The Driwan’s  Cybermuseum


(Museum Duniamaya Dr Iwan)

Showroom :

The Driwan’s 

Indonesian Postal History  Cybermuseum


(Museum Dunia Maya Koleksi  Benda Pos bersejarah RI) 


Museum Dunia Maya Pribadi Untuk Seluruh rakyat Indonesia






      Dr Iwan s Creations  

Based on His Own Postal and Document History Collections

Limited Private Edition 100 expl 

Special For Premium Member 

       Jakarta,April. 2011




Edisi Terbatas 100 eksp

Publikasi Pribadi Khusus untuk Kolektor postal Histori

Penulis : Dr Iwan S

Editor  : Anton J.S.

Penyunting : Lily W.

Photographer : Albert SDO



@Copyright Dr Iwan S 2011





informasi ini masih banyak kekurangannya ,harap komentar dan saran perbaikan dan tambahan informasi dari seluruh kolektor didunia.’


Table Of Content


A. Chapter One :

The vienna printing stamps Repoeblik Indonesia prepare to sale in Dec.15th .1948



3.Air Mail stamps

4.Express Stamps

5.souvenir sheet 

B.chapter Two :

The vienna printing stamps Republik Indonesia prepared issuen in Dec.1st .1949

1.definitif stamp

2.Air mails


4.Resmi overprint(Official)

5.UPU and Dutch Blockadge pictorial series


(1) Perforated


(b) Sheet

6.souvenir sheet 

B.Chapter Two: The vienna Printing Stamp in 1950(RIS overprint)



3.souvenir sheet 

C.Chapter Three: The Vienna Printing Stamp Used On cover.

1. CTO Postal used Cover

2.CTO On Fragment

3. Guinine Postal Used Cover.

Book IV : The Indonesian Vienna Printing stamp Literature

1. Indonesian issued

2. abroad isssued

a. Dutch


c.Other countries

 The Indonesia Revolutionary Vienna Stamps Catalogue 1998
by Anders Backman

Postage Issues Section

The Indonesia Revolutionary Vienna Stamps Catalogue 1998 is divided into five major section, and I hope this will add to the understanding of the complicated structure of these issues.

The first issues inscribed Repoeblik Indonesia
Definitive Issue
Definitive Issue, Express
Definitive Issue, Engraved High Values
Commemorative Issue, Blockade Runners

The consecutive issues inscribed Republik Indonesia
Definitive Issue
Definitive Issue, Express
Definitive Issue, Engraved High Values
Commemorative Issue, Blockade Runners
Commemorative Issue, Universal Postal Union UPU

Commemorative overprint Merdeka Djokarta
Definitive Issue, Repoeblik
Definitive Issue, Republik
Definitive Issue, Express, Repoeblik
Definitive Issue, Express, Repoeblik
Definitive Issue, Engraved High Values, Repoeblik
Definitive Issue, Engraved High Values, Repoeblik
Commemorative Issue, Blockade Runners, Repoeblik
Commemorative Issue, Blockade Runners, Republik
Commemorative Issue, Universal Postal Union UPU

Commemorative overprint RIS
Commemorative Issue, Universal Postal Union UPU




Misteri  Benda Pos dan document  

Prangko Cetak Wina


1. The  Indonesia vienna printing  still mistery until this day,because not exist the history of  this stamps issued at Jogya Post Office in 1949-1950 . Many fact must  still mistery like :

Misteri dari prangko Indonesia  Cetak wina 1949-1950 sampai saat ini masih menjadi suatu misteri, karena sejarah tentang penerbitan prangko ini di Jogya masih belum terungkap, antara lain 

:(1)The stamps issued by whom.(prangko ini diterbitkan atas gagasan siapa)

(a) The name of Indonesia Postal Telephon Telegram(PTT) fo Jogya still didn’t knew . only the information from the introduction ,Minkus Worldwide postage stamp Catalogue 1972. “The following stamps were printed abroad during the blockage of republic of Indonesia by the Netherlands. According to the PTT of Indonesia, a great part of the documents relating to the stamps were lost during that turbulent time. The stamps inscribed REPORBLIK were prepared for sale Dec.15th,1948 and reported issued Aug.17,1949 in UNION POSTALE,UPU bullertin of August,1951.This ame bulletin listed stamps inscribed REPUBLIK and the UPU series as issued Aug.17.1949 and DEc.1.1949 reprectively.

Following establistment of United States of Indonesia,the post offices were informed by telegraph under number 19119/A4 of Feb,20.1950:”Provisionally the following stamps are valid”B”.The postage stamps of the PTT services of the Republic Of Indonesia,printed abroad with several drawings ands value probably these stamps will no more be used for prepayment by public.

Stamps mentioned under “B” were valida only for ordinary Inland or foreign postage for airmail registration,etc. had to be prepaid by other contemporary stamps mentioned in remaining parts of the telegraphed massage.The UPU comemoratives were to remain valid for prepayment [postage until the end of July,1950(August,17.1950 RIS became NKRI Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, the ordinary overprinted RIS stamps still valid until 1952,and listed on the the Tjontoh or Sample stamps list issued by the Indonesian Post Office ,found by the chief master og Bengkulu city Post officed during he work there,now in my Collections-Dr Iwan S)

 nama pejabat PTT RI yang membuat gagasan tidak diketahui, hanya ada info dari kata pengantar katalog Minkus 1972  bahwa prngko dicetak diluar negeri  selama blokade dari Republik Indoseia oleh Belanda. Karena sebagian besar dokumen yang berhubungan dengan prangko telah hilang saat masa kacau . Prangko dengan tulisan ejaan lama Repoeblik  dipersiapkan untuk dijual pada tanggal 15  bulan desember 1948 dan juga dilaporkan penerbitan tanggal 17 agustus 1949 dalam Union Postale,UPU bulletin of August,1951. Buletin yang sama  mencantumkan prangko dengan tulisan ejaan baru REPUBLIK dan seri UPU  yang diterbitkan oleh RIS, menurut informasi telegram nomor 19119/ tanggal 20 pebuari 1950.yang berbunyi Prangko ini berlaku secara local provinsi “B” Prangko dari pos dalam pelayanan PTT Republik Indonesia,ditjetak diluar negeri dengan beberapa lukisan dan nominal.Mungkin prangko ini tidak akan di pergunakan untuk prabayar bagi masyarakat.Prangko dengan kode “B” hanya berlaku untuk prangko kontenporer untuk dalam negeri atau  untuk pos udara ,registrasi dan sebagainya. untuk pra bayar dengan prangko kontemporer lainnya  sebagai bagian tersisa dari pesan telegram . Prangko UPU tetap valid untuk prangko prabayar  sampai akhir juli 1950.(Saya memiliki prangko dengan cetak tindih Tjontoh yangd iterbitkan tahun 1951,prangko cetak wina tidak tercantum dalam lembaran prangko contoh tersebut-Dr Iwan S)

(2)Who painted the stamp’s design ( siapa yang mengambar desain prangko ini,)Under the pictorial stamps ,written the name of the painter  SCROME ,please who have another name report via comment.thanks.

dibawah prangko serial lukisan pictorial ,bungkarno dan bung hatta  ada nama pelukisnya yaitu  SCHROM.sedangkan yang definitif tidak ada namanya.lihat illustrasi dibawah ini.

M 77

, sedangkan lainnya tidak ada.saya harap yang m nama lain agar melaporkannya kepada saya terim aksih sebelumnya.

(3) Are this stamp issued ,by sold in the post office and use on cover postally(Apakah Prangko ini pernah dijual diloket kantor pos jogya dan dipergunakan untuk pengiriman surat ?) Until this day I had nevers een the guinine postal used cover, only CTO Cover exist. ( sampai saat ini saya belum pernah melihat prangko cetak wina yang terkirim liwat pos, yang ada dalam bentu CTO saja.)


(1) .Information about Indonesian Vienna Printing stamp based on my several vintage Vienna Printing  Books and collections(Dr iwan Collections) and also my friend collections.

(2) My article about CTO stamp included Indonesian Vienna printing stamps in my web blog Driwancybermuseum April 2011. This article had comment by Ir MF Hartman and he asked me more info , as the premium member , this book I write special for him and I hope this information  useable for upgrade his vienna printing collections.

(a) Viena Printing stamp info from netherland collectors ABOUT THE CONTACT BETWEEN STOLOW USA WITH JOGYA POSTAL OFFICE IN 1949 in dutch language

Weense Drukken

Een vreemd intermezzo zijn de in Philadelphia, USA en Wenen, Oostenrijk gedrukte plaatjeszegels ‘Repoeblik Indonesia’ welke volgens zeggen ook in Indonesië uitkwamen, naar het schijnt vanaf 17 december 1949 – dus kort na de souvereiniteitsoverdracht – alleen op het postkantoor Djocja (Java). Die plaatjeszegels waren in de handel gebracht door postzegelhandel Stolow in New York. Ze worden ‘Weense Drukken’ genoemd. De listige heer Stolow had in 1948 in New York een postzegelcontract gesloten met Indonesische delegatieleden bij de UNO resp. de ‘ambassadeur’. Als dat zo is, dan waren die heren daartoe niet bevoegd en de Djawatan PTT wist van niets. Geen nood: in opdracht van Stolow werden in de USA en Oostenrijk ca 700 verschillende ‘Weense Drukken’ Repoeblik/Republik Indonesia zegels en blokken geproduceerd, getand en ongetand, met en zonder overdruk, en wereldwijd in de handel gebracht. Ze werden zelfs bij de Wereldpostvereniging, de UPU aangemeld. Gebruikt zijn ze voor zover ik weet, alleen bekend als maakwerk, bijvoorbeeld op brieven door Stolow aan zichzelf geschreven en niet door de reguliere post bezorgd. Ongebruikt/postfris kan men Weense Drukken nog steeds vinden in de handel, rondzending en postzegelmarkt. Mijn opinie: pure nep. Vele Indonesische verzamelaars vinden dat misschien ook maar Weense Drukken zijn sinds uitgave 1997 wel in de Prangko te vinden.

er verschenen in ‘Onder de Loupe’ van PV Haarlemmermeer. Ik heb gebruik kunnen maken van op- en aanmerkingen van Leo Vosse van Vereniging Dai Nippon waarvoor mijn dank. De tekst is echter voor mijn verantwoording.

Voor Ned.Indië postzegels geeft de NVPH catalogus informatie. Voor Repoeblik postzegels kan men terecht bij de Prangko Indonesian Stamp Catalogue en/of  de 1945-49 catalogus van de Vereniging Dai Nippon. Ook de z.g  ‘Weense Drukken’ (zie onder) zijn daarin vermeld.

translate :

Vienna Press
A strange interlude are in Philadelphia, USA and Vienna, Austria printed images stamps ‘Repo Tin Indonesia’what is said in Indonesia came out, apparently from December 17, 1949 – so soon after the transfer of sovereignty – only at the post office Djocja (Java). These pictures were stamps marketed by Stolowe stamp dealer in New York. They are “Viennese Press’ mentioned. The wily Mr. Stolowe was in 1948 in New York stamp a contract with Indonesian delegation to the UN respectively. the ambassador.

If so, then those gentlemen were not empowered and Djawatan PTT had no idea. No problem: Stolowe were commissioned by the USA and Austria about 700 different ‘Viennese Press’ Repo Tin / Republik Indonesia stamps and blocks produced toothed and toothless, with and without pressure, and marketed worldwide.

They were even at the Universal Postal Union, UPU notified. They are used as far as I know, only known as frame-up, such as letters written by Stolow to itself and not by regular post. Unused / mint Vienna Printing can still find in the retail, broadcast and stamp market.

 My opinion: pure fake. Many Indonesian collectors may find that even Viennese Press since 1997 edition or in the Prangko way.has appeared in “Under the Loupe” PV Haarlemmermeer.

I have to make use of and comments by Leo Vosse Association of Dai Nippon Thank you. The text is however my responsibility.

For Ned.Indië NVPH stamps, the catalog information. Look for Repo stamps can be obtained from the Indonesian Prangko Stamp Catalogue and / or the 1945-49 catalog of the Association of Dai Nippon. The so-called “Viennese Press (see below), it states


 another info of staaddruckrei wien where the vienana stamp were printing

(1) From Catalogue

(a)Non issued stamps,Vienna issues, inscription: ‘REPOEBLIK INDONESIA’ or ‘REPUBLIK INDONESIA’ and ‘staatsdruckerei Wien’ in small letters at the bottom of the stamp.


(b) TMA stamps Catalogue 1996 and 2009

All type Pictorial , UPU and Blokadge series  ,Numeric porto,Resmi overprint , Merdeka Jarta ,merdeka Jogya, RIS 27 Dec,1949,Ris Merdeka ,Ris Jakarta perforated and unperforated, many types ood sheets. When I asked to the owner ofTMA stamp Yudi,he told me the unperforated with more thich paper never found in Indonesia only in USA Phillatelic museumj only. You can buy the cataloue US $45.- added the postal cost to send.

(c) Indonesia Vienna Printing Stamps Catalogue


A series of stamps printed in Vienna and Philadelphia (high values only) were issued in support of the local

Revolutionary Government. The “Vienna” issues are listed in several catalogues, but not Scott’s. Not all

catalogues include the same material or every variety. This is an effort to produce a simple list of the major

varieties. We also offer the Specialized Catalog published by the Dai Nippon Society.


Collectors can be confused by the sheer volume of different stamps from this period. When sorting

stamps, the two different spellings, “Repoeblik” and “Republik”, are frequently overlooked. The best way to

understand the stamp issues is to consider them in general series as follows:

(1) The “Repoeblik” issues…..Definitives, Airs, Special Delivery, Air Special Delivery, Official and

Blockade Definitive and Airmail issues.

(2) The “Republik” Issues…..The same stamp types with the new spelling. The Blockade issues

are a new design with Souvenir Sheets, perf and imperf.

(3) The “6 Djuli 1949” Overprints…..”Repoeblik” and “Republik” issues (not all of the values) with

this special Independence overprint.

(4) The UPU issue of 4 values and a Souvenir Sheet. The stamps are issued perf and imperf,

watermarked and no watermark; the S/S are watermarked perf and imperf. Unwatermarked S/S are

proofs. These stamps were all issued plain and with three different overprints: “RIS” , “RIS

Merdeka” and “RIS Djakarta”. To simplify our listings, we have given each ovpt/perf/wtmk type a

unique suffix.

(5) Last, the Postage Dues series in each of the three styles: i.e., Repoeblik, Republik and “6 Djuli

1949” overprints.

Many issues exist with some values in single stamp small proofs or mini-sheets, originally stapled into

booklets, so most have staple holes. Some strips of stamps were stapled into booklets. They also exist

overprinted “Republik/Indonesia Serikat/27 Des. ‘49”, “Ris”, “Ris/Merdeka” or “Ris Djakarta”. Imperf proofs

and proofs on card, a few signed in pencil, also exist in issued colors and/or trial colors.

We use the basic Indonesian Prangko Catalog numbers on this list. We have also included the Michel

Catalog numbers, where they exist. While we list all major varieties, we made no attempt to list the many

proofs, errors, perf varieties or other specialized material.

These stamps also exist on covers. Philatelic covers abound on a variety of envelopes and there is a list of

cities and dates for the authorized philatelic covers (as opposed to unauthorized). Many covers exist

addressed to J. & H. Stolow (responsible for the printing of these issues). The really tough covers are those

which were actually used to carry mail.



on this list are our best estimate of market values and are the basis for prices we use on our own

Price Lists.




Indonesia Vienna Issues Catalog Alexander’s Trading Co- PO Box 665 Parkton, MD 21120




First Repoeblik


Michel 1-24

1 1 sen


2 2 sen .30

3 2 ½ sen .30

4 3 sen ……30

5 3 ½ sen..30

6 4 sen ……30

7 5 sen ……30

8 7 ½ sen..30

9 10 sen…..30

10 15 sen…..40

11 17 ½ sen..30

12 20 sen…..30

13 30 sen…..30

14 35 sen…..30

15 40 sen…..30

16 50 sen…..30

17 60 sen…..40

18 80 sen…..40

19 1R . ..40

20 2R . ..40

21 2.50 R. . …40

22 5R . .4.00

23 10R. …..6.00

24 25R . …..8.00

1-24 SET (24)…………22.00

Repoeblik Airs

“ Pos Udara”

Michel 27-39

25 10 sen…..50

26 20 sen…..50

27 30 sen…..50

28 40 sen…..50

29 50 sen…..50

30 75 sen…..50

31 1R . .1.00

32 1.50R . . ..1.50

33 4.50R . . ..1.50

34 5R . .4.00

35 7.50R . . ..2.50

36 10R. …..6.00

37 25R. …..8.00

25-37 SET (13)……….27.50

Repoeblik Special


Michel 25-26

38 10 sen…..30

39 15 sen…..30

38-9 SET (2)………………..50

Repoeblic Air Special Del

Michel 40

40 40 sen….1.00

Repoeblik Official

“Resmi” Overprint

Michel Dienst 1-3

41 2 sen ……40

42 5 sen ……40

43 10 sen…..40

44 15 sen…..40

45 30 sen…..75

46 50 sen…..75

41-46 SET (6)…………..3.00

Repoeblik Official Airmail

Michel Dienst 7-10

47 10 sen……………………..


48 30 sen……………………..


49 50 sen……………………..


50 1R. …………………..3.00

47-50 SET (4)……………7.50

Repoeblik Blockade


Michel 41-5

51 10 sen….1.50

52 15 sen….1.50

53 25 sen….1.50

54 60 sen….4.00

55 1R . .10.00

51-55 SET (5)…………18.50

Repoeblik Blockade Airs

Michel 46-50

56 30 sen….3.00

57 50 sen….3.00

58 1R . .3.00

59 2.50R . . ..8.00

60 4.50R . . ..13.00

56-60 SET (5)…………30.00

51-60 SET (10)……….48.50



Republik Definitives

Michel 51-74

61 1 sen ……30

62 2 sen ……30

63 2 ½ sen..30

64 3 sen ……30

65 3 ½ sen..30

66 4 sen ……30

67 5 sen ……30

68 7 ½ sen..30

69 10 sen…..30

70 15 sen…..40

71 17 ½ sen..30

72 20 sen…..40

73 30 sen…..40

74 35 sen…..40

75 40 sen…..40

76 50 sen…..40

77 60 sen…..50

78 80 sen…..50

79 1R . ..50

80 2R . ..50

81 2.50R . . …50

82 5R . .8.00

83 10R. …..6.00

84 25R. …..8.00

61-84 SET (24)……….25.00

Republik Airs “Pos


Michel 77-89

85 10 sen…..80

86 20 sen…..80

87 30 sen…..80

88 40 sen….1.25

89 50 sen….1.75

90 75 sen….1.75

91 1R . .1.75

92 1.50R . . ..2.00

93 4.50R . . ..3.00

94 5R . .4.00

95 7.50R . . ..4.00

96 10R. …..6.00

97 25R. …..8.00

85-97 SET (13)……….35.00

Republik Special Delivery

Michel 75-76

98 10 sen…..30

99 15 sen…..30

98-99 SET (2)………………60

Republic Air Special Del

Michel 40

100 40 sen.1.00

Republik Official

“ Resmi” Ovpt

Michel Dienst 18-23



Indonesia Vienna Issues Catalog Alexander’s Trading Co- PO Box 665 Parkton, MD 21120


101 2 sen…..30

102 5 sen…..30

103 10 sen..30

104 15 sen.1.00

105 30 sen.1.00

106 50sen.1.00

101-106 SET (6)……….3.50

Republik Official Airmail

Michel Dienst 24-27

107 .10 sen……………..1.50

108 30 sen……………..1.50

109 50 sen……………..1.50

110 .1R…………………..4.00

107-110 SET (4)……….8.50

Republik Blockade


Michel 91-95

111 .10 sen……………..1.00

112 15 sen……………..1.00

113 .25 sen……………..1.50

114 .60 sen……………..2.00

115 .1R…………………..5.00

111-115 SET (5)………10.50

Republik Blockade Airs

Michel 96-100

116 30 sen……………..2.00

117 .50 sen……………..2.00

118 1R…………………..2.00

119 2.50R……………………..


120 4.50R……………………..


116-120 SET (5)……..12.00

111-120 SET (10)……22.50

Republik Blockade S/S

Each exist perf/imperf

SS-1 .10/15/25/60 sen

Perf. . …………………60.00

SS-2 10/15/25/60 sen


SS-3. 30/50sen/1R/2R

Perf. . …………………40.00

SS-4. 30/50sen/1R/2R


SS-5. 1R/4.50R Perf

. ……………………50.00

SS-6 1R/4.50R Imperf

. ……………………70.00




6 Djuli 1949

Type 1-Last Line 14 mm

Type 2-Last Line 13mm

Repoeblik Definitives

Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel 101-21

121 1 sen…..40

122 2 sen…..80

123 2 ½ sen..30

124 3 sen…..30

125 3 ½ sen..30

126 4 sen…..30

127 5 sen…..30

128 7 ½ sen..30

129 10 sen..30

130 15 sen.1.50

131 17 ½ sen.1.50

132 20 sen.1.25

133 30 sen.4.00

134 35 sen.5.00

135 40 sen.1.00

136 50 sen.5.00

137 60 sen.7.50

138 80 sen.2.00

139 1R. …..4.00

140 2R. .1.00

141 2.50R.7.50

121-141 SET (21)……44.00

Repoeblik Airs

Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel 124-33

142 10 sen..40

143 20 sen..40

144 30 sen..40

145 40 sen.12.00

146 50 sen..80

147 75 sen..80

148 1R. …………1.50

149 1.50R.1.50

150 4.50R.3.50

151 7.50R.16.00

142-151 SET (10)……36.00

Repoeblik Spec Delivery

Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel 122-23

152 10 sen..40

153 15 sen..40

152-153 SET (2)………….70

Repoeblik Air Spec


Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel 134

154 40 sen..60

Repoeblik Official

Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel Dienst 28-33

155 2 sen……….1.00

156 5 sen……….2.00

157 10 sen.2.00

158 15 sen.2.00

159 30 sen.4.00

160 50 sen.4.00

155-60 SET (6)……….15.00

Repoeblik Official Air

Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel Dienst 34-37

161 10 sen.1.25

162 30 sen.3.00

163 50 sen.3.00

164 1R. …..2.50

161-164 SET (4)……….9.50

Republik Definitives

Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel 135-55

165 1 sen…..40

166 2 sen….1.00

167 2 ½ sen..40

168 3 sen…..40

169 3 ½ sen..40

170 4 sen…..40

171 5 sen…..40

172 7 ½ sen..40

173 10 sen.1.00

174 15 sen.1.75

175 17 ½ sen.1.75

176 20 sen.3.00

177 30 sen.3.00

178 35 sen.3.00

179 40 sen.3.00

180 50 sen.5.50

181 60 sen.5.50

182 80 sen.5.50

183 1R. …..3.00

184 2R. …..3.00

185 2.50R.3.00

165-185 SET (21)……45.00

Republik Airs

Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel 158-67

186 10 sen..40

187 20 sen.1.75

188 30 sen..60

189 40 sen.1.50

190 50 sen..60

191 75 sen..60

192 1R. …..2.00

193 1.50R.2.60



Indonesia Vienna Issues Catalog Alexander’s Trading Co- PO Box 665 Parkton, MD 21120


194 4.50R.3.00

195 7.50R.3.50

186-195 SET (10)……16.00

Republik Spec Del Ovpt

“6 Djuli 1949”

Michel 156-57

196 10 sen..40

197 15 sen..80

196-197 SET (2)……….1.20

Djuli 1949 Republik Air

Spec Del Ovpt “6”

Michel 168

198 40 sen.6.00

Republik Official

Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel Unlisted

199 2 sen….1.25

200 5 sen…..60

201 10 sen..60

202 15 sen.1.25

203 30 sen.3.00

204 50 sen.4.00

199-204 SET (6)……..10.70

Republik Official Air

Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel Unlisted

205 10 sen.2.50

206 30 sen.1.50

207 50 sen.1.50

208 1R. …..4.00

205-208 SET (4)……….9.50

Republik Blockade


Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel 174-78

209 10 sen..75

210 15 sen..75

211 25 sen.3.00

212 60 sen.3.00

213 1R. …..6.00

209-213 SET (5)……..13.50

Republik Blockade Airs

Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel 174-78

214 30 sen.5.00

215 50 sen.5.00

216 1R. …..5.00

217 2.50R.6.00

218 4.50R.10.00

214-218 SET (5)……..31.00

209-218 SET (10)……43.50

Republik Blockade

Souvenir Sheets Ovpt “6

Djuli 1949”

Exist Perf and Imperf

SS-7. 10/15/25/60 sen

Perf. . ……………….525.00

SS-8 10/15/25/60 sen


SS-9 30/50 sen/1R/2R

Perf. . …………………60.00

SS-10 . 30/50 sen/1R/2R


SS-11 . 1R/4.50R Perf

. ……………………70.00

SS-12 . 1R/4.50R Imperf

. ……………………70.00


To clearly identify wtmk/

perf/imperf varieties, we

use a letter after the


No Overprint:

A = No Ovpt, Perf,


B = No Ovpt, Perf,


C = No Ovpt, Imperf,


D = No Ovpt, Imperf, Wtmk

RIS Overprint:

E = RIS, Perf,


F = RIS, Perf, Watermarked

G = RIS, Imperf, Unwtmk

H = RIS, Imperf, Wtmk


J = MERDEKA, Perf,


K = MERDEKA, Perf Wtmk

L = MERDEKA, Imperf,


M = MERDEKA, Imperf,





P = DJAKARTA, Perf, Wtmk

Q = DJAKARTA, Imperf,


R = DJAKARTA, Imperf,



Perf/Unwtmk (A)

Michel 179-82

219 A 10 sen..75

220 A 20 sen..75

221 A 50 sen..75

222 A 1R ……75

SET A …………………….3.00

Perf/Wtmk (B)

Michel 183-86

219 B 10 sen..75

220 B 20 sen..75

221 B 50 sen..75

222 B 1R ……75

SET B …………………….3.00

Imperf/Unwtmk (C)

Michel 179-82

219 C 10 sen.1.25

220 C 20 sen.1.25

221 C 50 sen.1.25

222 C 1R …..1.25

SET C . …………………..5.00

Imperf/Wtmk (D)

Michel 183-86

219 D 10 sen.1.25

220 D 20 sen.1.25

221 D 50 sen.1.25

222 D 1R …..1.25

SET D . …………………..5.00

Souvenir Sheet

No Overprint Wtmk

Michel BL1

SS-13 . Perf……………15.00

SS-14. Imperf…………15.00


RIS Ovpt/Perf/Unwtmk (E)

Michel 187-90

219 E 10 sen.3.00

220 E 20 sen.3.00

221 E 50 sen.3.00

222 E 1R …..3.00

SET E …………………..12.00

RIS Ovpt/Perf/Wtmk (F)

Michel 191-94

219 F 10 sen.3.00

220 F 20 sen.3.00

221 F 50 sen.3.00

222 F 1R …..3.00

SET F …………………..12.00

RIS Ovpt/Imp/Unwtmk (G)

Michel 187-90

219 G 10 sen.5.00

220 G 20 sen.5.00

221 G 50 sen.3.00

222 G 1R …..5.00

SET G RIS/Imp/Unwtmk…..


RIS Ovpt/Imperf/Wtmk (H)

Michel 191-94

219 H 10 sen.5.00

220 H 20 sen.5.00

221 H 50 sen.3.00

222 H 1R …..5.00

SET H …………………..18.00

Souvenir Sheet

RIS Overprint Wtmk



Indonesia Vienna Issues Catalog Alexander’s Trading Co- PO Box 665 Parkton, MD 21120


Michel BL2

SS-15 .Perf……………………..


SS-16 .Imperf………….15.00



Merdeka Perf/Unwtmk (J)

Michel 195-9

219 J 10 sen.3.00

220 J 20 sen.3.00

221 J 50 sen.3.00

222 J 1R …..3.00

SET J …………………..12.00

Merdeka Perf/Wtmk (K)

Michel 199-202

219 K 10 sen.3.00

220 K 20 sen.3.00

221 K 50 sen.3.00

222 K 1R …..3.00

SET K …………………..12.00

Merdeka Imp/Unwtmk (L)

Michel 195-98

219 L 10 sen.3.00

220 L 20 sen.3.00

221 L 50 sen.3.00

222 L 1R …..3.00

SET L …………………..12.00

Merdeka Imp/Wtmk (M)

Michel 199-202

219 M 10 sen.10.00

220 M 20 sen.10.00

221 M 50 sen.3.00

222 M 1R . . ..3.00

SET M . …………………26.00

Souvenir Sheet

Merdeka Ovpt Wtmk

Michel BL3

SS-17. Perf……………………..


SS-18. Imperf………….15.00


Djakarta /Perf/Unwtmk (N)

Michel 203-6

219 N 10 sen.3.00

220 N 20 sen.3.00

221 N 50 sen.3.00

222 N 1R ………..3.00

SET N …………………..12.00

Djakarta Perf/Wtmk (P)

Michel 207-10

219 P 10 sen.3.00

220 P 20 sen.3.00

221 P 50 sen.5.00

222 P 1R ………..5.00

SET P …………………..16.00


Ovpt/Imp/Unwtmk (Q)

Michel 203-6

219 Q 10 sen.3.00

220 Q 20 sen.3.00

221 Q 50 sen.5.00

222 Q 1R ………..5.00

SET Q …………………..16.00

Djakarta Imperf/Wtmk (R)

Michel 207-10

219 R 10 sen.15.00

220 R 20 sen.10.00

221 R 50 sen.10.00

222 R 1R ………10.00

SET R …………………..45.00

Souvenir Sheet

Djakarta Ovpt Wtmk

Michel BL4





Repoeblik Post Due

Michel 1-13

25 sen thru 1R stamps

larger size

1 1 sen ……30

2 2 ½ sen..30

3 3 ½ sen..30

4 5 sen ……30

5 7 ½ sen..30

6 10 sen…..30

7 20 sen….1.00

8 25 sen……………………..


9 30 sen……………………..


10 40 sen……………………..


11 50 sen……………………..


12 75 sen……………………..


13 1R. …………………..3.00

1-13 SET (13)………….15.00

Republik Post Due

Michel Unlisted

14 1 sen …..20.00

15 2 ½ sen.20.00

16 3 ½ sen.20.00

17 5 sen …..20.00

18 7 ½ sen.20.00

19 10 sen….20.00

20 20 sen….20.00

21 25 sen….25.00

22 30 sen….25.00

23 40 sen….25.00

24 50 sen….25.00

25 75 sen….25.00

26 1R . .30.00

14-26 SET (13)……..295.00

Repoeblik Post Due

Ovpt “9 Djuli 1949”

Michel 14-26

27 1 sen ……80

28 2 ½ sen..80

29 3 ½ sen..40

30 5 sen ……40

31 7 ½ sen..80

32 10 sen…..40

33 20 sen….8.00

34 25 sen….4.00

35 30 sen….15.00

36 40 sen….15.00

37 50 sen….4.00

38 75 sen….15.00

39 1R . .15.00

27-39 SET (13)……….79.00


Stamps of the Netherlands

Indies and Indonesia were

overprinted by the firm of

Julius Stolow as per an

agreement with Indonesian

Ambassador Sumitro in


dated December 23, 1948.

Overprints are either 5 or 8

lines and were applied at

Melbourne, Djakarta and

New York.

5 Line Overprint

Repoeblic Indonesia

Two Days of Infamy

7 Dec. 1941 – Pearl Harbor

18 Dec. 1948 – Jogkarta

8 Line Overprint



Two Days

of Infamy

7 Dec. 1941 –

Pearl Harbor

18 Dec. 1948

– Jogkarta









Indonesia Vienna Issues Catalog Alexander’s Trading Co- PO Box 665 Parkton, MD 21120




Published by Dai Nippon, these soft cover reference books are essential for collectors

of these Indonesian stamps.




Hot off the presses…

arrived here in January,

2004……the long

anticipated Vienna &

Philadelphia Prints FULL

COLOR catalog. Starts

with documentation about

these issues and goes on

to list the stamps with

mint and used prices,

known proofs, and loads

more. 290 Pages.

Includes the South

Moluccas and Permesta


An absolutely necessary








This is the

indispensable reference

for collectors of the

Japanese Occupation

issues. Soft cover, 270

pages, with tons of

explanatory info and

color pictures

throughout, includes

lists of Post Offices

and their Japanese

characters. Values in

Euros. Latest Edition.

NET……… $50.00







H. Ramkema’s terrific

catalog, in Dutch and

English, with lots of

explanations and

illustrations (275

pages), is THE most

popular source for

Revenue stamp

identification and




A series of stamps printed in Vienna and Philadelphia (high values only) were issued in support of the local

Revolutionary Government. The “Vienna” issues are listed in several catalogues, but not Scott’s. Not all

catalogues include the same material or every variety. This is an effort to produce a simple list of the major

varieties. We also offer the Specialized Catalog published by the Dai Nippon Society.


Collectors can be confused by the sheer volume of different stamps from this period. When sorting

stamps, the two different spellings, “Repoeblik” and “Republik”, are frequently overlooked. The best way to

understand the stamp issues is to consider them in general series as follows:

(1) The “Repoeblik” issues…..Definitives, Airs, Special Delivery, Air Special Delivery, Official and

Blockade Definitive and Airmail issues.

(2) The “Republik” Issues…..The same stamp types with the new spelling. The Blockade issues

are a new design with Souvenir Sheets, perf and imperf.

(3) The “6 Djuli 1949” Overprints…..”Repoeblik” and “Republik” issues (not all of the values) with

this special Independence overprint.

(4) The UPU issue of 4 values and a Souvenir Sheet. The stamps are issued perf and imperf,

watermarked and no watermark; the S/S are watermarked perf and imperf. Unwatermarked S/S are

proofs. These stamps were all issued plain and with three different overprints: “RIS” , “RIS

Merdeka” and “RIS Djakarta”. To simplify our listings, we have given each ovpt/perf/wtmk type a

unique suffix.

(5) Last, the Postage Dues series in each of the three styles: i.e., Repoeblik, Republik and “6 Djuli

1949” overprints.

Many issues exist with some values in single stamp small proofs or mini-sheets, originally stapled into

booklets, so most have staple holes. Some strips of stamps were stapled into booklets. They also exist

overprinted “Republik/Indonesia Serikat/27 Des. ‘49”, “Ris”, “Ris/Merdeka” or “Ris Djakarta”. Imperf proofs

and proofs on card, a few signed in pencil, also exist in issued colors and/or trial colors.

We use the basic Indonesian Prangko Catalog numbers on this list. We have also included the Michel

Catalog numbers, where they exist. While we list all major varieties, we made no attempt to list the many

proofs, errors, perf varieties or other specialized material.

These stamps also exist on covers. Philatelic covers abound on a variety of envelopes and there is a list of

cities and dates for the authorized philatelic covers (as opposed to unauthorized). Many covers exist

addressed to J. & H. Stolow (responsible for the printing of these issues). The really tough covers are those

which were actually used to carry mail.



on this list are our best estimate of market values and are the basis for prices we use on our own

Price Lists.




Indonesia Vienna Issues Catalog Alexander’s Trading Co- PO Box 665 Parkton, MD 21120




First Repoeblik


Michel 1-24

1 1 sen


2 2 sen .30

3 2 ½ sen .30

4 3 sen ……30

5 3 ½ sen..30

6 4 sen ……30

7 5 sen ……30

8 7 ½ sen..30

9 10 sen…..30

10 15 sen…..40

11 17 ½ sen..30

12 20 sen…..30

13 30 sen…..30

14 35 sen…..30

15 40 sen…..30

16 50 sen…..30

17 60 sen…..40

18 80 sen…..40

19 1R . ..40

20 2R . ..40

21 2.50 R. . …40

22 5R . .4.00

23 10R. …..6.00

24 25R . …..8.00

1-24 SET (24)…………22.00

Repoeblik Airs

“ Pos Udara”

Michel 27-39

25 10 sen…..50

26 20 sen…..50

27 30 sen…..50

28 40 sen…..50

29 50 sen…..50

30 75 sen…..50

31 1R . .1.00

32 1.50R . . ..1.50

33 4.50R . . ..1.50

34 5R . .4.00

35 7.50R . . ..2.50

36 10R. …..6.00

37 25R. …..8.00

25-37 SET (13)……….27.50

Repoeblik Special


Michel 25-26

38 10 sen…..30

39 15 sen…..30

38-9 SET (2)………………..50

Repoeblic Air Special Del

Michel 40

40 40 sen….1.00

Repoeblik Official

“Resmi” Overprint

Michel Dienst 1-3

41 2 sen ……40

42 5 sen ……40

43 10 sen…..40

44 15 sen…..40

45 30 sen…..75

46 50 sen…..75

41-46 SET (6)…………..3.00

Repoeblik Official Airmail

Michel Dienst 7-10

47 10 sen……………………..


48 30 sen……………………..


49 50 sen……………………..


50 1R. …………………..3.00

47-50 SET (4)……………7.50

Repoeblik Blockade


Michel 41-5

51 10 sen….1.50

52 15 sen….1.50

53 25 sen….1.50

54 60 sen….4.00

55 1R . .10.00

51-55 SET (5)…………18.50

Repoeblik Blockade Airs

Michel 46-50

56 30 sen….3.00

57 50 sen….3.00

58 1R . .3.00

59 2.50R . . ..8.00

60 4.50R . . ..13.00

56-60 SET (5)…………30.00

51-60 SET (10)……….48.50



Republik Definitives

Michel 51-74

61 1 sen ……30

62 2 sen ……30

63 2 ½ sen..30

64 3 sen ……30

65 3 ½ sen..30

66 4 sen ……30

67 5 sen ……30

68 7 ½ sen..30

69 10 sen…..30

70 15 sen…..40

71 17 ½ sen..30

72 20 sen…..40

73 30 sen…..40

74 35 sen…..40

75 40 sen…..40

76 50 sen…..40

77 60 sen…..50

78 80 sen…..50

79 1R . ..50

80 2R . ..50

81 2.50R . . …50

82 5R . .8.00

83 10R. …..6.00

84 25R. …..8.00

61-84 SET (24)……….25.00

Republik Airs “Pos


Michel 77-89

85 10 sen…..80

86 20 sen…..80

87 30 sen…..80

88 40 sen….1.25

89 50 sen….1.75

90 75 sen….1.75

91 1R . .1.75

92 1.50R . . ..2.00

93 4.50R . . ..3.00

94 5R . .4.00

95 7.50R . . ..4.00

96 10R. …..6.00

97 25R. …..8.00

85-97 SET (13)……….35.00

Republik Special Delivery

Michel 75-76

98 10 sen…..30

99 15 sen…..30

98-99 SET (2)………………60

Republic Air Special Del

Michel 40

100 40 sen.1.00

Republik Official

“ Resmi” Ovpt

Michel Dienst 18-23



Indonesia Vienna Issues Catalog Alexander’s Trading Co- PO Box 665 Parkton, MD 21120


101 2 sen…..30

102 5 sen…..30

103 10 sen..30

104 15 sen.1.00

105 30 sen.1.00

106 50sen.1.00

101-106 SET (6)……….3.50

Republik Official Airmail

Michel Dienst 24-27

107 .10 sen……………..1.50

108 30 sen……………..1.50

109 50 sen……………..1.50

110 .1R…………………..4.00

107-110 SET (4)……….8.50

Republik Blockade


Michel 91-95

111 .10 sen……………..1.00

112 15 sen……………..1.00

113 .25 sen……………..1.50

114 .60 sen……………..2.00

115 .1R…………………..5.00

111-115 SET (5)………10.50

Republik Blockade Airs

Michel 96-100

116 30 sen……………..2.00

117 .50 sen……………..2.00

118 1R…………………..2.00

119 2.50R……………………..


120 4.50R……………………..


116-120 SET (5)……..12.00

111-120 SET (10)……22.50

Republik Blockade S/S

Each exist perf/imperf

SS-1 .10/15/25/60 sen

Perf. . …………………60.00

SS-2 10/15/25/60 sen


SS-3. 30/50sen/1R/2R

Perf. . …………………40.00

SS-4. 30/50sen/1R/2R


SS-5. 1R/4.50R Perf

. ……………………50.00

SS-6 1R/4.50R Imperf

. ……………………70.00




6 Djuli 1949

Type 1-Last Line 14 mm

Type 2-Last Line 13mm

Repoeblik Definitives

Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel 101-21

121 1 sen…..40

122 2 sen…..80

123 2 ½ sen..30

124 3 sen…..30

125 3 ½ sen..30

126 4 sen…..30

127 5 sen…..30

128 7 ½ sen..30

129 10 sen..30

130 15 sen.1.50

131 17 ½ sen.1.50

132 20 sen.1.25

133 30 sen.4.00

134 35 sen.5.00

135 40 sen.1.00

136 50 sen.5.00

137 60 sen.7.50

138 80 sen.2.00

139 1R. …..4.00

140 2R. .1.00

141 2.50R.7.50

121-141 SET (21)……44.00

Repoeblik Airs

Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel 124-33

142 10 sen..40

143 20 sen..40

144 30 sen..40

145 40 sen.12.00

146 50 sen..80

147 75 sen..80

148 1R. …………1.50

149 1.50R.1.50

150 4.50R.3.50

151 7.50R.16.00

142-151 SET (10)……36.00

Repoeblik Spec Delivery

Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel 122-23

152 10 sen..40

153 15 sen..40

152-153 SET (2)………….70

Repoeblik Air Spec


Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel 134

154 40 sen..60

Repoeblik Official

Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel Dienst 28-33

155 2 sen……….1.00

156 5 sen……….2.00

157 10 sen.2.00

158 15 sen.2.00

159 30 sen.4.00

160 50 sen.4.00

155-60 SET (6)……….15.00

Repoeblik Official Air

Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel Dienst 34-37

161 10 sen.1.25

162 30 sen.3.00

163 50 sen.3.00

164 1R. …..2.50

161-164 SET (4)……….9.50

Republik Definitives

Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel 135-55

165 1 sen…..40

166 2 sen….1.00

167 2 ½ sen..40

168 3 sen…..40

169 3 ½ sen..40

170 4 sen…..40

171 5 sen…..40

172 7 ½ sen..40

173 10 sen.1.00

174 15 sen.1.75

175 17 ½ sen.1.75

176 20 sen.3.00

177 30 sen.3.00

178 35 sen.3.00

179 40 sen.3.00

180 50 sen.5.50

181 60 sen.5.50

182 80 sen.5.50

183 1R. …..3.00

184 2R. …..3.00

185 2.50R.3.00

165-185 SET (21)……45.00

Republik Airs

Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel 158-67

186 10 sen..40

187 20 sen.1.75

188 30 sen..60

189 40 sen.1.50

190 50 sen..60

191 75 sen..60

192 1R. …..2.00

193 1.50R.2.60



Indonesia Vienna Issues Catalog Alexander’s Trading Co- PO Box 665 Parkton, MD 21120


194 4.50R.3.00

195 7.50R.3.50

186-195 SET (10)……16.00

Republik Spec Del Ovpt

“6 Djuli 1949”

Michel 156-57

196 10 sen..40

197 15 sen..80

196-197 SET (2)……….1.20

Djuli 1949 Republik Air

Spec Del Ovpt “6”

Michel 168

198 40 sen.6.00

Republik Official

Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel Unlisted

199 2 sen….1.25

200 5 sen…..60

201 10 sen..60

202 15 sen.1.25

203 30 sen.3.00

204 50 sen.4.00

199-204 SET (6)……..10.70

Republik Official Air

Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel Unlisted

205 10 sen.2.50

206 30 sen.1.50

207 50 sen.1.50

208 1R. …..4.00

205-208 SET (4)……….9.50

Republik Blockade


Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel 174-78

209 10 sen..75

210 15 sen..75

211 25 sen.3.00

212 60 sen.3.00

213 1R. …..6.00

209-213 SET (5)……..13.50

Republik Blockade Airs

Ovpt “6 Djuli 1949”

Michel 174-78

214 30 sen.5.00

215 50 sen.5.00

216 1R. …..5.00

217 2.50R.6.00

218 4.50R.10.00

214-218 SET (5)……..31.00

209-218 SET (10)……43.50

Republik Blockade

Souvenir Sheets Ovpt “6

Djuli 1949”

Exist Perf and Imperf

SS-7. 10/15/25/60 sen

Perf. . ……………….525.00

SS-8 10/15/25/60 sen


SS-9 30/50 sen/1R/2R

Perf. . …………………60.00

SS-10 . 30/50 sen/1R/2R


SS-11 . 1R/4.50R Perf

. ……………………70.00

SS-12 . 1R/4.50R Imperf

. ……………………70.00


To clearly identify wtmk/

perf/imperf varieties, we

use a letter after the


No Overprint:

A = No Ovpt, Perf,


B = No Ovpt, Perf,


C = No Ovpt, Imperf,


D = No Ovpt, Imperf, Wtmk

RIS Overprint:

E = RIS, Perf,


F = RIS, Perf, Watermarked

G = RIS, Imperf, Unwtmk

H = RIS, Imperf, Wtmk


J = MERDEKA, Perf,


K = MERDEKA, Perf Wtmk

L = MERDEKA, Imperf,


M = MERDEKA, Imperf,





P = DJAKARTA, Perf, Wtmk

Q = DJAKARTA, Imperf,


R = DJAKARTA, Imperf,



Perf/Unwtmk (A)

Michel 179-82

219 A 10 sen..75

220 A 20 sen..75

221 A 50 sen..75

222 A 1R ……75

SET A …………………….3.00

Perf/Wtmk (B)

Michel 183-86

219 B 10 sen..75

220 B 20 sen..75

221 B 50 sen..75

222 B 1R ……75

SET B …………………….3.00

Imperf/Unwtmk (C)

Michel 179-82

219 C 10 sen.1.25

220 C 20 sen.1.25

221 C 50 sen.1.25

222 C 1R …..1.25

SET C . …………………..5.00

Imperf/Wtmk (D)

Michel 183-86

219 D 10 sen.1.25

220 D 20 sen.1.25

221 D 50 sen.1.25

222 D 1R …..1.25

SET D . …………………..5.00

Souvenir Sheet

No Overprint Wtmk

Michel BL1

SS-13 . Perf……………15.00

SS-14. Imperf…………15.00


RIS Ovpt/Perf/Unwtmk (E)

Michel 187-90

219 E 10 sen.3.00

220 E 20 sen.3.00

221 E 50 sen.3.00

222 E 1R …..3.00

SET E …………………..12.00

RIS Ovpt/Perf/Wtmk (F)

Michel 191-94

219 F 10 sen.3.00

220 F 20 sen.3.00

221 F 50 sen.3.00

222 F 1R …..3.00

SET F …………………..12.00

RIS Ovpt/Imp/Unwtmk (G)

Michel 187-90

219 G 10 sen.5.00

220 G 20 sen.5.00

221 G 50 sen.3.00

222 G 1R …..5.00

SET G RIS/Imp/Unwtmk…..


RIS Ovpt/Imperf/Wtmk (H)

Michel 191-94

219 H 10 sen.5.00

220 H 20 sen.5.00

221 H 50 sen.3.00

222 H 1R …..5.00

SET H …………………..18.00

Souvenir Sheet

RIS Overprint Wtmk



Indonesia Vienna Issues Catalog Alexander’s Trading Co- PO Box 665 Parkton, MD 21120


Michel BL2

SS-15 .Perf……………………..


SS-16 .Imperf………….15.00



Merdeka Perf/Unwtmk (J)

Michel 195-9

219 J 10 sen.3.00

220 J 20 sen.3.00

221 J 50 sen.3.00

222 J 1R …..3.00

SET J …………………..12.00

Merdeka Perf/Wtmk (K)

Michel 199-202

219 K 10 sen.3.00

220 K 20 sen.3.00

221 K 50 sen.3.00

222 K 1R …..3.00

SET K …………………..12.00

Merdeka Imp/Unwtmk (L)

Michel 195-98

219 L 10 sen.3.00

220 L 20 sen.3.00

221 L 50 sen.3.00

222 L 1R …..3.00

SET L …………………..12.00

Merdeka Imp/Wtmk (M)

Michel 199-202

219 M 10 sen.10.00

220 M 20 sen.10.00

221 M 50 sen.3.00

222 M 1R . . ..3.00

SET M . …………………26.00

Souvenir Sheet

Merdeka Ovpt Wtmk

Michel BL3

SS-17. Perf……………………..


SS-18. Imperf………….15.00


Djakarta /Perf/Unwtmk (N)

Michel 203-6

219 N 10 sen.3.00

220 N 20 sen.3.00

221 N 50 sen.3.00

222 N 1R ………..3.00

SET N …………………..12.00

Djakarta Perf/Wtmk (P)

Michel 207-10

219 P 10 sen.3.00

220 P 20 sen.3.00

221 P 50 sen.5.00

222 P 1R ………..5.00

SET P …………………..16.00


Ovpt/Imp/Unwtmk (Q)

Michel 203-6

219 Q 10 sen.3.00

220 Q 20 sen.3.00

221 Q 50 sen.5.00

222 Q 1R ………..5.00

SET Q …………………..16.00

Djakarta Imperf/Wtmk (R)

Michel 207-10

219 R 10 sen.15.00

220 R 20 sen.10.00

221 R 50 sen.10.00

222 R 1R ………10.00

SET R …………………..45.00

Souvenir Sheet

Djakarta Ovpt Wtmk

Michel BL4





Repoeblik Post Due

Michel 1-13

25 sen thru 1R stamps

larger size

1 1 sen ……30

2 2 ½ sen..30

3 3 ½ sen..30

4 5 sen ……30

5 7 ½ sen..30

6 10 sen…..30

7 20 sen….1.00

8 25 sen……………………..


9 30 sen……………………..


10 40 sen……………………..


11 50 sen……………………..


12 75 sen……………………..


13 1R. …………………..3.00

1-13 SET (13)………….15.00

Republik Post Due

Michel Unlisted

14 1 sen …..20.00

15 2 ½ sen.20.00

16 3 ½ sen.20.00

17 5 sen …..20.00

18 7 ½ sen.20.00

19 10 sen….20.00

20 20 sen….20.00

21 25 sen….25.00

22 30 sen….25.00

23 40 sen….25.00

24 50 sen….25.00

25 75 sen….25.00

26 1R . .30.00

14-26 SET (13)……..295.00

Repoeblik Post Due

Ovpt “9 Djuli 1949”

Michel 14-26

27 1 sen ……80

28 2 ½ sen..80

29 3 ½ sen..40

30 5 sen ……40

31 7 ½ sen..80

32 10 sen…..40

33 20 sen….8.00

34 25 sen….4.00

35 30 sen….15.00

36 40 sen….15.00

37 50 sen….4.00

38 75 sen….15.00

39 1R . .15.00

27-39 SET (13)……….79.00


Stamps of the Netherlands

Indies and Indonesia were

overprinted by the firm of

Julius Stolow as per an

agreement with Indonesian

Ambassador Sumitro in


dated December 23, 1948.

Overprints are either 5 or 8

lines and were applied at

Melbourne, Djakarta and

New York.

5 Line Overprint

Repoeblic Indonesia

Two Days of Infamy

7 Dec. 1941 – Pearl Harbor

18 Dec. 1948 – Jogkarta

8 Line Overprint



Two Days

of Infamy

7 Dec. 1941 –

Pearl Harbor

18 Dec. 1948

– Jogkarta













Published by Dai Nippon, these soft cover reference books are essential for collectors

of these Indonesian stamps.




Hot off the presses…

arrived here in January,

2004……the long

anticipated Vienna &

Philadelphia Prints FULL

COLOR catalog. Starts

with documentation about

these issues and goes on

to list the stamps with

mint and used prices,

known proofs, and loads

more. 290 Pages.

Includes the South

Moluccas and Permesta


An absolutely necessary








This is the

indispensable reference

for collectors of the

Japanese Occupation

issues. Soft cover, 270

pages, with tons of

explanatory info and

color pictures

throughout, includes

lists of Post Offices

and their Japanese

characters. Values in

Euros. Latest Edition.

NET……… $50.00







H. Ramkema’s terrific

catalog, in Dutch and

English, with lots of

explanations and

illustrations (275

pages), is THE most

popular source for

Revenue stamp

identification and



(2) The picture of the staad druckreei wien(The viena City Printing office)

please compare with the viena design print in USA


Jumlah  : 13 Lembar ( 1 Set )
Harga   : Rp. 4 Juta.  
Kondisi : Mint .

                            Perangko  yang banyak dibicarakan 
                       oleh  Para Kolektor dan Penjual dari Luar negeri. 
                               seri cetakan Wina dan Philadelphia.



Category:Staatsdruckerei Wien

Datei:Hof- und Staatsdruckerei Wien-Kupferdruckerei.JPG


Datei:Hof- und Staatsdruckerei Wien-Kupferdruckerei.JPG
Keine höhere Auflösung vorhanden.

Media in category “Staatsdruckerei Wien”

The following 12 files are in this category, out of 12 total.

(2) Dr Iwan Information about Vienna Printing stamp:



 My Friend Palupi send information that her collections of used off cover  viena printing stamp UPU stamps,look below :

Yesi Palupi June 8 at 11:18pm Report
Warisan dari eyang putri saya, beliau suka mengumpulkan prangko, tapi rata2 dilepas dari covernya.konon hanya ada 12 jenis stamps Wina yang sempat dipakai selama kira2 2 minggu di Jogja.bbrp tahun yll saya dengar kabar bahwa kepala kantor pos yg sempat menangani penjualan prangko Wina tsb sedang sakit keras (strooke) sehingga wawancara pengumpulan data dari beliau oleh teman saya juga terhenti.betul2 misteri yang patut diselidiki yah…. part of our history ^^Semoga berguna ^^
The legacy of my daughter’s grandparents, he liked to collect stamps, but rata2 removed from the cover.supposedly there are only 12 types of stamps that could be used during the Vienna kira2 2 weeks in Yogyakarta.yll bbrp year I heard the news that the head post office who could handle the sale of stamps Vienna tsb is very ill (strooke) so that the interview data collected from him by a friend of mine was also suspended.betul2 mystery that should be investigated yah …. part of our history ^ ^Hopefully useful


Artikel saya tentang prangko CTO  termasuk prangko cetak wina di web blog Driwancybermuseum. April 2011.Artikel ini mendapat tanggapan dari Ir MF Hartman dan ia meminta informasi lebih lanjut,sebagai anggota premium blog ini,buku ini saya tulis khusus untuknya semoga dapat menambah informasi bagi koleksinya.

(c) Ir MF Hartman Literature send to me and he asked the information about that literature.

Show quoted text –
Dear Mr Suwandy, Thank you for all the answers.I know mr Bulterman very well, he lives in France at the moment so we only have e-mail contact.The picture of the Banteng was not a stamp but a design for the stamp, an original drawing! It is very important for me if you could help me for instance with a copy of the particulary catalogue of which I sent you a scan of the cover in my last e-mail. If you think you can help me with this copy and maybe with some other copies and information I like to become a premium member. Van: Iwan SuwandyVerzonden: vrijdag 15 april 2011 6:04
Aan: Architectenbureau Ir M.F. Hartkamp
Onderwerp: Re: 07 – Vienna printings of Indonesia

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 4:13 AM, Architectenbureau Ir M.F. Hartkamp <

Dear Sir Suwandy, Thank you for your reaction, Hereby I send you a scan of a real rare painting; it’s made by the Austrian Prof. Ernst Schrom, who designed a great number of the Vienna printings. Would you please be so kind to tell me how I can become a Premium member and what are the advantages of such a membership? How much do I have to pay for this membership? I like to have information about the archive you have about the Vienna printings. It is very important for me to know what kind of material about these Vienna Printings you have in your archive.  However I have a great number of publications, I am still looking for some particularly others. For instance I like to know where I can become a (collar) copy of the catalogue of: Indonesian Postage Stamps (I attached a scan of this catalogue)  I would like to have a copy of the next catalogue as well:  Katalogus dari Perangko2 Republik Indonesia 1959. Edisi Ke I. Popular Katalogus (33 pages) . Soon I will write in Holland and in the USA some articles in philatelic magazines, ofcourse I will mention all the people who have helped me with gattering all the information about this subject! If I can help you with your investigations about the Vienna printings it would be an honour for me to help you with information about this subject. Best regards Maarten Hartkamp. Mr Hartkamp send me the old cutting article but he didnot know from what magazine, I also didnot know,may be someone will gave information because this article by Prof Dr Liem,told us rthat the vienna stamps were sold only two weeks before Indonesian second actie politional class in December 15th 1948.

and another info about the used viena stamps is from my friend Palupi,she write that he have the yiena stamp used with blue postal date stamps and I ask her tho send me the illustrations of that stamp.look his info in Indonesian language below:

    Yesi Palupi. Koleksi Wina saya hanya 3 keping prangko used Wina (thanks to my grandma…sekaligus sedih…krn dilepas dari sampulnya) cap pos warna biru dari Djokjakarta
  • My Vienna Collection of stamps Used only 3 pieces of Vienna (thanks to my Grandma … and sad … krn removed from the cover) of blue postmark Djokjakarta.

  • Yesi Palupi June 8 at 11:18pm Report
    Warisan dari eyang putri saya, beliau suka mengumpulkan prangko, tapi rata2 dilepas dari covernya.konon hanya ada 12 jenis stamps Wina yang sempat dipakai selama kira2 2 minggu di Jogja.bbrp tahun yll saya dengar kabar bahwa kepala kantor pos yg sempat menangani penjualan prangko Wina tsb sedang sakit keras (strooke) sehingga wawancara pengumpulan data dari beliau oleh teman saya juga terhenti.betul2 misteri yang patut diselidiki yah…. part of our history ^^Semoga berguna ^^
I have the fullsize pictures,but only for premium mem,this used stamps are the UPU viena printing stamp 1949, look the watermark Y P H,this Philladelphia printing.(Dr Iwan)
The legacy of my daughter’s grandparents, he liked to collect stamps, but rata2 removed from the cover.supposedly there are only 12 types of stamps that could be used during the Vienna kira2 2 weeks in Yogyakarta.yll bbrp year I heard the news that the head post office who could handle the sale of stamps Vienna tsb is very ill (strooke) so that the interview data collected from him by a friend of mine was also suspended.betul2 mystery that should be investigated yah …. part of our history ^ ^Hopefully useful

I am aslo have the used stamps but the postal date stamped(CDS) false

All collectors who have the used vienna stamps loose or on cover plaese be kind to show us,thanks from Dr Iwan Suwandy.your informations very important to open the mistery of vienna printing stamps , used CTO,False or Original.

(2)Majallah dan buku album prangko dengan prangko cetak wina.tahun 1950..

Magazine  and stamp album indonesian vienna printing stamp in 1950-1955

(c) another Indonesian collectors info


Prangko Cetak tindih

April 23, 2010 — satriyo57

Prangko cetak tindih VS biasa.
Di cetak oleh Staatdruckerei Wien Schrom – Tahun 1949.

Prangko Wanita memBatik

April 23, 2010 — satriyo57

Prangko Wanita memBatik Cetakkan Staatdruckerei Wien Schrom – Tahun 1949.
Merupakan bukti sejarah bahwa Batik milik bangsa Indonesia.
(bandingkan Malaysia baru merdeka 31 Agustus 1957, jadi jangan ngaku-ngaku)

Prangko Presiden Republik Indonesia Pertama Ir. Soekarno

April 23, 2010 — satriyo57

Prangko Presiden Republik Indonesia Pertama Ir. Soekarno
Dicetak oleh Staatdruckerei Wien Schrom – Tahun 1949.


Saksi Sejarah demi tegaknya NKRI

Saksi sejarah demi tegaknya NKRI.

Dengan terbitnya prangko di cetak  STAATSDRUCKEREI-WIEN- SCHROM

Dicetak tahun 1949.

The latest Indonesian catalogue including The vienna Printing stamps  is TAM Indonesian Catalogue 2009, issued during  Jakarta Interantional Phillatelic Exhibtion 2009, the writer Suwito harsono, when  I asked about the Proeff Of Philladelphia printing vienna stamps

, he answered(suwito nephew) that this stamp didnot exist in indonesia, still belong at Philadephia posatal history Museum including the painting proef, Mr MF Hartkamp have show me the original painting proef of unissued Bulls Vienna Stamps which He found from his friend.

(4)Buku suvernir kongres UPU di Florence tahun 1950 dengan prongko cetak wina dalam kondisi mint.

 The two stamps below were issued at the end of World War II by the revolutionary government of Indonesia. They were printed by the Staatsdruckerei in Vienna. They are not listed by the Scott catalog, but Michel does list them.
      The first stamp was issued in 1948 or 1949. The design features a map of Indonesia with ships representing blockade runners streaming toward the Republic of Indonesia. The same stamp with an overprint was issued in 1949.

Michel 91

     The second stamp was issued by the de facto government of the Republic of Indonesia in December 1948.

M 77


The Special Indonesia souvenier for the UPU congrees at Florence with mint vienana printing stamps,1950.

My Premium Member just asking me about an articles written br Prof Dr Liem, about the Vienna Printing Stamp had sold only one weeks before the second Indonesian Politional Class December 18 th,1948, and the illustration of the stamps from collections Mr Ong Thiam Ing. who knows this articles from what magazine and more info about this writers and collectors please send me via commen. My Frien Ir M.F.Hartkamp just send me the information about the bviena stamp sold and used at the Djogjakarta post office;

Dear Mr Suwandy
Thank you very much for this information.
It is correct that the Vienna printings only for 1 week have been sold by the head post office in Djokjakarta in 1948, starting at 15 December 1948 and ending (probably) 20 December 1948 (the second fight between the Dutch and the Republicans started at 19 December 1948. At 20 December 1948 Djokjakarta was captured by the Dutch and the Postal Head Office was closed.
The stamps were again sold at the head office in Djokjakarta at 17 December 1949 until 1 March 1950
I have official documents to prove this.

(Mr Hartkamp just send me as a present one sheet vienna stamps with CTO Bogor 1951, when I compered with the original cirdulare adte stamped at the same time on Postal stationer and document of paying tax ,there were some different on the BOGOR and 1 , please look the illustration below:

1.Compare Vienna printing stamps CTO Bogor  with Postal Stationer Bogor. and cds Bogor on tax.

Buitenzorg still CDS still used until february 1950 and BOGOR CDS begin in MARCH 1950,in this document until after RIS December 1950,please compere with CDS BOGOR on vienna printing above ,not same. conclusion this CDS BOGOR fake.

Another sample of fake CDS Djogjakarta ,compare between the CTO on Vienna  printing Stamps and original postal stationer. different, conclusion CTO on vienna printing stamps also fake.

I have never seen the original postal on cover with original CTO or original used cover with vienna printing stamps, who have please inform me,this very importenat for the history of vienna printing stamps, I hope my premium member Mr MR Hartkamp can show used the original used vienna printing stamps, until this day the leader of Indonesia PTT in 1948 in memoriam Mas Suharto who pass away after  the second politional action december 1948 ,in january 1949 after kidnapped by the Dutch NICA soldier, are he oder the vienna printing stamps first edition with Repoeblik Indonesia , and the second vienna printing stamps from vienna and philladelphia order by the leader of Indonesian PTT  Mr. R.Soekardan  still cannot confirm, I think we musk ask  to Mrs Sulastri the chief of Museum Pos TMII-Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Jakarta, or to HUMAS POS Bandung, I hope some one will help me to answer this question, and the name of postmaster of jogyakarfta in 1948,1949,and 195o still didnot found.-Note from Dr Iwan Suwandy)

Bandung’s Museums: Museum Pos Indonesia

Museum Pos Indonesia or the Indonesian Postal Museum is located east of Gedung Sate (West Java Gubernatorial Office Mansion) on Jalan Cilaki 73 (73 Cilaki Street), Bandung. Its building was in fact built as part of the Gedung Sate office complex. That is why they share the same architectural features.Museum Pos Indonesia was established in 1933 as Post, Telegraph, and Telephone Museum (Museum PTT). It has the most extensive collection of stamps and other philatelic objects from all over the world, which include the oldest stamp in Indonesia (then the Netherlands’ East India) and some of the oldest stamps in the world. It also collects some of the world’s oldest post, telegraph, and telephone equipments and an impressive number of documents (photograph, pictures, paintings, leaflets, etc) that record the history of the development of the post, telegraph, and telephone services in Indonesia.

This museum is open for public free from 9 AM to 4 PM Monday through Friday, and from 9 AM to 2 PM on Saturday.

It is very important for me to know the date of the article I have sent you in my last e-mail.
I am very surprised that the head of the post office in Djokjakarta at that time (December 1948) is still alive, however I understand he is ill at the moment. Hope this Chief Master will be better soon!
Can you give me his full name?still didnot find until now
If the interview is made with this formal Head of the Post Office of Djokjakarta, I would like to have a copy of this interview, would that be possible?
In your interesting blog you wrote:
“The UPU comemoratives were to remain valid for prepayment [postage until the end of July,1950(August,17.1950 RIS became NKRI Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, the ordinary overprinted RIS stamps still valid until 1952,and listed on the the Tjontoh or Sample stamps list issued by the Indonesian Post Office ,found by the chief master og Bengkulu city Post officed during he work there,now in my Collections, I cannot add the ilklustrations because I am afriad this very rara dand only one postal history exist will repro or fake one will make, I am sorry-Dr Iwan S)
Would you please be so kind to send me a copy of this list found by the chief master of Bengkulu city Post Office?
 I cannot send you the illustrations because the only one exist and very rare collections will repro the fake one, only at international exhibition I will show, if Mr Hartkamp visit Indonesia I will show this collections, the postal history with caption :TJONTOH PERANGKO YANG BERLAKU, consist:

a. Smelt and building stamps without and with overpribnt violey ink stamped tjonto

b. The first sukarno stamps with ovpt tjonto

c. Padi Kapas(corn and rice) series with ovpt conto

d.Garuda RIs ovpt tjonto

e,UPU ovpt tjonto


He also asking me to find the copy of Indonesian Popular  Catalogue 1959. 
Katalogus dari Perangko2 Republik Indonesia 1959. Edisi Ke I. Popular Katalogus (33 pages), I ever met the owner of that catalogue in surabaya in 1979. May be my phillatelic  friend from surabaya will help to find that old catalogue for Mr MF Hartkamp,please be My phillatelic friend from surabaya please please help me to get that first Indonesian popular Catalogue 1959,please contact me via comment,thanks.My frine from Medan ,just
send informzation that he have that katalog, and I have asking him to send the picture of vienna printing stamp in that catalogue.  My friend Medan Galeria told  me that this catalogue didnot list vienna printing stamps, and only catalogue 1959 from Bandung list the Vienna Printing stamps.only mint ,not used.look the illustration below:

(5) Dr Iwan Postal  and document History which collected from 1979,the biggest founded in 1985,1989 and 1994.included stamps, postal cover  and  ,document ,literature .etc

Mr Hartkamp also send me the important information related with the USA wiensdruckrij and philladephia vienna printing Stamps :

 more info from my friend Mr Hartkamp

Dear Mr Suwandy,
How ever I have seen hundreds of canceled envelopes  (more as thousand) and thousands of cancelled Vienna printing stamps, I have never seen a real cancellation before 13 December 1949.
After this date I have several envelopes and stamps with are officially used, mostly CTO, but sometimes it seems to be officially used.
I have a document (Surat pernjataan) of the P.T.T. witch proves that on 13 Desember these Vienna printings are received at the head office of Jogjakarta.
Underneath a part of the text of this document.
I do not know what the ‘PR’ and the ‘t.l.n.’ means in: No. 3 / PR / t.l.n. , do you know?
No. 3 / Pr / t.l.n. Surat pernjataan.——————–( Proces verbal ).-  1.      Pada hari ini tanggal 13 Desember 1949, oleh kami jang bertan-da tangan dibawah ini, Moedjiman komis dan Sahoewin klerk, jang ditundjukoleh dd. (dienstdoende) Kepala Seksi Urusan Uang Anak Seksi IV dalam R VI hoofdstuk VI ma-
sih disebut: Beheerder der Post & Zegelwaarden dari Djawatan P.T.T. (Pos, Telegrap dan
Telepon) Republik Indonesia di Jogjakarta, untuk menerima dan membuka 3 (tiga) bungkusan bersegel dalam keadaan baik dengan perantaraan Sekretariaat kantor Kementeriean Luar Negeri Jogjakarta. Alamat jang tertempel pada salah satu bungkusan ditudjukan pada: “ Republic of Indonesia Office 30 Raffles. PlaceSinggapore / Malayu ” dan alamat jang tertulis dengan potolot merah: “ Stamp    ToRepublic of Indonesia Jogjakarta ”. Setelah bungkusan² tsb. (tersebut) kami buka terdapat 17 ( tudju belas ) buah paket semua tertutup rapih dengan lim pelekat.
Isinja kami periksa dan hitung dihadapan Tuan R. (Raden) Soehardjo Komis dan selaku saksi, jang ikut bertanda tangan dibawah ini, terdapat, bahwa isi² itu————— terdiri dari perangko² tjetakan: “ Staatsdruckerei WienIII di New York dan E.A. Wright Banknote Company of Philadelhia U.S.A. sbb. (sebagai berikat): more info from my friend Mr Hartkamp

Dear Mr Suwandy,
How ever I have seen hundreds of canceled envelopes  (more as thousand) and thousands of cancelled Vienna printing stamps, I have never seen a real cancellation before 13 December 1949.
After this date I have several envelopes and stamps with are officially used, mostly CTO, but sometimes it seems to be officially used.
I have a document (Surat pernjataan) of the P.T.T. witch proves that on 13 Desember these Vienna printings are received at the head office of Jogjakarta.
Underneath a part of the text of this document.
I do not know what the ‘PR’ and the ‘t.l.n.’ means in: No. 3 / PR / t.l.n. , do you know?
No. 3 / Pr / t.l.n. Surat pernjataan.——————–( Proces verbal ).-  1.      Pada hari ini tanggal 13 Desember 1949, oleh kami jang bertan-da tangan dibawah ini, Moedjiman komis dan Sahoewin klerk, jang ditundjukoleh dd. (dienstdoende) Kepala Seksi Urusan Uang Anak Seksi IV dalam R VI hoofdstuk VI ma-
sih disebut: Beheerder der Post & Zegelwaarden dari Djawatan P.T.T. (Pos, Telegrap dan
Telepon) Republik Indonesia di Jogjakarta, untuk menerima dan membuka 3 (tiga) bungkusan bersegel dalam keadaan baik dengan perantaraan Sekretariaat kantor Kementeriean Luar Negeri Jogjakarta. Alamat jang tertempel pada salah satu bungkusan ditudjukan pada: “ Republic of Indonesia Office 30 Raffles. PlaceSinggapore / Malayu ” dan alamat jang tertulis dengan potolot merah: “ Stamp    ToRepublic of Indonesia Jogjakarta ”. Setelah bungkusan² tsb. (tersebut) kami buka terdapat 17 ( tudju belas ) buah paket semua tertutup rapih dengan lim pelekat.
Isinja kami periksa dan hitung dihadapan Tuan R. (Raden) Soehardjo Komis dan selaku saksi, jang ikut bertanda tangan dibawah ini, terdapat, bahwa isi² itu————— terdiri dari perangko² tjetakan: “ Staatsdruckerei WienIII di New York dan E.A. Wright Banknote Company of Philadelhia U.S.A. sbb. (sebagai berikat):, I hope who knows Mr Raden Soeharjo komis sebagai saksi dan Moedjiman komis dan Soeheiwin klerk yang menerima kiriman prangko cetak wna dari USA via konsulat RI di Singapore,harap berkenan memberikan info.kepad dr iwan liwat comment.

Koleksi Dr iwan yang dikumpulkan sejak tahun 1979, yang paling banyak ditemui tahun 1985 ,1989 dan 1994

2.Buku ini masih banyak kekurangannya ,oleh karena itu saran dan koreksi dari para pembaca sanagat diharapkan.

This Book still haven’t complete , that is why need more suggestion and corection from the collectors and historian.

3.Terima kasih atas bantuan yang telah diberikan kepada saya,mohon maaf karena berbagai keterbatasan,namanya tidak dapat saya sebutkan,untuk itu saya haturkan terima kasih,karena tanpa bantuan para sahabat tersebut buku ini tidak akan terwujud.

Thanks very much to all my frien which given many info ,without their helping this book cann’t finish, Iam sorry I cannot write their name.

4. To all Postal  , Picture and Historian collector, this the interesting and informatif historic collections book special for you,espescially the web blog premium emember.also the Indonesian young generation.

Kepada seluruh kolektor postal history dan dokumen sejarah, buku ini ini khusus buat anda semoga ada manfaaatnya terutama kepada generasi Muda Indonesia.

Jakarta April 2011.

Dr Iwan Suwandy


the end @copryright Dr Iwan suwandy 2011