town of Magelang to the next day the Dutch army action began with the pursuit of the retreating troops to the village NRI Kaliangrik, Klegan and bandongan not immune from air attack.  hundred cannon rounds fired from the direction of Magelang, a Dutch plane had been shot by  TNI.

original info

 Pada tanggal 22 desember 1948 Secang diduduki tentara belanda,dan bagian Zeni Tentara Belanda dengan giat  memeperbaiki jalan ke Magelang.Kota temanggung didudukinya.

December 23th.1948

 Mrs Ahmad yani,1981 book’s info

On Decemebr,23th.1948 the dutch army entered Distict city Parakan at the end of railways road at the west of Temengung.

original info:

Setelah menduduki kota Magelang pada keesokan harinya  tentara belanda mulai dengan aksi pengejaran terhadap pasukan TNI NRI  yang mundur ke desa Kaliangrik,Klegan dan Bandongan tidak luput dari serangan udara .Berratus ratus butir  peluru meriam ditembakkan dari arah Magelang,sebuah pesawat belanda berhasil ditembak TNI.


Informasi from Justinus Kardinal Darmojuwono (ex kardinal Jakarta)

December 23th.1948

(a)On December 23, 1948, the Dutch warship fired on defense TNI / AD in Solok Kampung Tanjung Sea Muara Sabak subdistrict jambi . In this battle of teachers from the Army / Army Private Joseph and Private Amat. After the shootings in the Tanjung melakuakn Solok, Dutch troops landed in the village of the sea, while the soldiers landing, one of Sea Village community named santung attacking Dutch troops alone and can hurt one Dutch soldier and santung dibrondong automatic weapons and killed the scene.

 Placement Forces For Guerrilla War

Bataliyon Jambi led by Major A. Marzuki prepare the transfer of command from the base of Coconut Gardens Edinburgh City to Km 15 jalam Tempino, Rubber plantation sites Cottage Table (5 km from the highway)
Bataliyon Merangin led by Lieutenant Colonel Aaron Sohar is located in Muara Tembesi, placing his army consisting of:
In Kuala Tungkal placed a section of the Army by Lt. Commander A. Young Fattah Leside and one Detachment Commander Lieutenant CPM with Syamsul Bakhri Young and his deputy Sergeant Major A. Murad Alwi, in addition there is a unity with the Navy Commander, Sergeant Major. T. Anwar Shah

(b)Information from Justinus Cardinal Darmojuwono (ex cardinal Jakarta)

According to the schedule three days before Christmas, I still have to visit the Catholics in Brosot, Kulon Progo and I was scared too. I came home with 12 kg of rice free ride in the sack pillow, because I know that the hospital and the orphanage where I dwell / lodgings, food supplies running low sekalai. On the way home I saw clouds of smoke that floated to the top of the sugar mills Gisikan, 3 km from Ganjurab, and each followed by a thrilling blast. Home until the sugar factory was situated alongside Ganjuran Ruamh sick (hospital) has not been on earth hanguskan.masih in discussion.

December 24

UN Security Council calls for end to hostilities.

December, 25th.1945

Information from JUstis Cardinal atmoyuwono:

Christmas day is celebrated as usual at midnight, I had never witnessed such celebration on the night ini.Gereja sekhidmat crowded, is not large, sesuana really touching, lighting of the candles are still available and kerosene lamps as far persediaaan permit. Christmas songs, which they had memorized, soar with the roundness of prayer, please safe from harm, which would come, but erratic. In light of the faint-crush coincide, if they unite seoalah BODY, BREATH, AND SOUL TOGETHER FOR SAFETY SAKE PRAY TOGETHER, A dilupakan.JIka memories are not easily remembered again, it’s palpable sense of concern, serene, thanks, oddly has been freed from feeling horrified, just compassion.

December 26th.1948

Justinus Cardinal atmoyuwono information from:

The next day the 26th of december, earth scorching the sugar mills with a fire in a haystack that has been placed on building the factory. really horrible. In general, tile roofed buildings that can not be burned to the ground, only that they call “scale, place of residence of the head of the factory, burned out, because the roof is made of shingle.

December, 27th.1948

Info from Justinus:

The next day halted early in the morning (early morning) while the fire still burning here and there, or at least smoldering, berdatabngan thousands of people, continuous, men, women, young people, children from all directions towards the mill that has been scorching the earth. The target of their sugar warehouse. They broke the door of the barn and took the sugar that is stored there. Some are carrying sacks of sugar carried satyu berdua.kenayakan with other tools, because it was too heavy to carry one bag at a time. who came running, which went with hasty steps. So many days to fill out the warehouse. Local authorities are powerless to set aside part of inventory. (Genesis sma according to a story that Mrs. Dr. Iwan, with an arsenal of the former ex-Japan, earth lift oleg Kongsi People in the back ground, nausea, left muala Gurka, the events of 1945-1946, later banned by tentra gurka ally, one day a folk terdengar4 temabkan who jumped on the fence kalikecil yard shot and fell dead house, look at the picture house in 1948 below)

In such circumstances, an accident would occur, and some even to death because of one sack of sugar falling yangb terjatuh.terus buried without any help. All search purposes pribadi.Sesudah sugar runs out, they began to empty space in the factory buildings: tables, chairs, scales and not ektinggalan doors, windows, boards of the remaining buildings, zinc. day and night the sound of demolition or zinc roofs, roof trusses, all disassembled, transported and finally dismantled so that the marble klantai penulutabn few days after the fire, the sugar mills have shown the ruins of a sad face. People mengalihakan term scorched Earth to earth lift.

After starting at the city of Yogyakarta was occupied and refugee flows, nuns Pimpina Hospitals and orphanage difficulties which are difficult to be solved is about food. ORI money is no longer acceptable by the public as a means of exchange, will dignati guilders mereka.Memang said patient is not much, but increasingly more patients victims of attacks, both from a layer of ordinary people and soldiers

original version:

Menurut jadwal tiga hari sebelum Natal,saya masih harus mengunjungi umat katolik di Brosot,Kulon Progo dan saya ketakutan juga. Saya pulang dengan membonceng beras 12 kg dalam karung bantal, sebab saya tahu bahwa Rumah sakit dan Panti asuhan dimana saya diam/mondok, persediaan makanan menipis sekalai. Pada perjalanan pulang saya saksikan kepulan asap yang mengalun ke atas dari arah pabrik gula Gisikan,3 km dari Ganjurab, dan masing diikuti ledakan yang mendebarkan. Sampai dirumah ternyata pabrik gula Ganjuran yang letaknya berdampingan dengan Ruamh sakit(hospital) belum dibumi hanguskan.masih dalam pembicaraaan.

December 24

UN Security Council calls for end to hostilities.


Information from JUstis Kardinal atmoyuwono:

hari raya Natal dirayakan seperti biasa pada tengah malam, belum pernah saya menyaksikan perayaaan sekhidmat seperti pada malam ini.Gereja penuh sesak, memang tidak besar,sesuana mengharukan sungguh,penerangan dari lilin-lilin yang masih tersedia dan lampu minyak tanah sejauh persediaaan mengizinkan. Nyanyian Natal, yang mereka sudah hafal,melambung dengan kebulatan doa, mohon selamat dari bahaya, yang tentu datang,tetapi tidak menentu. Dalam terang samar-samar berhimpit-himpitan,seoalah-olah mereka mempersatukan bADAN,NAPAS, DAN JIWA UNTUK BERSAMA-SAMA BERDOA DEMI KESELAMATAN BERSAMA, Suatu kenangan yang tidak mudah dilupakan.JIka dikenang kembali,rasanya diraba rasa prihatin,syahdu,syukur,anehnya sudah terlepas dari rasa tercekam,tinggal keharuan.

December 26th.1948

informasi dari Justinus Kardinal atmoyuwono:

hari berikutnya tanggal 26 desember,pabrik gula dibumi hanguskan dengan menyulut api pada tumpukan jerami yang sudah ditempatkan di gedung pabrik. mengerikan sungguh. Pada umumnya gedung gedung yang beratapkan genteng tidak dapat terbakar habis, hanya yang mereka namakan “besaran , tempat kediaman pimpinan pabrik,terbakar habis, karena atap dibuat dari sirap.

December ,27th.1948

Info from Justinus:

hari berikutnya muali pagi-pagi buta (early morning) selagi api disana-sini masih menyala, atau sekurang-kurangnya masih membara,berdatabngan ribuan orang, terus menerus,laki-laki,perempuan,muda mudi,anak kecil dari segala jurusan menuju ke pabrik yang sudah dibumi hanguskan. Yang menjadi sasaran mereka gudang gula. Mereka mendobrak pintu gudang dan mengambil gula yang disimpan disitu. Ada yang membawa satyu karung gula dipikul berdua.kenayakan dengan alat-alat lain, sebab terlalu berat untuk membawa satu karung sekaligus. yang datang berlarian, yang pergi dengan langkah tergesa-gesa. Demikian berhari-hari hingga isi gudang habis. Pemerintah setempat tidak berdaya untuk menyisihkan sebagian persediaan. (Kejadian yang sma menurut cerita Ibu Dr Iwan, dengan gudang bekas eks Jepang, dibumi angkat oleg Rakyat di belakang tanah Kongsi, mual-muala dibiarkan Gurka,kejadian tahun 1945-1946, kemudian dilarang oleh tentra gurka sekutu, suatu hari terdengar4 temabkan seorang rakyat yang meloncat di pagar rumah kalikecil tertembak dan jatuh meninggal dihalaman rumah,lihat gambar rumah tersebut tahun 1948 dibawah ini)

Dalam keadaan semacam itu,tentu terjadi suatu kecelakaan,bahkan ada yang sampai meninggal karena tertimpa satu karung gula yangb terjatuh.terus tertimbun tanpa ada pertolongan. Semua mencari keperluan pribadi.Sesudah gula habis,mulai mereka mengosongkan ruang di gedung pabrik: meja,kursi,timbangan dan tidak ektinggalan pintu,jendela,papan dari sisa bangunan,seng. siang malam terdengar suara pembongkaran atap atau seng,kerangka atap, semua dibongkar,diangkut dan akhirnya marmer klantai dibongkar sehingga beberapa hari sesudah penulutabn api, pabrik gula tersebut sudah memperlihatkan wajah reruntuhan yang menyedihkan. Orang mengalihakan istilah Bumi hangus kepada bumi angkat.

Sesudah mulai saat kota Yogya diduduki dan mengalir pengungsi,suster pimpina Rumah sakit dan Panti asuhan mengalami kesulitan yang sukar dipecahkan ialah soal bahan makanan. Uang ORI tidak diterima lagi oleh umum sebagai alat tukar, akan dignati gulden kata mereka.Memang pasien tidak banyak,tetapi makin hari makin tambah pasien korban serangan,baik dari lapisan rakyat biasa maupun dari tentara.


December ,30th.1948

On this day two next week, the Dutch military activity around the town of Magelang, Muntilan, Secang, Waterford, Purworejo, Kebumen Prembum and increased, they spread detasmen and post it secured more  wider .Although some dutch fighters continue to put up for  disturb the district town and the villages according to their assumption into the TNI (begrilya), this is very bad effect, because it is rarely about the army and people always happen to people biasa.korban this adds further whipping up the spirit of resistance and revenge and turn the enemy feeling .the village Tembarak , bandongan, gemito other and accommodation around the Dutch position, time and again suffered the terror of udar ini.Beangsur slowly dilereng dutch mountains occupy an important place, like bandongan west of Magelang, Grabag, Ferns and Tegalrejo adjacent to its east and north Sawanagn Muntilan. This became the base temapt kompanyi TNI battalions and in the phase after the retreat of kota.TNI increasingly pushed into the interior while adjusting to the way a pocket-kantong.Segrea after leaving the city, the commanders in each district composed KODIM (TNI military regional command) disubdistrik and cadres -cadres in the villages.

On 25 December the brigade staff in Genita then split into three groups, the staff was led by Major Ahmad yani X, Y staff led by Major Ismullah and staff led by Captain Z Sumarto located in the Mount Connect.

At Pak Yani duty, I (Mrs. Ahmad yani) own dirumash Sumbing area with two small Naka and in a state hamil.Pada evacuate ahead of time, the house was already installed dynamite, so sleep with dynamite at all times ready to diledakkan.Memang then the house was so charred diledakkan.Dibumi Sarbini it as instructed, then we are displaced, for the provision of refuge that have a baskets (bundle) Yani murahan.Pak batik cloth in Fro9nt.Aku with children at the time I evacuated sendiri.Pada do not feel confused, do not feel weird. In a dangerous situation to go to evacuate unprotected head of the family. Yes this is the risk that we all struggle and we remain children kerturunan merdeka.Kepala household should be gathered to protect the family, more concerned with the sacred task of fatherly homeland and fight in front.Ia bnagsa believe there will be a care and it’s helped keluarganya.Sementara families went mengungsi.Bukanlah also sebagain of perjuanagan to keep us free? better proof we make every payang to a place where not yet mastered the Dutch colonizers, Libaik hiudp suffer dipengungsian than the Dutch occupation in the city. Pak Yani home, and said simply: “run!” So he went and whether kemana.Dalam circumstances menagndung say old, waiting for a third child, then I will come out with my mom and Mbok (housemaid) Mangun is so loyal to the family mengendong Yani.Masing each one carrying one naak.Aku hnaya baskets Bekalmu untuk bergrilya.Lari,lari,kemana?” Qd=”(traditional bag of bamabu) contains 10 pieces of batik cloth that at that time was very difficult to get> Bekalmu to bergrilya.Lari, running, where? “>(traditional bag of bamabu) contains 10 pieces of batik cloth that at that time was very difficult to get> Bekalmu to bergrilya.Lari, running, where? Bapake (her) where? Do not persoalakan him, I do not tahu.Pesawat dutch roaring, diving with a barrage of tembakan.OH, panic! panic Magelang city, people ran helter skelter not knowing where arahnya.Akupun do not know where I should pergi.Lari! run! continue to the south goal Purworejo.Mendadak dutch come from shaking hands stopped alongside the existing driveway didekatnya.Aku not take it anymore, because my stomach sakit.Kemerdekaan, independence! What a pengornanan who you ask. House or furniture that has been on earth very sederhaan hanguskan.Berminggu-sebellumnya weeks I’ve slept with dinamit.tinggal menyhalakan only and Dutch mendaptkan city scorched and how high prices will melahirkan.Aku independence itu.Dipengunghsian I was reluctant to give birth to the shaman bayi.Lho difficult to seek refuge in the village midwife, so run kesna, fled here seeking a leering Bidan.Ketemu midwife, well what can make, the midwife leerling half had dared, and I was determined than not be helped … my mind was born the end of the third with the help of Midwives leerling teresebut.Selamat, thanks to God the Most Merciful, the Compassionate, the father was given nmaa Amilyah Umi Astagini Yani, who was born on 22 December 1945.


Mrs ahmad Yani book,1981 info:

original info:

Pada hari ini dua minggu berikutnya, Kegiatan tentara belanda disekitar kota Magelang,Muntilan,Secang,Temanggung,Purworejo,Prembum dan Kebumen semakin meningkat, mereka menyebarkan detasmen dan pos penjagaaan lebih luas lagi.Sementara itu bdeberapa pesawat pemburu belanda terus disiapkan unrtuk menganggu kota kecamatan dan desa-desa yang menurut anggapan mereka menjadi tempat TNI(begrilya),hal ini sangat buruk efeknya, karena jarang sekali mengenai tentara dan selalu menimpa rakyat biasa.korban  rakyat ini menambah berkobarnya semangat perlawanan  dan semakin menyalakan rasas balas dendam dan permusuhan.Desa Tembarak,bandongan,gemito dan temapt lainnya disekitar kedudukan Belanda,berkali-kali menderita teror dari udar ini.Beangsur-angsur belanda menduduki tempat penting dilereng gunung,seperti Bandongan di sebelah barat Magelang,Grabag,Pakis dan Tegalrejo disebelah timurnya dan Sawanagn disebelah utara Muntilan. temapt ini menjadi pangkalan batalyon dan kompanyi TNI dalam fase sesudah mundur  dari kota.TNI semakin terdesak ke pedalaman sambil menyesuaikan diri kepada cara berkantong-kantong.Segrea sesudah meninggalkan  kota,para komandan di setiap kabupaten disusun KODIM(komando daerah Militer TNI)  disubdistrik dan kader-kader  di desa-desa.

Pada tanggal 25 desember yang lalu staf brigade di Genita dipecah menjadi tiga kelompok,staf X dipimpin Mayor Ahmad yani,Staf Y dipimpin mayor Ismullah dan staf Z dipimpin oleh Kapten sumarto berkedudukan di daerah Gunung Sambung.

Pada saat Pak Yani bertugas ,Aku(Mrs Ahmad yani) sendiri dirumash didaerah Gunung Sumbing dengan dua naka kecil dan dalam keadaan hamil.Pada waktu itu menjelang mengungsi,rumah memang sudah dipasang dinamit,jadi tidur bersama dinamit yang setiap saat siap untuk diledakkan.Memang kemudian rumah itu jadi diledakkan.Dibumi hangus kan sesuai perintah Pak Sarbini,lalu kami mengungsi,untuk bekal mengungsi  itu memiliki sebuah besek(bungkusan) kain batik murahan.Pak Yani berada di Fro9nt.Aku bersama anak-anak mengungsi sendiri.Pada waktu itu aku tidak merasa binggung,tidak merasa aneh. Dalam keadaan berbahaya pergi mengungsi tanpa perlindungan kepala keluarga. Ya inilah resikonya perjuangan agar kita semua dan anak kerturunan kita tetap merdeka.Kepala rumah tangga yang harusnya berkumpul melindungi keluarga,lebih mementingkan tugas suci unutk tanah air dan bnagsa berjuang di front.Ia percaya pasti akan ada yang mengurus dan menolong keluarganya.Sementara itu sang keluarga pergi mengungsi.Bukanlah itu juga sebagain dari perjuanagan agar kita tetap merdeka? buktinya lebih baik kita bersusah payang kesuatu tempat dimana belum dikuasai Belanda penjajah,Libaik hiudp menderita dipengungsian daripada dikota pendudukan Belanda. Pak Yani pulang,dan berkata dengan singkat :”lari!!” Maka iapun pergi entah kemana.Dalam keadaan say menagndung tua,menantikan anak yang ketiga, maka akupun keluar bersama ibuku dan si mbok(pembantu rumah tangga) mangun yang begitu setia kepada keluarga Yani.Masing-masing mengendong satu naak.Aku hnaya membawa satu besek(tas traditional dari bamabu) berisikan 10 lembar kain batik cap yang pada waktu itu amat sukar didapat>Bekalmu untuk bergrilya.Lari,lari,kemana? Bapake(nya) ada dimana? jangan persoalakan dia,aku tidak tahu.Pesawat belanda menderu-deru,menukik dengan rentetan tembakan.OH,panik!panik kota Magelang,rakyat lari tunggang langgang tak tahu ke mana arahnya.Akupun tidak tahu kemana aku harus pergi.Lari!lari!terus ke selatan tujuannya Purworejo.Mendadak belanda datang dari salaman berhenti dipinggir jalan masuk rumah yang ada didekatnya.Aku sudah tak tahan lagi,karena perutku sakit.Kemerdekaan,kemerdekaan ! Alangkah besarnya pengornanan yang kau minta. Rumah atau perabotan yang amat sederhaan sudah dibumi hanguskan.Berminggu-minggu sebellumnya aku sudah tidur dengan dinamit.tinggal menyhalakan saja dan Belanda mendaptkan kota yang hangus dan alangkah mahalnya harga kemerdekaan itu.Dipengunghsian aku akan melahirkan.Aku enggan untuk melahirkan dengan dukun bayi.Lho di desa pengungsian sulit mencari bidan,jadi lari kesna,lari kesini mencari Bidan.Ketemu seorang leering bidan,yah apa boleh buat,sang leerling bidan setengah terpaksa memberanikan diri, dan aku bertekad daripada tidak dibantu…akhirnya lahirlah nakku yang ketiga dengan bantuan leerling Bidan teresebut.Selamat,berkat Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang ,oleh bapaknya diberi nmaa Amilyah Umi Astagini Yani  yang lahir tanggal 22 desember 1945.

December 31 Dutch accept UN call for ceasefire in Java.

December 1Amir Sjarifudddin captured.December 11Dutch inform UN representatives that further talks with the Republic are “futile”.December 18Dutch organize Negara Sumatra Selatan state, with capital at Palembang.December 18Dutch officials tell representatives of the United States and the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta that they are cancelling the Renville agreement. The news does not reach Yogya, as the Dutch have already cut the phone lines there.December 19Second Dutch “police action” begins at 5:30 A.M. without warning. Yogya falls to the Dutch.Emergency government for Indonesia is declared (PDRI) at Payakumbuh nearby under Sjafruddin Prawiranegara. Soedirman radios his immediate support for the emergency government.Civil government of republic, including Sukarno, Hatta, Sjahrir, allows itself to be captured, hoping to outrage world opinion; Sukarno and Sjahrir are taken into Dutch custody, and eventually flown to Bangka. Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX of Yogya remains in his palace, and does not leave during the entire Dutch occupation.Dutch occupy Bukittinggi.Tan Malaka escapes again during the confusion.December 20AArmy executes Sjarifuddin, withdraws from Yogya.All of Indonesia except for Aceh and parts of Sumatra are under Dutch control. Guerilla warfare heats up; Soedirman leads guerilla war from sickbed.Many American newspapers publish editorials against the Dutch.December 22Nasution declares military government for Java.UN is outraged at Dutch; Dutch attack while UN observers are at Kaliurang.19 Asian countries boycott Dutch.Dutch-chosen members of East Indonesia state government vote to condemn the “police action”.USA suspends postwar aid to the Netherlands (Marshall Plan money) that is budgeted for military use in Indonesia.December 24UN Security Council calls for end to hostilities.December 31 Dutch accept UN call for ceasefire in Java. Panglima Besar Soedirman
Soedirman is warmly remembered today as perhaps the greatest hero of the revolution. Towards the end of the fighting, he fell ill and directed troops from his sickbed.
Soedirman was another complex character in the revolutionary era. He had been impressed by Japanese military traditions and the spirit of bushido; yet he was also thought to be sympathetic to the leftist movement of Tan Malaka. He was one of the military figures who was not completely trusting of the political leadership (such as Sjahrir), as to them the political leadership seemed more interested in compromise than victory. This feeling was certainly strengthened when the entire political leadership allowed itself to be taken captive by the Dutch on December 19, 1948.

soekarno 1948

Sukarno 1948  – Born in 1901 in Surabaya. First President of Indonesia. Architect. Genius. Womanizer


Civil government of republic Indonesia , including Sukarno, Hatta, Sjahrir, allows itself to be captured, hoping to outrage world opinion; Sukarno and Sjahrir are taken into Dutch custody, and eventually flown to Bangka.

Sukarno and Foreign Minister Agus Salim in Dutch custody, 1949.

On 19 December 1948, to take advantage of the Republic’s weak position following the communist rebellion, the Dutch launched Operatie Kraai, a second military invasion designed to crush the Republic once and for all. The invasion was initiated with an airborne assault on Republican capital Yogyakarta. Sukarno ordered the armed forces under Sudirman to launch guerilla campaign in the countryside, while he and other key leaders such as Hatta and Sjahrir allowed themselves to be taken prisoner by the Dutch. To ensure continuity of government, Sukarno sent a telegram to Sjafruddin Prawiranegara, providing him the mandate to lead an Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI), based on the unoccupied hinterlands of West Sumatera, a position he kept until Sukarno was released on June 1949. The Dutch sent Sukarno and other captured Republican leaders to captivity in Prapat, in Dutch-occupied part of North Sumatera and later to the island of Bangka

December 22Nasution declares military government for Java.UN is outraged at Dutch; Dutch attack while UN observers are at Kaliurang.19 Asian countries boycott Dutch.Dutch-chosen members of East Indonesia state government vote to condemn the “police action”.USA suspends postwar aid to the Netherlands (Marshall Plan money) that is budgeted for military use in Indonesia.

December 24UN Security Council calls for end to hostilities.

December 31 Dutch accept UN call for ceasefire in Java.

January 1949

  January 5Dutch accept UN call for ceasefire in SumatraSultan Hamengkubuwono IX of Yogya refuses Dutch offer to head new Javanese state, resigns as head of Yogya government, and gives help to Republic guerilla fighters.January 28 UN Security Council demands release of the Republican government, and independence for Indonesia by July 1, 1950. There was significant guerilla activity against the Dutch during this period, led by Nasution and Sudirman. At the height of Dutch activity in the 1940s, there were around 150,000 Dutch forces in Indonesia.

February 1949

  February 7 Resolution is introduced in United States Senate to stop all Marshall Plan aid to the Netherlands. Resolution is defeated on March 8.  

March 1949

  March 1Guerillas retake Yogya for six hours under Suharto. (Later, this event would be called the “serangan umum” or “public offensive”.)March 31 U.S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson privately tells Dutch that their Marshall Plan aid is still in jeopardy.  

April 1949

  April 6United States Senate passes resolution to stop Marshall Plan aid to the Netherlands, but only if the UN Security Council votes sanctions against the Netherlands.April 16Tan Malaka is captured and executed by a TNI commander after a Dutch contingent attacks the town where he was staying.April 22 Dutch announce that they will return the Republican government to Yogya if the guerilla war stops.
Sjarifudin Prawiranegara headed the emergency PDRI government while Sukarno, Hatta, and the rest of the regular Republican government were being held by the Dutch. He would be involved in Indonesian politics for many years to come, as part of the rebel PRRI government in 1958, and yet again as a signer of the “Petition of 50” criticizing the government in 1980.

May 1949

  Sukarno and Hatta remain in custody on Bangka.May 7“Roem-Royem” agreement: Dutch agree to restore the Republic of Indonesia government, to hold talks according to the UN Security Council resolution of January 28, and to work towards a settlement based on the Renville agreement.General Spoor, commander of the Dutch in Indonesia, resigns. He dies of a heart attack on May 25.  

June 1949

  June 24Dutch troops begin evacuating Yogya.June 29 Indonesian troops enter Yogya.  

July 1949

  July 1Jawa Pos (Djawa Post) newspaper publishes first issue in Surabaya.July 6Republican government returns to Yogya. Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX receives Sukarno and Hatta at the Kraton.July 13Power is transferred back from the emergency PDRI government under Prawiranegara to the Republican government in Yogya under Sukarno.Dutch-created states hold conference, support joining the Republic.  

August 1949

  Republic troops retake Surakarta.August 7Darul Islam movement formally breaks with the Republic of Indonesia.August 11Ceasefire on Java.August 15Ceasefire on Sumatra.Hamengkubuwono IX of Yogya coordinates handovers from Dutch to Republic.Dutch begin releasing 12,000 prisoners.August 23 Round Table conference begins in the Hague. Hatta head delegation for the Republic of Indonesia, Sultan of Pontianak heads delegation from the Dutch-created states.  

November 1949

  November 2 The Hague Agreement is the result of the Round Table Conference: “Republik Indonesia Serikat” is supposed to have the crown of the Netherlands as a symbolic head, Sukarno as President, and Hatta as Vice-President. It consists of 15 Dutch-created states plus the original Republic. Sovereigny is to be transferred by December 30. Dutch investments are protected, and the new government is responsible for the billion-dollar Netherlands Indies government debt. The Dutch keep Irian Jaya.  

December 1949

  December 19Universitas Gadjah Mada founded at Yogya.December 27Dutch formally transfer sovereignty to “Republik Indonesia Serikat” (Republic of United States of Indonesia).December 28 Sukarno is returned to Jakarta.
The Dutch finally signed their defeat at this table, preserved still in the Kraton Yogyakarta.As part of the transfer of sovereignty, Chinese residents of the new Indonesia were given a choice to accept Indonesian citizenship or maintain Chinese citizenship. The government of China, unlike Indonesia, recognized dual citizenship.Late in 1949, the PKI began a campaign to restore its public image, which had been damaged by the attempted coup in Madiun in 1948. The center of this strategy was to stop criticizing Sukarno and the new Republic and to declare the PKI as supporters of Sukarno.
Sukarno returns to Jakarta, December 1949.
Raising the Indonesian flag at Semarang, 1949.

January 1950

  January 23Dutch Capt. Westerling attempts assassination and coup in Bandung; some members of Dutch-created Pasundan government are involved.January 29 Soedirman dies.  

February 1950

  February 9Pasundan government dissolves itself.February 22 Westerling leaves Indonesia via Singapore using a forged Netherlands passport.  

March 1950

  March 9Negara Sumatra Selatan, Negara Madura, and Jawa Timur dissolve themselves into the Republic.March 13Rupiah is devalued by one-half.March 31 Garuda Airlines is founded (originally as a joint venture with KLM).  

April 1950

  April 4Sultan of Pontianak is arrested for connections with the Westerling plot. RUSI takes over West Kalimantan state.April 5Capt. Andi Aziz, formerly of KNIL, takes control of Makassar. Republic and pro-Dutch forces clash; East Indonesia government is shaken.Minahasa region separates itself from Negara Indonesia Timur and joins the Republic.April 18RUSI forces retake control of Ujung Pandang.”Benteng” program is started to support “pribumi” (native, meaning non-Chinese) businesses. Program lasts until 1957.April 25 Republic of South Maluku proclaimed at Ambon.  

May 1950

  East Indonesia/Negara Indonesia Timur agress to dissolve itself into the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1950.  

June 1950

  June 4 Gerakan Wanita Indonesia Sedar or GERWIS is founded, a leftist organization for women (later GERWANI).  

July 1950

  Republic of Indonesia troops begin putting down Republic of South Maluku. Fighting continues on Ambon and Buru until November.July 20 The Netherlands Indies armed forces (KNIL) are officially disbanded. As many as 300,000 Dutch citizens left Indonesia for the Netherlands during the early 1950s.

August 1950

  17 August New constitution; the new Republic of Indonesia is made out of the original (now expanded) Republic, Sumatra Timur and East Indonesia/Negara Indonesia Timur. There is no more RUSI. Jakarta is the capital of the Republic. The Netherlands and Indonesia remain in a theoretical constitutional union, but Indonesia is fully independent.

the end @ copyright Dr Iwan Suwandy 2011

Koleksi Peringatan Rosihan Anwar


* foto Rosihan Anwar dari ekplorasi Google

Rosihan Anwar adalah seorang putra Minangkabau berasal dari Kubang Payakumbuh Semuatera Barat(desa yang terkenal dengan mertabaknya-pen) , penulis kenal dengan saudara beliau , alm. Brigjen Pol Johnny Anwar,mantan kepala Polisi Kota Padang masa Revolusi Kemerdekaan,saat bertemu beliau Kastaf Kapala Komisariat Kepolisan -Kapekom Sumbar (saat ini WaKapolda-pen) , dan   putrinya Wendy Anwar satu sekolah di SMA Don Bosco Padang. Salah seorang keponakan Rosihan Anwar adalah Jurnalis dan presenter Metro TV yang terkenal Desi Anwar.(yang meninggal adalh Ny Zuraida Rosihan Anwar-pen)

Tahun 2009 yang lalu  , beliau  masih sempat  ditemani oleh anak dan mantunya , melakukan napak tilas Konperensi Meja Bundar(KMB) keNegeri Belanda, beliau satu-satunya masih hidup dari peserta dan wartawan Indonesia   konperesi tersebut tahun 1949.

Untuk mengenang  jasa Beliau  , penulis mengutip tulisan Redaksi Harian Merdeka , dalam majalah edisi khusus bulan Pebuari  1946 untuk memperingati  Enam Bulan Proklamasi Kemerdekaan RI  dengan judul tulisan  ” REMPAH-REMPAH SEKITAR DAPUR MERDEKA”. hal 121-122. (koleksi pribadi Penulis,ejaan sudah disesuaikan)

“Mas Rosihan menjadi motor dan pendorong bagi Redaksi. Ciptaannya untuk kemajuan teknik surat kabar, tidak kurang hebat dari ciptaannya untuk sandiwara “Maya”. Buku-buku tentang jurnalistik dan Dunia Persuratkabaran banyak dibacanya dan kini ia sedang mempraktekan apa yang ditemuinya dalam buku-buku itu.

Sebagai ahli”headline” yang suka kepada sensasi yang sehat, tidak puas jika Koran hanya memakai huruf-huruf “bodoni” dan “memphis” atau “poster bodoni”, tapi harus memakai huruf-huruf Tebal semacam “erbar” dengan “onderkop”(dibawah judul-pen) “caison” yang kursif.

Ia mempunyai kekuatan dalam sastra, tulisannyapun lain daripada yang lain. Juga saudara ini, selain mempunyai jenggot sebagai Bung Diah(Pendiri Harian Merdeka B.M.Diah-pen) dan “cambang”-nya cambang perjuangan , juga orientasinya internasional (luas).

Jiwa seninya kadang-kadang berkumandang dibelakang meja tulis dan kalau membuat keterangan-keterangan gambar, bukanlah lagi kata-kata biasa yang memancar dari jiwanya , tapi kata-kata “Sajak” yang terkenal.

 Apalagi kalau menghadapi alam, tari-serimpi, keluarlah kata-kata sebagai demikian : “Mendayu-dayu bunyi gemelan, Ayu-ayu paras rupawan, lentik-lentik jari tangan….” dan seterusnya .

Ia pandai menceritakan pengalaman-pengalamanya,sehingga sering Bung Diah dan Mas Win, menekan perut tertawa terbahak-bahak mendengarkannya. Yang lain-lain melihat ia mendongeng dengan aksentuasinya yang jitu-jitu, tinggal melongo saja…mesem-mesem , tertawa rama-ramai. (sayang beliau tidak hadir saat Hari Proklamasi Kemerdekaan 17 Agustus 1945, karena terbaring di RS karena menderita penyakit,seperti yang ditulisnya dlam majalah ini-pen).

Dongenganya tentang Surabaya, Semarang, Bandung dan lain-lain tempat lagi, yang diwaktu yang akhir-akhir ini sering dijalaninya selaku wartawan , sangat menarik. Digambarkannya semua itu dengan kata-kata yang lucu dan gembira.

Brewoknya wartawan muda ini, tak dapat dikatakan istimewa, tapi agaknya mempunyai…..”guna-guna” , karena setiap orang yang melihatnya tertarik. Tenaga langsung yang bekerja bersama-sama Engku Brewok yaitu  Mas Achmad, yang kini menjadi “Make -up Editor”, dengan teori-teori yang direncanakan oleh Engkoe Brewok sendiri.

Demikianlah kenang-kenang penulis kirim buat seluruh keluarga Besar almarhum Nyonya Zuraida Rosihan Anwar. Mohon maaf apabila kutipan tulisan tersebut diatas kurang berkenan bagi keluarga Beliau.

 Marilah kita berdoa semoga Bapak Rosihan Anwar diberikan ketabahan dan dipa njnagkan umurnya oleh Yang Mahakuasa.

Tujuan penulis adalah memberikan informasi agar bagi generasi penerus  agar  dapat mengenal beliau  lebih baik ketika  masih berumur  Muda dengan gelar “Engku Brewok.”

Selesai @hak cipta Dr iwan Suwandy,MHA 2010

 . .

The Indonesia Independent war Revenue and Postal History




                                           The sample of Dr Iwan S e-book

                             THE INDONESIAN INDEPENDENT WAR 1945-1949


                                                       CREATED BY Dr IWAN S

                  Base on his document,revenue,picture and postal history private collections

                                                Private e-book special for collectors

                                                               Jakarta 2010

                                                  @copyright Dr Iwan S 2010



After add in my old blog , the story of Indonesia Independent War Document,Revenue and Postal History, many comment and asking me to cretaed a more professional book abot this very interesting and rare subject. Many foreigner write about this memoent but only from some diffent object lika Mr Bulterman the Posatl stationer only, Mr J.Voose only revenue, and other only Prisoner of War, but in complete revenue,postal history, and picture illustrated writemin Chronologic historic collections only me, if many collectors like this book may be not only limitewd E-Book CR-Rom issued but the Hardcover book if the Publisher like to print this boook, Now please the special Indonesian indepedent War Postal history colletors,to join this auctions,regitered you nama as fast as you can because the time only in one month until august,1st.2010.greting from the writer and the blog founder.

Dr Iwan S.



Definitive Dai Nippon Sumatra still used at Padang CDS in Japanese languge Pa-Dan(padang) 20.8.17 mean read from left to right 17 ,8-month august , 20-year 1945 during Indonesia Independent Procramation day.


Dai Nippon Miltary Postcard used by civilian must added Dai nippon definitif Java stamps send from Djatinegara cds 18.8.05(1945), one day after Indonesia Independent Proclamations, jakarta dan Jatinegara still under the Dai Nippon Military administartion and postal administration.



The Indonesian one year Independence Proclamation annyversary stationer car issued ain West sumatra,this card provenace Dr iwan s 1985, Mr PR Bulterman have seen this card and his comment thta this is  the only one used card ever seen in the world (RRR), all the republican card were caught and burned by the Nica army at the Padang official printing office, but one still exist nd this card later send in 1947 from Priaman to Kajoetanam ,the NRI based area . 


The very rare only two exist in the wordl one  Mr Ricardo collections in den Haag Musuem strip two off cover, this used CDS in Japanase Character Bagan Siapi-api riouw same with Mr ricardo collection but still on piece(fragment) provenace Dr iwan suwandy 1985, specification Type writter overprint Republik Indonesia on Dai Nippon Sumatra definitif stamp 20 cent.



the very rare used off cover (original) Aceh small overprint F 1.- from in memorian Mr C hatib in the front of Pasar Baru Post Office Jakarta circa 1995. Very difficult to find the original used stamps from Aceh,especially the small overprint with bigger F (meaning new rupiah currency) in 1948.

NOTE;  many other document,revenue .pictures and postal history will illustrated with Dr Iwan s narations in the original E-Book CD-ROM, please  bid as fast as you can, because this special limited boook will add you knowledge and information about the special,amizing and extreme rare collections. p;LEASED REGISTERED YOU NAME VIA COMMENT AND AFTER THE ADMINISTRATION ok,THE PART OF E-BOOK WILL SEN TO YOU VIA YOUR E-MAIL.VIA YOUR E-MAIL STARTING FROM AUGUST 2010 UNTIL FINISH IN DECEMBER 2010 BECAUSE  TOO MUCH INFO AND THE INSTALL CANNOT FAST..YOU MUST BE PATIENT TO HAVE THIS E-BOOK, , THE SAMPLE ALSO CAN READ AT MY OLD BLOG UNIQUECOLLECTION.WORDPRESS.COM BUT NOT IN ONE E-BOOK,ONLY DIVIDED IN MANY ARTICLE UNTIL MARCH 1946,after that you must read at the e-book only,THANK YOU FOR JOIN uniquecollections memebers-.THE END @copyright Dr IWAN S 2010.